ok thank you for your opinion and answering the question again. I can see your scenario as a possibility: omg she's dead what do I do how long has she been dead it's my fault what what what I'll put her in the trunk of the car how do I explain she's been dead "x" amount of time before I called 911 omg - But, if Casey was a wonderful mother, loved Caylee dearly at some point there would be sadness, remorse, mourning and feelings of guilt that she didn't couldn't save her from whatever that accident was. Instead we have seen the opposite. I tend to believe that Mothers, Mothers that love their child, if their child drowned in the pool and they found them hours later, that Mother would still try to revive the child, would still call 911 hoping they could revive the child. I tend to believe that their first and only concern would be revive the child by whatever means and help from anyone, 911, a neighbor. I tend to believe that a Mother that would initially cover up and continue to hide their child's death is hiding something that does not equate to an accident. moo