SIDEBAR #50 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Out of any president I've been around to hear, Obama (IMO) is one of the most well spoken speakers of all of them. That was a deeply felt eulogy, I can only imagine that the Biden's and Obama's are incredibly close. I saw this picture and it said it all, they are brothers.


I think of all the people I would ever want to meet and converse with, it would be Barrack, Joe, the Dalai Lama.......and Johnny Depp. I think we mulled over this many threads back, don't remember what I posted then, but that's my top 4 now.

how fortunate your family has been to know the Biden's. I can only believe that they are just as truly wonderful and caring as you! :heartbeat: Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us!


I whole-heartedly agree.

Don't want to be political here, but I absolutely adore this president -- so eloquent -- I'm going to miss him.

And Joe Biden's example of how to comport oneself during a time of personal loss should be taught as a master class on the subject. How my heart goes out to him...

I also agree with your list ----- except for--------- Johnny Depp (!?). I guess I missed something, don't get that one. lol!
I purposely waited to watch President Obama give the eulogy until a time I could devote my undivided attention. His words spoke volumes to me, of the man who was speaking and the family and young man he spoke about. Absolutely incredible, all of them.
Have missed everyone, been away on vacation and now just trying to catch up a bit.

Zuri, I am just wondering since you mentioned the Xanax, does it blunt your feelings / emotions in situations like that? I've taken it but only for anxiety and panic attacks. TIA :wave:

The Xanax didn't do a damn thing, so no it didn't blunt a thing. I get really weepy when my cortisol runs low and I didn't realize how extra emotionally labile I was. More prednisone did the trick. That and Xanax and Alcohol and Chocolate and Ice Cream.
Has anyone heard from our lovely Daisymae?

She had posted after I did on Friday in Beau's thread and told me not to give Westboro Baptist Church protestors the finger. I listened to her and Spellbound :)
I picked Door Number 2. Very accurate!
Out of any president I've been around to hear, Obama (IMO) is one of the most well spoken speakers of all of them. That was a deeply felt eulogy, I can only imagine that the Biden's and Obama's are incredibly close. I saw this picture and it said it all, they are brothers.


I think of all the people I would ever want to meet and converse with, it would be Barrack, Joe, the Dalai Lama.......and Johnny Depp. I think we mulled over this many threads back, don't remember what I posted then, but that's my top 4 now.

how fortunate your family has been to know the Biden's. I can only believe that they are just as truly wonderful and caring as you! :heartbeat: Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us!

Oh Bernina, you are so sweet. My friendship with Jill opened my world up and made me a better person. Famous people have 2 sides, public and private. I was fortunate enough to see both, up close. Xoxo
Time for this Northerner to pick on the Southerners (since I haven't seen Daisymae around lately- just don't tell her :facepalm: )

Don't forget our small towns. You can't beat Tuna Texas for it's characters


I bought tickets to see our local Broadway Players put on this play :) Can't wait!!
Is my sleep ever messed up! Went sleep around 5pm Sunday and woke up around 1 am Monday morning...I am wide awake.

Yesterday the kids had our 'Parents Day' out at the 'Plake'. Good times had by all. The little ones played and played. Lizzy was so tired she passed out in the swing! lol
Their was swimming, paddle boat rides, gossip, too much food, and just a nice time spent with family.

Sadly, our Ryan did not show up and everyone said he does not return their calls or texts :( This is breaking my heart and puts me in such a depression. I know he has his 'demons' he is fighting, but doesn't stop me from being a Mom and worrying...
Did you know...

Most alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary to sustain human life.

More boys than girls are born during the day; more girls are born at night.

Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a 'Friday the 13th'.

Motorists who talk on cell phones are more impaired than drunk drivers with blood-alcohol levels exceeding .08!

Native Indians have been known to paint their doors blue, which they believe keeps the bad spirits out.

One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of fresh water.

People say Bless you when you sneeze because of the influenza epidemics that raged during the Middle Ages.

The electric chair was invented by a dentist!

The household wrench was invented by boxing heavyweight champion Jack Johnson in 1922.

Marie Curie, the Nobel prize winning scientist who discovered radium, died of radiation poisoning.

Jericho is the oldest walled city in the world at 9,000 yrs old!

It is possible to see a rainbow at night!

It is estimated that there is in excess of 3,000,000,000 bibles been sold throughout the world!

Indoor pollution is 10 times more toxic than outdoor pollution.

In the early 1960's, Porsche commercially manufactured farm tractors.

In ten minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's nuclear weapons combined!

Even Antarctica has an area code. It is 672.

C3PO is the first character to speak in Star Wars.

Bill Gates designed a traffic control system for Seattle when he was only 15!
Interesting Penguin Facts (I adore penguins)

Depending on the species, a wild penguin can live 15-20 years. During that time, they spend up to 75 percent of their lives at sea.

Penguins are found only in the Southern Hemisphere.

Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water.

Penguins can hold their breath for about 20 minutes under water.

Penguins eyes work better underwater than they do in the air.

Penguins have short legs and no knees.

Penguins swallow their food as a whole.

The emperor penguin is the largest of the penguin species and can weigh up to 90 pounds. The fairy penguin is the smallest and weighs only 2 pounds.

The penguin is the only bird that can swim, but cannot fly.

There are 18 species of penguin in the world.

There are no penguins in the North Pole.

Amazing video of penguins
angel 001.jpg

Sharing the angel I drew 2 years ago for a guy who wanted it made into a tattoo. He already had a headstone tattooed on his back and he wanted an angel too lay on top of the stone. The tattoo artist could not find the type of angel the guy wanted, so he came to me. I didn't put all the details in it as the tattoo dude could do it.
I picked Door#4 Red Door!

If you chose this door, you are prepared to go to battle.

Whether it's a legal battle, a struggle for power, or you're looking for a promotion at work, you have taken the steps to prepare yourself, and it will pay off. The red symbolizes power, as do the castle walls.

Not even iron and sharp edges will frighten you away from claiming what is rightfully yours. You have been locked out from what you wanted for too long, but now that you have crossed the moat, you're ready take the whole castle.

Hmmmm! Wondering what that is all about :thinking:
Southern Gal and proud of it ;)

as my Dad always told us kids...DO as I Say, Not as I DO!
We are having thunder showers and my dog is driving me nuts! I have did everything I know to do, trying too ease his nerves; nothing is working. I finally gave him some kids Benadryl (which I use for his allergies) worked. He is calm and almost asleep.

Has anyone tried the 'Thundershirts' for your dogs?

We have a rescue Manchester Terrier who is terrified of rain, storms, sounds of power tools, lawn mowers etc. We have tried everything, including the Thunder Shirt. I am not sure whether it works or not, as she is off the charts anxious. The Benadryl didn't work, the natural supplement from the pet stores didn't work, Melatonin and Xanax combined helped a bit. She is going to the vet on Thursday to see if I can get her on something that will work.
We also have a dog who is afraid of storms, certain big trucks, firecrackers, and gunshots that we can barely hear off in the distance. She does a bit better with a couple pet calming "natural" chewable treats or a liquid on her treats. The trouble is, when we find one that helps even a little, when I go back for more the store no longer carries it or it isn't in stock. I try to keep ahead of running out. She won't even let us hold her at these times. Sometimes she will let us put a blanket over her, not always. She takes herself to a far corner and lays trembling until she feels safe. I notice she will often go into the old crate we keep with a pillow inside and the door always open. I usually keep it covered with a blanket..... kind of like a cocoon or a cave to them and they feel safe in it. The thunder shirt worked for a relative's dog .... for a short time. Not as helpful now.
She had posted after I did on Friday in Beau's thread and told me not to give Westboro Baptist Church protestors the finger. I listened to her and Spellbound :)

:loveyou: giggles, we take care of our friends, even if it means keeping them in line.

Daisymae is still hurting, and keeping an eye on us. It is still hard for her to type.
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