Sidebar Discussion #2

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I don't get why FCA would be a big "get" for what she would say in an interview...
1. Jose woudn't let her speak for 3 years (because of her guilt)
2. He called her a big fat liar, in fact the worst liar in court history
3. She constantly took the 5th in the ZFG depo, because she can't answer any of the questions on grounds that it would incriminate her.
4. She's not doing anything worthwhile now to talk about.

What would be the point? What would she talk about? What could the interviewer ask her? Sounds stupid.

The only way it would be a big money maker is if she would decide to tell the truth. No fallacy about drowning and daddy diddlings...but how and why she murdered her daughter. That would be the biggest ratings draw in TV history. Do you think Barbara and Jose get this?
Exactly. It's hard to fathom why they would believe anyone would switch on their TV to listen to the same lies they've heard over and over.
Frankly, I smell something "hinky" with the Frank Lagella angle...its not just that he happened at this dinner because of his show! Something is up with him, imo. Why does he have interest in this?
Frankly, I smell something "hinky" with the Frank Lagella angle...its not just that he happened at this dinner because of his show! Something is up with him, imo. Why does he have interest in this?
These are not a group of people JB would share his birthday with. Surely? Unless there's a gift in it for him.
The past week I have been flying by the seat of my pants, trying to stay in touch here and get the house ready for winter. I didn't want your wonderful post to get lost in here without hearing from me.....:heartbeat:

I tend not to visit profiles here. Although I've been a member since 2008, there was a period of time I wasn't able to sit at my computer too long. Since coming back I saw some old faces and new. I have gotten to know posters from what they post, at times not even thinking gender...:crazy:

You DO fit your screen name nicely, your logical side apparent and your emotional side coming through loud and clear also. I saw right away how you use both sides, much better at times than I, to reach your conclusions/opinions. If anyone has read enough of my posts, and they know who MacGyver is, then they realize I fix things. Sometimes I fix leaky faucets, am experienced at wheeling a band aid and at times sense certain posters frustration with me....:ignore:

Sometimes I post after great thought and other the seat of my pants. Sometimes from my heart, sometimes from my head. I can watch part of the verdict video, set aside my heart, put my emotions in check and do my best to "put myself in the subjects shoes". Whether it be the victim or the accused, I always try to look at the situation from a "fairness" approach...:scale:

If anyone knows enough about me by now, they know some of "my story".
People deal with their life experiences in different ways. I choose humor, if I feel the need for sympathy I have no problem taking five minutes out of my day to give myself a pity party, (anymore than 5 minutes is a waste of time)...and then I move on. The fact I have experienced some emotional abuse helps me to be able to shut the emotional part off, put it in the parking lot, and see what sometimes I don't want to for the purpose of finding something out.....:detective:

I have always written better than I speak. When I start writing like I speak, I have blank spots...:floorlaugh:...At times , when talking to someone...they leave shaking their head...asking..HuH?....:waitasec:
Some find it endearing...some confusing...:banghead:

You are VERY observant and this shows in your posts. You are an irreplaceable staple in this site, along with so many others. Your posts are ALWAYS thought provoking...:waitasec:..... as well as heart felt.........:heartbeat:

You are also a wild ride girl!...:rollercoaster:

ps...I took some time yesterday to check out some avatars...I will take BL's advice and go to CP user, look through some of those..I'll know it when I see it!......:idea:

If anyones interested..check out new photos on my profile of my dogs...Just wanted to catch up with everyone...still working in CA BOA thread...I will have an opinion soon...stay tuned and now back to our regulary sceduled programming....:great:

How did I miss this??? Wow - thanks for all the really positive stuff you've said here - maybe it's some kind of blessing that I read this at the end of a really crappy day because I need some..:therethere:..

The thing is - I know very little about you except that I respect your posts a lot and love that curiosity you have to go stage left to look at details we've glossed over or left under a bush somewhere way back when....and I love that you've brought them forward for some really good discussion.

I also really like that you just step up and say what's on your mind - it's great - or is it because I tend to do that also - much to the distress of some posters...:innocent: ..just kidding...sorta kinda...

But I don't "know" anything about you at all - I feel like kind of a dimwit here because it never occurs to me to look at a profile - I just take posters for who they present to us here on the board and I like them. We have some really bright folks here and I don't care about age, colour and all that stuff - I just want to peek into your mind for awhile!

You've brought some real "life" back to the board with your curiosity Ms MacGyver and I want to take the time to thank you for it. And as far as all the flattering things you've said....well..:blushing:

You write well - very well indeed - I get the same kind of response you do when I talk because I usually have about three thoughts, ideas running all at once, all very speedy and it shows in my posts - I leave words out, put them in the wrong order....:banghead: but peeps here are good enough to not notice or at least not to comment!

I'm looking forward to seeing who/what you choose for your "hat" - don't keep us in suspense for too long....AND keep posting - I love it!!
These are not a group of people JB would share his birthday with. Surely? Unless there's a gift in it for him.

Exactly...I get Barbara...but not Frank...he wasn't just along for the ride. Not in this case. What's his deal?
Clora Form
Vinnie Politan should've ended tonight;s show like this: Don't forget to hug your kids ... but ixsnay on hugging Barbara Walters


So I watched that clip again and two comments - it looked to me like LKB was hosting the event and who the heck was the older dude who was doing all the hugging? Ack!
So I watched that clip again and two comments - it looked to me like LKB was hosting the event and who the heck was the older dude who was doing all the hugging? Ack!

Some comments on TMZ and/or Baba's fb seemed to say he is Whoopi Goldberg's ex (:waitasec: I always thought WG was gay oh well) and he was in a show they went to. People were insinuating that Baba is dating WGs ex. I think that's just snark though. Wouldn't that be funny if LKB invited JB out for his bday and Baba was along and really can't stand him? :floorlaugh:
I have never heard of the Frank guy before. He's very affectionate.
Some comments on TMZ and/or Baba's fb seemed to say he is Whoopi Goldberg's ex (:waitasec: I always thought WG was gay oh well) and he was in a show they went to. People were insinuating that Baba is dating WGs ex. I think that's just snark though. Wouldn't that be funny if LKB invited JB out for his bday and Baba was along and really can't stand him? :floorlaugh:

Actually she sort of gave me that impression - not like he was there as her guest at all. She was standing well away from him all the time and it looked like she was doing it on purpose and not at all happy that TMZ caught up with them.
I have never heard of the Frank guy before. He's very affectionate.

I'm not at all good with indiscriminate hugging - in fact I was at a course not that long ago where we had to turn and hug our seatmate to the left and right - kind of on command. I finally stood up and said - nothing personal but I resent being commanded to hug and I'm not going to participate from this point on.

I went on to apologize to my seatmates and said they looked like very nice people and if I knew them I would call them friend - but my point was I did not know them so all this hugging was making me uncomfortable.

The seminar leader was shocked and rocked - she said let's excuse you from it then and a whole forest of hands went up asking for the same. That was the ending of hugging in that particular seminar. LOL. Now known as the seminar buster...:giggle:
I'm not at all good with indiscriminate hugging - in fact I was at a course not that long ago where we had to turn and hug our seatmate to the left and right - kind of on command. I finally stood up and said - nothing personal but I resent being commanded to hug and I'm not going to participate from this point on.

I went on to apologize to my seatmates and said they looked like very nice people and if I knew them I would call them friend - but my point was I did not know them so all this hugging was making me uncomfortable.

The seminar leader was shocked and rocked - she said let's excuse you from it then and a whole forest of hands went up asking for the same. That was the ending of hugging in that particular seminar. LOL. Now known as the seminar buster...:giggle:

It wasn't a grief seminar was it? Sally? :eek:
Actually she sort of gave me that impression - not like he was there as her guest at all. She was standing well away from him all the time and it looked like she was doing it on purpose and not at all happy that TMZ caught up with them.

Could it have been that LKB set up the dinner with BW and invited JB but did not bother to tell BW? I think if BW wanted to keep this a secret she would have had him to her home for dinner. No press leaks there. jmo
Could it have been that LKB set up the dinner with BW and invited JB but did not bother to tell BW? I think if BW wanted to keep this a secret she would have had him to her home for dinner. No press leaks there. jmo

That's what I was wondering...maybe she as ambushed.
Could it have been that LKB set up the dinner with BW and invited JB but did not bother to tell BW? I think if BW wanted to keep this a secret she would have had him to her home for dinner. No press leaks there. jmo

I never thought of that but you could be right - she did not look like a happy camper at all.
Some comments on TMZ and/or Baba's fb seemed to say he is Whoopi Goldberg's ex (:waitasec: I always thought WG was gay oh well) and he was in a show they went to. People were insinuating that Baba is dating WGs ex. I think that's just snark though. Wouldn't that be funny if LKB invited JB out for his bday and Baba was along and really can't stand him? :floorlaugh:

Bingo ... I have to say that's exactly what it looked like to me ... I think Baba was ambushed
If she wasn't she certainly did not look happy about being seen associated with him or perhaps was disgusted after spending a dinner with him ...

She probably walked away thinking NO money or exposure is worth a sit down with Jose OR KC ... :crazy:
Bingo ... I have to say that's exactly what it looked like to me ... I think Baba was ambushed
If she wasn't she certainly did not look happy about being seen associated with him or perhaps was disgusted after spending a dinner with him ...

She probably walked away thinking NO money or exposure is worth a sit down with Jose OR KC ... :crazy:

...while I doubt she'd ever walk away from the dollah... I could believe she recognizes that she's the queen, and JB is a be dismissed...with prejudice... at. her. leisure.

and come to think of it - the same goes for LKB
...while I doubt she'd ever walk away from the dollah... I could believe she recognizes that she's the queen, and JB is a be dismissed...with prejudice... at. her. leisure.

and come to think of it - the same goes for LKB

IMO, Baba's gone waaaay down in credible journalism the older she gets ... sort of desperate to complete with the likes of Geraldo-like sensationalism ... she must have been thrilled to pieces to have TMZ show up though

But it does make one wonder why on earth she would be out to dinner with Baden and Baez ... should be interesting to see if she comments on any of it
I watched the TMZ video a few times too - THANKS, LogicalGirl. I didn't see The View, but if BW was fawning over JB there, I wonder why she would disallow a good-bye hug? (Ugh, I would too, but I have never fawned over him. In fact he gives me the creeps). Why would she reject JB's hug now? Maybe its me, but I don't get it. Did he tick her off?

BW will sell her soul to score a "BIG" interview. When JB appeared on The View, she could chalk it up to "business". However, when she is seen chowing down and going to a play with JB, his wife, the Badens and Frank Langella (who used to be Whoopi Goldberg's main squeeze about 10-15 years ago), on a weekend evening, then the public's perception could be that she is "friends" with or has a friendly personal relationship with JB.

She knew if TMZ got the money shot of her hugging JB goodbye, it could be the kiss of death to her & The View and subject her to the anti-FCA, boycott ABC/Disney folks (like me :maddening:).

None of these so called "anchors" on the morning shows or news programs ever ask the tough questions. It's all b.s. and fluff and we get the same p.r. answers from the attorneys, whom are always sitting ball and chain style next to their clients. Worthless.

Thank God that Dr. Phil's show was taken off of the Houston market about 2 or 3 years ago. What did we learn from that pathetic "interview"? From the excerpts that were plastered on every network and entertainment "news" program the answer is Nothing... except we know for certain where FCA learned how to be a lying a$$ liar that lies from CA. I don't care if he made a contribution to a foundation or directly to their checking account, he still paid those disgusting people and IMO he has blood on his hands too.
BW: Hello Satan How aw you this fine mawning?

Satan: Feeling Devilish Babs.

BW: Oh you aw so humawous you wed devil.

Satan: My fans think so too. Especially KC Anthony.

BW: That brings up a few good questions Satan....did she evaw ask to bauwwow yaw pitchfawk? Did she awgue with you about hew accommodations when she awives in hell? Will she get special tweatment???
Did you have anything to do with thwawting her attowney fwom filing couwt documents on time? And you speak to her mothaw Cindy Anthony vewy often anymowe?

Few things make me laugh out loud, but you did! Clever!
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