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I was watching a show with a man crawling through a small opening into a cave and started hyperventilating - I had to keep telling myself that the camera person was already inside the cave.

Along with things having to with heights, that scenario is something that plays out in my nightmares A LOT. Hooboy, good thing that most nights I sleep soundly!
Lovely! I just wish I could see that statue in real life. It is breathtaking, isn't it.

There is a statue in Eureka Springs Arkansas at the Passion Play. It might be closer.

We took a "girl trip" in 2003 to Eureka Springs with my sister, her daughter, and seven year old grand daughter, me, Anna , my five year old grand daughter and my other sister - who uses the Lord's name in vain constantly. So we get there late afternoon to our cute little house hanging off a cliff, but with a wonderful view of Jesus. My grand daughter opened the doors to the balcony (hanging over nothing. The house had three levels with a shower in the lowest one that was built into the rocks. The stairs were straight down right by the front door and about a foot wide. It was a neat house though) flings her arms open wide when she sees Jesus and asks Him to forgive her great aunt for using his name in vain.
Zuri, it's now on my 1001 place to see list if I can fly again!

GigiG, did you manage to watch the whole thing??? I couldn't, my stomach started acting funny! :scared: I don't know how anyone could work at those heights. You sure gotta give them credit. I have a difficult time just watching tv when they pan over a tall building. I haven't flown in quite some time and and questioning my ability to do so. :facepalm:

Just FYI, I took a few short (one hour) flights last week. I do better when I travel with a companion, but in this case I was flying alone. Take-offs and landings are the worst for me, but once we're up in the air, I'm usually okay (unless I start thinking about things too much!).

My seat was behind the Emergency Exit rows, so as per usual, before takeoff the flight attendant asked each of those people if they would be willing and able to assist in case of an emergency.

He then went on to tell them how proud he was of his Emergency Exit people just the other day, when the plane they were on caught on fire; and how those people were super quick to push those doors open and helped to evacuate the plane.

I made eye contact with the woman sitting next to me. It was clear we were both thinking the same thing: WTF?

Once we were up in the air, he came around with the beverage cart. I asked for a glass of wine and happily shelled out the $7 for it. He later came by and gave me a second one, gratis. No way I could drink another (they're little bottles - I put it in my carry-on), but I'm guessing he saw something in my face that let him know I was more than a bit nervous...

So I made it there and back, just like most flyers on most flights. But it always feels like a crap shoot to me...
Too cute about your granddaughter, ILikeToBendPages!!! Thankyou for that link - I was able to watch that video thru to the end. Guess the still images made a big difference!!! I never thought to look for another video. Am off to check out Eureka Springs Arkansas at the Passion Play.
Just FYI, I took a few short (one hour) flights last week. I do better when I travel with a companion, but in this case I was flying alone. Take-offs and landings are the worst for me, but once we're up in the air, I'm usually okay (unless I start thinking about things too much!).

My seat was behind the Emergency Exit rows, so as per usual, before takeoff the flight attendant asked each of those people if they would be willing and able to assist in case of an emergency.

He then went on to tell them how proud he was of his Emergency Exit people just the other day, when the plane they were on caught on fire; and how those people were super quick to push those doors open and help to evacuate the plane.

I made eye contact with the woman sitting next to me. It was clear we were both thinking the same thing. WTF?

Once we were up in the air, he came around with the beverage cart. I asked for a glass of wine and happily shelled out the $7 for it. He later came by and gave me a second one, gratis. No way I could drink another (they're little bottles - I put it in my carry-on), but I'm guessing he saw something in my face that let him know I was more than a bit nervous...

So I made it there and back, just like most flyers on most flights. But it always feels like a crap shoot to me...

I know how you feel about flying. It has always scared the h*ll out of me!(and I've flown long flights to Israel, Japan, and Tahiti). Especially takeoffs and turbulence. I'm good with landings if they're smooth. And I hate flying over water. Two years ago was the first time I'd flown since the Sept. 11th attacks (12 years without flying), and the first time I'd ever let my daughter fly, and that was because we had to. Now in June she's taking her first cross-country flight and without us, and then a year from now to Europe without us. I will be a nervous wreck.
Just FYI, I took a few short (one hour) flights last week. I do better when I travel with a companion, but in this case I was flying alone. Take-offs and landings are the worst for me, but once we're up in the air, I'm usually okay (unless I start thinking about things too much!).

My seat was behind the Emergency Exit rows, so as per usual, before takeoff the flight attendant asked each of those people if they would be willing and able to assist in case of an emergency.

He then went on to tell them how proud he was of his Emergency Exit people just the other day, when the plane they were on caught on fire; and how those people were super quick to push those doors open and help to evacuate the plane.

I made eye contact with the woman sitting next to me. It was clear we were both thinking the same thing. WTF?

Once we were up in the air, he came around with the beverage cart. I asked for a glass of wine and happily shelled out the $7 for it. He later came by and gave me a second one, gratis. No way I could drink another (they're little bottles - I put it in my carry-on), but I'm guessing he saw something in my face that let him know I was more than a bit nervous...

So I made it there and back, just like most flyers on most flights. But it always feels like a crap shoot to me...

LOL, GigiG!! You've got more nerve than I do. Haha, I think I would have been heading for the exit the second the fire was mentioned. It would take much more than a glass of wine to mellow me out.....

I do like your idea of the one hour flights. I live in a remote, rural area, so I would have to arrange accommodations in the city. We have a local airport, but its only designed for small aircraft so it does me no good. Thanks for such a great suggestion!!!
LOL, GigiG!! You've got more nerve than I do. Haha, I think I would have been heading for the exit the second the fire was mentioned. It would take much more than a glass of wine to mellow me out.....

I do like your idea of the one hour flights. I live in a remote, rural area, so I would have to arrange accommodations in the city. We have a local airport, but its only designed for small aircraft so it does me no good. Thanks for such a great suggestion!!!

Hahaha. I can laugh about it now! Just keep in mind that almost all trips will seem worth it once you're safely back at home. Good luck on your travels!
I know how you feel about flying. It has always scared the h*ll out of me! Especially takeoffs and turbulence. I'm good with landings if they're smooth. And I hate flying over water. Two years ago was the first time I'd flown since the Sept. 11th attacks, and the first time I'd ever let my daughter fly, and that was because we had to. Now in June she's taking her first cross-country flight and without us, and then a year from now to Europe without us. I will be a nervous wreck.

I feel you, LinusK. It's been about 8 years ago by now since I sent my son across the country to go to school at Berkeley. That was the first time he had flown without either me or his dad. So it's not just about the flight, it's also about not being able to help them navigate things once they get to their destination. He's a sweetheart, but he cautioned me about being too emotional at the airport because he didn't want to become emotional. I sucked it up as I waved good bye.

A few years later, he had a great opportunity to study abroad in London. I was better that time. He loved living in London so much that he sent me a plane ticket so I could go visit him. We had a great time together.

Being a parent is fraught with so many "what ifs." You just gotta have faith that everything will work out, and everyone will be better for taking whatever risks it takes to achieve their dreams. :)
I feel you, LinusK. It's been about 8 years ago by now since I sent my son across the country to go to school at Berkeley. That was the first time he had flown without either me or his dad. So it's not just about the flight, it's also about not being able to help them navigate things once they get to their destination. He's a sweetheart, but he cautioned me about being too emotional at the airport because he didn't want to become emotional. I sucked it up as I waved good bye.

A few years later, he had a great opportunity to study abroad in London. I was better that time. He loved living in London so much that he sent me a plane ticket so I could go visit him. We had a great time together.

Being a parent is fraught with so many "what ifs." You just gotta have faith that everything will work out, and everyone will be better for taking whatever risks it takes to achieve their dreams. :)

Yeah, a year ago she was in a medium-sized earthquake and I was 400 miles away from her and feeling helpless and scared. The only thing I could think to do since I had phone contact and my laptop was to lookup for her the epicenter and magnitude.
Too cute about your granddaughter, ILikeToBendPages!!! Thankyou for that link - I was able to watch that video thru to the end. Guess the still images made a big difference!!! I never thought to look for another video. Am off to check out Eureka Springs Arkansas at the Passion Play.

I went looking for the house we stayed in. It's was the Bodie House. It's over one hundred and twenty eight years old. Anna , my grand daughter and I stayed in the room in the photo's. It's a short walk to downtown and lots to see if you like old shops and things. I don'tt know if they are still there , but Two Dumb Dames (IIRC) Candy Shop was very good. You could also have your photo dressed as an old timely barmaid (they did makeup and everything.) a schoolmarm etc, It was fun for my daughter and sister's daughter. They had their photo's done way back in 1987 when we took our summer family trip. All twenty of us. We stayed in cabins out at a Lake Leatherwood. When I started searching for my family I found my great grandma Cora had Leatherwoods on her mothers side of the family.
LinusK, Just FYI:

Without wanting to read too much into things... You mentioned visiting Israel, and it seems you have a daughter who's a young adult? If it's appropriate, I would highly recommend you take advantage of Birthright Israel:

It's a FREE (really!) 10-day trip to Israel which helps our young people experience the country and its culture in a safe, chaperoned way.

If she's not old enough, please keep it in mind and consider it again in a few years.

(Sorry to everyone else on this thread -- but perhaps others might find this information to be of use? I tried to PM, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Please forgive my ineptitude! Also, I am not promoting anything, just offering information. FWIW)
Moi? Yep, I'm 54, 1961. It's a pretty cool year to be born in, and yes, I am catching up!!!!! :floorlaugh:

Bernina, you were twelve years old when I got married/ May 23, 1974. I was twenty two and you were a mere child, but you are taller than me by an inch.

The twenty third of May 2013 was the day the jury hung and twenty minutes later Joid told the world they have betrayed her.
coffeejunkie = question?? You probably don't have any cats, right? Otherwise, I don't see how those robins would be nesting on that railing!!

No, we do not have any cats...our last cat died when she was 15 a few years. Miss that crazy cat :)
Been a very stressful last few day...was my yearly check up for my heart and was having all the 'bells and whistles' test done. Will get the results next week when I see my Cardiologist.

Looks like Momma Robin has finished laying her eggs and 3 it is! :) They should hatch in about 2 weeks (give or take a few day).


Dozens of criminally insane released in Mass. without guaranteed supervision

"SPECIAL REPORT ( -- They've committed heinous crimes, but they're not locked up in prison. Some defendants end up in hospitals after being found not guilty by reason of insanity.

Treatment for mental illness has resulted in dozens of people being released back into the community in Massachusetts. When someone is found not guilty by reason of insanity, they either go to Bridgewater State Hospital or a public or private psychiatric hospital..."

Barring setbacks, hearings point to release of Reagan shooter Hinckley
We Are All Liars (Of Sorts)

"On some level, we are all phonies, it’s just a matter of whether or not we are good or bad ones.
In his new book Keep It Fake: Inventing an Authentic Life, Eric G. Wilson tells the story of his life as a liar, and how this lying ultimately led him to this truth: there is only lying, but some lies are truer than others...."



L. Kirk Nurmi @_nurmilaw · 6h 6 hours ago
Many #jodiarias trial watchers have asked about my weight loss, soon I will be answering those? via a project I'm excited about. Stay tuned

Wonder what Lawrence is selling? :facepalm:
Just in case you have murderer's trial withdrawal and haven't had enough yet:

The Life & Trial of Jodi Arias
"Warning: This video contains extremely explicit photographs and subject matter. This video is intended for mature audiences only. "

Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq 2h2 hours ago
Jeffrey Evan Gold retweeted Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes @InspowerMinds
Don't stress over people in your past. There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
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