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I think as Zuri does, that he (Barbaro) would of been a triple crown winner


I am amazed at the muscles on the horses when they run. You can see each and every one well defined when they run. Just incredible.

In the 60's on the back of magazines you could enter to win a Thoroughbred for fifty cents. I always signed, and up sending my fifty cents (remember when they had fifty cent pieces way back then?) hoping I would be a winner.

Pages ~
Why pay fifty cents on a "chance" to win yourself a thoroughbred, when you could have just gone out and borrowed, stolen rustled yourself one for free. :wink: :giggle:

Link: eZhIB4ZNOl8zyNv_zTq

Taking a break from some gardening chores.


Link: xgur_KpXRDB6F7rB1RZ

The Door You Pick Can Tell Your Future.

"...Just take a look at the eight doors below. Which one would you most want to go through? Try not to overthink it -- just go with your gut reaction. Once you've chosen a door, keep reading to find out what your door type reveals about you!..."

I picked door #1 (I liked the shoes off at the door, the stone wall, and the old-fashion
wooden door)





L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw 18h18 hours ago
It is sad to see that supporters of #jodiarias are marking our most recent 6/4 as a celebratory milestone for the tragic events of 6/4/08

L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw Jun 5
Made some changes to my website. My plan is to post a new blog every month. Those interested can check it out at


The murderer's sister speaks:
A math question has been stumping thousands of British students

"LONDON — It's a math question that has provoked outrage, confused people on Twitter and even prompted thousands of students to sign a petition asking for the chance to resit the entire exam — so think can you figure out the probability riddle that's perplexed so many British pupils?...

Here's the question on the test, which was set by the British education and examination board Edexcel:

There are n sweets in a bag. Six of the sweets are orange. The rest of the sweets are yellow. Hannah takes a random sweet from the bag. She eats the sweet. Hannah then takes at random another sweet from the bag. She eats the sweet. The probability that Hannah eats two orange sweets is 1/3. Show that n²-n-90=0...." :thinking:



Anyone remember how to do this???? :confused:

Hope you all have a great day. I am hearing myself up to go to Beau Biden's viewing and pay my respects. I hope I can hold it together. Better living through Xanax I guess.

Have missed everyone, been away on vacation and now just trying to catch up a bit.

Zuri, I am just wondering since you mentioned the Xanax, does it blunt your feelings / emotions in situations like that? I've taken it but only for anxiety and panic attacks. TIA :wave:
Good afternoon all! :wave:


Link: eZhIB4ZNOl8zyNv_zTq

The Door You Pick Can Tell Your Future.

"...Just take a look at the eight doors below. Which one would you most want to go through? Try not to overthink it -- just go with your gut reaction. Once you've chosen a door, keep reading to find out what your door type reveals about you!..."

I picked door #1 (I liked the shoes off at the door, the stone wall, and the old-fashion
wooden door)

I picked Door #5 - pictured below - and here's what it says:

If you chose this door, don't worry. Things are about to quiet down.

You are seeking something comfortable and calm. Perhaps you've been going through a rocky time professionally or personally. You are seeking to be surrounded by those who will be loyal and love you unconditionally.

If times have been hard lately, find contentment in the fact that you know what you want. Aim for people and activities that will be consistent, and avoid those that will rock the boat.

Definitely right on!! I like the windows in the door, but my dog would be a German Shepherd!!

neesaki - hope you had a nice and restful vacation! :summer:

OH!! :cat: we just got two kittens yesterday!! :happydance: We got them for friends for Hans, as he seemed depressed after his sister Emma died. BUT!! He's having no part in them... hissing at them... one is orange and was born from the mamma, whose daughter gave birth to the tiger-colored one. So orange kitty is the Uncle, where the little one - I mean LITTLE - is the nephew! Haven't named them yet - the Huz has to observe their personalities before he wants to give them names; he said I never pick good names! LOL! I'll post a picture when the Huz gets around to taking some!! :skip:

Signing off for the day... :pcguru: going to read my book! :read:


Oh - YESorNO - I noticed you posted - did you see the picture of myself I posted where she said you thought I had short hair and no glasses??? I did look like that once!

P.S. - "how" do you all post pictures and than under picture can keep posting?? :waitasec: My pictures always come at the bottom....


  • DoorNo5.jpg
    125.5 KB · Views: 60

Pages ~
Why pay fifty cents on a "chance" to win yourself a thoroughbred, when you could have just gone out and borrowed, stolen rustled yourself one for free. :wink: :giggle:

Well, I was two years older, and had given up my life of crime. I was going straight, so I started gambling on the ponies.


L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw 18h18 hours ago
It is sad to see that supporters of #jodiarias are marking our most recent 6/4 as a celebratory milestone for the tragic events of 6/4/08

L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw Jun 5
Made some changes to my website. My plan is to post a new blog every month. Those interested can check it out at


The murderer's sister speaks:

BBM #1 ~ No one is interested.

BBM ~ #2 :furious: :mad:
Sadly, you can get off-the-track thoroughbreds pretty cheaply. Because thoroughbreds are a spirited breed, they need a lot of attention and upkeep, wherein the major costs lie. A lot of times people give them up because they can no longer afford them.

Around here there are horse auctions and a lot of the attendees are "kill buyers," who buy according to the weight of the horse. They buy the horses for slaughter to sell their meat overseas.

IMO, it's sick and saddening that so many of these beautiful, noble creatures wind up in that predicament. There are several horse rescue farms I support in the hope of saving a few here and there...

As far as I know, the 3 main horse slaughter houses in the US were shut down in 2007. The USDA pulled their inspections, and it's been legally going around and around. Dog consumption was banned in the 70's and human consumption has been banned for I don't know how long.
This doesn't prevent killer buyers from hitting the auctions and transporting the horses into Mexico and Canada. The demand is coming from parts of Europe and Asia.
The average life of a Thoroughbred horse is 2-3 years, due mostly in part to the huge population of them in racing. If they don't show in the money their first year on the track, they are "disposable". There are also many accidents, bad trainers, and bad owners. Then there's insurance fraud, causing a horse's death is more lucrative than loosing money. There's also been the close inbreeding for decades that has resulted in "dummies". Arabian blood was re-introduced into the thoroughbred breed again, in the 1980's.
Many small operations cut corners, downplay the need for vets, don't vaccinate, and have unsafe training facilities. The training operation that I pre-season trained had 2 semis pull up with mares and 6 month old foals, and they ALL had strangles (distemper), a highly contagious infection that continues to shed for 30 days after the infection has been treated. Smaller race track facilities are a hotbed for viruses and infections because of the enormous amount of horses going in and out of the facilities, some on a daily basis.

The best case scenario is if a hunter/jumper school or dude string owner buys these horses.
Dude strings usually have more success because the horses are not given "hot" feed, are feed 3x @ day, grouped in common pens, and not much is demanded of them other than walking head to tail in a line for a few hours a day. Dude horses are worth their weight in gold. Some even find private homes when riders, who use the stables often, find a favorite horse and buy it. The string I wrangled had incredible care.
Hunter/Jumper/English facilities have to put a lot more time into an ex-race horse, mainly re-training it. There's also an issue of "soundness", confirmation "faults", many track related injuries are hidden or not yet apparent at sale. And some horses just cannot adjust to "this is NOT a race" or TMI of schooling.

All in all, it comes down to money, and depending on the "breed of the month", what corporate/tax write-offs incentives a breed or horse sport allows, that's where you're going to have over breeding and the "disposable horse" syndrome. Slaughter houses just made it easier for people to get fast money out of unwanted horses.

I still run into people who have premarin (PMU) mares and foals who were rescued when the pharmaceutical companies dropped their funding for some premarin farms. My Percheron mare came from one of those places in Canada. Many of those mares are draft horses, more expensive to feed than average size horses, usually unbroke, and the foals were taken away within 24 hours to a slaughter house. Mares who broke down after a succession of pregnancies or became barren were also sent there.

It's all about the money.
President Obama’s Eulogy For Beau Biden Is Mandatory Viewing

"Pesident Obama took the podium at St. Anthony of Padua R.C. Church in Wilmington, DE, yesterday, to pay homage to Beau Biden the son of Vice-President Joseph Biden, who passed away last week, at the age of 46, from complications from brain cancer..."



Taking a break from some gardening chores.



The Door You Pick Can Tell Your Future.

"...Just take a look at the eight doors below. Which one would you most want to go through? Try not to overthink it -- just go with your gut reaction. Once you've chosen a door, keep reading to find out what your door type reveals about you!..."

I picked door #1 (I liked the shoes off at the door, the stone wall, and the old-fashion
wooden door)




I picked number 1 also.......LOL!
Have missed everyone, been away on vacation and now just trying to catch up a bit.

Zuri, I am just wondering since you mentioned the Xanax, does it blunt your feelings / emotions in situations like that? I've taken it but only for anxiety and panic attacks. TIA :wave:

When I was taking Xanax (in menopause), it didn't "blunt" my feelings/emotions- it made me feel "normal" (that's the only word I can come up with to say how I felt after taking it).
No anxiety at all- just a nice sort of feeling of "normal" and being "myself". I can't explain it- maybe someone else can.

Where did you go on vacation? Glad you are back with us. :)
Good afternoon all! :wave:

I picked Door #5 - pictured below - and here's what it says:

If you chose this door, don't worry. Things are about to quiet down.

You are seeking something comfortable and calm. Perhaps you've been going through a rocky time professionally or personally. You are seeking to be surrounded by those who will be loyal and love you unconditionally.

If times have been hard lately, find contentment in the fact that you know what you want. Aim for people and activities that will be consistent, and avoid those that will rock the boat.

Definitely right on!! I like the windows in the door, but my dog would be a German Shepherd!!

neesaki - hope you had a nice and restful vacation! :summer:

OH!! :cat: we just got two kittens yesterday!! :happydance: We got them for friends for Hans, as he seemed depressed after his sister Emma died. BUT!! He's having no part in them... hissing at them... one is orange and was born from the mamma, whose daughter gave birth to the tiger-colored one. So orange kitty is the Uncle, where the little one - I mean LITTLE - is the nephew! Haven't named them yet - the Huz has to observe their personalities before he wants to give them names; he said I never pick good names! LOL! I'll post a picture when the Huz gets around to taking some!! :skip:

Signing off for the day... :pcguru: going to read my book! :read:


Oh - YESorNO - I noticed you posted - did you see the picture of myself I posted where she said you thought I had short hair and no glasses??? I did look like that once!

P.S. - "how" do you all post pictures and than under picture can keep posting?? :waitasec: My pictures always come at the bottom....

BBM Do you put the pic on the bottom? I just put the pic where I want it and that's where it stays.
Maybe you have a fairy in your computer that moves things around??? :thinking: You know- the "move things around fairy that makes you think you're nuts" fairy :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

She's a naughty little thing and is always at my house:



My older son has the "screw-up fairy" at his house: :facepalm:



Yes- I saw your pic. Beautiful!
Time for this Northerner to pick on the Southerners (since I haven't seen Daisymae around lately- just don't tell her :facepalm: )






















Some Southern sayings :blah::blah::blah:

She gets my goose.
He just makes my azz itch!
Yankees are like hemorrhoids: Pain in the butt when they come down and always a relief when they go back up.
That would make a bishop mad enough to kick in stained glass windows.
She could make a preacher cuss!
She could piss off the pope.
She could start an argument in an empty house.
He's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine/a trapdoor on a canoe.
That makes about as much sense as *advertiser censored* on a bull.
Quit goin' around your azz to get to your elbow.

Yankees just can't pass for Southerners!




All good Southerners already know these, but in fairness to those Yankees who were dumb enough to stay down here:

1. Don't order a steak at a Waffle House. They serve breakfast 24 hrs a day, so let them cook something they know.

2. Don't laugh at people's names. Merleen, Bodie, Luther Ray, Tammy Ann, Mari Beth, and Inez have all been known to whip a man's azz for less than that.

3. Don't order a bottle of pop or a can of soda -- this can lead to a merciless beating. Down South it's called Coke, even if you want a Pepsi.

4. Don't show allegiances to any college football squad that isn't an SEC team. All the others are a bunch of candy azzes who get to play Wyoming every week.

5. Don't refer to Southerner's as a bunch of hillbillies. Many of us are/have been more literate than you (e.g. Welty, Williams, Faulkner), better educated, and generally much nicer to boot. We've got plenty of business sense (e.g.Turner Broadcasting, MCI WorldCom, MTV, and Netscape). Naturally, we can have lapses of judgment from time to time (e.g. Clinton, Fordice, Duke). We don't care if you think we're dumb, we know better!

6. We are fully aware that the humidity is high. Quit your *****ing, spend your money, and leave.

7. Don't order wheat toast at the Cracker Barrel. If you do this, everyone will know you're from Ohio. Eat the biscuits like God intended and for goodness sake, don't put sugar in your grits.

8. Don't attempt to fake a Southern accent. Nothing will incite a riot faster.

9. Don't go around talking about how much better it is back home. If you don't like it here, take your Yankee azz back home.

10. We don't play lacrosse, hockey or any of those other sissy azz Northern games, so don't ask about the scores. We...simply...don'

11. We know how to speak proper English, we talk this way because we want to and we can. It's like playing jazz, you have to know how to do it right first.

12. Last, but by no means least...DO NOT try to tell us how to Bar-B-Q. This could lead to permanent expulsion and revocation of your work visa. Consider yourself just damn lucky that we let you come down here in the first place. Don't push your luck!


The Difference between Southern and Yankee women

Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had set their new
wives straight on their duties.

The first man had married a woman from Alabama. He bragged that he had
told his wife to do all the dishes and clean the house. He said that it
took her a couple of days, but on the third day he came home to a clean
house and the dishes were all washed and put away.

The second man had married a woman from So. Carolina. He bragged that he
had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and
the cooking. He told the men that the first day he didnt see any results,
but by the next day it was better, and on the third day, his house was
clean, the dishes were done, and he had a huge dinner on the table.

The third man had married a New York girl. He boasted that he told
her his house was to be cleaned, dishes washed, the cooking done and
laundry folded. And this was all her responsibility. He said the first day
he didnt see anything and the second day he didnt see anything but by the third day some of
the swelling had gone down so he could see a little out of his left eye.

Southern girl

Two bored casino dealers are waiting at the craps table when a very attractive blonde woman from Northeast Tennessee arrived.

She bet twenty-thousand dollars ($20,000) on a single roll of the dice.

She said, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I play topless." With that, she stripped to the waist; rolled the dice; and yelled, "Come on, baby....Southern Girl needs new clothes!"

As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up-and-down....and squealed... "YES! YES! I WON! I WON!" She hugged each of the dealers...and then picked up her winnings and her clothes, and quickly departed.

The dealers stared at each other dumfounded. Finally, one of them asked, "What did she roll?" The other answered, "I don't know... I thought you were watching."

Moral - Not all Southerners are stupid. Not all blondes are dumb. But all men... are men.



Time for this Northerner to pick on the Southerners (since I haven't seen Daisymae around lately- just don't tell her :facepalm: )

Don't forget our small towns. You can't beat Tuna Texas for it's characters

Good afternoon all! :wave:

I picked Door #5 - pictured below - and here's what it says:

If you chose this door, don't worry. Things are about to quiet down.

You are seeking something comfortable and calm. Perhaps you've been going through a rocky time professionally or personally. You are seeking to be surrounded by those who will be loyal and love you unconditionally.

If times have been hard lately, find contentment in the fact that you know what you want. Aim for people and activities that will be consistent, and avoid those that will rock the boat.

Definitely right on!! I like the windows in the door, but my dog would be a German Shepherd!!

neesaki - hope you had a nice and restful vacation! :summer:

OH!! :cat: we just got two kittens yesterday!! :happydance: We got them for friends for Hans, as he seemed depressed after his sister Emma died. BUT!! He's having no part in them... hissing at them... one is orange and was born from the mamma, whose daughter gave birth to the tiger-colored one. So orange kitty is the Uncle, where the little one - I mean LITTLE - is the nephew! Haven't named them yet - the Huz has to observe their personalities before he wants to give them names; he said I never pick good names! LOL! I'll post a picture when the Huz gets around to taking some!! :skip:

Signing off for the day... :pcguru: going to read my book! :read:


Oh - YESorNO - I noticed you posted - did you see the picture of myself I posted where she said you thought I had short hair and no glasses??? I did look like that once!

P.S. - "how" do you all post pictures and than under picture can keep posting?? :waitasec: My pictures always come at the bottom....

I picked door #5, too. I was on the fence between door #5 and door #1. Door #1 would also have been a good/accurate choice given what each one revealed...
As far as I know, the 3 main horse slaughter houses in the US were shut down in 2007. The USDA pulled their inspections, and it's been legally going around and around. Dog consumption was banned in the 70's and human consumption has been banned for I don't know how long.
This doesn't prevent killer buyers from hitting the auctions and transporting the horses into Mexico and Canada. The demand is coming from parts of Europe and Asia.
The average life of a Thoroughbred horse is 2-3 years, due mostly in part to the huge population of them in racing. If they don't show in the money their first year on the track, they are "disposable". There are also many accidents, bad trainers, and bad owners. Then there's insurance fraud, causing a horse's death is more lucrative than loosing money. There's also been the close inbreeding for decades that has resulted in "dummies". Arabian blood was re-introduced into the thoroughbred breed again, in the 1980's.
Many small operations cut corners, downplay the need for vets, don't vaccinate, and have unsafe training facilities. The training operation that I pre-season trained had 2 semis pull up with mares and 6 month old foals, and they ALL had strangles (distemper), a highly contagious infection that continues to shed for 30 days after the infection has been treated. Smaller race track facilities are a hotbed for viruses and infections because of the enormous amount of horses going in and out of the facilities, some on a daily basis.

The best case scenario is if a hunter/jumper school or dude string owner buys these horses.
Dude strings usually have more success because the horses are not given "hot" feed, are feed 3x @ day, grouped in common pens, and not much is demanded of them other than walking head to tail in a line for a few hours a day. Dude horses are worth their weight in gold. Some even find private homes when riders, who use the stables often, find a favorite horse and buy it. The string I wrangled had incredible care.
Hunter/Jumper/English facilities have to put a lot more time into an ex-race horse, mainly re-training it. There's also an issue of "soundness", confirmation "faults", many track related injuries are hidden or not yet apparent at sale. And some horses just cannot adjust to "this is NOT a race" or TMI of schooling.

All in all, it comes down to money, and depending on the "breed of the month", what corporate/tax write-offs incentives a breed or horse sport allows, that's where you're going to have over breeding and the "disposable horse" syndrome. Slaughter houses just made it easier for people to get fast money out of unwanted horses.

I still run into people who have premarin (PMU) mares and foals who were rescued when the pharmaceutical companies dropped their funding for some premarin farms. My Percheron mare came from one of those places in Canada. Many of those mares are draft horses, more expensive to feed than average size horses, usually unbroke, and the foals were taken away within 24 hours to a slaughter house. Mares who broke down after a succession of pregnancies or became barren were also sent there.

It's all about the money.

Thanks, Bernina, for all this detailed info!


I didn't want to state this earlier, but from what I know, the "kill buyers" at horse auctions around here (MD & VA) are mostly representing Canadian entities (sorry Canuck friends!). From there the meat is shipped to other countries, usually in Asia.

And you're absolutely right that it all comes down to money. These beautiful horses could and should be valued for more than the purses they did or did not earn. They are so smart and can pretty easily be trained to be hunter/jumper. I've seen many excel after the transition and you can see in their eyes how proud they are after mastering those new tasks.

Also, and I can only speak to what I see/know in my local environs, but both Maryland and Virginia are considered "horse country," and around here, at any given time you can adopt (for free) or bid on/buy an off-the-track thoroughbred for a pittance. So many are considered "dispensable" after they no longer have the potential of being profitable on the track.

I wish there was a better network for giving these horses a second career. They deserve that...
President Obama’s Eulogy For Beau Biden Is Mandatory Viewing

"Pesident Obama took the podium at St. Anthony of Padua R.C. Church in Wilmington, DE, yesterday, to pay homage to Beau Biden the son of Vice-President Joseph Biden, who passed away last week, at the age of 46, from complications from brain cancer..."


Out of any president I've been around to hear, Obama (IMO) is one of the most well spoken speakers of all of them. That was a deeply felt eulogy, I can only imagine that the Biden's and Obama's are incredibly close. I saw this picture and it said it all, they are brothers.


I think of all the people I would ever want to meet and converse with, it would be Barrack, Joe, the Dalai Lama.......and Johnny Depp. I think we mulled over this many threads back, don't remember what I posted then, but that's my top 4 now.

how fortunate your family has been to know the Biden's. I can only believe that they are just as truly wonderful and caring as you! :heartbeat: Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us!
When I was taking Xanax (in menopause), it didn't "blunt" my feelings/emotions- it made me feel "normal" (that's the only word I can come up with to say how I felt after taking it).
No anxiety at all- just a nice sort of feeling of "normal" and being "myself". I can't explain it- maybe someone else can.

Where did you go on vacation? Glad you are back with us. :)

Makes me "normal" also, "functioning normal", "emotionally normal". Anxiety brings on a sense of "loosing control" of your body, just random panics you have no warning for. It really can bring you to your knees emotionally. An almost constant fear or dread....which is so totally unwarranted that you think your loosing your mind.
Just some wonky chemicals upstairs, misfiring and playing hell with your life.
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