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Hi I've missed so much while sick. can I ask where I can find the pictures? I have looked all over with no luck. Thanks so much. :seeya:

Which pictures? There are a bunch at this site. here
We are LIVE on the air with Katiekoolady, Dr. Lillian Glass and attorney Holly Hughes on TRICIA's TRUE CRIME RADIO discussing the Arias trial!

Click on the link in my signature line so you don't miss any more of the show!!!
Someone was putting Juan down for not aiming higher than he has. Who is more honorable? A man who has spent years seeking justice for those who's loved ones have been brutally taken from us far to soon, or the one that has made her livelihood trying to get them off?

Give me a break! Now it's "wrong" to have a job and do it well without wanting a political career? Imagine all the families that Juan Martinez has helped over the years--he has a heart and soul. I think the critics are jealous of the attention he's getting.
Give me a break! Now it's "wrong" to have a job and do it well without wanting a political career? Imagine all the families that Juan Martinez has helped over the years--he has a heart and soul. I think the critics are jealous of the attention he's getting.

I don't think he would do well in the political world. He can spot a phony a mile away. lol Can you imagine him dealing with most of the politicians out there. I think he loves his job fighting for the victim and their families. God Bless him. jmo
My fav question was "Have you seen a Dr for your mental condition?" I LMAO!

Hi SweeT and all, speaking of seeing a Dr. does anyone know if thhey ever did a thorough physical on jodie? I saw pictures, didnt like what I saw. I mean it strikes me there is something not right. :seeya:
Didnt want to dampen any fun Sat night mood but wanted to share a photo album I made today of the photos of my sister Cindy and I that I sent to the Ricki Lake Show for them to use. I'm sure they won't use them all but this is what I sent. Sigh....sad day for sure.

Also Tricia asked me to be on her radio show again tomorrow heads up on that too.

Also Janine Driver said for sure she's coming to court this Wed...woohoo!

Katie, I am so sorry for your loss. I just can not begin to imagine. I applaud your courage to keep up with current cases seeking justice. I am not positive what I would do, but I think I could not relive it through the trials of others who kill. You and, several others on here are to be commended for your bravery.

Is there a thread for members that have suffered through this unfortunate "bond"?

I know you posted a link to your story, but I would like to read it again.

Keep up the good fight!
Give me a break! Now it's "wrong" to have a job and do it well without wanting a political career? Imagine all the families that Juan Martinez has helped over the years--he has a heart and soul. I think the critics are jealous of the attention he's getting.

I addressed those sentiments in a long a$$ post about our prosecutor Cathy Hughes which you can read here- I concur completely w you too:

(Just noticed that post ended up w 84 likes! Justice wins)
The ME reminds me of my longtime crush Micheal C Hall. It's weird that the guy was a medical examiner, since the character Dexter Morgan works with blood spatter and supposedly in the show graduated at the top of his class in med school. It was a plot point in season two that got him caught, I swear I'm not weird.

I read the upcoming season is the last for Dexter. I have mixed emotions about that. Time for it to go, but sure will miss it.
Awake, can't sleep, was finishing up a project and ran in to this poem I wrote after a dear friend of mine and one of the most amazing people I've ever met was murdered in a murder /suicide by her husband last November. I wrote this poem in the aftermath of that and thought I would share it:

Flawless (dedicated to Laura Peralta)

Try not
the bigger person.

When life's crushing blows
come, be small.
Get smaller. Wait.

A perfect diamond won't apologize
for taking all that time.
It patiently pauses for
it's moment to shine on

The World.
The watch glancing, toe tapping

So much pressure,
tick tock tick tock.
Waiting becomes
it's salvation.

just one proclomation:

While you were busy being
in my disappearance,
I was becoming.


-Kathy Monkman 11/12

OMG that's so funny. My DH has been watching some of the TH shows with me. I wait for BK because she's my fav :great: but since she's sharing the limelight with JC, we get her too.

DH is at the computer, not looking at the TV and says to me:

what the he11 is a Jinkasaurus? Vinny P. lets her name roll off his tounge exactly like that!


:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

i feel carppy today and that has cheered me right up.

im saving that in my favourites :floorlaugh:

omg - that was so funny. Especially when Nurmi said "NOW" and JM said "objection". I can' stop laughing (even knowing this was a clipped video). The maker did a FAB job.

Lies....tell me sweet little lies. Oops, sorry about that!

I just went outside and stepped right in dog poo.

Something tells me this won't be my day lol.

I think that is suppose to be good luck. Like when a gull poops on you. lol That is if you can get the poo off your shoe. jmo
Has anyone else watched the McDonald's Shamrock Shake commercial and imagined how creepy it would be if instead of the blonde actress (playing the uber jealous girlfriend) they had used a JA lookalike? Creepy!
Body language and Your Nose

He drives me nuts with his nose. One day I imagined a mini airport and he he was directing incoming flights. Up the left, over and up the right then across his lips with his teeth showing. It was the video when Juan was doing redirect the last day. What does he think when he is doing all this constant movement? It looks kinda gross.

Quoted from body language and your nose addressing Nurmi ALWAYS touching his nose. Is this an obvious signal to Jodi????? lol

"Of all of the above, the main reason for touching your nose has been found to be connected with lying or not telling the whole truth."
I was waiting for them..

My nephew has been in the hospital since the first of December and in ICU with two tears in his aorta ,an eight hour open heart surgery, two days later a stroke,and they removed part of his skull for his brain to swell, then his blood test showed the MSRA bacteria in his blood.

Two days later they had to go back and repair one of the staples holding his breastplate together and he contracted pneumonia and his temperature was running 106, then they found fluid on his pancreas.

After two months in ICU he was moved to a regular room and his aunts,uncle, sisters, brother, nieces and nephews have been with him night and day, what ever he wants he gets. He hasn't had any hospital food yet.

The room they moved him to had just been remodeled and had a brand new forty inch flat screen tv and they moved in a good size refrigerator for his growing hoard.

Yesterday I took him pasta in the pot for lunch and asked if he wanted anything else, and he said all he wanted was a tootsie pop. I almost chocked on my diet coke.

If you're in the metroplex go to UT Southwestern and Zale Lipsky. My nephew has had wonderful dr.s and nurses. They have not only taken great care of him, they have been wonderful to his family. Whew I've been holding that in for a long time. He wants Tupinamba sucide nachos and the pillow size sopapilla for dinner tonight, and he reminded me again about the tootsie pops.

So glad to here he is on the mend. It is amazing what children can endure. Hope he has a speedy recovery so he can go home soon.
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