SIDEBAR #49 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm so glad that she's not forgotten on this thread.
She was a truly special and caring person. She talked about this site a lot, and only had good things to say about you all. You were all some of her best friends, and I thank you so much for that.
I will definitely be stopping by from time to time, I feel like she'd like that a lot :)
((Hugs)) Thank you again for all that you've done for her

We loved Princess and she touched our hearts. I miss her so much. Please hang around.
Thank you all so much for all your kind words. It really means a lot to know that you all had that kind of relationship with her, and that you all still talk about her like this. This past year and a half has been very hard on us, but memories always help as does time and it means the world to me to know that she's still remembered here as this became a big part of her free time (and occasionally work time ).

I'm definitely going to keep in tune on the site, I feel like she'd like that, and I feel like it might be good to keep in touch from time to time

Again, thank you all for what you've done for her, and for me today ((Hugs)) all your kind words have honestly brought tears to my eye :)

She loved JonBenet Ramsey. Try that thread and see what you think. The morning after Christmas 1996, a little six year old beauty queen is found dead in her home wrapped in her favorite blanket and placed in a dark womb like room in the furthest room in the basement.

Her hands had loose nooses they were up over her head (I think they were tied in prayer over her chest knowing Pasty. Princess and I had talked about that), and there was a garrotte around her neck pulled tight. She was in full rigor mortise when John Ramsey carried her up the stairs and laid her under the Christmas tree.

At her autopsy the ME was shocked to find an eight inch crack in her skull with an odd shaped hole. They also found that JonBenet had been molested about a week before and that someone took an object and inserted it and caused further damage before her death. There were shards from a broken paint brush - it had been broken into three pieces - one in the paint tray, and the second piece was used in the in knots in garrotte - the third never found, but cellulose, consistent with wood was found inside her.

They said JonBenet would of died within an hour and a half to two hour's because of the blow to the head , but someone chose to end her life on their own. A neighbor said she was woke up by a child's scream that ended suddenly, sometime between midnight and two in the morning.

The Ramsey's said that JonBenet had been kidnapped sometime during the night and the kidnappers had left a three page ransom "letter" it was not a note - explaining why JonBenet was taken. Pasty Ramsey did what the letter warned against - calling not only LE, but several friends and their pastor to come over.

The call from the kidnappers never came and John Ramsey disappeared for awhile (he would claim he went to get the mail) and was next seen around two hours later sitting alone at the dining room table with his head in his hands. The female LE was concerned about his mental state that she told him and a friend to search the house over again, and John Ramsey made a bee line to the basement and to the "wine cellar" where he "found" JonBenet. Red fibers that matched a red sweater that Pasty had worn the night before at a party and was still wearing when LE showed up that morning, were intertwined in the cord around JonBenet's neck and in the place where she died, black fibers from John's black wool shirt were found on JonBenet's upper thighs where her blood had been wiped down and in a brand new never been worn size twelve underwear, that would of fallen around her feet if she stood up. No other size twelves would be found in the house.

They claim an intruder took JonBenet and have hid behind their money with lawyers and the help of Boulder Co. district attorney office.

Come tell us that you're there and some will come post with you, and help find info.
One hundred and fifteen days have past before us on this April 25,2015.

1514 - Copernicus makes his first observations of Saturn

​1862 - ​
Battle of New Orleans LA - US Admiral Farragut occupies New Orleans
​ (wrong war but I like the song and it's close enough)


1941 - The first organ is played at Wriggly Field in Chicago

1945 - The UN Conference convenes in San Francisco

1953 - Francis Crick and James Watson article describing the double helix of DNA is published in the magazine Nature.

1960 - Triton the 1st submerged circumnavigation the Earth


The Brothers Four makes Green Fields number two on the charts.

1971 - Anti war protestors march on Washington DC

1974 - Greg Allman played the last date of his solo tour. A 90-minute encore followed with the Allman Brothers Band.

1977 - a KLM jumbo jet had collides with a Pan Am plane on the runway; 570 people were killed.

1986 - The Soviet Union has the worlds worse nuclear disaster at it's Chernobly power plant

1994 - The Eagles release "Hell Freezes Over".


2003 - Nina Simone is buried in Carry-Le-Rouet, France, with attendees including Miriam Makeba and gifts from luminaries like Elton John. ( I had this as my signature for years)

2015 - A reservoir of magma has been discovered 12 to 28 miles beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano - and it is 4.4 times larger than a well-known existing magma chamber.


I have lots of reading to do (17 pages! ) this weekend.
We had the white stuff falling for the last 3 days and it's cold. :gaah:


Jodi Arias update: Fellow inmate claims convicted killer getting 'special treatment' at Perryville

Diary of a Private Investigator
Inmate #281129 Formerly Known As Jodi Arias

Murderer's new address (just in case anyone wants to write her) :facepalm: arias&src=typd&vertical=news&f=tweets

Mama’s Soap Box: Buh-Bye, Buh-Bye, Hello!

Hi everyone! This is MAMAVIA! I’m filling in for Kelly tonight! I hope you enjoy!

"...As parents, our job is to mold our children into responsible adults. You don’t need an instructional manual to do that, and it isn’t all that difficult! You teach by example, you teach using “learning moments”, you hop up onto the Mom Soap Box and give a lecture. As a parent, you give them unconditional love and loving discipline. You take responsibility for the child you brought into the world, not celebrate when they finally quit high school and run off to go live in a tent with some boy…thankful that the “problem child” is no longer YOUR problem!
Disciplining a child begins the moment that they understand “don’t touch that “pretty” on the table”! Later, they touch it just to test to see if you really mean what you said! You can’t “let them get away with murder” for 15 years, then decide you are going to teach them not to lie or grow pot on the roof! (You are 14 years too late!)..."

Missed you YorN and all of your updates on..everything!! :D
For those who admired Jeff Ashton (Casey Anthony prosecutor ) as much as I did, he is presenting closing arguments live now in FAMU Hazing Death trial!famu-hazing-trial/c22q3

Jeff is now a Florida State Attorney

I read "Imperfect Justice" I thought it was a very good book. He really cared about Caylee and his closing words in the book brought me to tears.
Its hard to believe Anthony walks freely among us!

The above picture is one I took this morning of our pair of robins building their nest in the new, improved, nest container we put up for them.

For the last few weeks the pair has been trying build a nest right where the basket is, and the rain/winds, would blow it off. No matter how many times the nest was blown off, they kept on trying rebuild it. Being the softie that I am, DH I and tied this basket to the railing and waited, seeing if they would rebuild in the basket we put out for them. As you can see...they did and are building a nice nest for their babies :) Will keep you posted IF they lay eggs and the hatch.

How TOTALLY Cool CJ.. or as my 13 yr old daughter says.. "Totes Faboo!!!" LMAO :rolleyes:
(cracks me up every time she says it!)

Definitely keep us updated! I want to see the eggs! = )
Babies! I'm glad you're a softie. :)

Speaking of birds, I got so excited the first time I spotted a painted bunting in my birdbath. I let out a screech and my husband just about levitated out of his What an amazing-looking bird (not my the interwebs)...they look cobbled together out of a bunch of brightly-colored birds...cardinal, bluebird, cool:

View attachment 73779

Oh My.. That's a Beautiful bird!!!!!
A hummingbird is building a nest here in the same place she did last year! I'm assuming it's the same bird. I will try to get a pic...

I believe I get the same hummingbirds every year. I seem to be able to get closer and closer to them every summer. I think they know me. = )
I've yet to see a nest in my yard though. I would consider that VERY special!
I read "Imperfect Justice" I thought it was a very good book. He really cared about Caylee and his closing words in the book brought me to tears.
Its hard to believe Anthony walks freely among us!

I only lurk on the JA threads but this post reminded me of something funny I heard recently, and I thought I'd share. (I mostly keep to the Heather Elvis threads because I'm from the area... but occasionally I'll step out & wander around.) :)

So, anyway... I was listening to comedy radio on Pandora the other day and DL Hughley came on. He was talking about the death of Michael Jackson and Conrad Murray's involvement and then he moved on to talking about how he's lost faith in the justice system. He said he lost all faith the moment the Casey Anthony verdict was read. He said, "when they said NOT GUILTY... even OJ was like WHAT!? (in his best Lil Jon voice)."

Haha... it might not translate as well in writing... but I found it quite funny.

I still can't believe she walks free either. Even though I don't believe she could ever live a "normal life" at this point, it's such a travesty that she's not rotting in a jail cell where she belongs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I only lurk on the JA threads but this post reminded me of something funny I heard recently, and I thought I'd share. (I mostly keep to the Heather Elvis threads because I'm from the area... but occasionally I'll step out & wander around.) :)

So, anyway... I was listening to comedy radio on Pandora the other day and DL Hughley came on. He was talking about the death of Michael Jackson and Conrad Murray's involvement and then he moved on to talking about how he's lost faith in the justice system. He said he lost all faith the moment the Casey Anthony verdict was read. He said, "when they said NOT GUILTY... even OJ was like WHAT!? (in his best Lil Jon voice)."

Haha... it might not translate as well in writing... but I found it quite funny.

I still can't believe she walks free either. Even though I don't believe she could ever live a "normal life" at this point, it's such a travesty that she's not rotting in a jail cell where she belongs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL...Yeah OJ..of All people!! True That!!!

I think she's in *hiding* and not really able to enjoy life as we know it...but.. I agree. Just the fact that she can enjoy some of the freedoms we do... Ice cream and sunsets and all that good stuff.... is infuriating. :cursing:
I watched some of her you tube diary type videos she was posting after she was set free and almost threw up on the computer!!! :puke:

She's a disgusting human being and should be locked up with Arias! Two peas in a pod... or better yet.. Two psychos in a cell!
Johnny Horton 1960


Do you remember how to signal by hand when driving? No, it's not the finger. Left arm straight out the window meant stop, turning your arm up meant a right turn, and pointing down meant left turn. There was a time that you didn't need a car key to start a car, and you didn't roll up the windows and lock the doors unless it's spring time and someone is having a bumper crop of tomatoes or zucchini.


US woman jailed after McDonald's shooting over bacon-less burger :eek:

"A Michigan woman was sentenced three to seven years in prison after firing her gun at a McDonald's drive-through when her hamburger was delivered twice without bacon, local media reported...."

Here's your bacon lady :slap: (you probably won't get any in prison):



Or maybe this? :facepalm:




Arizona rules for seeking the death penalty are on trial

Someone is really, really angry: :scared:

Lois Lilienstein of Sharon, Lois and Bram's Elephant Show, and "Skinnamarink" Fame Dies at 78 :(

"Lois Lilienstein of the musical trio Sharon, Lois & Bram has died at the age of 78, CBC News confirmed on Thursday, April 23. The entertainer was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in October and passed away in Toronto, Canada, on Wednesday night...

Lilienstein, Sharon Hampson, and Bram Morrison formed their group in 1978 and starred on the Canadian children's series The Elephant Show from 1984 to 1989 on CBC..."


( Sharon Hampson; Lois Lilienstein and Bram Morrison plus one elephant [actress Paula Gallivan] Credit: Jeff Goode/Toronto Star via Getty Images )


"..."Skinnamarinky dinky dink
Skinnamarinky do
I love you....
I love you in the morning & in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening underneath the Moon.."

RIP Lois :candle:

(my younger son loved your show)


This page & fund total will be updated weekly."

Don't know if this was posted already as I'm only on page 8 on my back reading, but I wish that someone could grab this money for the Alexander's. :(

(bunch of nuts who are sending money to the murderer :scared: Do they think she will be released someday??? :thinking: Nuts, completely nuts, IMO :gaah:)
Here's another crazy :(

Hubers Trial: Inside the verdict

"...The sentencing phase begins at 10 a.m. Friday. The jury will hear more testimony, deliberate some more, and then recommend a sentence to Stine. It isn't known what penalty prosecutors are seeking..."

Jury recommends 40 years for Hubers

"...The jury recommended 40 years in prison, with credit for the time she has served so far.

Hubers, 24, of Lexington would be eligible for parole in 20 years...."

I need to slap that face! :gaah:




And some beautiful music for a Sunday morning:



I have some gardening to do today- if the weather cooperates :sheesh: , so see y'all later :seeya:
Good Morning,
That bacon sure looks yummy. Nice and crispy.
I saw Princess's son was on line last night. How very kind of him that he came on in behalf of his wonderful mom.
I know some of you have had this problem before. I can't remember how it is corrected, but I have a half screen where the text is on the left and the right side is blank. Please tell me how to bring my view of WS back to normal. Thank you in advance.
Here's another crazy :(

Hubers Trial: Inside the verdict

"...The sentencing phase begins at 10 a.m. Friday. The jury will hear more testimony, deliberate some more, and then recommend a sentence to Stine. It isn't known what penalty prosecutors are seeking..."

Jury recommends 40 years for Hubers

"...The jury recommended 40 years in prison, with credit for the time she has served so far.

Hubers, 24, of Lexington would be eligible for parole in 20 years...."

I need to slap that face! :gaah:





Lordy! do I ever dislike those 'duck lip' selfies!

Thanks for the breakfast this morning Y/N. Looks yummy. And, thanks for the music and all you do! (((((HUGS)))))
Good Morning,
That bacon sure looks yummy. Nice and crispy.
I saw Princess's son was on line last night. How very kind of him that he came on in behalf of his wonderful mom.
I know some of you have had this problem before. I can't remember how it is corrected, but I have a half screen where the text is on the left and the right side is blank. Please tell me how to bring my view of WS back to normal. Thank you in advance.

I just refresh. :)
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