Sidebar Discussion #4

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The infamous 12 spent more time wistfully gazing out their hotel window complaining about not being able to use the pool, "we have a pretzel craving in the break room", "we want to watch the game!", and "what's for dinner?" - than they did dedicating themselves to Caylee's justice.

It was as if they were completely inconvenienced by an innocent baby's murder....

I'd say the defense truly got a jury of Casey's peers then. I've never seen such a lazy, self concerned bunch in all my life.
The big news today, however, came from Cheney Mason, who confirmed to “In Session” that Jose Baez is no longer representing Anthony.

“His job ended on the day of her sentencing,” Mason told Jean Casarez of “In Session.”

He didn't require to formally withdraw from the case like DS?

The church minister hasn’t talked either, but Kealing noted that the pastor tweeted last night, “Please pray for my family and I tonight.”

I'd be praying for his family with her on the church grounds, not after FCA left!
Even the drawing of the little girl looking up at the teddy bear hanging from a noose was admitted as part of her photobucket account and they never even looked at it. It makes me want to spit nails that they were so lazy as to not go over every single piece of evidence. I maybe could accept the verdict a little more if they had put some effort into it... but they didn't. They simply didn't care. :banghead:

Yes it is shocking that ~3 years were spent as a lead up to this trial, many weeks were spent preparing and presenting the case, millions of $$$'s were spent, hundreds were there -- everyone invested everything to layout this case for the Jury to deliberate and review ... they were all setup with i's dotted and t's crossed as HHJBP tried painstakingly to prevent a mistrial and keep it fair and balanced.

The Jury?

They got the ball but came prematurely all dressed up and ready to give a verdict and go home. They did go through the motions and deliberate for about ~11 hours in order to save face. Play for some time.

Can we go yet? No! We need a few more hours else questions will be asked. Can we go now? No!

The Jury squandered a major opportunity to deliberate this properly and reach a just verdict for Caylee ... the victim. Sadly Caylee Marie was forgotten in all of this despite the SA focus.

The Jury shirked their duty and responsibility big time and let everyone down, including the Florida taxpayers who funded this waste .... a huge waste.
So I have a question then - since Ablow states that George stole some girl's panties and that he had to leave the school as a result and if that could be proven to be a false statement then wouldn't George have a case against him? If it wouldn't be defamation what would it be?

Just curious as to how these things work on a legal plane rather than just a moral or ethical one.

He didn't say that. He said: "This is the same daddy whom sources told me stole a girl’s panties from her house during high school and needed to finish up in another school system." So he didn't defame George unless no one told him that.

I was referring to the one who made the original accusation. You know, the one who doesn't enjoy the privilege of the Shield Law?

I suppose George could sue Ablow for defamation just to serve Ablow with discovery to find out the names of the "sources."

What application would any Shield Law have to this situation, though?
He didn't say that. He said: "This is the same daddy whom sources told me stole a girl’s panties from her house during high school and needed to finish up in another school system." So he didn't defame George unless no one told him that.

I suppose George could sue Ablow for defamation just to serve Ablow with discovery to find out the names of the "sources."

What application would any Shield Law have to this situation, though?

Because Ablow isn't the first to come out with this accusation against George and likely he won't be the last.

This is another one of those "ugly rumors" that the Mods warn us about that's spreading like wildfire. :rolleyes:
From Hal's blog - the quote below by Cheney Mason seems to be a shout out to Baez to me. In fact, I am thinking CM used In Session to give Baez the official news that you are done, your client has dismissed you, stop talking on her behalf. JMO.

It doesn’t sound as if Mason will be calling. He told Casarez: “No one with any authority is attempting to promote Casey Anthony … They are unsolicited and doing it on their own.”

Soooooooo who does (still) have Authority to promote OCA???? Who...I ask?
Soooooooo who does (still) have Authority to promote OCA???? Who...I ask?

CM and LF to the rescue in all areas I suppose. Take care of her appeal, civil suits, probation violations and later, when probation has ended, negotiate her money making opportunities. Sigh.
Because Ablow isn't the first to come out with this accusation against George and likely he won't be the last.

This is another one of those "ugly rumors" that the Mods warn us about that's spreading like wildfire. :rolleyes:

ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok :)
From Hal's blog - the quote below by Cheney Mason seems to be a shout out to Baez to me. In fact, I am thinking CM used In Session to give Baez the official news that you are done, your client has dismissed you, stop talking on her behalf. JMO.

It doesn’t sound as if Mason will be calling. He told Casarez: “No one with any authority is attempting to promote Casey Anthony … They are unsolicited and doing it on their own.”

ITA - I think that was a shot across the bow to Baez and to let the public and media know that Baez is not authorized to negotiate any deals on Casey's behalf.
Baffles me ....if JB was off the case from sentancing, then why was he on GR spouting news about FCA?
picked her up from jail (OOOOH wait, maybe he's now one of her 3 bodyguards) ROFLMAO
He didn't say that. He said: "This is the same daddy whom sources told me stole a girl’s panties from her house during high school and needed to finish up in another school system." So he didn't defame George unless no one told him that.

I suppose George could sue Ablow for defamation just to serve Ablow with discovery to find out the names of the "sources."

What application would any Shield Law have to this situation, though?

I guess I'm just irritated that Ablow doesn't have to reveal his sources. And that he can say sources in the plural without the reader having any assurance at all that any source ever told him any such thing - let alone more than one source.

Still - wouldn't it be an easy thing to at least prove that GA was never asked to leave school and never finished school in another system? If that is false then that would be easy to prove just by releasing his school records. Of course if GA did leave one school and finish in another (for whatever reason) then I guess publishing the records would be taken more as proof than anything else.
I have to consider that CM, when he said no one with authority was promoting Casey, was referring to the online bunch...her supporters as well as whoever uploaded the videos. I believe it was all done by her or with her permission though CM is still trying to imply that it wasn't.

I think he needs to do that so that he can still claim to the courts that she is in danger. He wants to retain that as long as possible as it has proven useful in the past, and could be used in an argument to get her off probation early. "She's in danger every single day that she stays in Florida, blah blah blah..."
I guess I'm just irritated that Ablow doesn't have to reveal his sources. And that he can say sources in the plural without the reader having any assurance at all that any source ever told him any such thing - let alone more than one source.

Still - wouldn't it be an easy thing to at least prove that GA was never asked to leave school and never finished school in another system? If that is false then that would be easy to prove just by releasing his school records. Of course if GA did leave one school and finish in another (for whatever reason) then I guess publishing the records would be taken more as proof than anything else.

He would have to reveal his sources if George sued him. I just can't see the point in suing over something that doesn't sound that terrible me at least. I mean, if probably thousands of people think you're a child rapist and murderer, who cares if they also think you were once a horny teenage boy--just like 99.9% of all the rest of the teenage boys? :waitasec:
Not sure if this has been posted, My apologies if it has:

InSession In Session
Cheney Mason tells IS, “No one with any authority is attempting to promote #CaseyAnthony. They are unsolicited and doing it on their own.”
I guess I'm just irritated that Ablow doesn't have to reveal his sources. And that he can say sources in the plural without the reader having any assurance at all that any source ever told him any such thing - let alone more than one source.

Still - wouldn't it be an easy thing to at least prove that GA was never asked to leave school and never finished school in another system? If that is false then that would be easy to prove just by releasing his school records. Of course if GA did leave one school and finish in another (for whatever reason) then I guess publishing the records would be taken more as proof than anything else.

If Ablow were challenged on it, he would have to reveal his sources. He has no special protection.

Likewise, the others before Ablow who have also made this same accusation.

The thing is, George isn't contesting it, just like he isn't legally contesting Casey's accusations about him. Between Cindy and Casey, they've beaten the guy to a bloody, voiceless pulp.

George has a decent paying job now, he needs to do what he needs to do, on his own!
I suspect that FCA purposely began distancing herself from JB as soon as the trial was over because she recognized that through his suspect behavior throughout her representation he was looming on the horizon as her next possible victim to be thrown under the KC Bus. He mishandled her money and got her in hot water with the IRS. Not to mention other claims she might concoct from the twizzler stories and spending all that time in his office for months.
They are both a couple of grifters and I always thought it would be a matter of time before she turned the same harsh light on him that she turned on her father. All the males in KC's life, regardless of their actions or intent, are just so much fodder for collateral damage. If you're not busy helping her with her agenda, expect to have tire tracks on your back.
He would have to reveal his sources if George sued him. I just can't see the point in suing over something that doesn't sound that terrible me at least. I mean, if probably thousands of people think you're a child rapist and murderer, who cares if they also think you were once a horny teenage boy--just like 99.9% of all the rest of the teenage boys? :waitasec:

It is a big deal, because it's yet another spark that has ignited the bigger blaze, that's why. Either stand for your complete dignity, or sit down and shut up.

We see which route George has taken.

ETA: This "sit down and shut up" is the exact same choice that George has made all along pertaining to Casey, and Caylee was the victim of the "bigger blaze".
He would have to reveal his sources if George sued him. I just can't see the point in suing over something that doesn't sound that terrible me at least. I mean, if probably thousands of people think you're a child rapist and murderer, who cares if they also think you were once a horny teenage boy--just like 99.9% of all the rest of the teenage boys? :waitasec:

I think that was the going thing for boys to do back then. I know I certainly heard about. Some of my friends said boys would ask for a pair so they could prove they went on a panty raid but they really didn't. lol The girls would gasp and say..."that's just awful" and then giggle for an hour over it. It was not a big deal back then, just boys being boys. You would think if the "good" doctor did his research he would realize it was not a big deal in those days. jmo
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