Sidebar Discussion #5

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do you have any insight into why she might want that?

I'm just saying if it was me, I'd count myself blessed as fork and move along in life....

...because it would never BE me, because I have shame, decency, empathy, a soul, 2 living kids, etc, I just dont see what it would accomplish for her if she got a new trial because call me stupid, or an optimist or what, but she'd be convicted again I am pretty sure, even the pinellas 12 wouldnt let her pull that one...

...okay, the miranda warning...that made it through before and probably will again, okay, say they throw the whole lot out so as to forget offender anthony in FL forever....she still "wins" nothing but the fees....

...oh wait. arent ALL those fees to OCSO for the lies? the 117k and all that?

now I think I get it?

Yes, getting out of paying the fees would be a plus. Also, if you were convicted of a crime and you had lawyers willing to handle the appeal for free, wouldn't you say, "Sure. Go ahead. Knock yourself out."?
Not exonerated--but to get a new trial. No one ever said that the appeal was to reduce 4 lies to 1 lie. That was the only argument made regarding the SENTENCING, but regarding the VERDICT there were other issues preserved for appeal, including the Miranda warning issue.

Oh would THAT be the biggest irony. A new trial to decide what she's lying about or not. I think I might just crack up completely if that happens.
Oh would THAT be the biggest irony. A new trial to decide what she's lying about or not. I think I might just crack up completely if that happens.

Good Lord, would she have to testify????? "Ms. Anthony, have you ever told a lie? Ans: No." lol
Why appeal?
Because she can.
Filing the appeal creates a delay of FCA truth-telling (if that is even a possibilty) in depo's and courts of law for all other civil suits.
Allows FCA to plead the 5th in civil concerns.
Allows FCA to 'preserve her story' should anyone wish to purchase it at a later date.
It's all about the $$$.
Occam's razor.
LOL - why do you think I am also lurking in here - sitting on hands and mumbling to self - I will not lose my temper, I will not lose my temper...:what:

Woo!! Glad I was out shopping for wedding and birthday presents. I'm going to go check out what's going on though. I'm nosey like that. :floorlaugh:
Yes, getting out of paying the fees would be a plus. Also, if you were convicted of a crime and you had lawyers willing to handle the appeal for free, wouldn't you say, "Sure. Go ahead. Knock yourself out."?

if it was me, personally, if there was risk of another trial, I actually would run the other way. but I am not OCA and I daresay I am nothing at all like her. I'm a very private person and the very idea of my personal texts, emails, and lies being public, let alone that the whole planet knew I duct taped my baby to death and that I had no soul, would keep me in a hole forever.

of course, OCA probably was like yeah, knock yourself out *preen*
nah, nevermind, deleting my post. sorry. nothing to see here! sorry everyone!
Yes, getting out of paying the fees would be a plus. Also, if you were convicted of a crime and you had lawyers willing to handle the appeal for free, wouldn't you say, "Sure. Go ahead. Knock yourself out."?

Could it have anything to do with her ability to legally make money off her dead daughter, given that the lies were regarding her actions in the capital case?

I don't know if Son of Sam type laws would apply to the minor offenses when she was acquitted of the larger one, but also if she wants to fight her parents use of their copyrighting Caylee's name in the future would it help with that at all?

Additionally would it diminish her culpability in the civil suit with ZFG?

(I prolly should have put this in the legal thread AZ, but since you were discussing it here I just decided to post here)>
LOL - why do you think I am also lurking in here - sitting on hands and mumbling to self - I will not lose my temper, I will not lose my temper...:what:

I took another posters advice and learned how to utilize my "ignore" feature. My blood pressure has dropped 25 points! Lol!
I know it is an old video, but the timing is suspect - two days after Josh Powell killed his boys. I bet anything Casey called them up and demanded they release it or at least talk about it. It can't be a coincidence that this happens two days after a horrible evil act. Casey is just that jealous and wants all the attention on her. There is no other reason to talk about or release another video right now unless it's because Casey is bored and wants the attention back on her.

Only KC would be jealous of someone who is getting more attention than she is for killing their children :banghead:
A appeals court will just rule to either keep the conviction as is or throw out the conviction. I may be wrong but I thought it was explained that there would not be another trial because of the double jeopardy rule. Even if they threw it out, she still couldn't be retried.
If your daughter drowned accidentally, what would be a reason NOT to call 911?
You killed her.

If you killed your daughter and her body had not been found, what could you say?
The nanny took her.

If you killed your daughter and her body has been found around the corner from your house, what could you say?
She drowned and your father got rid of the body because he molested me and possibly her.

How could 12 people be so incredibly stupid?
Thought of the day. Well, I think of that every day.

Your so right, I also think of that everyday.
I come back and read everyday but it's not going to change the verdict.
I really don't know what them 12 people was thinking of. Certainly not Caylee that's a fact
But I wonder if they think differently now

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A appeals court will just rule to either keep the conviction as is or throw out the conviction. I may be wrong but I thought it was explained that there would not be another trial because of the double jeopardy rule. Even if they threw it out, she still couldn't be retried.

That's right. The conviction either stands because there were no significant errors made or it is thrown out. If it is thrown out I do not believe the double jeopardy laws apply. I do believe that if that happened the state would have the option of retrial. The appeals court, however, will not order a retrial; it will only say that she is entitled to a new trial. Often for non-violent offenses there is no new trial due to the expense involved.
If I recall, FCA filed for indigency for her appeal.
Even if her attorneys are pro bono, they can still submit any expenses they may incur which could add up to a lot of money. Don't they get a pittance too? Are those public records?
If I recall, FCA filed for indigency for her appeal.
Even if her attorneys are pro bono, they can still submit any expenses they may incur which could add up to a lot of money. Don't they get a pittance too? Are those public records?

I do not believe the attorney can collect on an indigency case at a rate they would normall charge a client. I suppose that could vary from one jurisdiciton to another but FL is not in a great economic situation right now so I doubt the attorney will make any money off this appeal, more likely will be doing a lot of the work pro bono instead.

The state might cover filing fees, if she gets charged any. Indigent convicts usually have those fees waived.
Let her make ALL the videos and go out as much as she wants. I truly believe that some nut will take her out. If she thinks she's invincible, let her think that.


I never thought she was in danger when she got out of jail. The whole 'special' probation designed just for her is a total joke, especially since she has been releasing videos and pictures of herself. Probation could have been a good thing if she had been treated like every other felon.

However, ever look for a youtube video and get into something you never expected? Well, that happened to me the other day. Women had acid thrown into their faces. One was a beautiful model. Their faces literally melted off. Women were dowsed with gas then set on fire. A model was walking down the street in New York and some loon sliced her face up with a knife ending her modeling career. They were all disfigured for life.

I remember JA saying FCA might tick off the wrong person and they may take justice into their own hands. FCA is in control of her own fate now. She has been given a million and one chances to change but she refuses to do so. Florida has no duty to protect her. If she wants to continue releasing pictures and videos of herself she may attract someone just like her who doesn't give a hoot about human life. The pics/videos are just FCA's way of giving the Anthony salute because she got away with murder.


I never thought she was in danger when she got out of jail until. The whole 'special' probation designed just for her is a total joke, especially since she has been releasing videos and pictures of herself. Probation could have been a good thing if she had been treated like every other felon.

However, ever look for a youtube video and get into something you never expected? Well, that happened to me the other day. Women had acid thrown into their faces. One was a beautiful model. Their faces literally melted off. Women were dowsed with gas then set on fire. A model was walking down the street in New York and some loon sliced her face up with a knife ending her modeling career. They were all disfigured for life.

I remember JA saying FCA might tick off the wrong person and they may take justice into their own hands. FCA is in control of her own fate now. She has been given a million and one chances to change but she refuses to do so. Florida has no duty to protect her. If she wants to continue releasing pictures and videos of herself she may attract someone just like her who doesn't give a hoot about human life. The pics/videos are just FCA's way of giving the Anthony salute because she got away with murder.


I agree. Karma will deal with Casey in time. I have tried to imagine the kind of person that would WANT to be with Casey and all I could come up with is just what you have stated--someone just like her, someone who does not value human life.
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