SIDEBAR #8- Arias/Alexander forum

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I think it's really strange that she said they always took nakie pictures of themselves & deleted them right away.
Who does that? Isn't the whole purpose of taking pictures to file them away.
Probably another one of her lies or we would have seen many, many more nakie pics.

When listening to Jodi it is obvious that she just makes up things as she goes along. That is why 99% of what she says lacks logic and common sense. The majority of it comes across as weird and farfetched.
I think it's really strange that she said they always took nakie pictures of themselves & deleted them right away.
Who does that? Isn't the whole purpose of taking pictures to file them away.
Probably another one of her lies or we would have seen many, many more nakie pics.

Nakie... that makes me laugh.

But you're right, what's the point?

However, if everyone deleted their nakie pics and videos, we'd never know Kim Kardashian!!! Oh the horror!!
What do you mean by the bold? I think she would have harmed the dog, for sure, if she'd thought about it. jmo

ITA! She couldn't keeps Naps if she stole him that day. It would have been evidence she had been there that day.
Naps would have been killed & discarded with the gun & knife.
I'm so glad he wasn't.
The argument has already been rejected once. Why would they think it wouldn't be rejected again? It will be rejected again if her DT wants to waste more paper on an appeal over this issue. They can't prove perjury. It will always fail.

i agree with you completely, i was just making a comment, doesn't mean new appellate lawyers won't try. it clearly won't fly though
my faith in lady justice is being restored.

stuart hazel - guilty sentenced to minimum 38years
jodi - guilty
mark bridger - guilty

as much as i hate jodi,i just can't see her murdering a child?

If a child was the only obstacle to Jodi reaching her goal....there would be a dead child. IMO

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When listening to Jodi it is obvious that she just makes up things as she goes along. That is why 99% of what she says lacks logic and common sense. The majority of it comes across as weird and farfetched.


When my sister was using (heroin and alcohol among other things), she became a pathological liar. She would lie about the color of the grass. She lied about things she didn't need to lie about it. And we believed her for a very long time.

After awhile, you begin to catch on to these people and you can see the wheels turning while they're speaking, trying to stay just one step ahead of everyone else. It's creepy but it's the way they try to maintain control. Without control, Jodi feels helpless.
Here is one man's opinion on the killing events. I wanted to post this on the 'sequence of events' thread but I can't find it. What do the bright minds here think?

He lost me when he postulates that Travis ran into something in the walk in closet when chasing JA and says:

"The building schematic of Alexander’s bathroom/hall/walk-in closet show the walk-in closet is designed to allow for a dressing chair, which may or may not have been present during the chase."

Nothing was distrubed in the closet and there is absolutely no evidence of a dressing chair. But since this guy apparently believes the 'run into the closet to get a gun that isn't there' theory then I suppose it's not surprising that he also thinks after she shot him that he bear hugged her and she stabbed him in the back and then slashed his throat while still in front of her.

And this:

"The solution to fraying nylon rope is melting the cut ends with a small flame, like a lighter or match.

Melting the ends of rope this way is a common event.

Melting nylon can drip to the ground.

Alexander would not have wanted to melt the ends of nylon rope over carpet.

Melting the ends of the nylon rope in the bathroom makes perfect sense."

Are we just making up evidence/testimony, sir? I guess she could have had a Bic up there too and maybe it met the same ghostly fate as the dressing chair and disappeared before Travis was found, but I doubt it.

And all the wounds were not on only one side of Travis' body.

He needs to do more work on his theory. And look at more photos instead of line drawings.
She who shall not be named tweeted again yesterday:

Jodi Arias Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 20h

"I will be sorry for the rest of my life - probably longer." - Me, my allocution, May 21, 2013 9:59 AM - 29 May 13

Transcript excerpt, including this phrase, which is the only time she uttered the word sorry:

"This is the worst mistake of my life. It's the worst thing I've ever done. It's the worst thing I ever could have seen myself doing, in fact I couldn't see myself doing it. Before that day I wouldn't even want to harm a spider. I'd gather them up in cups and put them outside.

To this day I can hardly believe I was capable of such violence, but I know that I was and for that I will be sorry for the rest of my life. Probably longer. I was horrified by what I had done and I'm horrified still.

In many ways my family has also suffered a great loss. Their pain is fresh because they only learned about it two weeks ago, the moment the verdict was read. The moment their hopes of ever welcoming me home someday were dashed. "

So she said she is sorry for being capable of violence, and she still has not said that she is sorry that she killed Travis, nor has she said she is sorry that Travis is dead.

Being "sorry" could mean anything and certainly I do think she is sorry she never took that camera.
Here is one man's opinion on the killing events. I wanted to post this on the 'sequence of events' thread but I can't find it. What do the bright minds here think?

Interesting, but I would like to ask this person why they think she lied and changed her story three times. I would also like to ask them why they think she has never shown a shred of remorse. I would like to ask them how she could act as if nothing at all happened after slaughtering another human being, and why she begged to see the photos of her handywork when she was arrested.

The only thing I can agree with this wingnut on is when they said Nurmi and Willmott gave an underwhelming performance. And only because of the disgusting tactics they used to slander the victim, not because they didn't give her an adequate defense.

I think this person should just crawl back under their rock and be quiet. I'm putting my faith in the ME and the LE investigators who are TRAINED in analyzing crime scenes, and murder victims.
Do we know how many were men and how many were women that voted against death?

If the holdouts weren't gender specific then JA sure manipulated females as well.

I'm not sure but one juror (forgot her name - and I think she may have been an alternate but I'm not sure) said that age was definitely a factor. Older people wanted life.
If a child was the only obstacle to Jodi reaching her goal....there would be a dead child. IMO

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Agreed. That's why I believe Jodi is more dangerous than Casey Anthony. Casey will only kill and is dangerous to those less vulnerable than her (like a child or a elderly person). Plus Casey ultimately just wanted to hurt her mother as badly as she could and she knew killing Caylee would accomplish that. But Jodi will kill anyone. Young, old, or very fit men. Jodi has no fear and will not hesitate to kill a man much larger than herself. She's absolutely a danger to everyone in society, including the prison guards.
I'm not sure but one juror (forgot her name - and I think she may have been an alternate but I'm not sure) said that age was definitely a factor. Older people wanted life.

That would be Juror No 10.
Agreed. That's why I believe Jodi is more dangerous than Casey Anthony. Casey will only kill and is dangerous to those less vulnerable than her (like a child or a elderly person). Plus Casey ultimately just wanted to hurt her mother as badly as she could and she knew killing Caylee would accomplish that. But Jodi will kill anyone. Young, old, or very fit men. Jodi has no fear and will not hesitate to kill a man much larger than herself. She's absolutely a danger to everyone in society, including the prison guards.

I visualize CA and JA in the same cell. Cage fight!
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