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I just love coming on here in the many good post!! They make me laugh, make me get all mushy, make me cry, catch up on world events, jokes, strange and funny happenings...I feel your happiness, your pain, your worries, and your ideas. 'JASB' thread is the best of the best!!

BTW: I do not worry about neighbors cats (bird nest) Momma Robin chose the spot and no cats have ever came up on the deck (that I know of). If I see one lurking around...I'll figure something out.
Have you tried beer traps or cornmeal ones? I saw my first lighten bug a week ago. My hummingbird feeder has been up two weeks ,but I haven't seen any yet.

I put out slug/snail bail out. I was surprised that snails/slugs didn't touch the kale.
Those lighten bugs are awesome. Saw my first one visiting sister in Georgia.
What a beautiful day. Taking a little break. There was a black bear spotted walking on the street that I work on yesterday. Just two buildings down. Poor guy probably doesn't know where to go. They keep building on the land.

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Another sleepless night in ..... well, I am not in Seattle. Finally dozed off around 3 am and slept until nearly 10. I don't think I have done that since a teen or was deathly ill. This is not good ..... my sleep pattern is going to be so out of whack. It is such a glorious day today that I will get outside and do some re-arranging of my work-shed -- winter stuff to the back, summer tools etc. to the front. I will work until my body says no-more, and hope for better sleep tonight. There is always something, gaah.

Have a great day, peeps. I will be back later to peek in.
I tried growing Kale a few years ago and it did real well and I still have some frozen in freezer bags from the garden.

My problem is I didnt know what to do with it as far as how to eat it?

Can it be put directly in a salad like lettuce?

I heard on TV 1 recipe that sounded great but I dont know how to make it. They said you can make Kale "chips" by deep frying them in oil with some kind of batter on the Kale, but I did not catch how to do it.

Does anyone know how I could make Kale "chips" by frying in oil with some kind of batter on it?

It sounded great but dont know how to do it.

I tried tasting it plain and didnt care much for it so I do need some kind of recipe I think. I could probably tolerate in a salad so long as vinegar+oil dressing.
What a beautiful day. Taking a little break. There was a black bear spotted walking on the street that I work on yesterday. Just two buildings down. Poor guy probably doesn't know where to go. They keep building on the land.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Most people do not realize that one of the biggest issues for wildlife is their loss of habitat due to humans building new developments.

It is so very sad and I have seen it with my own eyes how developments ruin habitat and places for wildlife to live.

Most people blame hunters for why wildlife decreases their population but I have read studies and agree with them that the most serious problem for wildlife is their loss of habitat. It destroys their places where they can live and then what happens is they naturally will not reproduce each year to have more babies.

We had a new development just put in a few miles away and it was so sad as I saw a group of 10 or so deer just standing in the middle of this little bit of woods that was left. All around them were trucks and buildings going up. They had nowhere to go and I am sure they eventually had to run through traffic to try to find somewhere else.

It was very upsetting to see because they had no where to go and nothing but streets and homes and businesses totally surrounding them. Grrrrrrrrrr.
I tried growing Kale a few years ago and it did real well and I still have some frozen in freezer bags from the garden.

My problem is I didnt know what to do with it as far as how to eat it?

Can it be put directly in a salad like lettuce?

I heard on TV 1 recipe that sounded great but I dont know how to make it. They said you can make Kale "chips" by deep frying them in oil with some kind of batter on the Kale, but I did not catch how to do it.

Does anyone know how I could make Kale "chips" by frying in oil with some kind of batter on it?

It sounded great but dont know how to do it.

I tried tasting it plain and didnt care much for it so I do need some kind of recipe I think. I could probably tolerate in a salad so long as vinegar+oil dressing.

I'm not suppose to eat kale (because of kidney stones). There's something in it that helps the body, at least my body, form them. :sheesh:

I have found a recipe for kale chips that sounds pretty tasty:

Barbeque Kale Chips



And then there's this breakfast food (looks good):

Kale & Onion Breakfast Squares



And then there's this: :)

Earthy Tuscan Kale Pasta with Lemon and Parmesan



One more- a soup:

Kale and Roasted Vegetable Soup



There are plenty of recipes for kale on the internet- take a look for yourself. :)
Been working outside laying anti-skid tread tape on my front porch steps, but I had to come in because the sun is starting to beat down on the front of my house. :(

Well- lunchtime anyway. :)
I tried growing Kale a few years ago and it did real well and I still have some frozen in freezer bags from the garden.

My problem is I didnt know what to do with it as far as how to eat it?

Can it be put directly in a salad like lettuce?

I heard on TV 1 recipe that sounded great but I dont know how to make it. They said you can make Kale "chips" by deep frying them in oil with some kind of batter on the Kale, but I did not catch how to do it.

Does anyone know how I could make Kale "chips" by frying in oil with some kind of batter on it?

It sounded great but dont know how to do it.

I tried tasting it plain and didnt care much for it so I do need some kind of recipe I think. I could probably tolerate in a salad so long as vinegar+oil dressing.
Kale is great in salads. I really like it in coleslaw. I just chop off the stalk and cut the leaves into small pieces. According to these articles (the first link has a video tutorial), you should also 'massage' kale before putting it in your recipe to reduce bitterness and toughness. I've never tried making kale chips, but I've seen tons of recipes on Pinterest.
Kale is great in salads. I really like it in coleslaw. I just chop off the stalk and cut the leaves into small pieces. According to these articles (the first link has a video tutorial), you should also 'massage' kale before putting it in your recipe to reduce bitterness and toughness. I've never tried making kale chips, but I've seen tons of recipes on Pinterest.

Message your kale???!!!! (we'll have to call Niner's masseuse) :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:



Wait, wait- how about the squirrels?



Happy Friday, everyone! :happydance:

This video is priceless!

Morning!! :wave:

Hatfield - google is your friend!! At least that's what my Huz says when I asked him something... :lol: But I see that some above ^^ have posted some recipes for you!!

It is/was supposed to be a little rain today, but the :sunshine: :cool2: is out! Have to make my weekly grocery run later...

Okay - off to read a few other threads!

I'm not suppose to eat kale (because of kidney stones). There's something in it that helps the body, at least my body, form them. :sheesh:

I have found a recipe for kale chips that sounds pretty tasty:

Barbeque Kale Chips



And then there's this breakfast food (looks good):

Kale & Onion Breakfast Squares



And then there's this: :)

Earthy Tuscan Kale Pasta with Lemon and Parmesan



One more- a soup:

Kale and Roasted Vegetable Soup



There are plenty of recipes for kale on the internet- take a look for yourself. :)

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I may have to challenge myself to make the "chips" someday.

When I tasted it fresh from the garden, the "bitterness" is what I noticed right away that turned me off. I never heard of massaging it....LOL

I may have to take out the meat tenderizer hammer and give it a few good whacks to knock the bitterness out of it. LOL

Seriously though, that is why I think I will like the chips better. Im not sure I will ever like it in a salad unless I have enough dressing to disguise the bitterness of it.
Another sleepless night in ..... well, I am not in Seattle. Finally dozed off around 3 am and slept until nearly 10. I don't think I have done that since a teen or was deathly ill. This is not good ..... my sleep pattern is going to be so out of whack. It is such a glorious day today that I will get outside and do some re-arranging of my work-shed -- winter stuff to the back, summer tools etc. to the front. I will work until my body says no-more, and hope for better sleep tonight. There is always something, gaah.

Have a great day, peeps. I will be back later to peek in.

I've always have had trouble going and staying asleep. Of course, having my grandson waking me up during the night (since he has trouble sleeping) doesn't help. Have you tried Melatonin? It works, you may have some very vivid dreams.


What is melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland a small gland in the brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Very small amounts of it are found in foods such as meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables. You can also buy it as a supplement.
What does natural melatonin do in the body?

Your body has its own internal clock that controls your natural cycle of sleeping and waking hours. In part, your body clock controls how much melatonin your body makes. Normally, melatonin levels begin to rise in the mid- to late evening, remain high for most of the night, and then drop in the early morning hours.

Light affects how much melatonin your body produces. During the shorter days of the winter months, your body may produce melatonin either earlier or later in the day than usual. This change can lead to symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or winter depression.

Natural melatonin levels slowly drop with age. Some older adults make very small amounts of it or none at all.

Also , Benadryl will make you sleepy. Many sleep aid have it in them.

and Valerian taste like horrible, and it didn't work for me.

Valerian is an herb. Medicine is made from the root.

again from WebMD

Valerian is most commonly used for sleep disorders, especially the inability to sleep (insomnia). It is frequently combined with hops, lemon balm, or other herbs that also cause drowsiness. Some people who are trying to withdraw from the use of “sleeping pills” use valerian to help them sleep after they have tapered the dose of the sleeping pill. There is some scientific evidence that valerian works for sleep disorders, although not all studies are positive.

Valerian is also used for conditions connected to anxiety and psychological stress including nervous asthma, hysterical states, excitability, fear of illness (hypochondria), headaches, migraine, and stomach upset.

Some people use valerian for depression, mild tremors, epilepsy, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Valerian is used for muscle and joint pain. Some women use valerian for menstrual cramps and symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes and anxiety.

Sometimes, valerian is added to bath water to help with restlessness and sleep disorders.

In manufacturing, the extracts and oil made from valerian are used as flavoring in foods and beverages.

How does it work?

Valerian seems to act like a sedative on the brain and nervous system.
Happy Friday, everyone! :happydance:

This video is priceless!


OMG.. How wonderful. What a smart dog...and Gorgeous too!!!
My now 10 month old took his first steps today! Three and then three more! He was so surprised!! Then I started crying and scared him!

awww...sweet!! Precious moments!!!
Hi Y/N , magpie posted a lot on Arias trial. She is Dereks grandmom. I mention that as there are about 3 different magpies! :seeya:
Happy Friday, everyone! :happydance:

This video is priceless!


What beautiful blue eyes and I love you too Mishka :heartbeat:
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