SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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I think by now the whole world agrees that the Foreman was duped by Jodi. That is just the fact. We are lucky he was in the minority. Lucky, lucky, I'm sure Juan is thanking his lucky stars right now.

I do agree that his problems with Juan were b/c of ego issue. And how would he have been talking to the jurors personally that would make them feel stupid?? The ONLY times he talked to them personally were in his openings and closings, and those were all very respectful, and he used a much different tone than when he was with witnesses. I saw him only address the jury with respect.

I really think, in regard to his comments about Juan, that he took Juan's "attack" on Jodi personally. Yea, Juan did make Jodi feel stupid b/c she is stupid. So this guy clearly felt something for CMJA, that he took Juan's cross of her and extrapolated it as Juan doing that to the jury. I just get madder the more I hear from him!

Remember when we felt like Samuels had kind of fallen for CMJA, at least fallen for her manipulation. I think this guy went down the same path that Samuels did. That could be another reason he felt scorned by Juan - because when Juan was suggesting that Samuels felt something for CMJA, this juror subconciously put that on himself, b/c he was feeling the same thing.

JMO, but based on his numerous interviews.

A thanks wasn't enough for this edifiying post. So I am contemporaneously thanking and quoting it. You nailed it.
He was clearly hoodwinked. She worked him and he fell for it. I am sick over it. How can you be a functional adult and not see what this vile creature is all about? Please, jurors, come out and tell us that some of you understand that SHE was the perpetrator and Travis was the victim, in all ways.

If a person can look at those autopsy photos and still say the things that he does something is clearly, very, very wrong with him. I can completely accept that some people wouldn't vote for death. What I cannot accept is to be so nonchalant about the butchering of a man.

I suppose this sort of thing happened during and after WW2 as well. People minimizing the brutalities and blaming the victims. There has always been a support for evil whether on an individual or large scale. Why am I so shocked?
I think some of them fell for the abuse crap. Which is unbelievable to me. I'd agree that some of his texts to her were mean but we don't know what her evil *advertiser censored* did to get that kind of response and secondly, JA is NOT a meek individual, shes' shown that against the "merciless" Juan Martinez and when talking to reporters "I didn't know you were a HATER", she does not appear to me as someone who would take crap from anybody.

UGH. Let me just thank God she was found guilty of murder in the first degree and will, if not put to death, certainly rot in prison.

I'm thinking of moving on from this case now, I'm kinda drained. (And I feel guilty typing that because I know if I'm drained, how in hell are the Alexanders feeling!? And they can't just decide to move on either...) But I've stayed up late countless of nights over here and then getting up early the next day for school/work... I don't think I'll be following the next mitigating phase.

At this point I am feeling the exact same way. I am beyond burned out. Can't even begin to imagine what the family is going through, what Juan is going through and what the judge is going through. I have reached my saturation point. I become more disgusted with "low information" people each and every day. And IMO, some of the jurors fall into that category.
If a person can look at those autopsy photos and still say the things that he does something is clearly, very, very wrong with him. I can completely accept that some people wouldn't vote for death. What I cannot accept is to be so nonchalant about the butchering of a man.

I suppose this sort of thing happened during and after WW2 as well. People minimizing the brutalities and blaming the victims. There has always been a support for evil whether on an individual or large scale. Why am I so shocked?

Bravo! Liking this post was not enough. Thank you!:seeya:"/40280768001/35150280001/2407451853001

These are the interviews I could find .. is this all, I thought there was an interview on HLN as well .. perhaps there's more .. anyway .. I think it would just hurt the family to hear these, and my heart really goes out to them .. for the Alexanders ..

.. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world ..

From Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann.

Perhaps a new jury will be the one that is required for this final crucial decision, we have guilty murder one, and aggravators proven, that is a good result so far.
If a person can look at those autopsy photos and still say the things that he does something is clearly, very, very wrong with him. I can completely accept that some people wouldn't vote for death. What I cannot accept is to be so nonchalant about the butchering of a man.

I suppose this sort of thing happened during and after WW2 as well. People minimizing the brutalities and blaming the victims. There has always been a support for evil whether on an individual or large scale. Why am I so shocked?

I can't speak for you but I am shocked because he convicted her of M1 with cruelty. What he is now saying is almost the complete opposite.
Bringing this over from last thread...

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Ok I'm just putting this out there. Think "Laws of Attraction" and the Theory.

Ok, everyone think back the past month at least, how many times have we posted, or seen posted

"OMG what will I do when it ends LOL we won't know what to do with ourselves!"

"Aren't you all thinking we will miss this, the getting together, not the murder, the gathering everyday?"

"If this ends, I will be forced to clean my house"

OK ladies and gentleman, some of you have been sending vibes a bit too strong and they penetrated the LOA Atmosphere and in fact the Trial did not end today.

That is just a word of caution next time we start to get emotional about a Trial coming to an end. Just saying...

Hmmm....I've said this....that I'll be sad when this is over! And I can't imagine another trial being as fascinating as this one. I take it back. I didn't mean I didn't want it to end!
Ok, got to get ready for work. See you later, have a peaceful day, you all deserve it.
And now I've gotten myself worked up into a rant.

Just WTF did that foreperson think would happen if they all couldn't agree on a verdict??? SMH.

Also, is there a thread (if not there needs to be one) that addresses the sentencing part of this trial ONLY. Since I have reached my saturation point, I am thoroughly confused on just what will be presented to these new set of eyes.

So we have to go through voir dire again, to empanel a new jury. My question will be how the hell is that going to happen after all the media exposure there in Arizona. Unless somebody has been living under a rock, who is NOT going to have seen stuff about Jodi Arias??? So IMO you will be left with a jury not on the same intelligence level as the one we just finished with. Possibly a Pinellas12 situation. OMG.

I am to the point that I hope a deal is struck for LWOP in exchange for Jodi not pursuing any appeals. But I know she would NEVER take a deal. She will think she can charm the new jury....and perhaps she can. Especially if it is made up of people like this past foreperson.


ETA: I wonder how those jurors who WANTED the DP feel about forever being known as the jury that couldn't. At this point the fact that they did convict her of M1 with aggravating factors is totally, totally lost. All anybody will remember them for is that they could not finish the job.
I actually FB'd one of the family members, sending support and to ask a random question, and he did say they panned to retry in the summer/fall.

So, no plea deal for this bunch. Stay strong family :)
I also think about the things she will never be able to do. She will never go on another date with a man, she will never get married or have children, she will never lie in a proper comfy bed with mattress, duvet, squishy pillows ... or sit in an armchair watching TV at home, she will never cook dinner in her own kitchen, she will never go to a restaurant, play, film, festival, she will never drive a car or go on another roadtrip, she will never go on a shopping trip for clothes, make-up, shoes, she will never lay on a beach, swim in the sea/a pool (they don't have pools in prison do they?), she'll never go on an aeroplane, never go for a walk in the snow, or go hiking, or stand anywhere and have a view of beautiful countryside. She will never travel to another country (all those 'Europe' plans down the pan - which is good, cos we don't want her lol!) ..... all she has for the remainder of her days, however long that may be, is prison garb and cell walls. She will grow old in prison, her looks are already on the slippery slope and will be gone soon enough - and let's face it, they have been her main trading currency up till now.

Once all this hullabaloo dies now she will become yesterday's news. That is already happening and other trials, cases and events are taking precedence. Soon enough she will fade away into obscurity. People will grow tired of hearing about her, or have any interest in what she says or does.

The one thing I don't like about the retrial of the penalty phase is that she will get to parade around again in the courtroom, on TV etc and we'll all be back here talking about her again .. which I am certain is what she loves.

Great post, Martha. My sentiments exactly. I've officially taken HLN off my fave channels & refuse to watch/listen to anymore talking heads. Do I feel bad about the verdict? Yes, but not that bad. There's always 2 words that make me feel MUCH better about this outcome: Casey Anthony.
I can't speak for you but I am shocked because he convicted her of M1 with cruelty. What he is now saying is almost the complete opposite.

Im wondering if the whole penalty phase freaked him out and he started feeling sorry for JA? Maybe he just started drinking the koolaid when she got up to address them in the penalty phase.

Just trying to make sense of what he is saying and the M1 conviction..just doesnt jive.
Ok question just catching up on the new crap spewing forth from the foreman. How the HELL did he convict her??? It sounds like he really bought her entire sob story!
The most important thing is that she got Murder 1. She's done, she will never be free. I'm ok with LWOP. That might even be better, no automatic appeal. Living her whole long life in one place. Watching the mold grow in the bathrooms. Eventually being part of the population where she will become a target. I wish the jury had come back with some kind of verdict and ended this. I am hoping that the State decides to take death off the table. JSS is up for reelection soon, no way she would NOT give LWOP. The Alexanders need to get back to their lives, I don't think it would be healthy for them to go thru this again. I know it would not be healthy for me.
Ok question just catching up on the new crap spewing forth from the foreman. How the HELL did he convict her??? It sounds like he really bought her entire sob story!

I like how he wont tell how he voted in the penalty if it isnt completely obvious from his interviews.
I actually FB'd one of the family members, sending support and to ask a random question, and he did say they panned to retry in the summer/fall.

So, no plea deal for this bunch. Stay strong family :)

I saw a television interview with Tanisha and she said she wanted the DP for JA. I thought she must feel so blessed/lucky that AZ has the DP as not all states offer the DP. I hope that gives her some small comfort.
"We just didn't know it was going to be called a mistrial," Zervakos, 69, said outside his Phoenix home. Whether the jury just had another question for the judge or a verdict, he added, "was a confusing issue."

WTH does this mean?
Either the jury has a question or they do not. Either the jury has reached a verdict or they have not or they have agreed they cannot. What is so confusing about that?

If you like, there is a post #2113 by AZlawyer on the Attorney thread about the confusion. I think.
Good morning folks:seeya:

Wow Mr. foreman keeps talking, huh. He says in one of his interviews that JA was a normal girl before June 4 and that she lied like anyone else would after committing a crime. Whaaaaatttt??!!!

I guess it is normal to kick a dog, hit your brother over the head with a bat, hit your mother, grow pot, travel hours to confront ex boyfriend girlfriends, hack into their email, fb, myspace, bank acounts, sleep under a christmas tree when you are not welcome, crawl under doggie doors, enter your ex boyfriends house to peep through windows, slash tires 3x, continue to insert yourself in your ex boyfriends life when the relationship is OVER, drive 3000 miles to 3 states for no reason, 1000 of those miles to slaughter a man that clearly did not want a relaionship with said murderer, and many other incidents, testimony of her shenanigans. Ok, many individual instances could be overlooked and may seem normal and/or some not introducted into evidence, but collectively, it clearly shows exactly how Dr. DeMarte explained her on the stand.

ANY and ALL evidence of any abuse only comes from the mouth of a murdering LIAR to the nth degree.

The foreman took this case and JA to a personal level. He is also criticizing Juan, and finds one instance of texting/emails to be abuse, there is something seriously wrong with this picture, it seems he also ignorned the evidence and jury instructions. This is alarming.
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