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I totally agree with your points. How many women even know how to slice a throat ? It would never occur to me to do that if my life was in danger, as she claims. It almost seems like she practiced the movement or the idea of that. Also, who is that comfortable with knives? I'm scared I'll cut myself when I slice carrots!

As a weapon I could never use a knife. It is too close and personal. I can't imagine sticking a knife into anyone.

I also don't think this murder was jealousy or anything to do with TA moving on with another woman. If it was I think she would have attacked his genitals, etc. This was a murder that was total rage and hate. I believe he found out something about her that was horrific and he confronted her with it. She had to shut him up. jmo
Ha! Watching Andrea Schneiderman on DD... She looks like she is in labor giving birth in the footage of her seated watching the trial!!! Wow.

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As a weapon I could never use a knife. It is too close and personal. I can't imagine sticking a knife into anyone.

I also don't think this murder was jealousy or anything to do with TA moving on with another woman. If it was I think she would have attacked his genitals, etc. This was a murder that was total rage and hate. I believe he found out something about her that was horrific and he confronted her with it. She had to shut him up. jmo

So everything that the trial focused on has nothing to do with the REAL REASON. (or might not)
Oddly that makes total sense!

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Here's my guess ..

She arrived unannounced .. she watched him through the study window, he went to bed and then she snuck in, she either creeped around for hours or they both slept until 12pm when he texted Chris .. she says she didn't want things to end on a bad note, and says 'let's have one last roll in the hay and take those photos we talked about' (promising to delete them after) they then had sex .. he had things to do (like you said) and managed to get her out of the house, she snuck back in .. she sneaks back up to his bedroom and closet .. she starts taking photos of him without him knowing about it .. then he notices, and she keeps up the ruse .. she has a knife with her and starts playing around with it as a 'joke' .. the joke gets more sinister as she's laughing and pretending to stab him, he tells her to stop it, she keeps going and starts to become serious, he sits down in the shower stall to try and get her to stop playing with the knife, and hoping to start talking to her about leaving etc .. she starts to attack him for real .. I'm with the ME on the sequence because HE is the one who would know and got to examine the body ..I think she really thought she'd gone off the grid in Arizona and even if suspected her being there could not be proven.

These are just my ideas about the day .. subject to change ..

Another thing that's odd about that day is that it sounded like the roommate was in and out a few times (I need to go back to the Flores report to double check that). The roommate never told police that he saw Jodi at their house that day, so she obviously was hidden away in Travis' bedroom the whole time. Yet, we know at some point that Travis was in his study because his cell phone was there and he last used it around noon. So he was up and about. Very risky on Jodi's part that a roommate would find out she was there. It's quite possible that she was prepared to kill whomever was there that day if it became necessary.

I have often wondered if she was in the house hiding out until the roommate left on June 4. So she never actually saw Travis at 4am, but rather closer to noon. She got cute with him, lead to sex and then I'm still working out in my mind what happened next about how the shower thing went down.
I totally agree with your points. How many women even know how to slice a throat ? It would never occur to me to do that if my life was in danger, as she claims. It almost seems like she practiced the movement or the idea of that. Also, who is that comfortable with knives? I'm scared I'll cut myself when I slice carrots!

Yesss....where did she practice with these knives???? Was it that dog that she killed....did she take him out back and torture him?? Did she go out at night and hunt dogs and cats and practice on them????

She is very creepy, and I agree with Juror 10...EVIL.

There is no way she had never tortured something before, my guess is an animal. She had seen and had blood on her hands before.

Let's say it was her first time with Travis. Let's say she had the whole plan worked up in her mind. But having a plan and actually doing it are very different. How come she didn't stab him, see all the blood gushing out, and not drop the knife in a complete panic and run out of the room!!!
But then he just let her back in .. Why?

"Please Travis, have sex with me one last time..just do this for me and I promise, promise, promise once I get that closure I won't bother you ever again, I promise, pinky promise"....something to that affect (imho)
You called? ;). Actually, it's been you and about 25 others. :iamashamed: So sorry, y'all. My offline life has been speeding along like a race car on the last laps of the Indy 500 and I've all but crashed. Promise to have it opened either tonight or first thing in the morning. (typing from my phone, need to get home or work on a computer)

As always I puffy heart you my dear!! We appreciate all that you do!!

Have a good night friend!!!
So everything that the trial focused on has nothing to do with the REAL REASON. (or might not)
Oddly that makes total sense!

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I agree. I think she HAD TO kill him before he went to CanCun. But not out of jealousy. I think she wanted to protect her goldmine of Mormon bachelors. And if Travis went to Cancun with all of those PPL guys, he would tell them all what a scamming, lying, skanky, nutcase stalker she was. She could not allow him to poison the well, imo. So he had to go before the vacation.
In again going back to the one issue that all of us long searched for regarding what was the event that led to the angry, calling out email and text that Travis sent to Jodi..ya know the one this defense team used to serve as their entire basis of proving the victim was abusive(a tactic that a week ago I would have laughed in the face of with confidence that had failed miserably on the jurors)..yet now knowing that the pathetic baseless tactic actually was bought hook, line, and sinker by a couple of the jurors on the panel is disheartening to say the least..

Anyhow I truly believe that it is what Mimi Hall, herself tells Flores from day one in that Travis the week prior had once again caught Jodi hacking into his accounts, confronted her about it, and unlike previous times Travis this time let her have it with both barrels fully loaded in calling her out for exactly what she was and had been along.. A scamming sociopath who had zero regard for any other human being , but herself..

Sure maybe there is something more to that incident and his calling her out fully as well as telling her he is about to expose her fully to any/all that knew her including all their mutual friends, co workers, and even her family.. I truly truly believe that Travis' having finally allowed himself to see Jodi for exactly who and what she really was all along was something very hard for him to do and IMO likely brought up the painful scars that he had in being so very taken advantage of, played, and the end allowing himself to admit that no, she had never cared or loved him, but rather had only used him..IMO this directly goes back to the issues that Travis very much struggled with as a result from the dysfunctions of his childhood..the issue of his feeling not worthy enough to be truly loved and cared for unconditionally by others.. Jodi's betrayal once again opened up that wound and in Travis' mind again reinforced his not being deserving of being truly loved and cared for, but rather only used and manipulated..

IMO he had finally been able to face that brutal realization that so many had attempted for so long to warn him of..yet he'd chosen to instead trust Jodi fully at the fae value that she presented herself to him as.. And that realization was not only difficult but also was very angering as well which is what led to his actually verbally lashing out at her in letting her know that the gig is up..the game is over, more push and pull me and my emotions in manipulating me back into believing that you are genuinely this kind hearted young woman who has no one to turn to thus only another reason for why Travis continued to forgive her and allow the charade to have continued for so long with Jodi..

IMO May 26, 2008 truly marked the time when Travis had made the decision to fully face the truth where Jodi was fully face the fact that she was a sociopath whose only motive and gain was of pure selfishness, and that she had never, nor would she ever truly love or even care about Travis as she for so long had duped him into believing..he was facing the reality of what Jodi was and in doing so he genuinely was marking the end..the permanent end to any connection whatsoever with this person and it is exactly why we see a totally different side to Travis..IMO a side that hasn't a damn thing to do with being abusive and/or degrading...INFACT FAR FROM IT..IMO IT WAS HIS FINALLY STANDIN G UP FOR HIMSELF AND THE ABUSE HE HAD LITERALLY ENDURED FROM JODI IN THE ALMOST TWO YEARS OF HAVING BEEN MANIPULATED, DECEIVED, CONNED, AND USED BY HER..THOSE ANGRY WORDS WERE IMO MEANINGFUL..LOADED WITH VERY REAL MEANING FROM THIS MAN IN HIS SAYING, LOOK YOU SOCIOPATHIC CON I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE AND I KNOW WHAT YOUVE DONE AND ITS OVER...PERMANENTLY OVER AND YOU ARE PERMANENTLY BANISHED FROM ANY PART WHATSOEVER OF MY it professional, personal, or church wise, IT IS OVER JODI..HERE IS WHAT YOU ARE..HERE IS WHAT AND WHY YOUVE DONE THIS TO ME..YOU HAVE NEVER CARED FOR ME AND IVE NEVER BEEN HURT AND SCAMMED THE WAY YOU HAVE REPEATEDLY CONTINUED TO BETRAY ME AND MANIPULATE AND DECEIVE ME IN WAYS I DID NOT EVEN KNOW I COULD BE USED AND BETRAYED.

Mimi Hall between what she states in the 911 call and what she says to Flores IMO those statements do sum up exactly what the event was that led to Travis having made the decision and more importantly then had the confidence to carry out and follow thru with that decision in his facing fully who and what Jodi Arias not only was presently at that moment in time..but even more difficult for Travis was his IMO facing who AND what Jodi Arias had actually very much been all along from the start that so very many had at different times attempted to tell him she was, open his eyes to it, and put a stop to the very real manipulation that they all could see that she was doing and using Travis and most of all Travis' genuine kind and giving heart and spirit for solely pure selfish gain on her part..

IMO while IT may sound trivial or at least not important to a degree that would have led to Travis' uncharacteristically calling her out for her every ugly deed and manipulation in such a way that this defense team has used that one uncharacteristic angry exchange of Travis to Jodi as representative of proof that he was in fact an abusive individual towards Jodi.. For me it is not representative of anything even nearing what can be deemed abusive and I don't give a damn who wants to claim otherwise..fact is clear there is nothing whatsoever that this man ever did that can even begin to rise to the level of being labeled as abusive towards Jodi Arias.

Travis Alexander treated this thing with more respect, care, and genuine kindness than this thing had ever or will ever be treated with..was the email exchange indicative of this kindness and respect?... Hell no! Thank God this man had finally taken the first major step in permanently removing her from his life and moving away from any/all things Jodi Arias...sadly it unfortunately was all much too late in his making that difficult realization in admitting to himself just how very very wrong he had been about Jodi Arias and that he could not allow this parasite a host for her suck dry of life any longer..the connection had to be severed immediately and permanently with no allowances for her to manipulate her way back into the position of being able to suck even another second of this vibrantly full of life man's kind, generous, and giving soul.

IMO the week of May 26, 2008 marked the moment in time when Travis Alexander finally decided to face the difficult truth in admitting just what and who this parasite was that he had allowed into his life and had given so very much over of himself to a degree that very much allowed the pararsiteto feed fully off of.. Only Travis could put a stop to what only Travis had by no ill or mal intent allowed into his life and from that was used up and fed off of just as long as he would possibly allow..Travis at that point faced the facts and made the decision to put an end to what his conscience had been festering and telling him to stop for quite some time now.. Travis took the initiative on that May 26, 2008 to stand firmly in his permanently putting an end to Jodi Arias in any way being part and parcel of any part of his life. He did so with full meaning and intent to stop what he had been weak in not putting a stop to long ago..and in his marking that moment in time as the end of the road for all things Jodi Arias to have any allowances in his, too did it so very tragically mark the exact moment in time when Jodi Arias decided that his life would be fully extinguished from this world..

Quite simply the fact was to Jodi a full realization that this man who had for so long allowed her to always have a way back into his life no matter the pain, hurt, or dismay she caused him Arias always knew the opening was never fully closed to her and that she easily could and always would literally walk right back through that opening each and every time with using nothing but a little manipulation and reminding of what she had to offer for him(all things of the flesh)..yet IMO even Jodi Arias clearly saw that May 26 was something completely and totally different in Travis' having for the first time sealed all openings shut that previously had been available for her to effortlessly walk back into his life...not May 26.. And not ever again and IMO so, too did Jodi Arias fully realize that Travis had permanently severed her fully from his life..and for this Jodi Arias decided Travis would pay for with his very life.

Quite simply Jodi fully knew she could, nor would never have Travis or any part of Travis Alexander in her life from that point forward..and quite simply Jodi decided that if she could not, or would not have Travis Alexander in her life then so, too would no one else EVER have Travis Alexander a part of their lives, either..

Less than 48hours later Jodi Arias had already made a very bold forward move in her removing Travis from this life, in her having already staged the break-in at her grandparents home in stealing one of the two murder weapons that would be used to fully carry out her extinguishing Travis Alexander's life from this world forever. At exactly one week from the day that Travis made that firm stand on May 26 Jodi Arias was already fully in fluid motion of actually carrying out her plan to extinguish his light and life from this world.. she set out en route from her grandparents home in Yreka, CA making that fateful, determined, plotted and planned trip to Travis' home in Mesa, AZ to make her final stand known to him.. Carefully along that route Jodi Arias continued making very deliberate forward movement towards fully carrying out making her final stand known to Travis Alexander.. Continuing taking steps that would not only bring her step by step closer to completing her task at hand..but all the while making carefully deliberate steps to even conceal and cover her tracks to and from, both before and after her making this final stand in regards to Travis Alexander.. Having long since secured the issue of gas cans way back on the 28th of May, in serving to assist in the covering/concealing of her tracks, too did she think to further alter her appearance as well while en route making the drastic hair color change(that much to her chagrin much later on her narcissistic needs would very much work against her in her snapshots taken of herself as a freshly turned brunette).. Jodi Arias was coming closer and closer to carrying out her final stand and using her former beaus along the way for what they each could serve or do for her in unknowingly(or knowingly as thought by some) assisting her in making her way to that final stand in regards to Travis Alexander.. By the time Arias was leaving the state of California with everything needed already in tow she fatefully powers down her cell phone for the very last time prior to her taking what would be her final stand and what would be in turn Travis' final breath drawn here on this earth.. By the time that Arias again powered on her cell phone the final stand had been made, the final breath had been drawn, and Travis Alexander's full of life and love soul had already long since passed on from here on this earth..

The final stand that Travis took on May 26, 2008 in his making the difficult long in the making realization of who and what he had willingly allowed to take such a negative forceful stronghold of his entire life had finally come to its ill fated end..Travis finally faced the truth of who and what the real Jodi Arias was and always had been.. He faced the painful realization of how badly he had been horribly manipulated, deceived, conned, AND used he had been by her..and that the brutal reality was that she was a sociopath with no literal conscience or care for any other being in this universe , but only for herself.. May 26 marked the moment of finality for what had been so long in the making of all of the drama, all of the hurt, all of the heartache, and all of the shame he alone knew was his cross to bear for what he had chosen to partake in freely.. Travis Alexander stood firm in his stance on May 26 to all things Jodi Arias and made crystal clear that he was severing all ties for good between the two in every area of his life, personal, business, as well as affairs of the LDS Church.. Travis made that stand in such a way that it left no room for any misunderstanding or thoughts of reconciliation as always were in the past. His stand with Jodi that day left nothing unsaid, but rather he said it all, meant it all, and I have quite little doubt that Travis walked away with a great sense of confidence and a renewed hope for his future with the final chapter of all things Arias having been written, read and closed on May 26, 2008.

Jodi Arias IMO also heard loud and clear this his final message of how he was closing this chapter of his life and there for fully closing his life to all things Jodi Arias. Jodi knew it on May 26 that Travis was no longer the host for which her parasitic life was to feed on any longer. He closed all doors to her on that day and imo Jodi full well knew and understood this.. Jodi decided she would write one final scene, one final epilogue if you will, to this particular chapter of her life and that final scene was her making her final stand to Travis Alexander.. her thereby closing the chapter of her life in closing the existence of Travis Alexander in this world forevermore..and IMO that is exactly what Jodi Arias decided to do on May 26, 2008 when Travis had the courage to take a stand against all things Jodi Arias..his doing so led to his being extinguished from this life as we know it..

IMO May 26, 2008 very literally marked the end for Travis' bright, shining, full of life being here as he had thus far known it.. Tho, Jodi did everything humanly possible to permanently extinguish him she utterly and miserably failed as Travis' bright and beautiful light of his life will live on for eternity..

IMO just as Jodi is so meaningless and nothing so, too is the actual motivating factor that directly led to Travis' being slaughtered, meaningless and nothing in comparison to the grand scheme of life.. IMO it is plain and simple what the meaningless motivator was for this psychopath to fully set in motion permanently removing Travis from this world.. IMO it was the simple fact that he had taken the final and firm stance of severing her from his life, period. IMO that's exactly what occurred on May 26, 2008 and it is exactly what led to Jodi's evil need to wipe out his existence a week later on June 4, 2008.

IMO the one true and fitting end to this "story" is when this evil is permanently extinguished from our world.. IMO only then will the final chapter actually have been written and closed forever.

Come on Smooth -- tell us how you really feel about her.
Some thoughts on how CMA knows how to use a knife:

She worked in her family's restaurants starting at a young age. She must have learned how to "slice" a lot of different things and which knife to use. I once said I thought that Bobby Juarez may have taught her a few things about how to use a knife, but now that I think about it, I think she learned early on in the restaurant business. JMO

Edit: Plus, she did watch movies like "Psycho" and such...
I have often wondered what would have happened if Jodi lunged at Travis with that knife and only got in one shallow stab wound. And he was able to defend himself well enough to fight back. If he had struggled to save his own life, and killed her in return, he would probably be on Death Row right now. JMO

I'm relatively certain you are correct. Although with the issue of the gas cans that may not be the case. I think the gas can evidence shows a extensive premeditated plan for murder on Jodi's part.

But if all things had been equal and Travis was on trial with the same evidence yay was used against Travis I'm convinced that Travis would be sitting on death row as we speak.
Ha! Watching Andrea Schneiderman on DD... She looks like she is in labor giving birth in the footage of her seated watching the trial!!! Wow.

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I almost think she's a better liar than CMJA is because she doesn't elaborate much or go on tangents, from what I've seen - SCARY. I think she can really fool a jury.
So everything that the trial focused on has nothing to do with the REAL REASON. (or might not)
Oddly that makes total sense!

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I just wonder how much of the murder was investigated as to the cause. Were the bank accounts checked out? Was her income source checked out. IRS statements, etc. Why two checking accounts? I am sure things were but we haven't heard anything about it have we? Why didn't her parents ever meet DB and why did he really not want to appear on camera at the trial?

These are kind of far fetched questions, but are they really. To me this is a farfetched crime, but it really did happen. jmo
Dusting Thompson is the guy arrested and jailed for fraud....
Finally found his name.
Remember his wife contacted police thinking he was involved in the murder and then retracted her statement when Jodi's prints were found.

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Another thing that's odd about that day is that it sounded like the roommate was in and out a few times (I need to go back to the Flores report to double check that). The roommate never told police that he saw Jodi at their house that day, so she obviously was hidden away in Travis' bedroom the whole time. Yet, we know at some point that Travis was in his study because his cell phone was there and he last used it around noon. So he was up and about. Very risky on Jodi's part that a roommate would find out she was there. It's quite possible that she was prepared to kill whomever was there that day if it became necessary.

I have often wondered if she was in the house hiding out until the roommate left on June 4. So she never actually saw Travis at 4am, but rather closer to noon. She got cute with him, lead to sex and then I'm still working out in my mind what happened next about how the shower thing went down.

Following up on my thoughts... it really does make more sense to me that she waited until after his call at noon to announce she was there. I think the roommate's schedule put a kink in her plans, making her much later to Ryan's than she originally planned.

Perhaps she planned to get in to the house in the morning on the 4th just after the roommate normally left to do the deed. But that didn't work out. That would explain how the roommate never knew she was there, and why she was way off on her arrival time with Ryan.
Who remembers this movie?

On Dr. Drew, they had some callers that sided with JA just because they were in a previous relationship with a guy that did them wrong, and so they can believe JA and think her killing him was justified.

This is so wrong. I hate it when people automatically assume that Travis had to abuse her just because they had it happen to them.

Each case has to be looked at individually.
Indeed. I wonder if the obsession stops once the obsessee is out of the picture?

That may have been her goal but I don't think it worked. She seemed just as obsessed about him after she killed him as she did before. She is still obsessed about it, IMO. I think the difference is now she doesn't have to worry about him falling in love with someone else, marrying someone else, having kids with someone else. In effect, he completely belongs to her. There is no competition now.
There was a part in her interrogation tapes where she and Flores were talking about jealousy, I think, and she made a comment about another women and said something like "I didn't worry about her". Well, why should she have worried about anyone? They were long broken up. Her talking about women she was worried about showed that she was clearly still obsessed with him and her biggest fear was that he would fall in love with someone else. That is also why her plans to kill him started much earlier then May. I think they started sometime in February when Travis told him he met the woman he thinks God wants him to marry (Mimi). At the time JA killed Travis she was completely certain that their marriage was all but a done deal. She didn't learn until after the fact that Mimi had told Travis she just wanted to be friends. It never occurred to her that Mimi might not want to marry Travis. She probably assumed that all women wanted to marry him and it was up to her to keep that from happening.
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