SIDEBAR #36 - Arias/Alexander forum

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This is a bit strange to bring up, but I talked to a defense attorney acquaintance of mine a few months ago about this case, and he wanted me to agree that Nurmi/Willmott were doing a great job. This guy was tangentially involved in the Jonbenet Ramsey case years back. His name is mentioned in at least a couple of threads here on WS, and I think his wife (another acquaintance of mine at the time) has posted here. Why would he say that the defense was doing a good job? They have zilch. The evidence against this now convicted murderer is overwhelming. I tried to exit the subject, since it had nothing to do with why I contacted him in the first place after a good number of years.

First - They're both lawyers. Second - They're both defense lawyers.
Third - They need all the support they can find. :drumroll:

Seriously though, I think with what Nurmi/Willmott have to work with, they're doing pretty good.
I also think Nurmi/Wilmott are doing a good job as defense lawyers. They have filed so many motions to try, looked under every rock, to get missy:jail: off of the DP. They have touched every base conceivable- even if it sounds coo-coo to us. They are pulling out everything they can pull out of the defense's bag of little tricks. Look how they have prolonged this trial, so, IMO, they might lose more jurors and maybe have another mistrial- just what they want. Who knows what they will come up with next?? They are pulling out all the stops now, no matter how ridiculous if sounds, IMO. And just look at their difficult defendant- wouldn't want to be in their shoes for 3 million dollars. And Nurmi was smart in the beginning to say he was going to start his own business and wanted what he would be making in that business- and they gave it to him! No one is going to say that they didn't work their butts off for their ungrateful client, IMO.

I also think Nurmi/Wilmott are doing a good job as defense lawyers. They have filed so many motions to try, looked under every rock, to get missy:jail: off of the DP. They have touched every base conceivable- even if it sounds coo-coo to us. They are pulling out everything they can pull out of the defense's bag of little tricks. Look how they have prolonged this trial, so, IMO, they might lose more jurors and maybe have another mistrial- just what they want. Who knows what they will come up with next?? They are pulling out all the stops now, no matter how ridiculous if sounds, IMO. And just look at their difficult defendant- wouldn't want to be in their shoes for 3 million dollars. And Nurmi was smart in the beginning to say he was going to start his own business and wanted what he would be making in that business- and they gave it to him! No one is going to say that they didn't work their butts off for their ungrateful client, IMO.


I hadn't thought of it that way, YorN. I know they have wanted to get off the case, and I can't blame them. They are part of the judicial process, and they have to persevere, but at what cost? I don't envy them as far as their client goes. This trial has been quite an education for me.
What happened in Texas

A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always
had a habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his
horse had been stolen.

He went back into the bar, handily flipped his gun into the air, caught it above his head
without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling. "Which one of you sidewinders stole
my horse?!?!?" he yelled with surprising forcefulness.

No one answered. "Alright, I'm gonna have another beer, and if my horse ain't back outside
by the time I finish, I'm gonna do what I dun in Texas! And I don't like to have to do what I dun
in Texas!"

Some of the locals shifted restlessly. The man, true to his word, had another beer, walked
outside, and his horse has been returned to the post. He saddled up and started to ride out of

The bartender wandered out of the bar and asked, "Say partner, before you go... what
happened in Texas?"

The cowboy turned back and said, "I had to walk home."

Things To Ponder...
1. Does a clean house indicate that there is a broken computer in it?

2. Why is it that no matter what color of bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

3. Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

4. Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

5. On electric toasters, why do they engrave the message "one slice"? How many pieces of bread do they think people are really gonna try to stuff in that slot?

6. Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?

7. Why is it that no plastic garbage bag will open from the end you first try?

8. How do those dead bugs get into those closed light fixtures?

9. Considering all the lint you get in your dryer, if you kept drying your clothes would they eventually just disappear?

10. When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart than apologizes for doing so, why do we say, "It's all right?" When, it isn't all right?

11. Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?

12. Is it true that the only difference between a yard sale and a trash pickup is how close to the road the stuff is placed?

13. In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?

14. How come we never hear father-in-law jokes?

15. If at first you don't succeed, shouldn't you try doing it like your wife told you to do it?

16. The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they're okay, then it's you.

Old Is

Your sweetie says, 'Let's go upstairs and make love,' and you answer, 'Pick one; I can't do both!'

Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot.

Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face.

'OLD' IS WHEN.....
You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along.

You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police.

'Getting a little action' means you don't need to take a laxative today.

'Getting lucky' means you find your car in the parking lot.

An 'all nighter' means not getting up to use the bathroom.

Your spouse offers you super sex, and you reply, "I'll have the soup."

You're not sure if these are facts or jokes.

Doug Smith on his deathbed

Doug Smith is on his deathbed and knows the end is near. His nurse, his wife, his daughter and 2 sons, are with him.

He asks for 2 witnesses to be present and a camcorder be in place to record his last wishes, and when all is ready he begins to speak:

• My son, "Bernie, I want you to take the Mayfair houses."

• My daughter "Sybil, you take the apartments over in the east end."

• My son, "Jamie, I want you to take the offices over in the City Center."

• "Sarah, my dear wife, please take all the residential buildings on the banks of the river."

The nurse and witnesses are blown away as they did not realize his extensive

holdings, and as Doug slips away, the nurse says, "Mrs. Smith, your husband must have been such a hard-working man to have accumulated all this property".


Sarah replies, "Property ? .... He had a paper route!"

The New Harlequin Romance Novel

He grasped me firmly, but gently, just above my elbow and guided me into a room, his room. Then he quietly shut the door and we were alone. He approached me soundlessly, from behind, and spoke in a low, reassuring voice close to my ear.

"Just relax."

Without warning, he reached down and I felt his strong, practiced hands start at my ankles, gently probing and moving upward along my calves, slowly but steadily. My breath caught in my throat.
I knew I should be afraid, but somehow I didn't care. His touch was so experienced, so sure. When his hands moved up onto my thighs, I gave a slight shudder, and partly closed my eyes. My pulse was pounding. I felt his knowing fingers caress my abdomen, my ribcage. And then, as he cupped my breasts in his hands, I inhaled sharply.

Probing, searching, knowing what he wanted, he brought his hands to my shoulders, slid them down my tingling spine. Although I knew nothing about this man, I felt oddly trusting and expectant. This is a man, I thought; a man used to taking charge. A man not used to taking 'No' for an answer. A man who would tell me what he wanted. A man who would look into my soul and say .

"Okay ma'am, you can board your flight now."

4th Wedding

A woman who had been married three times walked into a bridal shop one day and told the sales clerk that she was looking for a wedding gown for her fourth wedding.

"Of course, madam," replied the sales clerk, "exactly what type and color dress are you looking for?"

The bride to be said, "A long frilly white dress with a veil."

The sales clerk hesitated, then said, "Please don't take this the wrong way, but gowns of that nature are considered more appropriate for brides who are being married the first time - for those

who are a bit more innocent, if you know what I mean? Perhaps ivory or sky blue would be nice?"

"Well," replied the customer, a bit peeved at the clerk's directness, "I can assure you that a white gown would be quite appropriate.

Believe it or not, despite all my marriages, I remain as innocent as a first-time bride.

You see, my first husband was so excited about our wedding, he died as we were checking into our honeymoon hotel.

My second husband and I got into such a terrible fight in the limo on our way to our honeymoon hotel that we had that wedding annulled immediately and never spoke to each other again."

"What about your third husband?" asked the sales clerk.

"That one was a Republican," said the woman, "and every night for four years, he just sat on the edge of the bed and told me how good it was going to be, but nothing ever happened."
I hadn't thought of it that way, YorN. I know they have wanted to get off the case, and I can't blame them. They are part of the judicial process, and they have to persevere, but at what cost? I don't envy them as far as their client goes. This trial has been quite an education for me.

BBM Whatever it will cost- the defense doesn't care- and whatever AZ will allow I guess.

I had saved this on Word about defense lawyers a while ago- so I'll post it here :

Should I Admit Guilt To My Criminal Defense Attorney?

... Some attorneys, however, do not want to talk to their clients about the case because they do not want to be limited in pursuing a defense. These attorneys will tell you that they do not want to know everything - they want to know only what the prosecution knows ...

However, attorneys cannot present evidence or arguments that they know to be false. (American Bar Association, ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 3.1, 3.3.) Does this mean that if a client admits guilt to his or her attorney, the attorney cannot enter a not guilty plea or zealously represent the client? No. In such cases, the attorney can focus on the holes in the prosecutor’s evidence, or on other legal issues (such as whether a search was appropriate under the Fourth Amendment, or whether scientific tests were performed according to the appropriate standards) that do not relate to whether the client committed the crime or not ...


A Lawyer Should Represent a Client Zealously Within the Bounds of the Law


"Duty of the Lawyer to a Client

EC 7-4 The advocate may urge any permissible construction of the law favorable to his client, without regard to his professional opinion as to the likelihood that the construction will ultimately prevail.11 His conduct is within the bounds of the law, and therefore permissible, if the position taken is supported by the law or is supportable by a good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of the law. However, a lawyer is not justified in asserting a position in litigation that is frivolous.12

EC 7-5 A lawyer as adviser furthers the interest of his client by giving his professional opinion as to what he believes would likely be the ultimate decision of the courts on the matter at hand and by informing his client of the practical effect of such decision.13 He may continue in the representation of his client even though his client has elected to pursue a course of conduct contrary to the advice of the lawyer so long as he does not thereby knowingly assist the client to engage in illegal conduct or to take a frivolous legal position. A lawyer should never encourage or aid his client to commit criminal acts or counsel his client on how to violate the law and avoid punishment therefor.14

EC 7-6 Whether the proposed action of a lawyer is within the bounds of the law may be aperplexing question when his client is contemplating a course of conduct having legal consequences that vary according to the client’s intent, motive, or desires at the time of the action. Often a lawyer is asked to assist his client in developing evidence relevant to the state of mind of the client at a particular time. He may properly assist his client in the development and preservation of evidence ofexisting motive, intent, or desire; obviously, he may not do anything furthering the creation orpreservation of false evidence. In many cases a lawyer may not be certain as to the state of mind of his client, and in those situations he should resolve reasonable doubts in favor of his client.

EC 7-7 In certain areas of legal representation not affecting the merits of the cause or substantially prejudicing the rights of a client, a lawyer is entitled to make decisions on his own. But otherwise the authority to make decisions is exclusively that of the client and, if made within the framework of the law, such decisions are binding on his lawyer. ...15

EC 7-8 ....the lawyer should always remember that the decision whether to forego legally available objectives or methods because of non-legal factors is ultimately for the client and not for himself. In the event that the client in a non-adjudicatory matter insists upon a course of conduct that is contrary to the judgment and advice of the lawyer but not prohibited by Disciplinary Rules, the lawyer may withdraw from the employment.20....

Representing a Client Who the Lawyer Thinks Is Guilty

Does it matter if your lawyer thinks you committed the crime? It shouldn't.

"...Factual versus Legal Guilt

The key is the difference between factual guilt (what the defendant actually did) and legal guilt (what a prosecutor can prove). A good criminal defense lawyer asks not, “Did my client do it?” but rather, “Can the government prove that my client did it?” No matter what the defendant has done, he is not legally guilty until a prosecutor offers enough evidence to persuade a judge or jury to convict.

However, the defense lawyer may not lie to the judge or jury by specifically stating that the defendant did not do something the lawyer knows the defendant did do. Rather, the lawyer’s trial tactics and arguments must focus on the government’s failure to prove all the elements of the crime....

...Defense attorneys are ethically bound to zealously represent all clients, those whom they think will be justly found guilty as well as those whom they think are factually innocent. (See Canon 7, ABA Model Code of Professional Responsibility.)...defense lawyers often do not ask their clients if they committed the crime. Instead, the lawyer uses the facts to put on the best defense possible and leaves the question of guilt to the judge or jury...

Now everyone knows that missy:jail: is guilty, but Nurmi/Wilmott tried very hard to blur the lines in the last trial for self-defense, but they couldn't. Now they are trying to change the story to try to have the whole trial thrown out. Can they do it? I don't know, but they are trying everything possible.
Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · Dec 11
CONGRATULATIONS TO DEBRA MILKE!!! It's rare, but there CAN be justice in Arizona.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · Dec 11
A moment of silence for the boy she lost and the 23 years of her life that Arizona stole from her.

I thought it might be interesting to see how many women are on death row and for how many years:

List of women on death row in the United States

"...The time on death row counter starts on the day they were first placed on death row. It does not count time incarcerated prior to sentencing nor does it discount time spent in prison off of death row in cases where death sentences were overturned before being reinstated."
Hello fellow satellite user :) I would like to give you a handy tip for wintertime snow + ice.

I have Directv for TV, but luckily I have fiberoptic through my telephone Co for internet.

When it snows or especially ice storms, I lose my TV pictures because of buildup of snow + ice on the satellite dish. Here is what I do. I have an industrial grade pump sprayer bottle that I bought at Lowes. It has a handle and large plastic water bottle that holds over a gallon of water. What I do is fill it up with extermely hot water and then I pump up the bottle with air pressure because it has that feature. Then I set the setting of the nozzle to FINE and shoot the hot water at the dish to remove all the ice + snow. It works wonders.

When its really cold outside it is best to get as close as possible to the dish because the outside temp will cool the water spray before it reaches the dish when you are too far away. So I like to get my step ladder and shoot at it as close as possible. But you can do it from the ground if you want. It may take longer that way though to clear the ice snow.

If you use really hot water, it melts it really fast.

Warning though. If there is large sheet of ice on it, dont stand directly under it when the ice breaks free and crashes to the ground. (spoken from experience....LOL)

I've also been known to throw buckets of hot water at the dish in a fit of rage....LOL

If you put rubbing alcohol in the hot water, it will melt even faster with no ice buildup. Nurses working midnight shifts that had to park outside, used rubbing alcohol to get the ice off the windshields. Amazing!
Your jokes/funny stories are always a delight. Some days they are the best thing to happen all day, like today!! It's been a hard day and reading your stories made this grumpy, old, impatient, annoyed patient laugh out loud! Better than any medicine! thanks!!
I missed the prosecutorial misconduct/*advertiser censored*/no *advertiser censored*/WTH hearing on Thursday due to my broodmare collicking. She is 7 months along, carrying a colt. She colicked so badly the vet could not get her comfortable at the barn, so I had her shipped to the U of Penn New Bolton Center to be evaluated. She had a twisted small intestine so I had them do the surgery.

She and the foal made it through the surgery, to the tune of $6K I didn't have. I just couldn't put her down, especially knowing the foal inside her was alive and well. She is an off the track thoroughbred I rescued her from going to slaughter, and she is the sweetest mare. I think she is going to throw a fabulous colt, provided things continue to go well.

Hope you all are enjoying your busy holiday season. Xoxo
Blessings to you Zuri, and the mother with child.

Animals become pets that become part of the family.
No matter the size from small dogs to horses.
And vet bills go along with them. What can't be measured
in dollar value is the size of your heart. :heartbeat:
I missed the prosecutorial misconduct/*advertiser censored*/no *advertiser censored*/WTH hearing on Thursday due to my broodmare collicking. She is 7 months along, carrying a colt. She colicked so badly the vet could not get her comfortable at the barn, so I had her shipped to the U of Penn New Bolton Center to be evaluated. She had a twisted small intestine so I had them do the surgery.

She and the foal made it through the surgery, to the tune of $6K I didn't have. I just couldn't put her down, especially knowing the foal inside her was alive and well. She is an off the track thoroughbred I rescued her from going to slaughter, and she is the sweetest mare. I think she is going to throw a fabulous colt, provided things continue to go well.

Hope you all are enjoying your busy holiday season. Xoxo

I'm sorry that your horse is having a problem, but I'm glad that the vets were able to save her and the baby.
That hospital is the best, IMO. They saved my dog Buddy's life (he had 4 operations there over 3 years). It cost me $25,000 total, but I didn't care about the cost. The first $10,000 we paid up front (that was for the first operation). The rest I was able to pay a little each month. They were so good about it. Are they helping you pay by payments? Hope so.

take care.

Ryan Veterinary Hospital (for smaller animals)

New Bolton Center (for larger animals)

(they are affiliated)
I missed the prosecutorial misconduct/*advertiser censored*/no *advertiser censored*/WTH hearing on Thursday due to my broodmare collicking. She is 7 months along, carrying a colt. She colicked so badly the vet could not get her comfortable at the barn, so I had her shipped to the U of Penn New Bolton Center to be evaluated. She had a twisted small intestine so I had them do the surgery.

She and the foal made it through the surgery, to the tune of $6K I didn't have. I just couldn't put her down, especially knowing the foal inside her was alive and well. She is an off the track thoroughbred I rescued her from going to slaughter, and she is the sweetest mare. I think she is going to throw a fabulous colt, provided things continue to go well.

Hope you all are enjoying your busy holiday season. Xoxo

Hope momma and baby horse are doing okay. I spent $6000 nursing my sweet shelter dog Becky back to health. My pets are a major part of my life. Glad you are such a wonderful horse Momma.
I'm sorry that your horse is having a problem, but I'm glad that the vets were able to save her and the baby.
That hospital is the best, IMO. They saved my dog Buddy's life (he had 4 operations there over 3 years). It cost me $25,000 total, but I didn't care about the cost. The first $10,000 we paid up front (that was for the first operation). The rest I was able to pay a little each month. They were so good about it. Are they helping you pay by payments? Hope so.

take care.

Ryan Veterinary Hospital (for smaller animals)

New Bolton Center (for larger animals)

(they are affiliated)

I am so glad they were able to save your dog. The colic vets at New Bolton know me well as my heart horse has been admitted there 8 times in 2 years. He had 3 surgeries and made it through each time against all odds. I bought him with the life insurance money I received from my Dad's death, otherwise I would never have been able to afford him. So far this year, he has not colicked as he is on borrowed time at 9 years old.

My broodmare, Amelia, is 6 and had a rough life at the track. She is a leggy TB and developed a bone chip at 2 in her knee. She became arthritic and wouldn't stay sound. They finally had the bone chip removed, but she is done as far as racing. Horses sure aren't cheap, but they are amazing animals. Horses are a part of my DNA which has passed on to my 2 daughters. Her foal is due May 1st and I hope she delivers ok. She is a maiden mare and I have all the experts in place to help her foal out.

As you all know by now, I don't get out much and I don't get to see them often. But they are a huge part of me and the joy of giving them a good home, good care and love is enough to soothe my soul daily. Thank you for the kind thoughts and good wishes. Xoxo
:gaah: I started a post with LOTS of quotes, and something went screwy... :scared: It was just Lambchop closing the thread...

Hey everyone!

re Christmas questions from YESorNO
All shopping done!

Christmas cards all mailed out!

edited to add: for Christmas dinner we will having Rib-Eye Steak, baked potatoes, artichokes and chocolate cream pie for desert!!

and just picked out a Christmas tree!! :skip:
:christmastree: and getting into the Christmas spirit! :santahat:

Nore hope you feel better...

okay - now off to read some other threads!


That sounds wonderful, Niner ! Have not had much experience with artichokes, so I have a question, how do you prepare them ? TIA :)
Hello fellow satellite user :) I would like to give you a handy tip for wintertime snow + ice.

I have Directv for TV, but luckily I have fiberoptic through my telephone Co for internet.

When it snows or especially ice storms, I lose my TV pictures because of buildup of snow + ice on the satellite dish. Here is what I do. I have an industrial grade pump sprayer bottle that I bought at Lowes. It has a handle and large plastic water bottle that holds over a gallon of water. What I do is fill it up with extermely hot water and then I pump up the bottle with air pressure because it has that feature. Then I set the setting of the nozzle to FINE and shoot the hot water at the dish to remove all the ice + snow. It works wonders.

When its really cold outside it is best to get as close as possible to the dish because the outside temp will cool the water spray before it reaches the dish when you are too far away. So I like to get my step ladder and shoot at it as close as possible. But you can do it from the ground if you want. It may take longer that way though to clear the ice snow.

If you use really hot water, it melts it really fast.

Warning though. If there is large sheet of ice on it, dont stand directly under it when the ice breaks free and crashes to the ground. (spoken from experience....LOL)

I've also been known to throw buckets of hot water at the dish in a fit of rage....LOL

Oh dear. So, my DH recently complained about our high cable prices. Maybe I should give him this information ? LOL
I missed the prosecutorial misconduct/*advertiser censored*/no *advertiser censored*/WTH hearing on Thursday due to my broodmare collicking. She is 7 months along, carrying a colt. She colicked so badly the vet could not get her comfortable at the barn, so I had her shipped to the U of Penn New Bolton Center to be evaluated. She had a twisted small intestine so I had them do the surgery.

She and the foal made it through the surgery, to the tune of $6K I didn't have. I just couldn't put her down, especially knowing the foal inside her was alive and well. She is an off the track thoroughbred I rescued her from going to slaughter, and she is the sweetest mare. I think she is going to throw a fabulous colt, provided things continue to go well.

Hope you all are enjoying your busy holiday season. Xoxo

Did the vets say what caused the colic?

I got used to giving bran when I was a kid to my horses, per my grandpa's suggestion. A lot of horses got sand colic down in the Phoenix area, mostly because people were feeding them on the ground.

The only time I've had any of mine show signs in the last 11 years is when the BF gives one of them a handful of grain (corn/oats/barley/molasses) that we feed the poultry and waterfowl. He's NOT an animal person, as I've come to find out, and no matter how many times I've explained WHY he's not to do it, and what it does, he still does it from time to time. AURGH.
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