Here is the beginning of the GVS interview.
GVS: Can you disavow me of my opinion of Casey. I saw her as selfish, partying, liar, cold, and she didn't care about her child. That's the way, that was the public, I dont think I'm probably alone in having that sort of view or impression of her based on everything that happened. Can you disavow me of that?
JB: Well I can tell you if I were in your shoes and I heard of all the things that I heard I would probably share the same opinion, but you have to assume that the statements that are made to you, those reports are all true. And the other thing I would say in her defense would be that you never sat down with Casey.
GVS: I know the partying is true.
JB: You never sat down with Casey.
Gvs: That's true but I know the partying is true.
Jb: You never sat down with Casey and. I understand party, uh, you know.
Gvs: Just so you know Jose, I went and talked to the people partying. I went to the tattoo parlor. I asked what she was like at the tattoo parlor. I talked to all these people that she was living with in that window between june and mid july. There was absolutely nothing, there was just nothing to suggest that anyone knew that there was anything awry with her our that she had any sort of concern for her missing child. Absolutely zero.And if course maybe she knew the child was dead from seeing the child dead at the pool, but it was stunning how cold.