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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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just out of curiosity, how many on here actually work in the sciences? how many are actually crime scene detectives? how many can actually work well enough with your hands that you can prove or disprove any of this? how many of you pretty much do nothing but type away at your computers all day? how many of you have actually done some "sleuthing" on here versus how many of you just drew your conclusions from what you have heard?

We drew our conclusions from the evidence that was presented. The SAME EVIDENCE the jury saw.
We drew our conclusions from the evidence that was presented. The SAME EVIDENCE the jury saw.

Yup, the whole idea is a jury of your peers which she sure got:floorlaugh:. At any rate to the poster this was directed toward, I do type and kibbitz quite a bit, but I'm a scientist; have a masters in rock hard environmental science from The Ohio State University (BS, MS); *advertiser censored* Laude, with honors and distinction, Actually won a one year scholorship my senior year for best undergrad thesis. Note, I am not a chemist or a great speller, but I am also not an idiiot.....:twocents:
Yup, the whole idea is a jury of your peers which she sure got:floorlaugh:. At any rate to the poster this was directed toward, I do type and kibbitz quite a bit, but I'm a scientist; have a masters in rock hard environmental science from The Ohio State University (BS, MS); *advertiser censored* Laude, with honors and distinction, Actually won a one year scholorship my senior year for best undergrad thesis. Note, I am not a chemist or a great speller, but I am also not an idiiot.....:twocents:

....and.... I am also not a good bowler or ballroom dancer, but I can add. And because I can do differential equations standing on my head, I'm sure I know the answer to 1+1. I'll give you a hint: it's not 3.....
Yup, the whole idea is a jury of your peers which she sure got:floorlaugh:. At any rate to the poster this was directed toward, I do type and kibbitz quite a bit, but I'm a scientist; have a masters in rock hard environmental science from The Ohio State University (BS, MS); *advertiser censored* Laude, with honors and distinction, Actually won a one year scholorship my senior year for best undergrad thesis. Note, I am not a chemist or a great speller, but I am also not an idiiot.....:twocents:

WAIT. You're not a chemist?????? Oh well then. LOL
If Casey did not stage to look like a kidnapping, where did the duct tape come from and why was it holding Caylee's skull together? Did RK put the skull together using tape that just happened to be at the scene and his vast arsenal of anatomical genius? Was it the ME's people and how did they get pieces of tape, weathered beyond belief, to stick in Caylee's hair? Did the animals have a lucky go at it and just happen to form the sling that so perfectly held the mandible in place? Or was it the floodwaters that reattached the mandible and put the tape there? Because by the time the flood got there, Caylee would already have decomposed completely. Since you believe she drowned, why NOT just say that she staged an accident to look like murder? It is far more plausible than a conspiracy theory or "one in billion" speculation and at least based on scientific facts.

Even if RK said he picked up the skull and juggled it, it only makes the evidence more reliable. The facts of what Caylee's skull went through and that it still remained intact is testimony to that. What specifically makes the inconsistent statements correlate with "lack of reliability of the evidence"?

I don't assume that the duct tape was holding the mandible in place. No, I don't think RK placed the mandible back in place and put duct tape over the mouth and nose area, nor do I think the ME's did that either. I am not convinced, from listening to all the experts who talked about the duct tape, and from the photos we were allowed to see, that the duct tape was ever placed over the face.

I don't remember ever stating that the mandible had become unattached from the skull. At some point, during decomposition, the skull was laying on its side, which caused the two deposits Dr. Spitz found when he opened the skull. Later in decomposition, while the mandible was still attached naturally, the skull landed in an upright position on the ground with the mandible still in place. There is no evidence that proves when the skull ended up in an upright position, unless you believe that RK did it (which I don't). In its upright position, the weight of the skull held the mandible in place.The duct tape was not adhered to the hair matt with glue, the glue was gone due to decomposition. The duct tape was adhered to the hair matt, as well as slightly adhered to the mandible by dirt, sandy silt, and plant growth. The fact that the duct tape was only adhered to the hair matt and slightly to the mandible by dirt, silty sand, and plant growth makes the claim that the duct tape was holding the mandible in place questionable. It would be more plausible that the skull sitting in an upright position was holding the mandible in place. If the tape was there, once decomposition took place, and the tape slid, which would have occurred prior to Faye according to some, then unless the skull was already embedded and or weighed down by something (like the garbage bag that RK stated he picked up and discovered the skull on the ground), loose tape in a sling shape would not have held the mandible in place with animal activity and Faye activity. As has been stated by many, there is nothing holding the mandible in place once decomposition occurrs. If the skull was ever on its side rather than upright after decomp occurred, the duct tape could not have held the mandible in place. If the skull was never on its side after decomposition, then the weight of the skull would have held the mandible in place.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
"Devil's Advocate: I think it was an accident. I think she had a break with reality upon finding Caylee deceased, and Caylee ended up where she ended up during that break from reality. I do not think she staged a murder, nor do I think she staged a kidnapping, I think she laid Caylee down in those woods with a few of her things while in absolute denial."

and if an accident, why subject herself to a trial with a crap shoot of a possible death penalty or life in prison as the result? if it really was an accident would she have subjected herself to 3 years in jail plus a possible death sentence or never seeing the light of day again? that makes no sense whatsoever to me. DevilAd are you saying her "break' from reality continued through the whole trial, she never knew Caylee was dead?

Was her "break" from reality so severe, did she not even realize after all that time in jail that Caylee was dead? did she never come out of that "break"? did she not wonder then why she was sitting in jail for 3 years? did she not get up in jail every day and question why she was there? did she not wonder why she was on trial for her life?

she would have emerged from her "break" from reality (if she had one, which I do not believe at all she did) some time while in jail or during the trial....why did she not then tell the absolute truth about the accident and panic by testifying in her trial she sat in for 6 weeks? why would she subject herself to LIFE IN PRISON or DEATH for a mere accident?

That is why I do not buy the accident or this alleged "break" from reality business.

IMO, MOO, etc.

I think she remained in denial of Caylee's death until December 11th when she was filmed watching the news of the discovery of remains in a heavily wooded area near the A's home.

At that time she had already been charged with murder. At some point early in 2009 a statement signed by KC claimed the states attorney wanted her to plead guilty to something she did not do. I think JA offered some sort of plea deal that required KC to admit to murdering Caylee, and she refused to admit that. Not long after that, the state reinstated the DP to her murder charge. She also had the fraud charges pending, as well as the ZFG civil trial. I think JA offered a plea deal, and KC told him Caylee had accidently drowned. He didn't believe her, and told her she had to admit to murdering Caylee or the deal was off the table.

I think she sat in jail for 3 years, because she didn't have any choice in the matter.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
I totally agree. It's dispicable how she disposed of the body. However, that does not prove she murdered her. And that is my standing. I don't "like" her anymore than anyone else. But, as far as the first 3 charges she was acquited of, I have to agree with the jury.

I agree with you. We will never know what really happened. The prosecution over charged and didn't prove their case. I agree with the jury only because the charges weren't proven beside the lies and she was convicted on that.
Just because some of us don't think the prosecution proved its case doesn't mean that we are 'Casey supporters'. We just don't think the prosecution proved its case.
Wow. Gone for a few days (glorious daughter broke the computer and now won't lend me her laptop (so even though I can usually spell ok, you'll have to suffer me on my iPhone - which is like typing with pineapples on yer fingers), and the sidebar's become a what happened to Caylee sleuthing thread.
Now, I'm no chemist but I'm heading off to wrap some duct tape around something and leave it outside for five months to see what happens to it. Hopefully I can replicate precisely the conditions on Suburban Drive in 2008. I'll publish my findings when my research is complete
Wow. Gone for a few days (glorious daughter broke the computer and now won't lend me her laptop (so even though I can usually spell ok, you'll have to suffer me on my iPhone - which is like typing with pineapples on yer fingers), and the sidebar's become a what happened to Caylee sleuthing thread.Now, I'm no chemist but I'm heading off to wrap some duct tape around something and leave it outside for five months to see what happens to it. Hopefully I can replicate precisely the conditions on Suburban Drive in 2008. I'll publish my findings when my research is complete

LOL another computer breakdown for me! And when I come back, what do I see?

Oh sniff!

Do publish your findings. I await with (a)bated breath.

In fact, today I found my duct tape in my bathroom - an experiment that a couple of us performed... I'll take it a bit further and see what a Chicago winter will bring... But I will need a decaying thing to wrap it around. Hmmm, all my kids are grown...
No, we have no concrete evidence (a photo or video) of the dumping grounds prior to RK. It's not like they were quiescent, either, what with the animals scattering the corpse, floodwaters rising and falling, and then RK poking the skull or whatever he actually did.

This is usually the case, so our CSI teams are specially and thoroughly trained to process evidence so the detectives, prosecutor then jury can make their best inference.

The "maybe maybe" never disappears altogether, but all things considered, what we ended up with by piecing it all together is closer to the truth than either you or I could come up with.

It's a big stretch, a huge distrust of the professionals in this case, to still cling to these sorts of "Maybe's". The maybe's you are still defending are the kind of maybe's we all had before any CSI occurred.

If you have some reason to believe there was shoddy work done, or an inside source, I'd be very interested to know it. I mean this sincerely.

I have no inside source about shoddy work being done by LE.

There was evidence of dereliction of duty by deputy RC. This occurred prior to Faye.

Some might be of the opinion that, since RK possibly pointed out Caylee's remains in August, and all LE searching in the wooded area near the A's home resulted in failure, only to have RK once again in Dec. find Caylee's remains, a mere 19' from the pavement, and less than 10' from the woodline could be considered to be shoddy work, especially when combined with deputy RC's performance.

Some might consider parts of the investigation were a bit overzealous. The disappearing heart shaped sticker residue. The phantom impression in the carpet. The alternative light discovery of potential decomp in the trunk in the carpet. the 84 times.

Some mishaps might be considered shoddy. The FBI dna found on the duct tape. The photos of the duct tape with measurements, they decided to say they did not have. Failure to Mirandize KC after placing her in handcuffs and placing her in the back of the police car.
All of the above are typical in this type of case, amplified by the fact that it was high profile. Some will always have a distrust of authorities.

While I want to believe all LE is upstanding, by the book, and flawless, to believe that LE is perfect in every way is naive.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
LOL another computer breakdown for me! And when I come back, what do I see?

Oh sniff!

Do publish your findings. I await with (a)bated breath.

In fact, today I found my duct tape in my bathroom - an experiment that a couple of us performed... I'll take it a bit further and see what a Chicago winter will bring... But I will need a decaying thing to wrap it around. Hmmm, all my kids are grown...

:floorlaugh: Well at least it's my summer. Btw, true story - same daughter called me the other day and said her car wouldn't start. Three guesses as to what the first thing I reached for in the garage was. I'm not becoming GA am I?
I don't think they are true FCA supporters. Some people enjoy causing friction. Kind of like FCA, ignore is the best option.


Personally, I do not support KC, I do however support our legal system, and for over 2 years, my position on this case has been that the prosecution failed to prove KC guilty on the first 3 counts. I do not hold this position in an effort to cause friction, although, by the nature of an opposing opinion to the majority, friction will occur. MOO
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