SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

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How about a third option. Instead of getting hooked on Travon stuff that is on HLN, look at some videos of Andrea on the stand during her testitimony during her co conspiriators trial! It will hook you. She lies just like JA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will now recognize it from our JA experience.

Quick background - (before I forget...ALL IS ALLEDGED as follows) she dated boss/boss and her had "secrect"affair/boss (at General Electric) wanted to marry her/they conspired to kill husband/first attempt to do it by gas meter...Hemy was caught and chased by husband Rusty/days later Hemy and Andrea met at her house, next am Hemy went and killed Andreas husband Rusty with a gun as Rusty was dropping of their son at the boys daycare/She called family and said Rusty was shot BEFORE ANYONE TOLD HER how her husband was killed.

Lots lots lots lots more that is unreal.....another Jodi...but interesting in that the prosecutor is like we think of Dt. Flores.....not Martinez

In this video, she starts to turn into the sociopath she is at about 6:30....if you don't have time to listen to it all of 21:00 video here, at least fast forward to that!

Andrea Sneiderman on stand in co conspirator trial

Here is WS thread again... Andrea Sneiderman Wesbleuths Thread Trial begins July 29th

There is a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly good 2 minute clip but don't have time to find it right now, others may now. But she absolutely looses it on the stand! :floorlaugh:

HTH. (This is the end of a public service notice and advertisement for another WS thread for a trial to start on July 29th, lol)


LOL. she's somethin' else. is she going to testify at her trial, or has anyone said yet?

the nicest thing about that clip is that there was not ONE 'mayweapproach!!'

i need a trial like that!
:seeya: Thanks !

So what's a girl to do

- Do I read the WS threads to get caught up -- or -- do I watch the trial knowing virtually nothing about the case other than a few facts ?

I just can't decide ...


Good evening WSers. :seeya:

I don't know what to do with the Sneiderman trial either. I jumped into the JA trial blind- same thing with that thing in Florida's trial.
Is it 7:00 yet? Can't wait to hear from the jurors on HLN. I hope the THs let the jurors talk :stormingmad:.
Evening WSleuthers( im in atlanta)! I brought along some cocktails.


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LOL. she's somethin' else. is she going to testify at her trial, or has anyone said yet?

the nicest thing about that clip is that there was not ONE 'mayweapproach!!'

i need a trial like that!

After I read your comment...I thought the FJA defense must have really watched FCA defense teams act....

LOL. she's somethin' else. is she going to testify at her trial, or has anyone said yet?

the nicest thing about that clip is that there was not ONE 'mayweapproach!!'

i need a trial like that!

That is what made that trial so wonderful! It's because she was on the stand and both the defense attorney and prosecutors both wanted her to say what she was saying! It would never happen again in a million years!

Andrea Sneiderman words will certainly be used against her in her trial coming on July 29th!:beer:

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If they used faulty/incorrect reasoning or didn't make sure they understand the instructions they are certainly deserving of criticism. If they allowed themselves to be pushed around by the foreman, same thing. They went through nothing compared to what the Alexanders went through and if its their duty, they shouldn't be seeking praise...and they don't deserve any. No excuse for hanging on the penalty phase.

When jury duty is somehow equated to the pain of the victim's family.......I am dumbfounded.

I am in awe of the Alexander famly's strength but they don't get "better" justice because of that. They don't deserve "better than a victim with no family.

Throwing the victims family out as a means and excuse to criticize and judge the
Joseph Galfy Jr. New Jersey
Not sure it will be a BIG case but I'm sure nobody will be dissatisfied by a wildly bizarre defendant. The accused is Kai "the hatchet wielding hitchhiker", his moniker earned when he was hitchhiking and the driver stopped, or rather ran his car into a female victim. The driver jumped out and started beating the woman, and Kai saved the day by hitting the driver in the head with his handy hatchet. But that is a completely unrelated event in the crime he is now accused of...

See aren't you looking forward to this one now... :blushing:

I think it will be a nice break from jodi and Zimmerman... Not getting sucked into Zimmerman here...

This guy is a scary wacko. I'm from NJ so I'll be following it.
If they used faulty/incorrect reasoning or didn't make sure they understand the instructions they are certainly deserving of criticism. If they allowed themselves to be pushed around by the foreman, same thing. They went through nothing compared to what the Alexanders went through and if its their duty, they shouldn't be seeking praise...and they don't deserve any. No excuse for hanging on the penalty phase.

Evening Horace. :seeya:

I totally agree with you.

(I.Like.Horace.- :blushing:)
I think this is a very important post. Thank you. That took courage.

Seriously, thank you for being the devil's advocate in this because you said some things that I was thinking.

I came late to this trial. I happened to come across a small part of CMja's testimony and saw a psychopath in action. But then, I've seen other psychopaths . . . perhaps the jury had not.

At that point this trial caught my interest.

The jury only saw selected information. What we have here is a good and experienced prosecutor and a good (against the odds while dealing with a renegade client) defense team. Believe it or not, I believe that even the most heinous murderer should have a good defense team.

The jury was composed of "death qualified" people. Apparently 4 of them saw mitigating factors, but the jury as a whole were not shown all the evidence. Some of which was inadmissible.

I think the juror #6 "Nancy" has it right. She saw Jodi Arias was "playing us."

Or trying to.

CMja did not manage to "play" the jury on the premeditated (and in some cases felony murder). They found her guilty of M1 with cruelty.

She apparently "played" 4 jurors on mitigating circumstances. Again, #6 has it right. She, and others, could not force the minority to vote against their consciences and moral codes.

Interestingly enough, I saw nothing in the jurors' interviews so far (and I'll be glad to be corrected) that states that TRAVIS was the person that was thought to have mentally/emotionally/physically abused Jodi. Perhaps they were looking at the absence of family support, abuse in childhood, . . . I don't know.

I consider that this jury did a good job. They found CMja guilty of Murder 1, with cruelty.

I read with sadness the criticism of the jury. I honestly believe they did their best with the information they had. They were told, by law, to consider mitigating circumstances, and apparently 4 of them found them.

With that, I respect the 4 for holding onto their moral beliefs even though they were in the minority. And, yes, the jury of normal "death qualified" people ARE told that they should not vote against their moral convictions.

This jury did an extremely good job, even though they could not unanimously vote for death.

They did a fabulous job in that they did not brow beat those members who could not vote for the DP against their personal moral convictions.

I realize that this is a far from popular opinion here, but I respect the 4 for holding on to their opinions, and the 8 for respecting the opinion of the 4. A hung jury is part of the process in a civilized society.

Final thought, I was a person that was seriously pizzed at the Pinellas 12. That jury was lazy and in MOO very stupid.

The jury did have very select information.

We, the general public also do not have a full picture.

IIRC, both JA's parents and former boyfriend DB said that she started to change about 2 years prior to her arrest/the spring of 2008. This was a good four to six months before she met Travis.

JA and Travis were an official couple for only 5 months and during this time, it was a long distance relationship. She moved to Mesa after they broke up in June 2007 and Travis was very upset with her plans to move. Friends related overhearing his phone conversation with her, trying to dissuade her from moving to Mesa because her only reason for doing so was to be closer to him.

We do not know how often they saw one another once she had moved closer to him, nor do we know whether she was wanted company or not.

I do view JA as having been obsessed with Travis. This, combined with her known propensity for lying, leads me to believe that the defense tried to paint their clandestine relationship as much closer than it was in reality. Was she the one who was constantly interjecting herself into TA's life?

According to the Hughes, Travis had seen his bishop sometime before his death for counseling regarding his breach of chastity. This leads me to believe that the sexual encounters were much less frequent than the DT would want people to think.
But they did their "civic duty" so we can't question them lol

I hear ya :) I understand the passion on all sides of this thing. If we didn't have passion, we'd all be walking around like zombies.

I think it's perfectly fine to discuss and debate the decisions of the jury. Whether you agree with them completely, or disagree with them completely, everyone has a right to an opinion. After all, this is a forum which does imply discussion.

The foreman CHOSE to do an interview and make his opinions public. He was not forced to speak. In doing that, he opened himself up to questions and criticism. Like it or not, that is our society.

With that said, I do also agree that it's not appropriate to call them names or make it personal. I even heard one person go so far as to say that the foreman was just as bad as Jodi. That's ridiculous. That's just somebody letting their emotions get the best of them.

I will totally admit that at times, I have also let my emotions get the best of me and probably haven't articulated my thoughts as maturely as I should. But I try to be aware and adjust when necessary. We're all human... I think :)

Anyway... we all need to give each other some space to express ourselves as we choose on this board (within the confines of the rules), as long as we are not maliciously attacking somebody personally. I look forward to the continued debate and thoughts. It's an intelligent, witty group!
yep her flippant yep! what a bit--. wonder if she will testify in her own defense? she is scary. is this same prosecutor on her case? he was calm and she was going loco. moo

If my memory serves me correctly unfortunately he has retired. It will be a new one. someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Juror 10 says gender not a factor in the vote, but age was. Older folks voted life, younger ones voted death. She would have voted death.
I'm keeping tabs on the Autumn Pasquale case. Her little 12 year old body was found in a trash can after being lured to a house via facebook,

Two teenage brothers where charged in her murder. The younger seems to be the more diabolical of the two.

This was literally 5 minutes from my home and my family stood on street corners handing out fliers to drivers at red lights while she was missing.

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This juror is only an alternate and would give DP to JA.
She says gender not an issue, but age was.
She knows who voted which way, but won't disclose.
Older jurors= age issue.
5 jurors- 50yrs or less. More older people in jury.
Juror 10, an alternate, says she knows how the vote went and age, not gender was the factor in LWOP/DP vote

Says Jodi tried to stare her down during a sidebar one day.
Juror 10 on Jane Velez-Mitchell now.

10.Barb-Female, 40's ALTERNATE, has the "sexy librarian" look, wearing a form fitting sweater, slender build and voluptuous. If ANYONE on the jury is offended by disparaging comments regarding breast augmentation, my guess is it would be her. She is the only juror I couldn't see very clearly; just when she entered and exited the courtroom and when I stretched up out of my seat to gawk at her.
I called this lady "Plain Jane" She was very hard to see from where I was, but I could tell she was taking notes quite a bit.

[copied from court observers list]
I'm keeping tabs on the Autumn Pasquale case. Her little 12 year old body was found in a trash can after being lured to a house via facebook,

Two teenage brothers where charged in her murder. The younger seems to be the more diabolical of the two.

This was literally 5 minutes from my home and my family stood on street corners handing out fliers to drivers at red lights while she was missing.

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That was awful! Is it going to trial soon?
When jury duty is somehow equated to the pain of the victim's family.......I am dumbfounded.

I am in awe of the Alexander famly's strength but they don't get "better" justice because of that. They don't deserve "better than a victim with no family.

Throwing the victims family out as a means and excuse to criticize and judge the[/QU

You can "wow" all day. Its called perspective. The jury went through nothing compared with the victims. I don't need anexcuse to question the system. Some people actually question things.

The jury and the victim's family are apples and about loss of perspective.

Should a victim with no family not get a good trial?

The santicfication of the Alexander family is beyond bizarre. And certainly an attempt at weak sort of political correctness.

Any argument that is based on "the jury must suffer as much as the family and give the verdict the family wants" is too wierd for me.
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