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I'm sorry. Think this is correct link...around the 1:30 mark is where they speak about abuse.

Jodi Arias Jurors: 'Notion of Self Defense Was So Non-Plausible ...

kpm, thank you for this link.

Given this STUNNING information that there were jurors that believed there was physical abuse then it is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE that the state present in it's entirety all ACTUAL EVIDENCE to expose and totally flesh out information related to inmate A's stalking of Travis during and after the relationship.

Furthermore, imho research and experts on Female Stalking should be presented to refute ALV's testimony.

Honestly, sometimes I think I should just walk away from this trial because her lies and deception on the abuse issue take me to places I'd rather not be...
:burn: and :burn: and :cursing: and :hoppingmad: and :curses: and :overreaction:and :pullhair: and :sick: and :banghead: and :stormingmad:
Yes, I agree completely with everything above. I CANNOT BELIEVE FOREMAN DIDN"T GET THIS. REmember, he said "there was Jodi before June 4, who seemed like a PERFECTLY NORMAL GIRL, and then there was the Jodi after June 4." Ugghhhh...I just wanted to puke, literally. That is just so wrong. I have no doubt that CMJA was a sick pyscho probably since her early teens. And no, that's not from stuff on Nancy Grace. That is from things heard in the courtroom, things which not only the Foreman heard, but we heard too. It's not like he's missing out on any information. THe ONLY thing I can think is that maybe Juan was going too fast for him and he didn't get the important parts in his cross of CMJA regarding to her past relationships? He didn't undertsand the significane of "backspace, backspace" on Bobby's computer, of her confrontation with Biance, etc. etc..

i thought that evidence was weak, and i'm someone who thinks she's been screwed up all her life. but without any information from her FAMILY, i don't see how ANY jury is ever going to have a complete picture of who JA was before she met TA. and that's just not going to happen.
it's why her mom didn't testify in the penalty phase. they knew her interrogation tape would come in to rebut her testimony. they were wise to forego putting sandy on the stand.
The only thing that explains Mr. Foreman is that his massive ego kept him for asking for the hearing-impaired gear that juror "Headphones" used, and only heard every 5th word of evidence.
You not dreaming!
IIRC, she was asked why no one was willing to testify for her.....that's all I can recall of it....she did so many interviews its hard to keep track....

Thank you! When I heard her say that, my mind went back to the rental car guy saying a male brought her to pick up the car. I believe she has admitted that it was her brother. But, then others have said that she slips up at times when talking about her trip to Mesa and says "we" on a few occasions. I believe her family knows the truth. Her mother never told Det F that he had the wrong person, she just starts making excuses for her. Her mother is the one that rented the last car for her. Where did she think she was going? Why did she do the renting, if not to keep LE from knowing Jodi had another trip planned? I believe the brother spilled the beans to them. Jodi would never admit to her parents that she killed Travis, unless it was as an absolute last resort.
As far as which came first, gun or knife, I'll go with the opposite of whatever Jodi is claiming. It's just like the gas can, the abuse, and the pedophilia. She'll claim this to the day she dies, and they are all lies! She owns up to nothing, if there isn't a photo to prove otherwise.
Yes, I agree completely with everything above. I CANNOT BELIEVE FOREMAN DIDN"T GET THIS. REmember, he said "there was Jodi before June 4, who seemed like a PERFECTLY NORMAL GIRL, and then there was the Jodi after June 4." Ugghhhh...I just wanted to puke, literally. That is just so wrong. I have no doubt that CMJA was a sick pyscho probably since her early teens. And no, that's not from stuff on Nancy Grace. That is from things heard in the courtroom, things which not only the Foreman heard, but we heard too. It's not like he's missing out on any information. THe ONLY thing I can think is that maybe Juan was going too fast for him and he didn't get the important parts in his cross of CMJA regarding to her past relationships? He didn't undertsand the significane of "backspace, backspace" on Bobby's computer, of her confrontation with Biance, etc. etc..
Some people just view the world thru rose-tinted glasses. They are unable to view reality for what it is, the good, the bad and the ugly. Their whole beings are auto-programmed to see only the bright side of things. I see this when I hear the jury foreman explain his position. He walked into that courtroom with his one dimensional, rose-tinted views and nothing could change that.
How shocking- and sad, that at least one juror believed the lies about physical abuse. Probably safe to say that believing that linked to a vote for life.

I have to believe that the one or more jurors who believed physical abuse are going to be the jurors, once exposed to all the evidence excluded, most likely to regret their vote.
i thought that evidence was weak, and i'm someone who thinks she's been screwed up all her life. but without any information from her FAMILY, i don't see how ANY jury is ever going to have a complete picture of who JA was before she met TA. and that's just not going to happen.
it's why her mom didn't testify in the penalty phase. they knew her interrogation tape would come in to rebut her testimony. they were wise to forego putting sandy on the stand.

Normal girls don't steal guns from their grand parents or bring weapons to kill to their ex bf's homes, or premeditate murder, or well you fill in the blank.
Something happened that week or so prior to the murder that set her off on a rampage, he could not have physically abused her as he was miles and miles away from her. Something he said, did, or she found out about set her off. I still believe it was her finding out about Mimi and the cancun trip. I wonder if he would have given her the trip and his commitment on June 4th if his life would have been spared, or was she so bound and determined by then that nothing he could have done would have mattered.
i thought that evidence was weak, and i'm someone who thinks she's been screwed up all her life. but without any information from her FAMILY, i don't see how ANY jury is ever going to have a complete picture of who JA was before she met TA. and that's just not going to happen.
it's why her mom didn't testify in the penalty phase. they knew her interrogation tape would come in to rebut her testimony. they were wise to forego putting sandy on the stand.

I guess if you take the individual pieces they seem weak, but MOO, Juan painted a picture of her for me. She did not seem like a "normal" girl by any means, even from her teen years.
Another "piece of evidence" would be her whole way when she was on the stand and in the courtroom in general. She did not seem normal AT ALL. But of course Mr. Foreman wants to believe this is all "after Travis."
Plus, it's just common sense, IMO...someone who does what she did would not be "perfectly normal" growing up. There were signs, I'm sure. To his credit, these other signs weren't brought into evidence. But IMO, Juan showed enough.
Normal girls don't steal guns from their grand parents or bring weapons to kill to their ex bf's homes, or premeditate murder, or well you fill in the blank.
Something happened that week or so prior to the murder that set her off on a rampage, he could not have physically abused her as he was miles and miles away from her. Something he said, did, or she found out about set her off. I still believe it was her finding out about Mimi and the cancun trip. I wonder if he would have given her the trip and his commitment on June 4th if his life would have been spared, or was she so bound and determined by then that nothing he could have done would have mattered.

but according to the foreman, it was TA's 'emotional abuse' that set off her plans and the eventual killing. isn't that pretty much what he's saying?

as for me, you're preaching to the choir. normal people don't become skilled liars overnight. she's been lying and manipulating all her life to get what she wants. i just don't think the state did a thorough job explaining what's wrong with her, and that's troubling.
i'm just astonished anyone believed she was normal before she met him (so this is kinda HIS fault, right?) or that he physically abused her. where's the evidence of that??????? there is ZERO evidence he ever physically abused anyone in his life.

and it's my firm conviction that TA was dead no matter what he did. she couldn't get on with her life as long as he was alive.
[B]Normal girls don't steal guns from their grand parents or bring weapons to kill to their ex bf's homes, or premeditate murder, or well you fill in the blank.[/B]
Something happened that week or so prior to the murder that set her off on a rampage, he could not have physically abused her as he was miles and miles away from her. Something he said, did, or she found out about set her off. I still believe it was her finding out about Mimi and the cancun trip. I wonder if he would have given her the trip and his commitment on June 4th if his life would have been spared, or was she so bound and determined by then that nothing he could have done would have mattered.


I agree with this. And I fear for the future when this type of person is seen as "Normal".

Repeated, unwanted, intrusive, and frightening communications, by phone, mail, and/or email
Following or laying in wait for a victim at places victims tend to frequently visit, including home, school, or work
Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim or the victim's children and family, friends, pets, and even co-workers
Damaging or threatening to damage a victim's property
Harassing a victim through the Internet, including email, social networking sites, and other sites

Seems to me, that Jodi did all this stalking especially via internet/physically. I bet if one put a detective that had the time, skill and technology to really trace where and how she did her nasty deeds, one could see how Jodi portrayed herself as Travis or fake people. No doubt in my mind, Jodi was gas-lighting Travis. Heck, she gas-lights everyone.

I think these statistics are much higher because society think men should be able to deal with a woman or laugh it off. Or cops don't believe a man when a woman stalks or somehow it is okay. Or the woman might even rough herself up, saying the man abused Jodi did. Maybe the man is ashamed to say anything.
Didn't Travis' friend Taylor say Travis told him the ugly words he texted to Jodi shortly before she killed him...Taylor was worried about it. (People pleaser/helper Travis probably suffer great guilt over it too) I think it was Travis' way of trying to get through to Jodi's thick stalking head. Yeah, it is too bad the abused didn't document HIS abuse, didn't document HIS stalker's actions. Didn't call the police or let her cry her way out of it. That's what sociopaths do to manipulate themselves out of trouble.

Funny watching the ID channel over the week-end, a female sociopath started making that throat slashing motion in childhood to silence her friends. The same motion we seen Jodi do in court, wasn't it even to Travis' family? Samantha?
How shocking- and sad, that at least one juror believed the lies about physical abuse. Probably safe to say that believing that linked to a vote for life.

I have to believe that the one or more jurors who believed physical abuse are going to be the jurors, once exposed to all the evidence excluded, most likely to regret their vote.


Oh Lawd, Dr. Phil is one of the State lawyer's in the Zimmerman case.

Not watching, not watching, not watching lalalalalalalala! Where is a smilie with fingers in its ears??!


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Repeated, unwanted, intrusive, and frightening communications, by phone, mail, and/or email
Following or laying in wait for a victim at places victims tend to frequently visit, including home, school, or work
Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim or the victim's children and family, friends, pets, and even co-workers
Damaging or threatening to damage a victim's property
Harassing a victim through the Internet, including email, social networking sites, and other sites

Seems to me, that Jodi did all this stalking especially via internet/physically. I bet if one put a detective that had the time, skill and technology to really trace where and how she did her nasty deeds, one could see how Jodi portrayed herself as Travis or fake people. No doubt in my mind, Jodi was gas-lighting Travis. Heck, she gas-lights everyone.

I think these statistics are much higher because society think men should be able to deal with a woman or laugh it off. Or cops don't believe a man when a woman stalks or somehow it is okay. Or the woman might even rough herself up, saying the man abused Jodi did. Maybe the man is ashamed to say anything.
Didn't Travis' friend Taylor say Travis told him the ugly words he texted to Jodi shortly before she killed him...Taylor was worried about it. (People pleaser/helper Travis probably suffer great guilt over it too) I think it was Travis' way of trying to get through to Jodi's thick stalking head. Yeah, it is too bad the abused didn't document HIS abuse, didn't document HIS stalker's actions. Didn't call the police or let her cry her way out of it. That's what sociopaths do to manipulate themselves out of trouble.

Funny watching the ID channel over the week-end, a female sociopath started making that throat slashing motion in childhood to silence her friends. The same motion we seen Jodi do in court, wasn't it even to Travis' family? Samantha?


I am firmly convinced that had the roles been reversed, with JA as the victim and TA as the perpetrator, there would be no chance of a hung jury. The foreman would have given a death sentence in the first 10 minutes.

So much of the information is hovering dangerously close to the "wellllllllll, I know she killed him, but he (sorta) had it coming," type of philosophy. I truly don't believe anyone would ever say that about a female victim playing a role in her own death.
Good morning all! I haven't had time to post lately just lurk a little b/c of work and both of my boys play ball and one is in playoffs and All Stars. Anyhow, there are people out there that buy the abuse hook line and sinker. I actually got into a debate with a friend on FB before the penalty verdict was read and she would have been a lifer. I remember during the trial her saying yes to the guilt but the DP shouldn't have even been put on the table. So I tell her what more would she have to had done to him to qualify it as a DP case in her mind. She says well you never know what you are capable of when you are abused physically or emotionally. I said that doesn't justify her reasons. She says well I have been in an emotionally abusive relationship and I know how it feels ya, ya, ya....I told her well that is why Prosecution wouldn't want you on a jury, and why they would want you. I said that she has no idea what I have or haven't been through in life b/c I don't post my personal business on FB unlike her...there was more but that is the jist of it. I had to laugh when I saw she had unfriended me. This is coming from a girl that now reminds me of JA, I used to work with her and she dated a coworkers son and was so obsessed with him even after they broke up. The son told me personally that she was kind of crazy and moving too fast and coming on too strong. It took them awhile to shake her off. Also, this is a woman who's first child had custody awarded to the father. You could never get the truth out of her about why other than they could afford a better attorney than she could, but to this day isn't allowed to see her daughter, but very rarely...So, there are those out there that just don't "get it." But to each their own, but if you can't justify why there shouldn't be death other than you have been in an abusive relationship before even though there is evidence of JA's stalking, but NONE of her abuse then you aren't worth arguing with...
Re; Juror 16 on GMA saying some jurors believed verbal abuse, some believed emotional abuse, some believed physical abuse....AGHGHGHGHGHSHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she says "some" as in meaning more than one??????? Omigosh...well I don't think it was Foreman b/c he specifcally stated verbal and emotional abuse. It must have been some of the others who voted life.

So I guess the only requirement for claiming abuse in a criminal trial is just yelling out "ABUSE, ABUSE, ABUSE, ABUSE, ABUSE" in as many different ways as you can! OMG! I am sooooooo sad. Could they not see that the defense had nothing else to work with?? OF COURSE they would pull out the abuse card - sheesh they are giving CMJA and the defense too much benefit of the doubt in dealing with them honestly.

I think some of the jurors just needed answers as to "WHY" she did it, and they were willing to go out on a limb to get those answers. That is the only justification I can find.

I am firmly convinced that had the roles been reversed, with JA as the victim and TA as the perpetrator, there would be no chance of a hung jury. The foreman would have given a death sentence in the first 10 minutes.

So much of the information is hovering dangerously close to the "wellllllllll, I know she killed him, but he (sorta) had it coming," type of philosophy. I truly don't believe anyone would ever say that about a female victim playing a role in her own death.

Exactly, I have heard people say on After Dark or other things..he had it coming...WTF?! NO! It makes me wonder what these people are doing in their lives to other people or are they just ignorant of facts in the case.
Oh Lawd, Dr. Phil is one of the State lawyer's in the Zimmerman case.

Not watching, not watching, not watching lalalalalalalala! Where is a smilie with fingers in its ears??!

Don't know if this is true, but DH says it would be difficult to stab someone in the heart, because you're more likely to hit ribs. Was there more than one stab wound in the heart area? Did she try several times to hit his heart?

What a nightmare. :scared:

In that particular area it was one stab to his heart that pierced his vena cava iirc.

I keep thinking about the time Jodi said she and Travis visited some medical museum that showed exactly how the body looks inside and out in great detail. I cant recall the name of the place now though.

Whatever she either knew where to strike him or she got a lucky stab and a very unlucky stab for Travis. He would have died from that stab wound alone but of course she had to murder him three times over.:(
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