SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

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I think if you want something "special" and committed, you shouldn't give up being true to yourself and accept less than that in order to get it. You're heading for disaster.

Only for the context of this thread being related to whether sex before marriage was a sacrilege for TA, I'm posting this. Mods please remove and forgive if it isn't appropriate.

Redland Baptist and Sacred Sex

Spiritual Tantra

I think the lack of understanding and agreement about sex and expectations surrounding sex accounts for a lot of crazy and dysfunctional relationships.

As always, JMO.

Respectfully snipped

It takes years for some to understand the difference. Especially for the more emotionally connected. They can begin something as just for fun, or find themselves trying to turn just for fun into more than what it is. I suspect JA had not made that differentiation. She expected all of her time and effort to pay off with marriage, even if under the guise of please the man for the moment. She may never know the difference, many die not spending time pondering not only their own minds and actions, but the minds and actions of others. :)
Well, speaking from experience, I know and accept the difference between committed sex and casual sex? Does that help? :floorlaugh:

BBM~ Good piece of advice, wish I knew that about 15 years ago. ;)

Thanks for the links.

I can't speak for Elle. I can only speak to how I responded to her, based on what I know to be true for a lot of people.

Her original quote:

to which I responded:

I took it literally and my response was tailored around accepting casual sex when what you (generic) really want is sacred sex or sex strictly contained within a committed relationship.

But hey, she could have meant "secret" :floorlaugh: She can clarify that if she chooses.

I think if you want something "special" and committed, you shouldn't give up being true to yourself and accept less than that in order to get it. You're heading for disaster.

Only for the context of this thread being related to whether sex before marriage was a sacrilege for TA, I'm posting this. Mods please remove and forgive if it isn't appropriate.

Redland Baptist and Sacred Sex

Spiritual Tantra

I think the lack of understanding and agreement about sex and expectations surrounding sex accounts for a lot of crazy and dysfunctional relationships.

As always, JMO.
<respectfully snipped>

Do we have information about how privileges or lack thereof are different from Estrella to Perryville? Suppose it is LWOP, do we have to be subjected to endless pontificating through a Twitter account, more lying interviews and other bs? The appearance that it's sorority life for a twisted prom queen is revolting.

I am not for or against any particular punishment at this point. I just want her to grab a hot, steaming cup of STFU. No more coverage, no more public delusions of grandeur. Go the **** away, lock her up and throw away the key so the family can find a measure of peace.

I'm wondering that too. Perryville will be a completely difference experience for her. I'll see if I can find anything.
Totally O/T shout out to any WS'ers in the Houston area...can any of you reccomend a nice hotel in Houston near the Toyota Center? I will be in Houston on Mon 3 and Tues 4 possibly Wed 5 of June for the Fleetwood Mac concert and have been absorbed in trial and have not booked a room yet !!! TYIA and Happy Birthday Stevie Nicks... Oh my Queen

Plz pm me so as to not clog up thread...TYIA
I really wish the MC DA would man up and let JSS give JA LWOP asap. I think the odds of 12 more jurors giving her the death penalty are slim or none.

DebinGA, I live in TX so it may be different, but my husband, son and I were the victims of an Armed Home Invasion with a shooting, and while it was not totally our decision on charging and plea deals, we were very heavily consulted throughout the process.
to join java chat click below

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If you have trouble with the Java chat, try updating Java or trying it with a different browser. If Java chat refuses to work and you are really determined, you can download and install Internet Relay Chat softwre: mIRC for Windows or XChat Azure for Mac OS X.
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for Mirc Users:

open MIRC window

go to file

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go to Serenity IRC (hilight)

select random

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If you have chat saved to favorites delete them or they will go to old server

type in # websleuths for channel name then hit join

If you're lucky, the Weird Sleuths impressions troupe will be doing their improv comedy while you're there. It all depends who's there at any given time.
With all that emphasis 'altruistic' Jodi put on donating her hair, she better show up practically bald at the retrial.
I want Juan to ask the new jury: Are you able to hand down a death sentence? Then, after they say yes, Are you able to hand down a death sentence against a woman.

Those are key, IMO
DebinGA, I live in TX so it may be different, but my husband, son and I were the victims of an Armed Home Invasion with a shooting, and while it was not totally our decision on charging and plea deals, we were very heavily consulted throughout the process.

Dear TX, I'm so sorry. *HUGS* to you...
If you have trouble with the Java chat, try updating Java or trying it with a different browser. If Java chat refuses to work and you are really determined, you can download and install Internet Relay Chat softwre: mIRC for Windows or XChat Azure for Mac OS X.
Then follow these instructions:

If you're lucky, the Weird Sleuths impressions troupe will be doing their improv comedy while you're there. It all depends who's there at any given time.

Does this work with Ipad? TIA

My new toy is causing me much stress! :floorlaugh:
You wanted to save a murderer, fine. You did. Use some discretion during your press junket.

Or just volunteer to be on her Tweet patrol.

Totally agree his lust for fame has undermined whatever good he performed in voting for M1. Clearly he seems to have regrets over that. Too freakin' bad dude.
I'm getting very annoyed with the foreman.

“There was a Jodi Arias before June 4 of 2008 and a Jodi Arias after June 4 of 2008. Jodi Arias before that time seemed like an absolutely normal young woman; going through relationships, ups and downs, there was no history of any kind of violence, there was no history of any unusual problems with relationships, they were pretty typical. But then there was the Jodi Arias after this horrendous crime, so why would I not expect lies? Why would I not expect her to try and cover her tracks?"

It was said he did not take notes and it shows! Everything changed on 6/4?? Since he must agree she stole that gun, it obviously didn't begin on 6/4. But lets see all the other evidence he has forgotten about, somewhat chronologically:

1. Played victim as a child.
2. Kicked her mother.
3. Ran away because didn't like getting grounded for ditching school.
4. Suicidal thoughts since childhood.
5. Obsessive journal writing.
6. Rollercoaster emotions, quick ups and downs.
7. Immature for her age.
8. Went out of way to return to a library to spy on bf's emails.
9. Kept calling an ex who hung up on her to tell him about a loony doomsday prophecy.
10. After Matt broke up with her, and immediately after hearing of Bianca, drove hour and half to confront Bianca.
11. Got implants, got a specific car and changed hair color for DB.
12. Broke up with DB one week after meeting TA.
13. Baptized into a very strict and esoteric religion two months after meeting TA.
14. Admits intense anger and kicked holes in walls, kicked down doors, smashed windows.
15. Spied on TA's emails and facebook and myspace.
16. Moves to Mesa after breaking up with TA.
17. Lurked outside house and spied on him kissing someone.
18. Slashed TA's and friend's tires.
19. Sent threatening emails to him and his friend.
20. Repeatedly showed up unannounced.
21. Secretly recorded phone sex.
22. After the murder, in the police interviews, we could see someone who was a very practice liar and manipulator. That was not the first time she ever lied. She's an obvious professional liar.
23. Made up vicious lies about TA, not a normal cover up or deception, and persisted in it throughout 18 days on stand and in allocution.

Zervakos showed up for 5 months but didn't do his job very well. I wonder how he even got the m1 right. I wonder if he was a holdout on that too.

I love this part from him, "One of the reasons I’m doing these interviews, and I’m doing very few..."

Few???? Yeah, then Jodi has also done very few too. I wonder if he relates to her on some narcissistic level. I wonder if he was first to raise his hand to be foreman, "I WANT TO DO IT! PICK ME!"

With all that emphasis 'altruistic' Jodi put on donating her hair, she better show up practically bald at the retrial.

Exactly what I posted a few pages back!

IMO, she never donated a lock but if I am wrong, she should be sporting a bouncy Bob in July cuz she always keeps her word and is not a liar!
Totally O/T shout out to any WS'ers in the Houston area...can any of you reccomend a nice hotel in Houston near the Toyota Center? I will be in Houston on Mon 3 and Tues 4 possibly Wed 5 of June for the Fleetwood Mac concert and have been absorbed in trial and have not booked a room yet !!! TYIA and Happy Birthday Stevie Nicks... Oh my Queen

Plz pm me so as to not clog up thread...TYIA

hey, it's the sidebar so i'm putting it here. there are a lot of hotels downtown. if i could, i'd stay at the icon, because it's small and very cool. but there's a hilton and a hyatt and just all kinds of hotels downtown.

you can google hotels near toyota center and get an idea what's down there.
Does this work with Ipad? TIA

My new toy is causing me much stress! :floorlaugh:

There are iPad IRC apps. Search the AppStore for Linkinus. I think it's $5.00 or so. It also works on iPhone. If you have trouble typing, you can use talk-to-text with it.

There are also several Android apps out there.

ETA: here's Linkinus and it's only $3.00
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