SIDEBAR #59 - Travis Alexander forum

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Oh - if anyone here is following Teresa Sievers case - her husband Mark just got arrested!!!
Morning all! :wave:

Wagara - your nieces look like twins! Nice pix!

Today in February:
27 Polar Bear Day

View attachment 89850

27 No Brainer Day - this day is for me!

View attachment 89852

Okay - off to do some errands! Need to send my Juan book to MistyM - and than ILikeToBendPages is next on the list!!! :book:

Juan's Book Sharing list:
1. MistyM
2. ILikeToBendPages
3. Back to Niner

Later! :seeya:

Niner, I had my own book, and passed it on to GigiG already. It's hers to do as she wish, but I think her intent is to pass it on too.
Morning everyone! :wave:

Today in February:
28 Floral Design Day


28 Oscar Night -


28 Public Sleeping Day


28 National Tooth Fairy Day


I don't think :thinking: I posted this yet..


This Test will Determine How much of a Lazy :behind: you are Unless you're too lazy to take it! :)*advertiser censored*-yo-g2wy#.ffvjygAZPa

You got: 65% lazy *advertiser censored*!

:gaah: :lol:

ILikeToBendPages said:
Niner, I had my own book, and passed it on to GigiG already. It's hers to do as she wish, but I think her intent is to pass it on too.

Okay! Looks like nobody wants to read it or they have their own book or online book! That's okay - I'll have MistyM send it back to me than!

Where IS everyone??? Getting ready to watch the Academy Awards?? or just having fun on a Sunday??!!

Okay - off to read the thread of Mark Siever's arrest!

Hope all are well. I'm behind reading because I've been watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix. I'm on season 3 and it's fantastic!

I really need to watch this series as I have heard it is really good. The show recently won an Emmy too. I am anxiously anticipating " House of Cards" on 3/4/16 and I bet I binge watch the whole season. It is like a really good book you can't put down!
I really need to watch this series as I have heard it is really good. The show recently won an Emmy too. I am anxiously anticipating " House of Cards" on 3/4/16 and I bet I binge watch the whole season. It is like a really good book you can't put down!

"House of Cards" is on my list, too. And you might appreciate this, Zuri, since it's also close to you, but I love how Kevin Spacey really took to Annapolis (well, it is a quite beautiful place). I know so many people who have run into him in restaurants and on the street.
Morning everyone! :wave:

Today in February:
28 Floral Design Day

View attachment 89892

28 Oscar Night -

View attachment 89893

28 Public Sleeping Day

View attachment 89894

28 National Tooth Fairy Day

View attachment 89895

I don't think :thinking: I posted this yet..

View attachment 89896

This Test will Determine How much of a Lazy :behind: you are Unless you're too lazy to take it! :)*advertiser censored*-yo-g2wy#.ffvjygAZPa

You got: 65% lazy *advertiser censored*!

:gaah: :lol:

Okay! Looks like nobody wants to read it or they have their own book or online book! That's okay - I'll have MistyM send it back to me than!

Where IS everyone??? Getting ready to watch the Academy Awards?? or just having fun on a Sunday??!!

Okay - off to read the thread of Mark Siever's arrest!



Okay, Niner, I beat you. I got 100% lazy *advertiser censored*! (Maybe it was picking the sloth that clinched it?)


It's an awfully nice day here on the east coast for February, so maybe people are out and about. Not me. I'm too busy being lazy. ;)
You got: 100% lazy *advertiser censored*!

Yes, Niner, I'm watching some tennis ... but I really get into it for the bigger matches! An exciting end to Stan's match yesterday. And Radwanska lost big time.

I've begun doing a little weeding and a man that works for this HOA cut back a bunch of bushes for me .... the woman in the office knows I can't do s*** anymore so she sent him over but ....

I saw the doc the other day and he says my arm has healed but I might have Bursitis. Will tell you the name of the RX as soon as I get it filled. :)
Hey! Thought I'd stop by and "see" if anyone else was here... all alone am I... :(

"House of Cards" is on my list, too. And you might appreciate this, Zuri, since it's also close to you, but I love how Kevin Spacey really took to Annapolis (well, it is a quite beautiful place). I know so many people who have run into him in restaurants and on the street.

The Huz has started watching that too! He won't download any of these for me on a flash drive, and I hate to watch them on my "little" TV laptop! :) He did download Bosch for me - I read the whole series of books by Michael Connelly. Saw the first season, now waiting :waiting: for the second season to be over, so I binge watch it! :)

Hey Zuri - would your DH know "where" this fluid is coming from - you know - around his lungs? None of the doctors could answer this question for him. He's going in again tomorrow for more fluids to be drawn... so far, 2 1/2 liters! :eek:


Okay, Niner, I beat you. I got 100% lazy *advertiser censored*! (Maybe it was picking the sloth that clinched it?)


It's an awfully nice day here on the east coast for February, so maybe people are out and about. Not me. I'm too busy being lazy. ;)

:laughing: too funny GigiG! Me too! I like to be lazy!

You got: 100% lazy *advertiser censored*!

Yes, Niner, I'm watching some tennis ... but I really get into it for the bigger matches! An exciting end to Stan's match yesterday. And Radwanska lost big time.

I've begun doing a little weeding and a man that works for this HOA cut back a bunch of bushes for me .... the woman in the office knows I can't do s*** anymore so she sent him over but ....

I saw the doc the other day and he says my arm has healed but I might have Bursitis. Will tell you the name of the RX as soon as I get it filled. :)

Just watched Wawarinka and Baghatsis (sp?) match! Yea Stan! :cheer:
Glad to hear your arm has healed! another :cheer: :D I have osteo-arthristis (sp?) - I take Celebrex for it. It's in my neck and hips! Yuck!

Okay - I think I'll sign off and read my book - Daddy's Girl by Lisa Scottoline - I'm reading all her books - I hate it when the library has most of the books, but miss about 2 or 3 in the whole series - sometimes missing stuff that happened in that book, that they bring up in the next one! :gaah:

Hopefully, when I sign on tomorrow - there will be LOTS of post on the thread and I'll see YESorNO posts!

Hey! Thought I'd stop by and "see" if anyone else was here... all alone am I... :(

The Huz has started watching that too! He won't download any of these for me on a flash drive, and I hate to watch them on my "little" TV laptop! :) He did download Bosch for me - I read the whole series of books by Michael Connelly. Saw the first season, now waiting :waiting: for the second season to be over, so I binge watch it! :)

Hey Zuri - would your DH know "where" this fluid is coming from - you know - around his lungs? None of the doctors could answer this question for him. He's going in again tomorrow for more fluids to be drawn... so far, 2 1/2 liters! :eek:

:laughing: too funny GigiG! Me too! I like to be lazy!

Just watched Wawarinka and Baghatsis (sp?) match! Yea Stan! :cheer:
Glad to hear your arm has healed! another :cheer: :D I have osteo-arthristis (sp?) - I take Celebrex for it. It's in my neck and hips! Yuck!

Okay - I think I'll sign off and read my book - Daddy's Girl by Lisa Scottoline - I'm reading all her books - I hate it when the library has most of the books, but miss about 2 or 3 in the whole series - sometimes missing stuff that happened in that book, that they bring up in the next one! :gaah:

Hopefully, when I sign on tomorrow - there will be LOTS of post on the thread and I'll see YESorNO posts!


I think we all miss YesorNo when she's not here. I don't really understand the bandwidth thing, but -- YesorNO -- if you can read this message, please know that you are loved and missed!!! The Sidebar isn't the Sidebar without your wealth of contributions, which we all look forward to reading, commenting on, and sharing.

Missing you and hope you'll be back soon!
In 1957 Johnny Longden rode winner number 5,000 in his career at Santa Anita race track.


CJ, this is very cool! I always wondered what those graphics were for in AC MOORE. I didn't understand the transfer process until I read your link. Thanks so much!

I liked these ideas, too, and her website has soooo many great DIY ideas. (Thanks, CJ!)

It also seems that the woman who originally posted that used to be associated with the old Lucketts store in Leesburg, VA, which I absolutely adore.

Zuri, are you up for a road trip? lol
My dear lovely Niner...
The doctors have to explain the procedure (Thoracentesis) and the reason (pleural effusion) for it to your DH. He has to consent and state he understands and then sign the form. The pleural fluid that is drained is sent to the lab to be tested to see if it is infectious or malignant.

I have a feeling your husband doesn't want to worry you. Maybe you can go in and speak with the doctors together to get your questions answered. Thinking of you both. Xo
I liked these ideas, too, and her website has soooo many great DIY ideas. (Thanks, CJ!)

It also seems that the woman who originally posted that used to be associated with the old Lucketts store in Leesburg, VA, which I absolutely adore.

Zuri, are you up for a road trip? lol

Yes. Why yes I am! I want to also go to the Farrow and Ball paint store too! Side Trip?
Good Morning! SMILE ~ I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. —Leonardo da Vinci

Ryan is responding to pain stimuli, it's all I know for now. I goggled it, but I am sure Zuri can explain it much better than I can.

Winds were terrible here yesterday! Gust 50 mph, then a wicked thunderstorm rolled in early this morning and woke me up.

'Lazy test'...I KNOW I AM, so I will skip the test ;)

Happy you like the 'craft link', I have tons of craft links if anyone is interested? I love DIY crafts and do them often.
Hey there, coffeej! I am all excited over your bathroom remodel..... they should be there to start today, right? Any idea how long it will be before you can use the new shower? :loveyou:
Good Morning all. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Watched some of the Oscars last night. Enjoyed Chris Rock who tells it like it is.

I am not a big fan of award shows because of the conceitedness of the people. A lot of them think they are better than other "normal" folks and the award shows usually make me want to puke. But I usually will watch some of them to try to catch the live singing performances, the live comedy, and I do like seeing the movie clips of the Oscars as it helps to see if there is a movie that I want to go see.

I also get a kick out of live award shows to watch for mistakes and mess-ups. LOL
I can remember one year someone tripped on their long dress train as they were trying to go up the stairs on one of the award shows.

I caught about 1/2 of the show last night. I was glad to see Mad Max win a lot of awards as I did enjoy that movie. It is a bizarre movie but had great action. I enjoyed Waterworld more than that one which is a similar type movie. Those 2 movies are basically opposites of each other. Waterworld is where there is no land left and just oceans. Mad Max had hardly any water left in the world.
Hi ! it's cold outside!! I think the Groundhog made a huge mistake. I can hardly wait for Spring. I filled out my ballot last night, much easier this way than struggling if the weather is bad. Zuri your kitchen is beautiful. So rich looking with the deep browns. I am patiently waiting for the Ross Harris trial to start. They have changed trial date so many times I must keep watching for it! I'm sure Y/N will be back soon with her entertaining tid Bits~ dont know where she finds them all~Niner glad to hear DH is doing better, keep up the good work! I will be back later..
I have to "clean" up the downstairs so the backsplash can be installed tomorrow. I have all these Tupperware lids and no containers and vice versa. I am ready to just throw them all out and start over.

My DH installed new cabinets in the laundry room so "I" can keep it all organized. He informed me that I had 9 cans of partially used Pledge. No surprise there, only that now I have to use them up. Which means I have to dust. Which means cleaning.

I swear my dogs shed non stop just to aggravate me. The tumbleweeds of dog hair in every room are mind boggling. Why can't they just go outside and shed?

Zuri has some hot spots and is itching/gnawing like crazy. Do you all know of anything that helps? She gets them when she goes out in the snow and comes back in somewhat wet. I dry her off, but they still develop. Chayton has no skin issues like she does. I just feel badly for her. TIA.

I am so ashamed of myself for not checking in daily and being so far behind, as SB is and has always been my safety net too. In my defense, I am down and out again with neck/back issues. I don't have any fancy gadgets like a iPad, tablet or even a laptop. < I gave my daughter my brand new one when she moved out. (hers was shot)
Heck, I don't even have an iPhone. My oldest daughter let be "borrow" hers a couple of very brief times.

I ONLY have a desk top computer, and have to sit in a uncomfortable
chair to read and post. I am so wrapped up in the Teresa Sievers case,
that I have use my allotted "sittin" time over there.
I DO LOVE each of you with all my heart though :heart:

For my birthday, my daughter gave me a plaque that says:

My daughter is a vet tech, and we use Tresaderm Solution for hot spots. It's kind of a two in one treatment, as it's also good for ear infections.
The only downside is you have to make sure Zuri doesn't lick it right off though.
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