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Thanks so much to everyone.
I've caught up and wrote ALL the new replies down in my folder I keep for my dog.

A lot of the posts were right on the mark as to what I should try. I also need to get more aggressive in making sure i keep him bathed regularly and keep applying what does help him.

I feel bad because I sometimes tend to forget about his condition, and then when I see him rolling on the floor on his back to scratch himself like last night, I realize I need to do something.

A lot of the suggestions were perfect and on the mark.

Bernina brought up a really interesting theory. His condition did seem to develop like she was talking about. He was fine until he got a little older (maybe 8) and we had only been using Frontline for maybe 2 or 3 years, and since I probably was not using it as often as I was supposed to, he definitely did get a bad case of fleas. I think we have most of the fleas killed now off of him with his monthly worm "combo-flea-kill" medicine, but I do have to wonder about that great theory she has. The fleas themselves may have developed a resistance to the Frontline and the fleas themselves may deposit some sort of chemical into the dog and basically the dog gets allergic to that.

I dont think he has fleas anymore but he may still have the toxins from whatever the fleas put in his bloodstream or something like that. Because we inspect him real carefully after a good bath and we dont see any fleas. It basically is a skin condition.

It amazes me how close some of the posts were describing similar issues and in a weird way, it actually helps me to not feel alone. We have really tried to fight this condition for him many times.

The one thing I know I am guilty of is not staying persistant with treatments, so I definitely will ramp up my attack on this and at least keep him comfortable.

I will try to attack it on multiple fronts and try some of the suggestions for sure. I may give him a dose of benedryl tonight because I do know he gets instant relief from that. Its just hard to pill my dog. LOL

I like the 1 suggestion of the liquid, but I even tried that before and he wont let me get near him when I got a plastic syringe in hand. LOL It becomes hilarious as I try to fool my dog in giving him any kind of pill or liquid. What I find works best is to get some really good meat like a hotdog or steak chunks, and I take the time to dig out a hold and bury it in a small piece. Once he knows it is good meat, he usually will start swallowing whole to get the pill.

The funny thing is when he figures out what I am doing, he will chew his food more carefully and spit out the pill chunk. LOL

Oh...such fun we have.

AGAIN, THANKS SO MUCH TO EVERYONE. I really appreciate it and I copied each and every one of the replies into my folder.

I love coming here to our Sidebar thread. There are some really caring people here and I appreciate it very much.


BBM: Try peanut butter or hide it in a marshmallow! Marshmallows tend to work pretty good cause they just woof it down, no chewing! :floorlaugh: (Just don't tell me he's diabetic!)
Wow, kind of makes WS look a bit crazyish.

"It would seem that Websleuths’ great talent lies in opening cases, not closing them. Sure, you’ll find gossipy housewives and homebound retirees, unchecked Nancy Drews convinced that they can out-police the police. But from the beginning, many of the Internet’s most devoted detectives have just wanted to keep cold cases alive, convinced that one more witness, one more detail, could somehow sift out with time."

The nerve.
A proud gossipy retiree
(hey, I can multi-task)

They're just jealous.
Ive been meaning to ask our Sidebar group if you know something I could put on my Yorkie's skin to help him out.

He has had a pretty bad case of some sort of skin problem that makes him itch really bad and his skin on his back has these little bumps/flaky scab type things. He itches really bad from it and his skin gets really warm in those areas.

I went to the Vet at least 5 different times over the course of 3 years now for this same condition that has never really went away. The vet at first thought it was some sort of skin allergy but then the Vet decided it was Fleas which he did have. So I have the dog on Flea medicine which is a monthly pill and part of a medicine that kills intestinal worms. It is supposed to kill fleas and flea eggs too.

Hes been on this for 4 months now and yet his skin problem is still there. The skin seemed to do a little better at first but those bumps/scabs are still pretty bad.

I also use Frontline for Fleas also.

So I was wondering about a couple things

1-Does anybody know of some kind of good lotion or creme or something that would soothe his itchy inflamed skin?
I've almost went as far as using Calydryl sometimes because i know his skin bothers him a lot and calydryl works great for itching for me but I havent used that yet because of course it isnt meant for dogs.

2-Do people think the Fleas + Flea eggs are maybe still under his skin and that may still be the real problem and it is just going to take more time for it to clear up?

3-Is his skin issue something else entirely and 2 different Vets havent got it right yet?

All opinions are welcome. Thanks everyone .

Hi Hatfield...while I currently do not have pets, for years I was a mom to rescue greyhounds and my boy dog, Beauregard, was prone to raw, itchy patches on his skin. The vet diagnosed a food allergy and for awhile I fed him a mixed of boiled lamb, rice, and canned green beans...actually, at the same time I also had another greyhound (Lucy) and an elderly peekapoo (Candy Dog), and they all ate and relished the same thing. It worked. Eventually he was able to go back on regular food.

Hope your pooch gets better!
Ive been meaning to ask our Sidebar group if you know something I could put on my Yorkie's skin to help him out.

He has had a pretty bad case of some sort of skin problem that makes him itch really bad and his skin on his back has these little bumps/flaky scab type things. He itches really bad from it and his skin gets really warm in those areas.

I went to the Vet at least 5 different times over the course of 3 years now for this same condition that has never really went away. The vet at first thought it was some sort of skin allergy but then the Vet decided it was Fleas which he did have. So I have the dog on Flea medicine which is a monthly pill and part of a medicine that kills intestinal worms. It is supposed to kill fleas and flea eggs too.

Hes been on this for 4 months now and yet his skin problem is still there. The skin seemed to do a little better at first but those bumps/scabs are still pretty bad.

I also use Frontline for Fleas also.

So I was wondering about a couple things

1-Does anybody know of some kind of good lotion or creme or something that would soothe his itchy inflamed skin?
I've almost went as far as using Calydryl sometimes because i know his skin bothers him a lot and calydryl works great for itching for me but I havent used that yet because of course it isnt meant for dogs.

2-Do people think the Fleas + Flea eggs are maybe still under his skin and that may still be the real problem and it is just going to take more time for it to clear up?

3-Is his skin issue something else entirely and 2 different Vets havent got it right yet?

All opinions are welcome. Thanks everyone .

I have a Yorkie also. Her name is Audrey. I never had a flea problem with my dogs when I lived in Southern California. I moved to east Texas and the fleas rule here. I did the Frontline treatment, the Capstar treatment.

After a few years, those treatments did not work. I purchased some Nutscene twine and cut off a length of it and soaked it in citronella essential oil and made a collar for her. I treat hot spots with lanolin. So far, so good.
I have a Yorkie also. Her name is Audrey. I never had a flea problem with my dogs when I lived in Southern California. I moved to east Texas and the fleas rule here. I did the Frontline treatment, the Capstar treatment.

After a few years, those treatments did not work. I purchased some Nutscene twine and cut off a length of it and soaked it in citronella essential oil and made a collar for her. I treat hot spots with lanolin. So far, so good.

What is Nutscene twine and where do I get it? Where do I get citronella essential oil? Interesting ....thank you.
What is Nutscene twine and where do I get it? Where do I get citronella essential oil? Interesting ....thank you.

I purchased mine from Williams-Sonoma. I purchased the citronella oil from: Shopgirl926 on Ebay.

Depending on where you live, you could purchase the citronella oil at any Whole Foods or a pharmacy or maybe a health food store. I would stay away from Young Living Oils and doTerra. Too expensive, IMO, and a MLM scheme. I live in the sticks, so I had to purchase from an on-line shop.
I never feed my dog Dog Food. He is a Lhasa Apso and their are known for having skin issues. I make my own dog food: chicken, turkey, mixed veggies and use rice as a filler. He's been on it for 8 years now and doing fine. For a snack he gets turkey jerky. He also get a Brewer's Yeast tablet daily. Not saying what I do will work for all, but it works for me :)

Remember years ago we had no Dog Food we could buy. They ate scraps and we didn't have flea meds.
Hi cofeejunkie , I am doing that also more and more. So many products made in China. I will not feed him anything from china have to watch my own diet. many things coming from china!, no toys either. I find it so easy to convert a bit for my "puppy" I make a lot of stews etc. which are good for him. He is on meds now for CHF..(me too!).. mild spaghetti sauce.:lol: gods he is so cute!! Watch Del Monte and Libbys people foods!! My granddaughter (Vet tech) was mauled by a cat bit, clawed on Monday~wrapped himself around her leg and chomped. Owner~cat is berserk in cage "oh no muzzle he doesn't bite". she went to urgicenter and got the day off 9am.. cat IS up on shots thank God..
P.S.Anyone is windows 8 hard to get used to? or, is it just a matter of change. Looked at Toshibas but reviews say cheaper ones are so slow. Need a new one but on strict budget. any answers appreciated.
P.S.Anyone is windows 8 hard to get used to? or, is it just a matter of change. Looked at Toshibas but reviews say cheaper ones are so slow. Need a new one but on strict budget. any answers appreciated.

I bought me a Toshiba laptop about 6 months ago, I bought it because it is Window 7. You can still find them. LOL. I like my Toshiba laptop, it has big keys and I like that for typing. It was under $300. I bought it at Amazon. It's fast enough. ;)
P.S.Anyone is windows 8 hard to get used to? or, is it just a matter of change. Looked at Toshibas but reviews say cheaper ones are so slow. Need a new one but on strict budget. any answers appreciated.

Hi Nore, I didn't have a problem with switching, but I was so used to Windows XP, that I was in shock at first, LOL. But, with use, it has become very easy for me. The biggest problem for me was finding my program files and finding things in general because it is so different. Now, I am used to it and rather like it.
Hi cofeejunkie , I am doing that also more and more. So many products made in China. I will not feed him anything from china have to watch my own diet. many things coming from china!, no toys either. I find it so easy to convert a bit for my "puppy" I make a lot of stews etc. which are good for him. He is on meds now for CHF..(me too!).. mild spaghetti sauce.:lol: gods he is so cute!! Watch Del Monte and Libbys people foods!! My granddaughter (Vet tech) was mauled by a cat bit, clawed on Monday~wrapped himself around her leg and chomped. Owner~cat is berserk in cage "oh no muzzle he doesn't bite". she went to urgicenter and got the day off 9am.. cat IS up on shots thank God..

I buy enough to make a month's supply and cook it all at once, divide it into freezer bags and freeze it till needed.

Oh your poor granddaughter 'ouch'. Hope she heals real soon.

((((Hugs)))) to you.
P.S.Anyone is windows 8 hard to get used to? or, is it just a matter of change. Looked at Toshibas but reviews say cheaper ones are so slow. Need a new one but on strict budget. any answers appreciated.

I stayed with Win 7, Win 8 is geared more to social media, Youtube, Facebook, pictures, music, etc. I didn't need those things. When you find Win 7, it's cheaper just cause it's not the newest thing out there. You could also try "Tiger Direct" online or one of their stores.
I have a maltese that gets this same problem on her back, behind her tail. I have always put neosporin on it, bathe her in baby shampoo, and give her benadryl for the itching. If I keep the neosporin on it she seems to leave it alone better and that allows it time to heal. I will add that anytime I notice her biting or scratching that spot I go for the neosporin.

My crazy pooch LOVES Neosporin. I had a tube on my night stand because my hands were so dry/chapped that I had small cuts on my fingers. I put it on my hands before I went to bed every night because the hand lotions STUNG :wink: the cuts so bad. I found the tube in the floor one night COMPLETELY empty with several teeth marks. I should have realized she liked it because she was always johnny on the spot whenever I applied it, and trying to lick my hands. :smile:

A few months later I found another fully eaten tube in my living room floor. One of my daughters had left some on the end table.
JMO-ITA! I was thinking about this yesterday when letter from Sheriff Joe came out. When ja leaves Estrella, her life changes. She's pretty accustomed to being at the jail, having it (all things considered) relatively good. I think that will make adjusting to Perryville a little harder. Nice.

Especially since there is always that one person that wants to take a crack at the high profile prisoners. There's a long list of high profilers that got the snot knocked out of them, or in Charlie Manson's case, set on fire. She's walking in there with a target on her back. She'll never be 100% safe.
P.S.Anyone is windows 8 hard to get used to? or, is it just a matter of change. Looked at Toshibas but reviews say cheaper ones are so slow. Need a new one but on strict budget. any answers appreciated.

There is a Computer shop near me and the owner is super nice. He builds computers and I bought my through him. I still have windows 7, and I really like it. He also said that AVG is one of the best antivirus out there. And it's FREE...(Tattoo's for free) :giggle: < I love that line from Bridesmaids :smile:

Anyway, he builds computers for a lot of big companies and goes with AVG.

ETA ~ He prefers windows 7 for people like me. I don't use it for work, or anything like that. Mostly just for simple things, like my personal usage < (Can't word that how I want to, been up since 3:30am and too tired to think)....but yall know what I'm trying to say :smile:

Nore, go with windows 7 ~~~ MOO

Night all, I am one tired heifer < spelling?.....zzzzzzzzzzzz
Juan Martinez's Tie &#8207;@juanstie 6h6 hours ago
#JodiArias is pissed


Awe, the killer's pizzed. Diddums !!! :boohoo:
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