SIDEBAR #44 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I just read this on DailyMail today. Hard to believe someone would actually do this to another human being. (except for JA).
Their parents must be devastated. I hope she pays in some way for this!

She sounds pretty twisted, kinda like CMJA......

Who does this kind of stuff? And I don't understand why it's "only" manslaughter as a "juvenile".......she could have stopped it, when he got out of his truck because he had a change of heart, she told him to get back in? Like WTH!?!?! And then she indirectly "profits" off it with her charitable groups?!?!?! $2500 bail? Fer realz? :facepalm:
Hey guys :wave: don't have time to read, but just saw that on 20/20 tonight that Diane Sawyer is doing a story on women in prison. It's on ABC tonight at 10pm here in
Ky. < not to be confused with the JA kind :smile:
Hi everyone!

Just got back from my weekly grocery shopping...

:wave: Hi Chelly!!

so sorry to hear about Fluffy!

We also have a stray cat that comes around here - we call him "Crazy Kitty", as he has this VERY loud meowing voice! LOL! The Huz let him in slowly and he would eat and spend some time sleeping on the rug, but unfortunately, two days ago he sprayed our couch and carpet... :gaah: Huz was NOT very happy, so Crazy has had to stay outside where we give him food now. He does spend time sleeping on the balcony, so he still comes around. He must have another "homeless" home to go to, as he doesn't stick around too much. Wanders in and out!

YESorNO - :tyou: for the chili recipe!!
I copy and pasted your recipe for the Huz; if he needs any "specifics" I'll let you know! Thanks a bunch!!! :wave:

Now - do you have a recipe for cornbread?? I mean - I can't eat chili without cornbread, eh??!!

new Queen icon for ya, YESorNO!

Who ever writes on that Jodi Foundation site MUST be
- Jodi is innocent??? Hello?
to Jodi Foundation person... she confessed to killing Travis; HOW is THAT innocent?? :waitasec: unbelievable!!
scary people...

Okay - at least I can catch up on my other cases here while we have 3 day lull in Verdict Watch! :eek:nline:

See you all later! :seeya:

Oh - we should be having rain...
- but the sun is out there shining!!

Hi Niner :wave: Here's a simple recipe for cornbread that I grew up with:

1 cup flour
1 cup cornmeal
1 teaspoon of salt
3 teaspoons of baking powder
1 Tablespoon sugar or more if you like a little more sweetness (my husband likes sweet cornbread)
1 egg
1 cup milk
1-2 Tablespoons vegetable oil

Mix together and bake in greased pan or muffin tins at 325 degrees.
18 - 25 minutes for muffins or
25-30 minutes for pan cornbread

Adjust accordingly to the type pan you use and your oven.

Note: If you like it with an extra crispy crust, put a little oil in a cast iron pan and heat in oven 'til hot before pouring in batter. ( it's really good that way, jmo )
So sorry to hear the news Daisy.

Prayers for you and everyone.

I've been on the verdict thread getting mentally abused. LOL

We have a adopted a feral cat and I never thought we could domesticate him as well as we have. It is amazing. It took us about 3 years and you would swear this cat is a normal housecat.

But you had to be here for the 1st two years to know how he was. He was (and still is somewhat) an amazing killer. He has brought us presents including Squirrels, rabbits, birds, possums, field rats, and 4-foot snakes. He likes to drop them in the garage because that is where we feed him and I think he thinks he has to repay us with his prizes.

At first when we first adopted him, he was eating bird seed under the bird feeder, so we knew the poor thing was very hungry. We started feeding him and we did not even know a such thing as a "feral cat" existed. So as we tried to get him to come close to pet him, we were surprised how we would run away. He was always terrified of us for a long time, and slowly but surely he got to where he would rub against our legs. After about a year of caring for him, we finally got to where we could rub his head and he loved it because he could never scratch there.

It progressed from there and now you could hardly ever tell he is a feral. We can call him, pick him right up, pet him and rub under his chin and neck. He really loves us and we love him.
Dont get me wrong, his feral ways still shine through at times. Like when you did not realize he snuck up on you and wants to play and runs up behind you claws at your legs for a couple good whallops and then runs off before you can even turn around.

Or when he runs full tilt toward a tree and in 3 simple lunges, he is in the tree about 20 feet high and starts meoowing so I go get the ladder. And he still brings back a "present" every now and then, but that has gotten very rare as he is getting set in his ways here. He will sit and just watch the rabbits now instead of charging after them.

Hes a great cat and we love him dearly.
So I am very sad to here the news Daisy. Take care of yourself.

And everyone have a great weekend.
Sweet story about your cat, Hatfield. I really needed that tonight. :heart:
Hi all, my "puppy" was very sick for three days this week. He had difficulty breathing.
and coughing. I was half nuts. Granddaughter took him to work with her on Thursday.
I ddont know his exact age , maybe about 9 or 10...a shelter. He has congestive heart failure
was holding fluid. The Doctor put him on two meds. He seems so much better now. I stayed
awake one night just watching him breathe. All on my sons "anniversary". Why God? The trial
helped me relax a bit through it all. My Baby. :beagle:
Watching a docudrama on history about Manson~~~wow! Remember reading bits and pieces back in the day but wow!!!! ;(
Hi all, my "puppy" was very sick for three days this week. He had difficulty breathing.
and coughing. I was half nuts. Granddaughter took him to work with her on Thursday.
I ddont know his exact age , maybe about 9 or 10...a shelter. He has congestive heart failure
was holding fluid. The Doctor put him on two meds. He seems so much better now. I stayed
awake one night just watching him breathe. All on my sons "anniversary". Why God? The trial
helped me relax a bit through it all. My Baby. :beagle:

I'm sorry but sounds like puppy doing better! They become such a big part of our lives!!! Still miss my Zoey :(
Hello Nore,
We'll put in some prayers for your "puppy" that he continues to get better.
As others here will read your post, please know that many prayers will be coming your puppys way.
Husbands and brothers can be so crazy. It must be men. Then you can end up with suicide wondering what you could have done.
I wonder if we are all here because of something in our lives.
I always liked Nore's line. Dear God, please give me a break.
I hope you all have a great evening.
How sick is this story?

A teenage girl actually talked another teenage guy into committing suicide even when he was about to take his own life but said he was scared and didn't want to leave his family!

Her name is Michelle Carter: my iPad won't let me copy and paste the People article link.

That makes me want to cry and vomit at the same time!! = (
Stopped in here tonight hoping JA would be on her way to Perryville with her box of hair donations and her bucket of lies. The wheels of justice are painfully slow sometimes. Jmo

Hi all, my "puppy" was very sick for three days this week. He had difficulty breathing.
and coughing. I was half nuts. Granddaughter took him to work with her on Thursday.
I ddont know his exact age , maybe about 9 or 10...a shelter. He has congestive heart failure
was holding fluid. The Doctor put him on two meds. He seems so much better now. I stayed
awake one night just watching him breathe. All on my sons "anniversary". Why God? The trial
helped me relax a bit through it all. My Baby. :beagle:

Sure glad your pup is doing better! It can be so scary when our furry ones get sick and we don't know what to do. I would be beside my pups or kitties, constantly checking for any sign, good or bad, and not be able to do anything else. What a relief this has to be. I hope he continues to do well, Nore.

I am sorry you had a rough few days. Special thoughts for you and your dear son. Anniversaries are a mix of remembrances, good and sad. :hug:
Husbands and brothers can be so crazy. It must be men. Then you can end up with suicide wondering what you could have done.
I wonder if we are all here because of something in our lives.
I always liked Nore's line. Dear God, please give me a break.
I hope you all have a great evening.

Don't quite get what you are saying here.

But if you are wondering why folks are here, I came because of the rage that had to be there for such a viscous kill. I just cannot understand being able to kill someone so viciously. Driving all of that way with such rage. What kind of person goes past the point to being able to do what she did.
Don't quite get what you are saying here.

But if you are wondering why folks are here, I came because of the rage that had to be there for such a viscous kill. I just cannot understand being able to kill someone so viciously. Driving all of that way with such rage. What kind of person goes past the point to being able to do what she did.

Sorry HarvestMoon. nothing to do with the case. I was just commenting on previous posts today. Sorry if there was any confusion regarding the JA case.
I wish to thank all of your words of kindness since my cat died. You are all special to me and I've read and reread all the many posts. Today was a sad weepy day for me but each day will get easier. Fluffy slept next to me most nights so I will feel the emptiness at times. The little boy next door named him Fluffy when he was 4-5 years old so I'll have to tell him, or his mother. In the beginning they started feeding him but couldn't provide shelter as the mother has bad allergies, so Fluffy stayed with me more and more. Again thank you all. :loveyou: I'm off to sleep as I took 1/2 an Ambien to end this day.
Hi all, my "puppy" was very sick for three days this week. He had difficulty breathing.
and coughing. I was half nuts. Granddaughter took him to work with her on Thursday.
I ddont know his exact age , maybe about 9 or 10...a shelter. He has congestive heart failure
was holding fluid. The Doctor put him on two meds. He seems so much better now. I stayed
awake one night just watching him breathe. All on my sons "anniversary". Why God? The trial
helped me relax a bit through it all. My Baby. :beagle:

Prayers for your baby Nore. And yes that's what they are, our babies. :hug:
Oh daisymae, I am so, so sorry about Fluffy. I do know that feeling of going to sleep and not having our beloved pet next to us. It is such an empty feeling. Hugs to you!


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Diane Schwartz was on the jury that found Jodi Arias guilty of murder - for the 2008 death of Arias' former boyfriend Travis Alexander..."


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