SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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Also from the May texts, he invited several women over late at night so his roommates would be unaware of his activities and he wouldn't have to answer questions. With this said, it comes at no surprise that when CMJA showed up in the wee hours of June 4th, he invited her in. She was nothing more than an unexpected booty call; validation that he wa still desirable; a diversion from his insomnia and loneliness at night. IMO

This and your other post about Travis' texts, all sounds so sad to me, too. :( Travis seemed to need a lot people in his life- maybe more than other people need them- for validation, just as you have said. Validation is an important part of who a person is- to some.

Since Travis didn't have a good childhood and had a lot of siblings, he may have felt.... "lost in the shuffle", if you will. This brings something to my mind about my SIL wanting more children- she had 2 boys/1 girl- and my BIL telling her that, from his experience, he didn't want anymore because then the children wouldn't have enough attention from their parents (he grew up in 6 child household).

Well- Travis had the additional burden of parents who were drug addicts, too. What a horror that must have been for all involved. Thank goodness for his grandmother, who gave him some stabilization, but it may have been too late by then for Travis to validate himself, so- constant validation by others? If someone was not validated as a child, they can end up looking towards other people to fulfil their needs that were not met during these years. And if one didn’t get the validation they needed from their parents growing up, it could be that they would unconsciously look towards other people to validate them as an adult. Years may have passed, but the need to be validated for who they are won’t just disappear.

I think Travis needed people to tell him who he was/what he was worth and did not value his own judgement or even himself enough. He may have had no "core"- no sense of "self". His life was based entirely on trying to mask that feeling with stuff- house, furniture, cars, lots of approval from people, ..whatever, so that he was reliant on external validation from others. Internal validation is your sense of confidence and self-esteem; you believe in your own value and worth. Maybe because his parents didn't "value" him as their child and "valued" their drugs instead of him, this must have caused him to lose his "self". Other's validation gave him that and, like a drug, if you will, Travis needed that more and more from others (instead of from just himself).

I know that on the outside, Travis appeared pretty put together, but that didn't mean he was, IMO. What others may see is not what may be. I mean, in general, everyone is like that. People have, what I call, a "mask" on for the world to see, and an "inner core" for what is inside of them, that is private. Some people do not need others to validate their "self-worth", others need validation from others for validation/approval of their life.

What does it take to make you feel good about yourself? What is your source of validation? How do you prioritize the importance of how others see you versus how you see yourself?

People need to be able to self validated, so they will no longer need to be validated by everyone they meet or have a tendency to look in all the wrong places for it (like Travis' "need" for the murderer). By relying on external validation, you are "surrendering" your identity and self-worth to others, IMO,- or, as my mother would say, you are giving others too much importance in your life.

Travis, who may have relied on external validation, could have been compensating for a lack, a hole in his life. The murderer filled that hole with all her flattery (real or not)- telling him how wonderful he was and Travis not seeing that he was wonderful all by himself- without anyone having to tell him.

Besides from my mother, I learned about validation when I first became a nurse's aide at classes that I attended. Validation is a way to communicate with people who are in Alzheimer's. By validating what the resident is saying, whatever it happened to be at the time, you stepped into their "world" - not the one that you may want them to be in at the moment. But, in doing that, it makes the resident less combative- you are listening to them because what they are saying is important to them (and you). So you're validating that the resident needs 'to catch that bus/drive the car to go to work/go to school" and at the same time helping them get dressed/take shower- whatever was going on at the time.

The need for validation can be a good thing in someone's life- something everyone needs at times, but it can be bad. too, IMO. When that need is where people have to consistently seek the approval of others because without it… well, they don’t really have anything- there’s no sense of "self" to maintain them- no "inner core" ("light") of worth- no internal validation. Life becomes a recipe for misery- they are ultimately ensuring their own unhappiness; no matter how much they may achieve it simply won’t ever be enough. So sad, IMO

Internal validation- so important in life, IMO- the source of esteem and satisfaction comes from within you- it means that you believe in your own value, regardless of how others see you, and setting your own standards, not the standards that others set for you.

I do think that Travis was trying hard to reach his goals, but what goals? his or other's (or maybe those goals were the same) or just because something/goal is “the way things are”- letting self-worth be dependent on other's judgement)? I don't know.

I didn't mean to go on and on, but that word "validation" struck me- reminded me, and it's a perfect word, in my mind, for Travis' need for it.

And after all this..:blah::blah::blah:... I agree with you- that Travis opened the door for the murderer that horrible day because he needed validation.

And thanks for more info on Laurence's interview.

Wagara- just love those crocheted hats!

It's freezing- 28 degrees! :coldout:

Waiting for my son's return- he called that he's coming home. I made a pot of chili for dinner. :)

Oh- he's home- gotta go- see y'all later.

The handshake / Seals the contract / From the contract / There's no turning back
The turning point / Of a career / A career, of being insincere
The holiday / Was fun packed / The contract / Still intact
The grabbing hands / Grab all they can / All for themselves / After all
It's a competitive world
The graph / On the wall / Tells the story / Of it all
Picture it now / See just how / The lies and deceit / Gained a little more power
Confidence / Taken in / By a sun tan / And a grin

apologies for this, and it's hard to explain, but it helps me remember things
Molly! Have you started your new job yet? How do you like it?

Yes! It's...interesting haha. It's just funny how small the world is and seems like everyone knows everyone in the legal community, especially the town I'm in. I am still getting adjusted to the traffic every morning and being away from the kids all day. It's so weird, I always worked but even being home for three years without working is such a huge transition.

I am enjoying all these tips on the adult coloring books, it's the one thing I asked for this year for xmas!
Dmacky, I hear you about raising and training another puppy. I am too old lol. Yet I say that now and watch, I will get another Shepherd.

Some of the things I have noticed about dog behavior as I am with mine 24/7/365 and also through training: One alpha female dog is enough. I would only get male dogs to compliment her personality. Chayton is glued to her side and also gets along with our female rescued Manchester terror ;), whose head has ended up in Zuri's mouth at times.

If you watch tails wag and position, it is fascinating. Looking From behind, wagging to the left is affection. Wagging back and forth is excitement. Straight up tails are alerting. Wagging to the right is tentative when greeting. Tails firmly between the their legs is fear. Tails just rating down are relaxed.

Dogs can tell a lot about you from your breath and mouth, which is one of the reasons they jump, trying to smell your mouth. Shepherds tend to lick the faces of other dogs once they have done the tail to tail approach. A dog approaching another dog quickly is not good and is disrespectful in dog language and can lead to an issue.

Dogs should not walk in front of you, but at your side. They are not listening when they are out in front and in charge. You have lost your alpha position. You should always be the first one out the front door and back in. When your dog steps on your foot or pushes into you, that is a sign they are trying to dominate you. When they sleep on the floor with their back to your position and facing the door, they are in protective mode.

The difference in barks is also fascinating. Has anyone else noticed the different tones and patterns of barking your dog makes?

Dogs most definitely have different sound barks. Mona also talks, and he barks depend on what she wants. She'll come and put her paw on me to go out at eight clock every night. If I try to not make eye contact she'll try and put her paws on my laptop. So I ask her what she needs and she'll jump around on the bed and when I ask if she wants out she starts barking and it's like she's saying go out side. She gets frantic if I'm moving to slow for her, and jumps up pawing a the door handle.

When WhatsUpLittlePup was alive, he would walk in front of me, and Sport and Mona would walk on each side, and about every ten to fifteen feet , he would stop look back and wait until I got closer, then he'd walk on and do it until we got to the deck and in the house. When Pup stopped Mona and Sport did also. They were looking out and protecting me. It was very touching. It was that or it was "hurry up and get in the house and give us a cookie". Pup ,his niece and nephew were and are some of the best dogs we've ever had.

I knew we were going to give my grandson a puppy when he was four, and started looking at Jack Russells because of Moose on Fraser and others dogs. So, I read about the breed, the pro's and cons, and decided to get one. The book said to check the personality of the puppies, by holding them and putting them on their back with their head in your hands. One that keeps struggling will be a harder dog to train, one that resist then submits will be easier. Don't get a timid pup it can become a biter. If you can't be with a jack russell (well any dog) or have the room or time to exerciser, then they will get into trouble. It's just their nature. Crate training helps greatly

(We always had cocker spaniels. And had two out of the Artful Dodger. One a son, black , and one a grand daughter buff, both bred for the coat. Both Sam and Annie Em were like off track horses. Born from champions, but didn't measure up for show. Annie Em wouldn't hold her tail up, That was all to took to disqualify her.)

Alorah Artful Dodger


The handshake / Seals the contract / From the contract / There's no turning back
The turning point / Of a career / A career, of being insincere
The holiday / Was fun packed / The contract / Still intact
The grabbing hands / Grab all they can / All for themselves / After all
It's a competitive world
The graph / On the wall / Tells the story / Of it all
Picture it now / See just how / The lies and deceit / Gained a little more power
Confidence / Taken in / By a sun tan / And a grin

apologies for this, and it's hard to explain, but it helps me remember things

I haven't listened to this in years. What does the song evoke for you?
Hi, was over at Pistorius thread catching up and...

Zuri - I noticed you were asking about Zwiebel on Pistorius thread and said:
I am gonna pm Tricia. I am now very concerned as she would seem to normally be all over this.

Did you find out "where" she's been??!!

and I saw this:
Hope4More said:
Zuri...saw that you'd been here looking for Z. Could you please post in JA sidebar if and when you get news? Thanks.... :)

Did I miss it??

Zuri said:
OT: I sent messages to both Beach and Tricia and asked if they could email or call Zweibel to do a "welfare check". I will let you all know if I hear anything back. Thanks to all of you for caring too.

And... :waiting:

I still have 6 pages here at OP's thread to find the answer, so I'll ask here! :)
Pages, my GSD's aren't to breed standard either. They are very large, but their temperaments are fabulous. I loved your points and stories. Zuri will "tell" me when it is time for them to eat or go out if the dog door is shut. Chayton-not so much. He is the protector and guards the property. Zuri protects us.
Hi, was over at Pistorius thread catching up and...

Zuri - I noticed you were asking about Zwiebel on Pistorius thread and said:

Did you find out "where" she's been??!!

and I saw this:

Did I miss it??

And... :waiting:

I still have 6 pages here at OP's thread to find the answer, so I'll ask here! :)

No I haven't heard back. Both beach and Tricia sent her an email a while ago. I wish she would check in though. I looked for her in other forums under Zweibel, but came up empty. :(
YoNo, you made some very valid points (pun intended). Over on the main thread, Hope has really examined the texts and figured out that CMJA was posing as different women, texting/flirting/sexting him under assumed names. She was a piece of work, totally psycho. I am glad she is locked up tight in that jail and I hope she is very, very cold. Like her eyes.
Hi Dmacky :wave: my answers in red

Dmacky said:
Niner ~ I wanted to tell you that I always look forward to your posts! I thoroughly enjoy the way you write and especially what you have to say to different people. You have a good sense of humor too, and that's an added bonus.

:blush: Why thank you very much Dmacky - very nice of you to say that. Personally, I'm quite surprised - I got a "D" in English - writing stuff... :giggle:

This morning I couldn't get into WS period! It wasn't just this thread
A few times over the course of the last couple of weeks, I get a full almost blank page with some kind of words at the top like you can return to site in 5 seconds (something like that) and behind it I could see the words return to is the first time I've clicked it...and it was and AD for Zales??? lots of advertisements on that page! I quickly closed it out...I think I may have some kind of virus here? Because I'm actually in WS first, then it pops up. Seems like it's always in the Teresa Sievers case , if I'm not mistaken...
Has anyone else ever gotten that page????

YES!!! I have!! Raising my hand... :D

I've been meaning to ask you about the orange peels you add to your tobacco...what else exactly are you rolling You said it's cheaper to roll them yourself.

no, no, just regular tobacco. We order Pounds of it from Canada online. Saves a TON of $$ on our cigarette smoking!

ILikeToBendPages said:
Calm down niner ! They actually have several more expensive sets, and they have cheaper ones. Anna bought (well, me really) the prismas, and I bought the Sargents. You can also get an eraser, and get a faded look.

I started out with a set Crayola pencils, and they were fine, and still have several on our box. We didn't like Rose art too waxy, and Crayola was easier to blend and layer.

The pages in these books aren't slick, but a nice weight and texture, so careful in erasing and don't go to deep. Look online and check Dover, they have quite a few books, and many sites have pages for free, but the enchanted books are incredible. So, everyone gather your supplies, get busy after the holidays, and let's have an art exhibition before our trip. We can hang them on the walls of the bus. We'll need a nice glass of wine and good music as we color. Any suggestions?

I'm :lol: at my bold ^^ Okay - I've calmed down now!! Is that Dover dot com? I will definitely check it out - thank you again for the explanations. Those sharpies don't look too bad either.

On good music - classical is always news - like "The Artist" - don't know who that is by - Huz has it on his CD in the car, and he's taking his nap now. :)

Chili??!! I'm in YESorNO! And I like what you wrote about "validation" - true on Travis' part. Liked Zuri's post about Travis too!

Glad you are enjoying your job Mollyandme! It's always nice to work at a job you like!

okay - back to watching my Niners lose... :tears: I guess there is always next year! :cheer: LOL!

Zuri said:
No I haven't heard back. Both beach and Tricia sent her an email a while ago. I wish she would check in though. I looked for her in other forums under Zweibel, but came up empty. :(

Bummer!! Maybe they can "try" again...
Wow, just beautiful ~ you are so crafty!!

I have been trying to finish my Christmas crocheting. If they post here are some pics.



Pages, my GSD's aren't to breed standard either. They are very large, but their temperaments are fabulous. I loved your points and stories. Zuri will "tell" me when it is time for them to eat or go out if the dog door is shut. Chayton-not so much. He is the protector and guards the property. Zuri protects us.

Zuri, I am laughing that you have a dog named "Clayton."

Years ago, when my ex and I lived in Georgetown, we had two Siamese cats (one seal-point, one blue-point). It was a very safe neighborhood, so in the summer we'd leave our backdoor open at night so the cats could come and go as they pleased.

One night, he couldn't sleep because the "cats" were eating so loudly, so he went to the kitchen to take their food away.

Still in bed, I heard him shriek! I ran into the main rooms just in time to see an opossum scuttle out the back door. (Their coloring is quite similar to Siamese cats.)

He was traumatized, but I thought it was hysterical!

After that day, we welcomed our "pet" opossum with open arms and put out food for him on a regular basis. (Sometimes he and the cats would eat together from the same bowl at the same time!) We affectionately called him "Clayton"...

ETA: Oops! Just now seeing that your dog's name is CHAYTON. Sorry about that! (My eyes aren't so good :(.)
I haven't listened to this in years. What does the song evoke for you?

All the sellouts who cover asses and why they do so, mostly, at the moment. An attempt to stay positive and strong past that demoralizing aspect of how things play out, to specifically recall the sources of information that pertain to a current topic, to jog memory and to assimilate new information.
5 more days 'til Christmas day:

One of my favorite Christmas songs:


My son came home with 6-7 presents from his friend, Amanda. Now I'm wondering about

the "friends" part.. :thinking:

Wow, just beautiful ~ you are so crafty!!

I just wanted to say Hi There, HeyCherry! Good to see you here again..... or have I just missed some posts? Hope all is well your way. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and all that good stuff. :wave:
Pages, my GSD's aren't to breed standard either. They are very large, but their temperaments are fabulous. I loved your points and stories. Zuri will "tell" me when it is time for them to eat or go out if the dog door is shut. Chayton-not so much. He is the protector and guards the property. Zuri protects us.

Annie Em and Sam were beautiful dogs. Well tempered, but combing their coats out was a chore when they ran through the orchard and got burrs.

I took Mona to the vet last week for an ear infection, and when I opened the door to the waiting room there was this huge GSD, and Mona backed right out the door, and we went in on the other side of the counter. Then a pitbull came in and I was nervous, and wondering how the staff handled a dog fight in there.
After the vet saw Mona we walked back into the waiting room and as I stayed between the doors and the counter, and a young woman that had some mental disabilities that was with the GSD came over to Mona and grabbed her nose and I have a tight hold on her leash and trying to back up when she grabbed her snout again and Mona snapped at her, and the people with her pissed me off that instead of watching her more closely (in a damn vets office full of animals) they told her it was OK, that she, Mona wouldn't hurt her as they took her back on the other side of the room. I wonder if Mona did bite her how that would work out? I say they were at fault for let her get up and approach a strange dog and grab Mona's snout. What say you? Ever been in the situation?
It's the first day of winter

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