SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

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I'll take him/her!

I typically don't mind at all, they have their own feeders and toys in the front yard... I thought we had an understanding about the back yard and my $$ bird food... He finished off that whole brick in a week... :floorlaugh:
Hi Squirrel, welcome! :seeya:

I respectfully disagree that it was Travis. I think that in her interview, Sandy Arias would have said it was Travis who called especially in light of what just happened.

One could then say, well maybe she didn't want to make things worse for Jodi by saying that it was Travis.. but if that was the case, then she wouldn't have mentioned that phone call or mental issues at all.

It couldn't have been the Freemans because they legitimately seemed to be surprised at what she did. I think they were oblivious to her mental issues.

It couldn't have been the Hughes because surely they would have told us.

I think it has to be somebody else that we haven't heard from in interviews.

I'm thinking maybe the female roommate in AZ that kicked her out after a few weeks. Jodi claimed it was due to her friend getting engaged, but that sounded like a weak story to me. The mother of that girl did an interview on HLN saying that she and her daughter both thought Jodi was bizarre.

Kind of a fun guessing game. Anyone else have ideas?

IIRC, it was Matt who called her. I will look for it....
I was stalked for 4 years by a female "friend" it was horrendous!

kpm, if you don't mind answering...Do you know whether she was a BPD and was she interested in you as a partner? I do intensive research and training/advocacy on the female stalker and abuser so I understand if you don't want to answer.
I have read (somewhere, maybe here?? or on some blog??) that the jury decided not to deliberate because of the foreman's and their misunderstanding of the deliberation process.
Now that I hear the juror, Diane, speak on Dr. Drew, it doesn't sound correct. :scared:, but what do I know- I am a "mere mortal".

Thank you! You just confirmed what I said above--that what gets posted someone said and what is the actual truth are sometimes not the same thing. Misunderstandings are common.
Hi Squirrel, welcome! :seeya:

I respectfully disagree that it was Travis. I think that in her interview, Sandy Arias would have said it was Travis who called especially in light of what just happened.

One could then say, well maybe she didn't want to make things worse for Jodi by saying that it was Travis.. but if that was the case, then she wouldn't have mentioned that phone call or mental issues at all.

It couldn't have been the Freemans because they legitimately seemed to be surprised at what she did. I think they were oblivious to her mental issues.

It couldn't have been the Hughes because surely they would have told us.

I think it has to be somebody else that we haven't heard from in interviews.

I'm thinking maybe the female roommate in AZ that kicked her out after a few weeks. Jodi claimed it was due to her friend getting engaged, but that sounded like a weak story to me. The mother of that girl did an interview on HLN saying that she and her daughter both thought Jodi was bizarre.

Kind of a fun guessing game. Anyone else have ideas?

Col. Mustard in the library with the candlestick? No, seriously I have no ideas

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Another juror (#10) is on the show right after Dr. drew
Hi Squirrel, welcome! :seeya:

I respectfully disagree that it was Travis. I think that in her interview, Sandy Arias would have said it was Travis who called especially in light of what just happened.

One could then say, well maybe she didn't want to make things worse for Jodi by saying that it was Travis.. but if that was the case, then she wouldn't have mentioned that phone call or mental issues at all.

It couldn't have been the Freemans because they legitimately seemed to be surprised at what she did. I think they were oblivious to her mental issues.

It couldn't have been the Hughes because surely they would have told us.

I think it has to be somebody else that we haven't heard from in interviews.

I'm thinking maybe the female roommate in AZ that kicked her out after a few weeks. Jodi claimed it was due to her friend getting engaged, but that sounded like a weak story to me. The mother of that girl did an interview on HLN saying that she and her daughter both thought Jodi was bizarre.

Kind of a fun guessing game. Anyone else have ideas?

I had the impression it was someone from her teen years who called her mother expressing JA needing help. I had the impression the call/s were made when JA was still a teen. JMO
I love squirrels!

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Oh boy! I feed my wild squirrels every day. They actually come up to my door (full glass) and beg. I sleep till about 7:30 or 8:00, and they are waiting on me when I get up. They peek in, standing on their back legs, and watch me like a hawk till I grab my loaf of bread and go outside. I smoke on my porch, and I swear they smell my smoke and come running, all through out the day. Now I have a slew of birds, and 2 mallard ducks that are showing up to eat. I go through 2 loaves of bread a day. I have a video on my FB page of one of my squirrels taking a piece of bread out of my hand. I just love them!
Yikes... juror # 9 on HLN After Dark right now... holy cracker. She's like an SNL skit.
Maybe this has been addressed, but I just signed on and I want to know! What's your guess on juror number 6 age? She appears to be late 50's or early 60's to me. I'm 65, but she appears to be younger than me, but she's got good hair, and I don't. Any other guesses, please?

55-60 yrs old????? She does have good hair :floorlaugh:
Maybe this has been addressed, but I just signed on and I want to know! What's your guess on juror number 6 age? She appears to be late 50's or early 60's to me. I'm 65, but she appears to be younger than me, but she's got good hair, and I don't. Any other guesses, please?

I'm 55, and she seems older than me. I'd guess she's my sister's age, which is 61.
Falling asleep here at the laptop but as usual I cannot pull myself away!!! I just want to thank all of you that tweeted to Mark and Dr. Drew concerning the need for Dr. D to allow his guests to speak without his usual and rather annoying interruptions! He did very well tonight and allowed them to speak, as well as giving his TH's adequate time to speak! Great job tonight Dr. Drew (thanks to all of you WS twitterers)!!!
Oh and looks like Jenny heard all of you discussing her hairstyle last week (Pebbles), she looked fantastic and her hair was gorgeous! I think a lot of peeps are paying attention to this amazing site Tricia and all of our great Mods have for us!!!
Goodnight sleuthers...namaste
Yikes! How did they finally stop? Did you call the police?

She was a friend so she knew what I was doing daily and would make anonymous calls to me like I know your husband is out of town hope you are safe type stuff.
My car was keyed 8 times
My houses were broken into and she took my clothes, coins and jewelry. she would wear them when she was with me...WTF
Gave me gifts all the time and would freak when I would not accept them.
Lots of bad phone calls, intimidating actions like dumping a bag of brown hair all over my porch with a note saying I would be next.
It took a while to catch her but I got a PPO against her, police talked to her all the time, we live in a small community.
She finally moved it Illinois and that ended it, thank goodness, it was everyday for 4 years and it was relentless...
Juror #10 on HLN After Dark right now ...

:moo: I am only watching this show tonight to see what Juror #10 has to say ...

JMO but this show is a "joke" ... Vinnie CAN do better than this !

Yikes... juror # 9 on HLN After Dark right now... holy cracker. She's like an SNL skit.


Juror #9 is a male, not a female.

Juror #10 Carol, is on HLN right now with a 5 sec delay per Vinnie
Why are you saying she is like an SNL skit???
I typically don't mind at all, they have their own feeders and toys in the front yard... I thought we had an understanding about the back yard and my $$ bird food... He finished off that whole brick in a week... :floorlaugh:

Sounds like you have a little piggy squirrel! :floorlaugh: They definitely think everything is theirs. I know my girl does. Food or not. Unless it is broken, then she wants nothing to do with it. Sounds like the squirrels in your yard have it made.
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