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Next stop for missy:jail: ???


missy:jail: talks about virus on Travis' computer at about 29:00 or so:

Jodi Arias Interrogation Tape. Part 4

Is it LKN and / or JW filing these motions or is it FJA telling her attorneys what motions to file and what issues to argue on? IMOO I think FJA is putting a lot of input here and her attorneys are either afraid of her or tired of arguing and decided to do it her way.

Can a defendant REALLY tell the attorneys what to do and expect them to follow his/her orders even when they know it is wrong?

Up-thread someone said the appeals are going to be limited because they have already filed and received answers for a lot of what may have been an appeal issue. (paraphrased by me) It sure seems that way. And the fewer appeals she has, the better I like it.
missy:jail: talks about virus on Travis' computer at about 29:00 or so:

Jodi Arias Interrogation Tape. Part 4


She sure knew an awful lot about his computer.

Its incredible how she lies so easily. Right after that part she is talking about how Travis is kneeling in the shower and she begins fake crying and she describes how she "thinks" he got shot and how she "may" have gotten hit in the head at that point, and then immediately shifts to how her dad somehow got her hit in the head too. She is always the victim.

How she can shift right in the middle of this "story" to how her Dad caused her to get hit in the head is just incredible.

Oh, and how we know she is fake crying is she shifts back and forth between fake crying and not crying at all and talking normally.

Another observation which is interesting is she doesn't grasp that the detective is not buying her story at all. She goes on and on and on and on without a clue that her story is not being believed.
She thinks she fools everyone.
I think she developed this irrationality because as she grew up, her parents probably had to fake believing her with all her lies. They most likely played along with her all the time to keep down the chaos. She didnt realize back then that they most likely didn't believe half the crud she told them either.

She is terrible at reading other people.
Can a defendant REALLY tell the attorneys what to do and expect them to follow his/her orders even when they know it is wrong?

Up-thread someone said the appeals are going to be limited because they have already filed and received answers for a lot of what may have been an appeal issue. (paraphrased by me) It sure seems that way. And the fewer appeals she has, the better I like it.

I know this wasnt directed at me and hopefuly MsJosie can give her opinion as well.

IMO, I think since its Jodi's life on the line, and since Nurmi has had a lot of difficulty dealing with Jodi (remember the comment he made about not liking her at times), I think Nurmi and Wilmcott have decided to handle Jodi's defense the way she wants it handled for the most part.

Within reason of course, because I dont think they have obeyed her every command and especially if she told them to do things immoral or against the law, they most likely did not do that.
And this is where it is a grey area because I think the DT went too far in some areas and have hurt themselves with certain things. Another judge may have really sanctioned them for certain things.
I think the DT realized this judge was letting them get away with things and so they took advantage of that.

All JMO of course.
I know this wasnt directed at me and hopefuly MsJosie can give her opinion as well.

IMO, I think since its Jodi's life on the line, and since Nurmi has had a lot of difficulty dealing with Jodi (remember the comment he made about not liking her at times), I think Nurmi and Wilmcott have decided to handle Jodi's defense the way she wants it handled for the most part.

Within reason of course, because I dont think they have obeyed her every command and especially if she told them to do things immoral or against the law, they most likely did not do that.
And this is where it is a grey area because I think the DT went too far in some areas and have hurt themselves with certain things. Another judge may have really sanctioned them for certain things.
I think the DT realized this judge was letting them get away with things and so they took advantage of that.

All JMO of course.

Going to go out on a limb with this:

Once this trial is over, Nurmi and Wilmont are gone, kaput, no more.
Nurmi is getting paid a SIZABLE amount of $$$$$$ representing CMJA. She is his "cash cow". CMJA is his blue ribbon, State Fair Champion, all around Grand National heifer. He's NOT even a homicide attorney, he's a perv lawyer. Larry has won the "jackpot killer lottery". Every time ANYTHING "CMJA" hits his phone, office, court room, etc., etc., the cash starts flowing. Every time he picks up his pen for CMJA, kuh-ching, kuh-ching.

Why should any appeals attorneys make the big bucks when Larry has the opportunity to cash out BIG time?

Does Nurmi even have any private clients right now? One, maybe 2?

I say he's "milking it". Whether CMJA is pushing it or not. Moo, moo, buckaroo, Larry's giving his 4H project a ride to the knackers.

*I really think the only thing the media has influenced in this case is Nurmi self image, ie, the new hair and weight loss.
I agree with you Bernina. Nurmi's pockets are getting lined with money. No reason for him not to drag things out, file stupid motions, etc.
Every thing he does has a price tag attached to it. He gets paid for doing all this stuff .
Can someone explain the jury questions to me, I don't understand them. Where they good questions? Anything to worry about?
Does anyone know what the criteria is for indigency in AZ? Can the State force her to pay for part of her defense? Last I read, she had 40K+ from selling her junk, crap-art and donations.
Does anyone know what the criteria is for indigency in AZ? Can the State force her to pay for part of her defense? Last I read, she had 40K+ from selling her junk, crap-art and donations.

Dont know the exact answer to that but I'm thinking she is hiding her assets via her mom.
Can someone explain the jury questions to me, I don't understand them. Where they good questions? Anything to worry about?

Which jury questions?

No questions for Flores:

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes agoPhoenix, AZ
No jury questions and a recess #jodiarias #3tvarias

These were the tweets on questions and answers that were asked of Mr. Smith (data specialist with no degree :) ):

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 32s32 seconds ago
Q) Were all the mods done using the cleaners only or were there manual modifications? #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 43s43 seconds ago
A) There is no evidence to show that cleaners did the modifications #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 50s50 seconds ago
Q) Can the cleaners pick which areas to clean? A) Yes #JodiArias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 44s44 seconds ago
#jodiarias computer expert: changes in files done manually by a user, not by a computer cleaner program.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 1m1 minute ago
qcan cleaners be run with the computer off? No. #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m1 minute ago
Q) Can these cleaners be used when computer is turned off? A) No #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 47s47 seconds ago
how many mods on average are created by a computer beign turned on or woken up? #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 1m1 minute ago
each OS is different and each system is different. #JodiArias

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv 1m1 minute ago
Can computer scrubber be used to scrub specific stuff? Answer: yes #3tvarias #jodiarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 47s48 seconds ago
Q) Please explain, if overwritten, how info can be gotten back #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 55s55 seconds ago
A) If overwritten, you are less likely to retrieve the data. If deleted it's easier.... #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute agoPhoenix, AZ
Were all of the modification done using cleaners only or manually? #jodiarias #3tvarias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago
#jodiarias expert: when you click delete on a file, it doesn't get rid of file but creates space on hard drive for a new file.

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 47s48 seconds ago
Q) On the search bar, if you can't tell it was an internet search or not, how do you know the person searched an actual topic? #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 44s45 seconds ago
A) Historical search terms were definitely searched by a human #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 48s49 seconds ago
Q) Do things attach to other files like spam and viruses? #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 46s46 seconds ago
A) There can be files that "hook" and embed themselves into the cpu os and can modify things like bootup record etc #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 29s29 seconds ago
Q) Was there any evidence of malware that would require cleaner software to remove on either images? #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 41s42 seconds ago
A) All the images had the same amount of viruses/malware and there were "a lot" #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 57s57 seconds ago
Q) Is it possible that malware was used to hijack the browser and redirect to a *advertiser censored* site? #JodiArias

I don't know anything about computer technology, so maybe someone else can decipher for you???
Does anyone know what the criteria is for indigency in AZ? Can the State force her to pay for part of her defense? Last I read, she had 40K+ from selling her junk, crap-art and donations.

Rule 31.5. Appeals by indigents:

...b. Contribution by the Defendant. The trial court may order an indigent defendant to contribute to the costs of appeal and services of counsel in the manner prescribed by Rule 6.7(d).

Rule 6.7. Compensation of appointed counsel:

"..d. Contribution by the Defendant. If in determining that a person is indigent under Rule 6.4(a), the court finds that such person has financial resources which enable him or her to offset in part the costs of the legal services to be provided, the court shall order him or her to pay to the appointed attorney or the county, through the clerk of the court, such amount as it finds he or she is able to pay without incurring substantial hardship to himself or herself or to his or her family..."

Rule 6.4. Determination of indigency:

"...b. Questionnaire. A defendant desiring to proceed as an indigent shall complete under oath a questionnaire concerning that defendant's financial resources, on a form approved by the Supreme Court. The defendant shall be examined under oath regarding defendant's financial resources by the judge, magistrate, or court commissioner responsible for determining indigency."
Can a defendant REALLY tell the attorneys what to do and expect them to follow his/her orders even when they know it is wrong?

Up-thread someone said the appeals are going to be limited because they have already filed and received answers for a lot of what may have been an appeal issue. (paraphrased by me) It sure seems that way. And the fewer appeals she has, the better I like it.

The Importance of the Client’s Wishes

"Defense attorneys must also represent the wishes of their client. If you, as a client, want to plead not guilty, it is your attorney’s responsibility to file that plea and prepare your case accordingly. Your defense attorney may not believe that you have a good case, and he can advise you of his expert opinion, but he cannot tell you what to do and he must represent your interests regardless of whether he agrees with your course of action or not...."

Defense Lawyer's Duties to Defendant

"...Where the defendant in a death penalty case directs the defense lawyer not to introduce evidence of mitigating circumstances, the defense lawyer has no right to override the defendant's decision.

A defense lawyer may not assist any unlawful or illegal conduct and cannot counsel illegal conduct. This means the defense lawyer may not further a continuing fraud or other additional future criminal activity. If, for example, the defense attorney becomes aware that the defendant intends to commit perjury, he cannot continue his representation of the defendant. Representation of a defendant concerning past events is not viewed as assisting the defendant in committing or perpetuating a fraud...."
Does anyone know what the criteria is for indigency in AZ? Can the State force her to pay for part of her defense? Last I read, she had 40K+ from selling her junk, crap-art and donations.
If she thinks all that murder money (as RBMB so succinctly puts it) is actually going to make to an appellate attorney, she better think again. I bet a box of doughnuts that Auntie Sue takes the money and runs. Assuming one of those other scammers doesn't get to it first.
Saw some video clips/screenshots yesterday that I think were fairly recent. Jodi looks like death-warmed-over :eek: I hope she doesn't still think she's a hot number :angel:
Saw some video clips/screenshots yesterday that I think were fairly recent. Jodi looks like death-warmed-over :eek: I hope she doesn't still think she's a hot number :angel:

I think she wants to look like that, so the jurors will have pity on her. Pfttt
Bob Bashara sentenced to mandatory life in prison

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