SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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A lot of the info we know already ad nauseum, so I will be pretty brief on that part.

Chris and Sky attended the convention in Las Vegas and arrived September 13, 2006. Sky had received a text from Travis about a girl he had met that he wanted to take to the Executive Banquet. He was bummed because she didn't have a dress and had been out looking for one without success. Sky told him that she could borrow one of her dresses and gave Travis their room key so she could get the dress. Travis and CMJA showed up about 20 minutes later. Sky thought she was pretty, had a good handshake and was a good conversationalist.

She talked to Travis the next day and he told her that he and CMJA had stayed up til 4 am talking. He told her that CMJA lived in Palm Desert with her boyfriend of 4 years, but CMJA had told him the relationship was over.

After the convention, Travis asked if he could visit the Hughes as he often did and meet CMJA there at their home, as it was halfway between Mesa and Palm Desert. The Hughes agreed and decided to have a team party. CMJA showed up on time, but Travis arrived 2 hours late. It took him 20 minutes to even acknowledge CMJA as he greeted the other ppl present first. They spent the night and contrary to what CMJA has said, they talked and kissed, but no sex.

CMJA started spending a lot of time at the Hughes home. At first she would just come when Travis was there, but then she started coming by herself and often times unannounced. On one visit, Travis told Sky that CMJA said Sky was her best friend and that shocked Sky. Travis went on and on about how nice CMJA was and Sky asked him if she was really that nice or a psychopath (or sociopath). Sky thought it was weird that CMJA had no friends and Travis replied that women were always jealous of CMJA. He tried really hard to convince Sky that CMJA was sooooo nice. Sky thought there was something really off about CMJA but wanted to like her for Travis.

CMJA knew how important Mormonism was to Travis and became very involved in learning about the faith, all while living with Darryl. Darryl never knew he and CMJA were broken up btw. CMJA wanted to be baptized and Travis told her only if it what she believed and to do it for herself, not for him.

CMJA was baptized in Palm Desert by Travis and Chris and Sky's brother Zion spoke. All present had a feeling that something was off and didn't seem right. Sky's friend asked CMJA is she got baptized for Zion, and CMJA replied, "No, for Travis"; Exactly what he didn't want, but despite the Hughes telling him that, he responded that CMJA would have gotten baptized regardless. (Yeah, right).

In December 2006, CMJA and Travis were staying with the Hughes. Sky and CMJA went to the mall, and CMJA was telling Sky that she was going to marry Travis, she had had a vision, and talked incessantly about hoping Travis would ask her to move to AZ. Sky knew Travis was not over Deanna and not about to ask CMJA to move to AZ.

This is sad: Travis' grandmother had pugs when Travis was growing up. His favorite was Jasper, a black pug. One morning Jasper was hit by a car and killed and Travis was devastated. He was crying in school and when his teacher asked him why, he told her what happened, and she didn't believe him...

Napoleon is named after Napolean Hill, an author who wrote "Think and Grow Rich".


Beautiful sunny day and 64 degrees :)

Still recovering from the food coma from Thanksgiving dinner :facepalm:


L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw Nov 24
L. Kirk Nurmi Retweeted MaryEllen Resendez

Enjoyed my time with @maryellenabc15 and I hope you enjoy the interview #jodiarias # msarias L. Kirk Nurmi added,
MaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15
Hey peeps here's the link 2 our intvw w/Fmr #JodiArias Atty Kirk Nurmi on his book "Trapped w/ Ms Arias" #abc15

L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw Nov 24
L. Kirk Nurmi Retweeted Jarrett Seltzer

Destined to be a holiday classic! L. Kirk Nurmi added,
Jarrett Seltzer @JarrettSeltzer
I will be live with @_nurmilaw discussing his newest book on Tuesday Dec 1st @ - live questions and chat as well

L. Kirk Nurmi ‏@_nurmilaw 15h15 hours ago
Thanks to @David_Lohr for his great article. I'm flattered to have been featured in the #huffingtonpost #jodiarias

Jodi Arias Ex-Lawyer Blasts Convicted Murderer's 'Sexual Escapades'
Kirk Nurmi dishes the dirt on Arias in tell-all book.

"Jodi Arias' former lawyer, Kirk Nurmi, writes in his newly released book that he was forced to represent a manipulative and intimidating client who was sexually inappropriate and "very disturbed."...

Nurmi details in the book his own theory of what happened inside Alexander's home the night he was killed – a theory, he acknowledges, not everyone might agree with.
"My book is really for people that are open to having what they think about the case challenged a little bit," he said. "It's for those who are open to hearing a different perspective. Those who want their beliefs [reinforced] may not find much of an interest in it."...

"The second book will cover the first trial," he said. "I'm calling it 'From Trial To Mistrial.' The third book will cover everything beyond that." "

And from our "favorite" reporter:

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer Nov 18
Arias creepers. The case is over. The girl is in prison for a long time. Get a life.

We have company that couldn't make it in yesterday, so my MIL and I will be cooking again tomorrow. She's awesome! 82 and still works full time. I am blessed! :)

In January 2007, CMJA went to the Hughes home without Travis. She spoke of her concerns that Travis would not commit and she wanted to marry him. She said that Travis called her a *advertiser censored*.
Real Story: Travis was talking to Travis on the phone when Josh, Travis' roommate walked in the room. CMJA asked to speak to Josh and to embarrass Josh, Travis said "He thinks you are a *advertiser censored*". TOTALLY to embarrass Josh. He laughed and said he was kidding. Josh never said that. CMJA took it to a whole other level and even used that example at trial.

CMJA went over all her grievances with Travis with the Hughes that weekend. They addressed her concerns and basically told her that Travis still had not gotten over Deanna, he shouldn't have called her a *advertiser censored* blah blah blah. CMJA kept going over the same things and Chris and Sky told her to move on etc.

Sky asked CMJA not to mention to Travis what they had spoken about until she had a chance to talk to Travis. They went to bed and Sky got up in the middle of the night and noticed a light on downstairs. There was CMJA on the phone with Travis telling him a skewed version of the conversation. The following day was when the famous email exchanges started. Sky wrote that it included both phone calls and emails with a very upset Travis. CMJA had tried to drive a wedge between the Hughes and Travis by lying and manipulating the conversation.

There were a series of emails, but the Defense cherry picked the ones they wanted to use to put Travis in the worst light. So what was presented in Court was out of context and not the whole picture. Surprise Surprise.

She lied to both the Hughes and Travis, twisting the truth about the conversations. She had complained about Travis and then complained about the Hughes. CMJA played the victim of both parties, just like she had with everyone. Her MO was that She was constantly wronged and victimized by her boyfriends, when in fact they were the true victims.

During the trial, Michael Kiefer approached Sky about the emails, which Kiefer had full copies of. Sky managed to read more on the page than Kiefer intended and then went back to the courtroom and wrote everything down that she could remember. She had written that Travis had every right to be upset, that they loved him and they recognized that he had trouble committing. They regretted using the word abusive as it was taken totally out of context.

ALV was given only certain portions of the texts and emails and asked to draw a conclusion. She never saw the whole email conversation. The Defense could not find one person to testify that Travis was a bad person or violent or abusive. Sky defends ALV because she never given a chance to "see" the full picture.

CMJA was upset that Deanna was listed #1 on his MySpace page and she was #2. She told Travis that they would not respect her if she maintained a relationship with Travis. While CMJA was complaining that Travis wouldn't commit, she was still living with Darryl in Palm Desert. Oh the irony.

In January 2007, CMJA went to the Hughes home without Travis. She spoke of her concerns that Travis would not commit and she wanted to marry him. She said that Travis called her a *advertiser censored*.
Real Story: Travis was talking to Travis on the phone when Josh, Travis' roommate walked in the room. CMJA asked to speak to Josh and to embarrass Josh, Travis said "He thinks you are a *advertiser censored*". TOTALLY to embarrass Josh. He laughed and said he was kidding. Josh never said that. CMJA took it to a whole other level and even used that example at trial.

CMJA went over all her grievances with Travis with the Hughes that weekend. They addressed her concerns and basically told her that Travis still had not gotten over Deanna, he shouldn't have called her a *advertiser censored* blah blah blah. CMJA kept going over the same things and Chris and Sky told her to move on etc.

Sky asked CMJA not to mention to Travis what they had spoken about until she had a chance to talk to Travis. They went to bed and Sky got up in the middle of the night and noticed a light on downstairs. There was CMJA on the phone with Travis telling him a skewed version of the conversation. The following day was when the famous email exchanges started. Sky wrote that it included both phone calls and emails with a very upset Travis. CMJA had tried to drive a wedge between the Hughes and Travis by lying and manipulating the conversation.

There were a series of emails, but the Defense cherry picked the ones they wanted to use to put Travis in the worst light. So what was presented in Court was out of context and not the whole picture. Surprise Surprise.

She lied to both the Hughes and Travis, twisting the truth about the conversations. She had complained about Travis and then complained about the Hughes. CMJA played the victim of both parties, just like she had with everyone. Her MO was that She was constantly wronged and victimized by her boyfriends, when in fact they were the true victims.

During the trial, Michael Kiefer approached Sky about the emails, which Kiefer had full copies of. Sky managed to read more on the page than Kiefer intended and then went back to the courtroom and wrote everything down that she could remember. She had written that Travis had every right to be upset, that they loved him and they recognized that he had trouble committing. They regretted using the word abusive as it was taken totally out of context.

ALV was given only certain portions of the texts and emails and asked to draw a conclusion. She never saw the whole email conversation. The Defense could not find one person to testify that Travis was a bad person or violent or abusive. Sky defends ALV because she never given a chance to "see" the full picture.

CMJA was upset that Deanna was listed #1 on his MySpace page and she was #2. She told Travis that they would not respect her if she maintained a relationship with Travis. While CMJA was complaining that Travis wouldn't commit, she was still living with Darryl in Palm Desert. Oh the irony.

Zuri, you're a very fast reader! Thanks so much for sharing this information.
Zuri, thank you for posting that from the book. It made me want to share this song I'm posting below that is very dear to me. I'm sure many of you have heard it before. This is for you Travis, I truly hope you are "Dancing in the Sky"


For some reason the video isn't showing up in my post, sorry, you can click the link if you want to hear the song


We have company that couldn't make it in yesterday, so my MIL and I will be cooking again tomorrow. She's awesome! 82 and still works full time. I am blessed! :)

Some old people are tough, IMO.
Squeakers wants to know why Charlie (the cat) is using his water bowl. Charlie is easily three times the size of the dog and is not amused or impressed with him. At daughters house yesterday. The cat just weighs 19 lbs! :giggle: He is a Maine Coon.
View attachment 84949

Is that a Maine Coon? We've had three, the largest was twenty eight pounds. Out last one we had, we gave to my sister because of the cat woman next door. The cats she'd bring home are feral cats and and territorial, and he couldn't be safe in his own yard

1965 - The Lovin' Spoonful, "You Didn't Have To Be So Nice" tops the charts.

Is that a Maine Coon? We've had three, the largest was twenty eight pounds. Out last one we had, we gave to my sister because of the cat woman next door. The cats she'd bring home are feral cats and and territorial, and he couldn't be safe in his own yard

Yes, Charlie the Cat is a Maine Coon.
Hello and Good Morning All :)

Whew! After a day of taking down fall decos (inside and out), storing them in the basement till next year, bringing up many boxes of Christmas; and I mean MANY! We rearranged furniture for the Christmas tree, I put out my Santa collection I have, I almost finished getting the mantel decorated. I fell into bed last night and was soon asleep. Today we will get the outside, finish up the inside, hopefully get the tree up and tomorrow will decorate the tree. That's if all goes as planned! My dining room table and floor looks like a shipping wear house full of boxes :giggle:

Remember always smile and take like easy :grouphug: :loveyou:

ETA: Did I mention we did this in the rain? And, rain today...
Thanks Zuri for you post about the book and Thanks Niner for the jokes! :tyou::hug:


'Jodi Arias saw me as her boyfriend': Attorney forced to defend murderess has written a new book claiming she tried to manipulate him with flirtation and talked about her 'vaginal grooming' during trial (warning- crime scene photos)

Homeless Veteran Dies Months After Brutal Attack Outside Philly Gas Station

"A homeless veteran has died months after a brutal attack outside a Philadelphia gas station that left him in a coma.
Robert Barnes, 51, died Wednesday.

Barnes was attacked by a group of six people on April 7 outside the Sunoco gas station at 5th Street and Somerville Avenue in the city’s Olney section.

The attack involved a hammer, a piece of wood and mace. The entire attack was caught on surveillance camera..."

Man in prison for 16 years in 'teardrop rapist' case has conviction tossed

"...On Monday, a Los Angeles County judge threw out Vargas’ conviction after DNA evidence exonerated him in at least one of the attacks and instead implicated the notorious “teardrop rapist,” an unidentified assailant linked to more than three dozen sexual assaults spanning nearly two decades.

Los Angeles County prosecutors wrote the judge a letter this month saying the office “no longer has confidence in the convictions,” noting that the prosecution argued at trial that there were so many similarities among the three crimes that they had to have been committed by the same person..."

Man Stole Human Brains From Museum, Then Sold Them On eBay

"...The museum is a former hospital for the insane founded in 1848 and later converted into a museum with an autopsy room and anatomical museum that displays preserved specimens, mostly brains, organized by pathology..."
Derek Saretzky, Alberta Double Murder Suspect, Is Fit To Stand Trial: RCMP

"LETHBRIDGE, Alta. — RCMP say the man accused of killing a two-year-old southwestern Alberta girl and her father has been found fit to stand trial.

Derek Saretzky, 22, is charged with first-degree murder in the September deaths of Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette and her father Terry Blanchette.
He is also charged with committing indignity to a body in the girl's case..."

Twitter: Hailey Dunbar-Blanchette &src=typd

CBC News AlertsVerified account ‏@CBCAlerts Nov 26
#RCMP confirm #Alberta man accused of killing 2-yr-old girl and her dad found fit for trial. Derek Saretzky charged with 1st-degree murder. Saretzky &src=typd

WS thread:

Three Arizona sisters imprisoned in their home and tortured by their mother and stepfather were monitored by video and forced to go to the bathroom in their closet

"The girls aged 12, 13, and 17 managed to escape their home prison in Tucson in November 2013 and fled to a neighbors house
Parents Fernando and Sophia Richter have pleaded not guilty to charges of kidnapping, domestic violence and child abuse
Their trial started Friday and is expected to last several weeks
The girls will testify against their parents ..."

Richter Trial Day 7: Trial breaks for weekend after defendant's mother testifies

"TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -

The mother of one of the defendants took the stand Wednesday in trial of the Tucson couple accused of imprisoning and abusing three young girls for years...

(includes )Previous Coverage
• DAY 1: Richter trial breaks for weekend, will continue Tuesday.
• DAY 2: Police officers testify about living conditions.
• DAY 3: Middle sister takes witness stand.
• DAY 4: Oldest sister breaks down on witness stand.
• DAY 4: Neighbors reflect on day girls escaped.
• DAY 5: Girls' aunt, grandmother testify.
• DAY 5: State rests case after psychiatrist testifies..."

Twitter: Richter trial&src=typd

Ws thread:



"This blog is some observations about Kirk Nurmi’s performance as a lawyer for Jodi Arias, in light of some of the information he discloses about the pre-trial preparations in the first of three books about the case...."

He hasn't, in fact, changed his position of the murderer's innocence (as his Tweet alluded to )

Look who's talking about Lawrence's book: (wonder if she's gonna write one????)


Better watch out! :scared:

Financial Abuse of the Elderly: Sometimes Unnoticed, Always Predatory

"It was only after Mariana Cooper, a widow in Seattle, found herself with strained finances that she confessed to her granddaughter that she was afraid she had been bilked out of much of her savings.

Over three years, Ms. Cooper, 86, had written at least a dozen checks totaling more than $217,000 to someone she considered a friend and confidante. But the money was never paid back or used on her behalf, according to court documents, and in early November the woman who took advantage of Ms. Cooper, Janet Bauml, was convicted on nine counts of felony theft. (She faces sentencing on Dec. 11.)..."

N.J. woman chooses to die in the luncheonette she ran for 36 years

"..In early October, after just five hours in a local hospital, Montello's loved ones arranged to have her hospital bed wheeled into the eatery on Railroad Place.
Montello spent her final 11 hours at Chubby's. She was 78 years old..."

101-Year-Old Woman Playing in the Snow Is Absolutely Delightful (with clip) :)

"The next time you’re complaining about the cold winter weather, remember to take a chapter from this 101-year-old woman’s book.
Albina Foisy, of Lillooet, British Columbia, has become a viral superstar after she was captured playing in the snow..."
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