SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

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That post about evil just hit me . I had not really believed in true evil until about a year ago. I think that is why these cases fascinate us. It really is a hard concept to grasp that true evil does exist.
Thank you for posting that video!!!! :floorlaugh: I called my BF in to watch & he cracked up! When we play with Bunny (our squirrel) he always hums the Mission Impossible theme. Squirrels are very smart & do NOT give up easily!
(don't mean to turn this into a squirrel forum, I just LOVE them so much & am glad to see a few of you guys do too.)

I showed the video to my husband and said why don't you build something like that in our side yard..... He said I was crazy he isn't building an amusement park for the squirrels...until he builds one for his cat! Lol

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Pedophilia....not believed by anyone
Was there anything the defense could have done? Not really, did a good job
She feels Jodi is evil, not mentally ill
If you had chance, what would you say to Jodi....why no remorse? Why no apology? Where is the remorse? Jodi seemed smart but out of touch
What I especially love about AZlawyer (and her posts) is not only does she present the law clearly, she is calm and rational, and the emo arguments and responses melt away because like it or not the law is the law.

And when citizens don't like the law, then their course of action is straightforward: work to change the law(s)!

I wish she would find a personal interest in the Andrea Sneiderman case next! She has so much to offer.. and helps us lay folks and does not try to stir the pot in the process! she is the best!

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Last night someone had posted about the incident where Deanna and Jodi came face to face in an UNexpected by both moment in time at Travis' home..I clicked on the link in that post that was to the actual transcript from DD where Deanna told about this strange face to face with Jodi..prior to hearing/seeing/reading Deanna's account of the encounter I had only Jodi's version given while on the stand during the trial.. Of course the difference is that of night to day so much so that it actually took me a moment to even realize that Jodi's version was actually the same incident that Deanna spoke of on DD..It was just that Jodi's version was so grossly distorted that it is actually quite difficult to recognize that they are actually speaking of the same incident that occurred in Travis' home.

I only learned from hearing Deanna's version(AKA better known as the truth) that this strange incident occurred not only well after Travis and Jodi's extremely short actual period of well as even long after Jodi was and had been moved and living in Mesa..and IMO most shocking to me was in learning that this incident had occurred EVEN AFTER the several extremely volatile incidents of Jodi having slashed all 4 tires on Travis' vehicle TWICE as well as having actually slashed all 4 tires on Lisa Andrews vehicle while it was parked at Travis' house!!... WTF!?!...

I had no clue whatsoever that the actual dynamics were so severe by that particular point in time when literally winding down closer and closer to the date of the murder.. As in of course when hearing Jodi's version(AKA better known as FABRICATED LIES) of her being at Travis' when she says that it was her that was there at his home completely at his behest in wanting/needing her to stay at his house while he was shortly out of town on biz, and had Jodi housesitting/dogsitting while he was away..and that according to Jodi that it was Deanna who showed up over at Travis' without an invite, without his knowledge, and completely unannounce while he was away on business..and that it was of course Deanna who created the uncomfortable situation in somehow overstepping boundaries in Jodi's mind and showing up at the home of the man she was in a serious monogamous relationship with..In Jodi's version she spoke about it as tho Deanna looked like the ridiculously desperate ex who just couldn't let go of Travis.. In Jodi's version not only is Jodi at/in the home with Travis full knowledge, but actually at his full request, and that Deanna's being inappropriate in coming over uninvited and unannounced was even made worse in Deanna's once in Travis' home actually called up Travis on the phone and proceeded to INAPPROPRIATELY and UNWARRANTED literally go off on him for several hours about his girlfriend, Jodi..of course thats all according to Jodi..

I never ever could have dreamed that it was that as-told-by-Jodi story that she detailed at length while on the stand...I would never in a thousand years have dreamed that it was that very incident that Deanna is speaking about in her telling of what happened that day at Travis' house when coming face to face with the "Stepford Wife" Arias.. who she was surprised to find inside of Travis' home, baking and offering cookies, and comfortably seated on his couch while of course snooping through his laptop when Deanna walked in and first saw her.. Surprised most of all due to the fact that the truly, scary, multiple knife-slashing of the car tire incidents HAD ALREADY OCCURRED PRIOR TO THIS CHANCE MEETING when Deanna comes face to face with Stepford Robot Wife Jodi ...To know that Jodi was literally living *contemporaneously* on both EXTREME OPPOSITE ENDS of the spectrum in this time leading up to the murder..well..IMO it truly is telling as to what a downward spiral she was going at such a rapid pace by that particular point in time..<so very scary and so very sad in looking at it now in hindsight>

I'm telling you just when I think I truly know it all, that I have heard every single one of her psychotic episodes, and that every little crazy thing Jodi did, said, thought, or acted on was already known and there for truly nothing could even make me *shake my head* in regards to all things Jodi Arias...but yet I do still come away a little more baffled, a little more revolted, and/or a little more downright disgusted, shocked, and appalled at all things Jodi Arias that I continue to learn, realize, or uncover..

Dear God in Heaven this evil one is truly a piece of work..she has got to be one of the worst creations ever known to mankind and truly has and continues to leave such a massive wake of destruction and sorrow in her trail through this life.. I say good riddance to bad rubbish!.. And the absolute sooner the riddance the better off all of mankind will be for it..

God how I truly have hate in my heart for who and what she is and for what she has done and only continues to won't stop until her existence is no more..IMO its why I'm firmly convinced the penalty of DEATH is truly the only right option for this evil one as consequence for her crimes!
Any more than that sister .... And you will be a "cat lady". :drumroll:

Last I checked Judge S, the penalty phase is being retried, so stop with your nonsense.

HLN get rid of that idiot STAT!!!
Juror 10 would have voted for death
But if Jodi had made a sincere apology to the family she might have reconsidered
Never mind she was alt. did she say what she would have voted?

She said she would have voted death, and when asked by a Scott Peterson juror whether she would have voted life had Jodi apologized, she said it could have made a difference.

The Scott Peterson juror said they didn't get to hear from Scott at all.
Man, we were dead on with the Jodi Arias staring down the jurors. I didn't realize she actually STARED THEM DOWN as they looked back. That would have freaked me the HECK OUT!!!

(Yes, I am quoting myself)

Doesn't that remind you of the story Sky Hughes, I think it was, told about Jodi going into the kitchen and staring her down when she was told to leave? She's is coo coo for coco puffs.
How scary!

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Worse she stole my favorite clothes...thank goodness we didn't have the same shoe size...:floorlaugh:

It was more consuming than scary at the time....
I was just reading about the missing cash and my very first thought was the 9mm! Why? I've been in the market for one and it's VERY difficult to find one under $550. Add tax, a few dollars for ammo (9 mm rounds aren't horribly expensive) and you're over $600.

I make a decent wage, own a home, putting two kids through college without loans and *I* hesitate to spend $600 in one shot unless it's a major appliance or furniture!

Jodi was arrested on the 15th with the handgun in the engine compartment of a rental car. California had (and still has) a 10-day waiting period for gun purchases. It would be interesting to hear what she told the gun salesperson when she purchased it. "Hi, I'd like a gun that reliably shoots and won't jam in high humidity. Can you help me?"

Somewhere, she had said she bought it used and it was $150-160?
Falling asleep here at the laptop but as usual I cannot pull myself away!!! I just want to thank all of you that tweeted to Mark and Dr. Drew concerning the need for Dr. D to allow his guests to speak without his usual and rather annoying interruptions! He did very well tonight and allowed them to speak, as well as giving his TH's adequate time to speak! Great job tonight Dr. Drew (thanks to all of you WS twitterers)!!!
Oh and looks like Jenny heard all of you discussing her hairstyle last week (Pebbles), she looked fantastic and her hair was gorgeous! I think a lot of peeps are paying attention to this amazing site Tricia and all of our great Mods have for us!!!
Goodnight sleuthers...namaste

Yep. I am one of those tweeters to HLN and DD BEGGING DD schedule to allow sufficient time for the jurors to adequately communicate their thoughts.

Now if I could just figure out why my wishes on, keeping Beth baby whilst Jean Casarez aopears to be saved were not met :banghead:

Side note: DD has anxiety "issues" he has mentioned it numerous times. I think they manifest on the show when the clock is ticking.

Ps. Typo in heading. Cannot change headed after pinkie hit. rofl
Another little issue I've been meaning to bring up was something the evil-one stated in one of her after allocution is the only one that I believe she gave to a female reporter, whose name was Amy if I'm not mistaken..anyhow the issue was with the recorded phone sex call recording that the reporter brought up to Jodi.. In the interview the reporter states as tho its fact that this call was in fact recorded withOUT Travis' permission or which the evil-one looks a bit perplexed at this female reporters obvious ignorance in her even attempting to imply that the evil-one had done something so underhanded or sneaky as to record a phone conversation without the other persons permission or knowledge..and so she proceeds to correct the reporter that yes, of course Travis not only had knowledge of her recording this convo, but informs the reporter that it was at Travis' request that the evil-one even had recorded the phone convo.. The reporter pushes a bit farther with the issue in saying that Travis in the conversation appeared to have NO knowledge whatsoever that the conversation was being recorded, much less his being the one requesting that it be recorded..

The evil-one goes on to mention something I had not heard before, but it did not at all in the least surprise me at her claim which was that there was a detailed chat conversation that they'd immediately prior had to the phone sex call and in that detailed chat conversation that it is clearly seen that Travis does absolutely request that Jodi record their phone sex calls..and then the evil-one immediately follows up that claim with, "but my defense team did not enter that chat conversation into evidence, tho."..oh, of course they didn't Jodi!... Your defense team would not dare want to enter crucial evidence that gives full validation and confirmation to your claims of which everyone is convinced are completely false and fabricated..oh no, that would be the last thing that a defense team would want to do is to enter evidence that firmly and without doubt established your claim as fact..<enter HUGE eye roll HERE! >

Its exactly this type of effortless bull$hit that I'm talking about that just literally rolls off of the evil-one's tongue as tho the words she is speaking were known TO ALL as confirmed, solid rock FACT!

I dare say that there is no one who even begins to believe that this claim could even possibly be true, right?.. <and sadly I do feel as tho I must now question am I alone in my NOT believing her, since learning that those such as the jury foreman actually believe some of what the evil-one speaks from her mouth>.. Quite obviously IMO if there were such evidence in such an invaluable form of black and white words on paper as spoken from the "victim", himself in having requested the evil-one to record some, any, or even one of their phone calls..well, IMO needless to say that particular piece of evidence would have been a priceless gem IMMEDIATELY ENTERED INTO THIS TRIAL AS VERY IMPORTANT EVIDENCE OF WHICH THEY WOULD HAVE REFERRED TO TIME AND TIME AGAIN..


It makes my blood rise in seeing her roll this crap off her tongue and somehow her socio/psychopathic mindset is that well, if she says and BELIEVES it, that so, too will others somehow BELIEVE it as well! I so want her arrogant bubble burst..and burst for good, permanently removing her from existence..ugh!.. Why damnit!..why did this have to come to being hung in this the final phase of Justice?... Why, why, why cannot it not just be over already??... Ugh!!
Thanks for that. I love Wendy Murphy!

She basically validated what I and some others suspected, that the final death throes of the DT in the penalty phase, especially falling on their sword to the point of ineffective assistance of counsel, was all strategy. All that rhetoric, hysteria and posturing. All theatre. All to win. I'm nauseated.

For a few discrete moments I had felt sorry for Nurmi and Wilmott saddled with this flaming psychopath. But they didn't care. They just wanted to win and to win without conscience if necessary. It was all about the strategy. It was all about the win. It was all about beating the embarrassingly brilliant Juan Martinez.

Pond scum.

They are pond scum, but what did they win. There is just a delay in either death or life. That doesn't sound like a win to me just a postponement. jmo
Man, we were dead on with the Jodi Arias staring down the jurors. I didn't realize she actually STARED THEM DOWN as they looked back. That would have freaked me the HECK OUT!!!

(Yes, I am quoting myself)

Doesn't that remind you of the story Sky Hughes, I think it was, told about Jodi going into the kitchen and staring her down when she was told to leave? She's is coo coo for coco puffs.
She was a friend so she knew what I was doing daily and would make anonymous calls to me like I know your husband is out of town hope you are safe type stuff.
My car was keyed 8 times
My houses were broken into and she took my clothes, coins and jewelry. she would wear them when she was with me...WTF
Gave me gifts all the time and would freak when I would not accept them.
Lots of bad phone calls, intimidating actions like dumping a bag of brown hair all over my porch with a note saying I would be next.
It took a while to catch her but I got a PPO against her, police talked to her all the time, we live in a small community.
She finally moved it Illinois and that ended it, thank goodness, it was everyday for 4 years and it was relentless...

Oh yikes :( I missed the first part of your story... did she have BPD, or some other type of disorder? I can't imagine going thru that.
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