SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

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Just returned from an Internet free weekend ....
So still catching up...
I must say I am disappointed with the JF's reasoning (or lack thereof!)... Did he want to be fooled? I just don't get it...grrrr....
But Juror six redeems this....she represents what I had hoped all those deciding the murderer's fate would have been like...fair, honest, invested and insightful as to the true nature of Arias....

...while away I was able to decompress and enjoy so many things JA will never see or experience again....campfires and open vistas, fields of apple trees exhilarating in their bright pink blossoms, waves rushing in on the ocean, children running, laughing with dogs on their much life, simplicity, happiness and gentleness...
She is stuck in jail forever and for that I am happy...

...sorry to have missed out on Gauntlet's English breakfast though...:floorlaugh:

She snaffled most of the breakfast, but we did manage to snaffle a banger or two before she scarfered off. Cheerio! :)
IMO, the Arias family was instructed by the defense team not to show any remorse or do any interviews regarding how they felt about the killing. That admonition will likely continue until after the next penalty phase.

I'll bet you are right. It would have looked bad for the Arias family to have HIGH FIVED each other with big smiles on their faces due to the non-verdict. :banghead:
Herbycat!!!! I was just about to PM you. One coming your way soon. Sounds like you had a beautiful weekend away.

I've realised Sleuth is such an expert in English ways he can make the next breakfast. Be careful though he may try and snaffle some of the food before he's finished cooking though.

My expertise in English cuisine has been confirmed by Gordon Ramsay, who considers me "the bollocks." What's more, my Toad in the Hole is listed as one of the 1000 Things To Eat Before you Die. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Snaffler!
The family had numerous restaurants which serve local police for sure. It is possible the father talked to an officer and asked what to do and that was the advice he was given. Sometimes the fact that police show up at the home is enough to scare kids into behaving. Jodi was just not affected by it, obviously, and may have even enjoyed the attention. She obviously knew Bobby Juarez at that time and may have been growing it for him.
True. I hadn't thought of that. I wonder if we'll find out when JA's mom writes a book?
I sincerely believe that the jury should never be sequestered.
I believe the jury should never be admonished to avoid tv, social media etc.
I believe the jury has the right to learn whatever they would like about the case they are being charged to judge.
They can use their own judgment to decide what is pertinent to the case what is not.
In this way, when they make their final decision, there will be no regrets or sayings "but I never knew that" or "that was never brought up in the trial".
Enough of the defendants rights!
In my opinion the defendant is allowed too much and the victim is murdered again and again.
OT, even in the realm of OT:

I've been a WS member for about 2 years, but it was just 5 minutes ago I learned what the green and blue and red dots meant, how to accept and make friend requests, and lots more. I highly recommend the FAQ for those kindred peeps who never looked at that line of stuff above the forum title! :blushing::websleuther:
I agree but we are dealing with not a full deck type people. Pitty, sorrow and sympathy is not to be found in that family. I still think about Mom calling the cops because their kid is growing a pot plant. She had no clue how to raise a child for many reasons I am sure.

What are your thoughts on Sandy Arias calling the police because Jodi was caught growing marijuana? Just curious. TIA
Interesting read on VIS.
In some jurisdictions there are different rules on how Victim Impact Statements from family members may be regarded.
This is because it is seen as unprincipled that different punishments are given according to the how much the victim is missed or that someone's death ie relatively less harmful if they have no family.
Some jurisdictions describe VIS from family as 'irrelevant'.

I think in this case it was important because for 5 months all we heard was what a beast Travis was. The family was able to get the message across that all his siblings thought of Travis as a great person who would have been able to do so much more in his lifetime had it not been cut short. There really was no reason for Travis to die and the more Jodi talks the easier it is to see she did set out to kill him. He was never this terribly violent person who would have killed her had he gotten the chance. He had no signs of fighting back on his body. She had no bruises on her body according to Ryan, just the cut hand near her finger.

What I don't understand is this jury all agreed to premeditation. They all agreed she planned to kill him. If she thought about it for days this is a very serious criminal mind very capable of doing it again. It may be her first murder but she overkilled him three times.
IMO they won't because they are supporting the DV lies. Not that that's an excuse literally or otherwise. I can't help but think they've kept telling themselves this so much they've begun to believe it.

I know what I think, but I can't say it upstairs. (Wink wink)
So true Lamb chop
And how do we know that she didn't pack a gun and knives in her new rental car to go after someone else?
My husband doesn't know how to even start a computer. Maybe I should have learned something there.....

They can be tough on winter mornings. I like to keep mine inside when it's cold out. Sometimes it helps if you jiggle the key just before you try.
I think the key to this next phase is to find out what Jodi did that made Travis so mad - it had to be something huge!
Just saying, but if I was on that jury, I'd be thoroughly annoyed to find that people had given me infantile nicknames based solely on what they thought was my most outstanding feature for classification. I could understand it during the trial, but once I was out, I'd be annoyed. But that's just me.
Good Morning everyone!

I just watched another clip of juror 6's interview. Love her! No remorse. She got that right.

As far as the foreman and family, I'm not going to waste anymore time on them. It's bizarre how many people (including the murderer and even a foreman) want the limelight and sympathy for themselves, when in reality, Travis and his family are the ones who deserve all our sympathy and compassion.

It's all about Travis Victor Alexander! It's so nice to hear from jurors who stand up for him.

:seeya:Good morning Rose, is this a new clip of #6, if so do you have a link. tia
This VIS is confusing at best. During the trial one is not to use emotions...just the facts..ok
Now we get to the VIS and emotions is the most important thing.
I think the original intent was to let the family blow off some steam at the person on trial to help them move on and heal.
OT, even in the realm of OT:

I've been a WS member for about 2 years, but it was just 5 minutes ago I learned what the green and blue and red dots meant, how to accept and make friend requests, and lots more. I highly recommend the FAQ for those kindred peeps who never looked at that line of stuff above the forum title! :blushing::websleuther:

ummm....what dots?:blushing::blushing::blushing:
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