SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

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how could anyone possibly determine if she's telling the truth? I think she'd see it as the ultimate lie challenge and just yak yak yak more piles of animal waste.

If I was making a deal with Jodi she would get zero "stage time.". I'd force her to relinquish all appeals and I'd get Sandra Day OConnor to write the stupulation, she's got a lot of experience with appeals and the stipulation would have to be airtight, because you know Jodi wuld agree to something like that while simutaneously thinking of ways she would get around it.

I can't even wrap my head around "jodi" and "the truth" in the same sentence anymore.

I was just telling someone that the only time we knew for sure she was telling the truth was when she said, "yes, I lied."
Yes, and remember when JW said "it all changed after Angela was born." Well, nooooo JW, things didn't change, only CMJA's sick twisted mind screwed up the reality and perceived something that wasn't there. I also find it interesting how she goes after the other girl in the family, and not the brother, who she spoke very glowingly of. It's always the girls who she feels threatened by....EVEN IN HER OWN FAMILY!!! Maybe she thought Angela was prettier than she was?

Now that I think about it, she purposefully brought up that Angela is very "responsible" and is married now and "very happy," and has a kid to boot. Why did she have to put the "responsible" in there? I'm thinking aloud, so bear with me...inside she is probably seething that Angela has done everything right and is "responsible" which is the OPPOSITE of what CMJA is.

I thought it was really strange that right after CMJA had gone up and talked to "positively" about Angela, the next minute JW goes up and says "it all changed after Angela was born." I was like, WTF? But it all makes sense now...CMJA was having JW do the dirty work for her. She knew SHE couldn't go up there and say that, everyone already knows she hates her mom and then it would be obvious that she hates her sister too. So she did one of those repressed things when talking about Angela, kind of like the digs she took at the Alexanders.

So sick and messed up. It's all in her mind. She got it into her head one day that Mom loves Angela more than she loves me, and so from then on no matter what Mom did or said, she took everything the wrong way.

EXACTLY. :rockon:
Agh,Jodi! As I speak,I am sitting on my back deck enjoying an alcoholic beverage,the sun is shining,there's a nice breeze.The birds are singing!My new puppy is here with me.I spent the day outside doing yard work,then visited my little nieces and nephew for a while.I have a nice homemade lasagna waiting in the oven for supper.And how was your day Jodi?Can you really say it was worth it?

That DOES sound like a lovely day!
Exactly...thank you. Then why is Mr. Foreman going on about Dahmer and Manson? Why doesn't he think about it in your terms...that what she did is far worse than others in prison on M1? She is not on the same level as someone who pre-planned and killed someone with a single gunshot.

Because I am A Very Mean Person (tm) I have no problem with the imposing the death penalty in crimes like Arias'. I'd also love to see the plug pulled on that waste of human flesh and oxygen who kidnapped and killed Polly Klass and then taunted her father at sentencing. But, I am married to and live with a Very Nice Person (tm) who is adamantly opposed to the death penalty for any reason evar and I can smell the same vibe on Mr. Foreman. I think he was a stealth anti-DP believer (at the very least) or activist (at the most.) That's okay. It happens. But, in this case, I think it's a biiiig mistake for Jodi Ann Arias to expect that lightning will strike twice in a state where most residents support the DP. Yeah. Good luck with round two Jodi Ann. :floorlaugh:
how could anyone possibly determine if she's telling the truth? I think she'd see it as the ultimate lie challenge and just yak yak yak more piles of animal waste.

If I was making a deal with Jodi she would get zero "stage time.". I'd force her to relinquish all appeals and I'd get Sandra Day OConnor to write the stupulation, she's got a lot of experience with appeals and the stipulation would have to be airtight, because you know Jodi wuld agree to something like that while simutaneously thinking of ways she would get around it.

I can't even wrap my head around "jodi" and "the truth" in the same sentence anymore.

I actually thought I deleted that post b/c I knew someone would come on and say something about it
and think I was crazy-LOL
I'm really concerned about this too. They will also now have a better idea of the types of questions to ask and which potential jurors to focus on during voir dire. But then again, so will the state. Are new experts allowed to be brought in during the retrial of the penalty phase?

Hi! I have no idea about a way I hope not b/c then the trial will drag on for months just like it did before, but in a way I hope so b/c I feel like Juan could use some more support that way. Someone suggested that Juan bring on a male domestic abuse expert (meaning the victims are male...I thought that was brilliant!). I feel like he could use the explanation for why did Travis keep taking her back? And why did he keep having sex with her? And why couldn't he just cut her off? I feel like the answers to that are complex and NOT as simple as "oh he was just a horny guy who wanted the sex. The expert could go into women using sex as manipulation, etc.. I wonder why Juan didn't think about that the first time around (or maybe JSS won't allow it?).

about 4:14

Kathy Griffin performs at Perryville and tours maximum security cells where she talks to Wendi Adriano who says "it's alright".

I thought the front of the cell was a wall of bars. Wrong. It's a steel door with a little window to peer out and a slot where you receive your food.

I. Would. Go. Insane.
Did you notice now Kathy visited a Death Row inmate at Perryville, then stated: "It's amazing how normal she is considering what the Jury found she had done". [She killed a family member]. This is the illusion of normality which belies psychopathology. All the staff have to wear stab vests.
Did you notice now Kathy visited a Death Row inmate at Perryville, then stated: "It's amazing how normal she is considering what the Jury found she had done". [She killed a family member]. This is the illusion of normality which belies psychopathology. All the staff have to wear stab vests.

And this is where Jodi Ahrias (Juan-pronunciation) belongs.
Do you all think Jodi is cunning enough to pass a lie detector test?
Sex, sex, sex- jeeez. What is wrong with Nurmi???
I think JA was very jealous of her younger siblings (remember the dirty diapers she had to clean up) and blamed her mother for the supposed "neglect" she felt after they were born. She wasn't the "Queen of Zumunda" (Mark I.'s title :floorlaugh:) anymore in the family.

ITA. And I find it really very strange. I had two younger sisters -- one who was 18 months younger than I and another who was 8 years younger. I remember how incredibly excited my sister and I were when my mother brought home "our" baby. My other sister and I couldn't wait to take care of her and play with her and make up dippy little sisterly love songs for her. Then again, I'm not a sociopath or a psychopath so maybe that's the difference.
Do you all think Jodi is cunning enough to pass a lie detector test?

Yes she believes her lies and lives her lies....she may not pass parts if she lies off the cuff or on some of her ridiculous lies but IMO but her killing story she has gone over numerous times.

Tell him he rocks!

He's such a sweetie! I haven't seen him since the last US tour he did when he was with AWB. My sisters saw him a few years ago when they took some of our mother's ashes to Scotland.
Hi! I have no idea about a way I hope not b/c then the trial will drag on for months just like it did before, but in a way I hope so b/c I feel like Juan could use some more support that way. Someone suggested that Juan bring on a male domestic abuse expert (meaning the victims are male...I thought that was brilliant!). I feel like he could use the explanation for why did Travis keep taking her back? And why did he keep having sex with her? And why couldn't he just cut her off? I feel like the answers to that are complex and NOT as simple as "oh he was just a horny guy who wanted the sex. The expert could go into women using sex as manipulation, etc.. I wonder why Juan didn't think about that the first time around (or maybe JSS won't allow it?).

i'm torn on whether or not I think either side should be able to use new experts. I think they should have the same experts the first jury had to work with because those experts helped decide the jury's verdict that the new jury will accept as they decide on the new penalty phase, but I can also see the argument against that as valid as well, as maybe the original jury couldn't reach a verdict on punishment because there wasn't enough effective expert testimony in the first trial...thus more and/or different experts might help them reach a unanimous vote in the retrial of the penalty phase... I guess I just have to keep reminding myself that this is JUST the penalty phase that is being retried
I actually thought I deleted that post b/c I knew someone would come on and say something about it!!

Oh, I wasn't saying anything bad about your post, it was more an exasperated throw your hands up kind of thing. not at you, at the concept of jodi and the truth. I'd love a plea deal where Jodi is forced to tell the truth bit I don't think that cOuld actually exist. (I don't doubt she could give a polygraph a run for the money, so even that wouldn't be a guarantee)

and dozens of times over the trial I'd be about to post something and think "wait a minute, that assumes she's telling the truth" (or she's a normal person with feelings, another fallacy)

any post in this whole forum that contains the words "jodi said" could be on shakey ground, the magnitude is remarkable.
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