SIDEBAR #8- Arias/Alexander forum

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Exactly. IMO, it is highly unfair to select a tiny few times he finally couldn't tolerate her psychotic evil ways anymore and say that is abuse. Baloney.

There has to be a consistent pattern for it to become abusive. And out of over 8,000 text, emails.. the DT could only find 3-4 times he lost his cool with JA the psychopath. That is not a pattern of abuse. With it being only those few times out of thousands of nice ones it shows he rarely lost his temper with JA. I am amazed he was able to contain his frustration and anger so much during the 1.5 year crazy relationship.

I have a feeling whatever JA had done when he finally couldn't stand it anymore causing the flurry of messages on May 26th was something HUGE!

He threatened to expose her to her parents and PPL friends. He finally told her how he felt about her and how she had ruined his life. When he threatened to expose her for what she is that is when Travis unbeknown to him.........sealed his fate. She immediately began to plot his murder. stalking someone.
Abuse hacking into someone's personal accounts. slashing tires ........three sets. writing threatening email to someone they are jealous of.
Abuse peering in someone's window like a damn sick pervert. hiding in someone's closet when they had not been invited there.
Abuse stabbing someone 29 times....slitting their throat and shooting them in the head.
Abuse saying that someone is a pedophile when it is a BALD FACE LIE.

Travis couldn't hold a candle to JA in the abuse department imo.:mad:


You just got me you think Travis threated to tell RYAN BURNS about her stalking ways???? Didn't Travis and Ryan know each other? And didn't Travis know she was talking to Ryan B?

I know many on here think Ryan B was just an alibi, but I have had this nagging feeling that JA thought he was the (next) ONE. Something about the way she talked about him in the interrogation tapes -- example, she said she had researched Salt Lake City, and it seemed lke a wonderful place with many museums, many hiking trails, etc.. Sounded to me like she was planning to move there!! And in the text messages with him, she seemed VERY interested in him and willing to please him. I think she had put all her hopes into Ryan B. by the time of that May 26th text message. Perhaps Travis was threatening to do something that JA knew would derail this future relationship with RYan????

I honestly think this is the reason for her attack on Travis. Not only had he dashed her dreams of a life with him, but he was also threatening to damage her NEW HOPE and new dream of life with Ryan. I saw a pic of him from before, he was really handsome.

IMO, there was more to the attack then just that she couldn't have him, so no one could. By that point, she had TOTALLY de-valued him. She hated him thoroughly as she made her road trip down from Yrecka. It wouldn't matter to her if someone else had him, b/c she viewed him as disposable by that point. I really, really don't think that was the reason for her killing.

Her saying "i had to move on" in his interrogation tapes - that was her saying Travis wouldn'd LET me move on with Ryan. She felt his would threaten any future relationships she had. That's why she hated him so much.

Bet you were ready to step in and stop a fight!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

Actually, no. :blushing: I said to the friend I was with 'Ten bucks says the 2nd girl can deck her'. :floorlaugh:
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer
Today, the AZ Supreme Court will consider whether to take jurisdiction of an appeal of the death-penalty aggravator in the Jodi Arias case.

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 4m
@tdill68 Not the verdict, but the finding of probable cause for cruelty, obtained under a different theory of how the crime went down.

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 1m
@tdill68 But it could potentially nullify the finding of cruelty. My bet is they don't accept jurisdiction and let the case play out.

If he was such a monster, she would have hurt her physically, IMO. he never laid a hand on her. And I disagree completely that this was a hate-filled attack designed to "annhilate" her -- he couldn't even use the word fu*****. He use "frickin'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He couldn't even bring himself to use ACTUAL, real bad words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are u getting all of this from????

I personally would love to go to her jail cell and TELL HER OFF. I would love to stream a flow of REAL obscenties on her. I have SO MANY mean, cruel things I can think to say to her BECAUSE SHE DESERVES IT. And I haven't ever spoken one word with her. Travis had to deal with CMJA, for GOd's sake!!!!!!!!!!! Can you IMAGINE having to deal with this practically every day????

I'm so sorry that these unspoken obscenities of yours are causing you so much stress.
The words were abusive.

I feel most people believe they were warranted.

IMO regardless... I do not feel Jodi was an emotionally or psychologically abused woman by Travis or anyone else. There was no pattern or history of verbal abuse. Few a few isolated abusive words do not a domestic violence victim make.

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Even the easiest going person in the world can lose their temper at times if pushed far enough. That is not being abusive...........that is being a human being.

We will never know what prompted Travis to say those few words out of thousands of nice ones but IMO he had a very good reason for doing so.

It certainly is not a consistent pattern of abuse. Actually it shows the opposite. It rarely happened out of thousands of conversations/communications during a one and half year relationship.

Exactly. IMO, it is highly unfair to select a tiny few times he finally couldn't tolerate her psychotic evil ways anymore and say that is abuse. Baloney.

There has to be a consistent pattern for it to become abusive. And out of over 8,000 text, emails.. the DT could only find 3-4 times he lost his cool with JA the psychopath. That is not a pattern of abuse. With it being only those few times out of thousands of nice ones it shows he rarely lost his temper with JA. I am amazed he was able to contain his frustration and anger so much during the 1.5 year crazy relationship.

I have a feeling whatever JA had done when he finally couldn't stand it anymore causing the flurry of messages on May 26th was something HUGE!

He threatened to expose her to her parents and PPL friends. He finally told her how he felt about her and how she had ruined his life. When he threatened to expose her for what she is that is when Travis unbeknown to him.........sealed his fate. She immediately began to plot his murder. stalking someone.
Abuse hacking into someone's personal accounts. slashing tires ........three sets. writing threatening email to someone they are jealous of.
Abuse peering in someone's window like a damn sick pervert. hiding in someone's closet when they had not been invited there.
Abuse stabbing someone 29 times....slitting their throat and shooting them in the head.
Abuse saying that someone is a pedophile when it is a BALD FACE LIE.

Travis couldn't hold a candle to JA in the abuse department imo.:mad:

EXCELLENT POST!!!!! And I would add...

Abuse.....Using the victims friends for information, to divide and conquer, and at times to gain favor with victim
Abuse.....Entering the victims home when he is away and without his knowledge, all the while baking cookies and making themselves at home
Abuse....Threatening suicide to MANIPULATE someone into not ending the relationship
Abuse.....After the end of an "official" 5 month relationship moving 10 minutes away to be closer to the person you just broke up with
Abuse....violating a person's privacy by reading his text messages without permission and then justifying the action (an indisputable characteristic of DV perpetrator), cyberstalking and so on
Abuse....Faking an email that someone was stalking HER to garner sympathy and concern from the victim
ABUSE....engaging in behaviors that compels a man to "go on record" that he is terrified of her, as well as revealing to a friend that if he misses church one Sunday he is probably dead at the hands of his stalker
I was thinking CMJA would WANT the cameras back to get her back into the limelight - but I think the fact that she's locked up 23 hrs/day now, she is gonna have a reality check, and I think she will be MUCH more likely to listen to Nurmi/JW this time around.

I still can't understand why the ladies that saw straight through Ms. Jodi could not open the eyes of the "four".

It doesn't take rocket scientist as they say! One email taken out of context? Really?

I would like to know how long it took for those who "got" her to figure it out. She was on the stand for 18 days, and since this phase will be an abbreviated version, I'm concerned a short time on the stand won't adequately show the new jurors the real psychopath hiding under the 'girl'.

And I do think she might take some more direction from JW/Nurmi this time around. Well, correct that, I think she'll listen to them tell her what apparently worked and what didn't last time, based on these interviews. She has lived her life trying to present herself to people based on what she thinks they need, so I'm a bit concerned that an abbreviated version of her lst performance might just work. She'll try to show remorse, and remember to be the pathetic picked on little girl that needs help from these jurors...

I am also wondering how much of the state's case can be presented for this phase since so much of it was specific to the guilt and premeditation phases? Do those lies of hers come out for this one or is the state limited to only talking about the cruelty mitigator?

Are my worries showing?
In order for Jodi to keep herself 'relevant' when all this media goes away, she will most likely come clean in some way to make another splash. Nobody cares about her lies and BS anymore. Jodi needs some new material. No doubt she'll think of something.
Decode the hidden messages in these, please. What are they? Anagram puzzles?

pure *advertiser censored*

three-hole wonder

If he knew what I know about you he'd spit in ur face. So would everyone else.

You`re a laughing stock

you have *advertiser censored*`s job

Who freaking cares about you? You`re worthless

rotten lunatic

corrupted carcass

And, with all due respect, many people appear to be launching a apologizing for it, and attempting to re-define it, simply because they despise the target. Easy to do when the target is an incarcerated convict, but these are not sound arguments.

pure *advertiser censored* TRUE

three-hole wonder TRUE

If he knew what I know about you he'd spit in ur face. So would everyone else. TRUE

You`re a laughing stock TRUE

you have *advertiser censored*`s job OK, I'll give you that one.

Who freaking cares about you? You`re worthless TRUE

rotten lunatic TRUE

corrupted carcass VERY VERY TRUE
I'm a conservative, 65, and my husband is 69 (in August) and we both would have given her the death penalty. I can't for the life of me make this an age issue! Looks like it's not a political one either.

Although I am younger than the "older" jurors, I agree this is not an age issue. I also don't think it was a "male mesmerized by a female" issue. I think it is more of a life experience issue.
It could be a million different things that led those jurors to choose life. Maybe they had someone in their life who had done something illegal (not necessarily murder) and are thinking "what if this were them?" Maybe that person has since turned their life around and is a contributing, productive member of society. That could make them think "I shouldn't 'give up' on her". Her dog and pony show about all she could do to "help others" could have tapped into that for those jurors.
I don't feel this way, but it is a possibility that this (or other issues in their life) gave them pause.
<snip for space>

Here are some of the things ALV says that Travis said about JA:

LAVIOLETTE: She`s a rotten lunatic. Nothing but a liar. She`s a "three-hole wonder." "You`re a (EXPLETIVE DELETED). You don`t care about anything but Jodi."

These are the things I think the foreman was talking about when he said he was sure that Travis verbally and emotionally abused JA.

BBM It's not abusive if it's true! :innocent:
I think that is what happened. Fair enough to be rough on the defendant but foreman did not appreciate Martinez going after Alyce and Samuels so aggressively.

Even juror 6 thought Alyce knew her stuff. But juror 6 also saw Alyce as an advocate/supporter of Jodi, not an objective expert

I think Juan had a responsibility to do what was needed with the witnesses to show their errors or biases. IF ALV had not played "fun with words" and just answered the d*mn question he asked, he wouldn't have had to be tough with her. If Samuels was more organized and didn't make so many errors, then try to justify them, Juan wouldn't have come down on him.

If you look at the witnesses who answered the questions directly and without obvious bias, Juan wasn't rough on them. IMO.

I think if you get on a witness stand and lie, cover up or have made mistakes that could alter the outcome of the trial, you have it coming.

PS I think what Nurmi did to Deanna was WAY worse than anything Juan did to a witness. That was soley done (IMO) to make her embarrassed and to humiliate her in public. She was a cooperative witness and did not deserve that!
I would like to know how long it took for those who "got" her to figure it out. She was on the stand for 18 days, and since this phase will be an abbreviated version, I'm concerned a short time on the stand won't adequately show the new jurors the real psychopath hiding under the 'girl'.

And I do think she might take some more direction from JW/Nurmi this time around. Well, correct that, I think she'll listen to them tell her what apparently worked and what didn't last time, based on these interviews. She has lived her life trying to present herself to people based on what she thinks they need, so I'm a bit concerned that an abbreviated version of her lst performance might just work. She'll try to show remorse, and remember to be the pathetic picked on little girl that needs help from these jurors...

I am also wondering how much of the state's case can be presented for this phase since so much of it was specific to the guilt and premeditation phases? Do those lies of hers come out for this one or is the state limited to only talking about the cruelty mitigator?

Are my worries showing?

Am I the only one thinking there will be no Nurmi/Wilmott any more?

They tried several times to remove themselves, obviously that wasn't going to fly five months into a murder trial. But now that there's a break and time to bring some (poor sucker) new attorney it, I was thinking that would probably happen. ???

And while I wouldn't have minded seeing a DP verdict come down, I personally am okay with LWOP. The big deal is done, conviction M1, the rest is gravy. She's not going anywhere.
I do not understand this part at all!! Here where I am, the younger generation talks to each other this way, and worse...all the time. I find it unsettling but not at all uncommon. Every twenty something would be classified as abusive, according to this definition.

True. Abuse can be and is normalized, and we're seeing that process in action.
Michael Kiefer &#8207;@michaelbkiefer
Today, the AZ Supreme Court will consider whether to take jurisdiction of an appeal of the death-penalty aggravator in the Jodi Arias case.

Michael Kiefer &#8207;@michaelbkiefer 4m
@tdill68 Not the verdict, but the finding of probable cause for cruelty, obtained under a different theory of how the crime went down.

Michael Kiefer &#8207;@michaelbkiefer 1m
@tdill68 But it could potentially nullify the finding of cruelty. My bet is they don't accept jurisdiction and let the case play out.

WHAT???? No, not possible. The jury found the aggravator BASED ON THEIR THEORY OF HOW IT HAPPENED. They defense CANNOT now go back and change the theory of what happened, just to throw out the jury's decision. The most they could do is maybe get it re-tried. There is no way, IMO, that they can just get it thrown out. WHY is the AZ supremee court even looking at it?
Do you guys think JSS will rule out cameras in the courtroom for the next phase?

I would have leaned towards yes a few days ago. After hearing the jurors, I don't think she will. While they may cause public fervor, it is clear it didn't affect the jurors or the outcome of the trial.
I am not enjoying the assumptions made about older people's attitudes and how it may have affected juror attitudes about this trial's testimony. I am old myself and I actually had heard of sex before Jodi Arias came along. A lot of the activity between her and Travis was not to my taste and I would have slapped a lot of that language out of my partner's mouth. BUT if that was their thing, I do not care. I didn't find her truthful or sympathetic. I thing Travis was a decent person but, like a fair number of younger guys, could be a bit of a dick. But none of that mattered to me a bit. He did not deserve to die. Nothing he did or said mitigated the heinous nature of the crime. I am not even pro-DP but would have felt it appropriate here. So please do not assume old people wimp out. Sometimes we even have some extra big-picture perspective due to our vast life experience LOL.

Oh, yeah - I am TEXTING this, too! Imagine!

On a separate note, I will be perfectly happy with JA getting LWOP because it will mean NO automatic appeals, with the attendant publicity, attention, fawning attorneys, and possible overturning of her verdict. Let her be locked up, ignored, and forgotten. Much better than becoming some kind of false martyr to those who believe she was abused.

Nice post. I don’t completely agree with everything stated but it is your perfect right to feel and believe as you do. As for myself, I’m satisfied with the Life verdict in spite of TMI (hearsay) being broadcast nonstop that I was privy to and the jury was justifiably denied. I commend the oldsters, if in fact they all were, on their good judgment!! There is something to be said for experiential knowledge.
Decode the hidden messages in these, please. What are they? Anagram puzzles?

pure *advertiser censored*

three-hole wonder

If he knew what I know about you he'd spit in ur face. So would everyone else.

You`re a laughing stock

you have *advertiser censored*`s job

Who freaking cares about you? You`re worthless

rotten lunatic

corrupted carcass

And, with all due respect, many people appear to be launching a defense of blatant verbal abuse, apologizing for it, and attempting to re-define it, simply because they despise the target. Easy to do when the target is an incarcerated convict, but these are not sound arguments.

Actually I was referring to his reason this situation developed. But since you brought it up...

So as to the words he wrote, given the FACT that part of that information also included YOU ARE THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME--and we all know how that worked out for him despite the perpetrators attempts to lie and deceive, I will trust that he knew exactly what he was talking about.

And despite the fact that he made it abundantly clear HE WANTED HER OUT OF HIS LIFE, she drove over 1,000 miles to SEE HIM DIE A BRUTAL, PAINFUL DEATH.
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