SIDEBAR #45 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Andres Diaz ‏@andresHLN 47s48 seconds ago
Jurors have two questions #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 46s47 seconds ago
Stephens proposes a modified instruction be given. Pros agrees, Nurmi doesn't see the need. #JodiArias

Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin 1m1 minute ago
Anddddd sidebar. #jodiarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 59s60 seconds ago
Looks like a few juror questions coming now. #JodiArias

Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin 52s52 seconds ago
We're talking about a modified impasse instruction here, which could indicate the jury is having trouble making a decision. #JodiArias

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 1m1 minute ago
#jodiarias jury must have told judge they are having hard time reaching a verdict.

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv 30s31 seconds ago
Judge uses phrase "modified impasse instruction"- jury apparently at impasse on whether #jodiarias lives or dies #3tvarias
Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq
· 3m 3 minutes ago
#JodiArias jury getting a "modified impasse instruction" or an Allen charge or Dynamite charge to break impasse
Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq
· 7s 8 seconds ago
Dynamite charge seeks to have jury go back and try again to be unanimous in #jodiarias
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m1 minute ago
Court wants to give a modified jury instruction. We are in a sizzlebar. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 1m1 minute ago
so far not looking like hung jury. Not yet anyway. #JodiArias

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 51s52 seconds ago
#JodiArias Judge pushing jury to reach verdict might be seen on appeal as her advocating for death, because in this case hung=life.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 2m2 minutes ago
Judge Stephens said there were 2 questions. #5 and #6. We only started with "secret" #5. Haven't made it to #6 yet. #jodiarias

Beth Karas ‏@BethKaras 2m2 minutes ago
It appears the #jodiarias jury is deadlocked as judge just said she intends to read a "modified impasse" instruction the jury.

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 53s53 seconds ago
#jodiarias defense attorney nurmi mentions jury "impasse"; says jurors should not change belief just to get a verdict out.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 46s47 seconds ago
Nurmi goes back on the record. They are talking about a modified instruction about an IMPASSE. This is NOT GOOD> #jodiarias
Impasse....such an ugly word.

Going to prison for life.....takes a bit of the sting out of it, though.
(It bums me to think the killer will see this as some sort of victory, though.)
Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq
· 22s 23 seconds ago
Defense motion not to give impasse charge denied. In #JodiArias
Just got back from Mexico and did I drive FAST! Darn. Was expecting a verdict. What a disappointment! Looks like the jury is split 8/4.
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 44s45 seconds ago
Nurmi objecting to impass. They should not change their minds with regards to their moral judgements to render a verdict. #JodiArias

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 1m1 minute ago
Nurmi calls Stephens' attention to jury instructions about not being swayed by other jurors and being independent.

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 1m1 minute ago
Nurmi: Arguing that each juror needs to bring their own "moral decision" into courtroom. #JodiArias

Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin 2m2 minutes ago
Nurmi asks for no alterations to the jury instructions. #JodiArias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 1m1 minute ago
Nurmi asked for a mistrial. Denied. #JodiArias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago
#jodiarias defense atty. nurmi: "we are at impasse and no lawful alterations can be made", asks 4 mistrial, judge denies.

Wild About Trial 2 ‏@WildaboutTrial2 2m2 minutes ago
Nurmi is arguing that he believes the court should declare a mistrial. JSS denies his request. #jodiarias

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv 2m2 minutes ago
"Modified impasse instruction" is also known as "dynamite charge" trying to clear a log jam in deliberation room-#jodiarias #3tvarias

Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin 2m2 minutes ago
Judge denies request. #JodiArias
Is an impasse like they could not agree? I hope not.

Do I have time to got to the ladies room and have a quick smoke? I am shaking from all this nervousness.

An impasse is a deadlock. I don't understand at all but I am not part of the jury.
Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq
· 52s 52 seconds ago
Generally I'd say the impasse charge is good for State here because hung = life so this is better than nothing in #JodiArias
They need to look at the autopsy photos again IMHO!!
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago
Nurmi says the court should declare a mistrial now. Stephens denies the request. #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago
Nurmi is wanting the fact this decision is an individual one be read but he wants a mistrialJudge says no #jodiarias #3tvarias

MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 2m2 minutes ago
#JodiArias jurors at an impasse (deadlocked) Judge urges to reach a verdict -- #abc15

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 2m2 minutes ago
#jodiarias judge says modified instruction ok, now jury comes in.

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 3m3 minutes ago
Judge going to tell jury to work harder. #JodiArias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 2m2 minutes ago
we are back at recess waiting for jurors to come back from break. #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago
The "dynamite charge" will be read to the jury #3tvarias #jodiarias

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago
Stephens called for the jury, then realized they are still at lunch. #jodiarias

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 3m3 minutes ago
#JodiArias jury on break but will be called in and told by judge to work harder to reach a verdict.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago
We are at recess for a little bit #jodiarias #3tvarias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 2m2 minutes ago
sounds like #jodiarias judge is going to tell jurors she knows they are at impasse but should get back to work to break it.

Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv 1m1 minute ago
Jury coming in momentarily to receive "modified impasse instruction" #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial 2 ‏@WildaboutTrial2 1m1 minute ago
Whoever is doing Donavan'd hair needs to stop... #jodiarias
Dynamite Charge

A judge's admonition to a deadlocked jury to go back and try harder to reach a verdict. The judge might remind jurors to respectfully consider the opinions of others and will often assure them that if the case has to be tried again, another jury won't necessarily do a better job than they're doing. Because of its coercive nature, some states prohibit the use of a dynamite charge as a violation of the state constitution, but the practice passed federal constitutional muster in the case of Allen v. Gainer. The instruction is also known as a dynamite instruction, shotgun instruction, Allen charge, or third-degree instruction.
MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 28s29 seconds ago
Judge will give jurors further instructions when they come in -- jurors were not in courtroom for #JodiArias atty argument #abc15

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 30s30 seconds ago
Nurmi then argued that the judge needed to remind the jurors it's still their own decision. She denied his request. #jodiarias

Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 22s22 seconds ago
AZ law: Hung jury in penalty phase re-trial is an automatic life sentence. So a hung jury essentially is a verdict. #JodiArias

MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 18s18 seconds ago
In AZ a second hung jury means a life sentence for #JodiArias -- Death Penalty will come off the table #abc15

Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin 56s57 seconds ago
Some #JodiArias friends and supporters are in court. No sign of her family.

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