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..the "plea deal" was offered by LDB (not JA) in august 2008----limited use immunity if she wished to "participate in locating her child".

..emails from LDB---baez.

...( that offer was subsequently extended to september 2nd----no reply from baez/kc .)

..the affadavit by kc in early '09 had to do with the states motion re: conflict of interest---(IE: is baez in this for the $$$??)

..she added in the dig to ashton ( that had zero to do with the motion )--in her own scrawl on an otherwise typed doc--- on her own..
--kc affadavit---retainer agreement with baez--

--#'s 1 through 6 typed...( no one is selling my story, blah di blah.)

--# 7. (handwritten) "I believe that Mr.Ashton is angry because I have refused to take a plea agreement for a crime that I DID NOT commit."

( the defense/kc were mad that ashton filed HIS 'conflict of interest' motion on the heels of THEIR motion crying the blues that they had been video-taped meeting in jail..)

---therefore: the personal line to JA---via baez-- from baez/kc...had nothing to do with the old plea deal possibility from months ago..
That July 29th date just keeps popping up...wasn't there a "missing visit" around then...or were we wrong about that?
Thanks for finding this motion.

Quoting the motion:
7. I believe that Mr. Ashton is angry because I have refused to take a plea agreement for a crime that I did not commit.

There is no mention of the limited immunity that LDB offered in AUG of 08. KC states Mr. Ashton is angry not LDB is angry. KC says she refused to take a plea agreement for a crime she did not commit. She did not say she refused to accept a limited use immunity offer from LDB.

It is because of this statement that I believe JA offered KC some sort of plea deal late in Feb or early March. The limited use immunity is not really a plea deal, in my opinion, it is only an offer for limited immunity on a statement made to police, kind of a one time deal offer limiting immunity to that statement only, and only partial immunity at that.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
After Caylee was found? I'd love to see proof of that. Maybe we'll get to know more about that in JA's book.
Although we have come a long way from the bra burning sixties, there is still a very real glass ceiling in many business's in corporate America.

Although improved from the past, sex still sells, watch a beer commercial, or Victoria's Secret commercial, shoot, even Jack in the Box keeps making sexual innuendos in its commercials.

Pretty girls are still highly marketable. The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, Runway models (Project Runway), cheerleading competitions on ESPN (yes, we now have a few male cheerleaders, so we are trying to improve), most servers in restaurants are still female, check the toy departments for little girls, makeup, etc.

Looks are still very important in our society. Not quite as important as the Stepford Wives would have you believe, but still important.

Would a mudfight between Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston sell more tickets than a mudfight between Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'donnell?

Double standards in all walks of life in the U.S. are alive and well. We are trying to eliminate these double standards, but we are definitely not there yet.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

I think it takes decades and decades for the simplest stereotypes to fade away. When I grew up, there were NO people of color in my little town, and I saw my first Black person in my teens (in person).

My children grew up in a much larger city and didn't just have "brown friends and peach colored friends" (as my daughter characterized them when she was five :D ) but they had a deaf friend and a little boy with Down's Syndrome at the day care who was very loved included. The biases that I downloaded helplessly as a child are nowhere to be found in my kids.

Women's liberation? Practically a no-brainer, in the generation just now taking on adulthood. Men stay home with their babies, homosexual couples adopt and take hormones to breast-feed.

In another hundred years, we fairly "enlightened" folks will probably look like grunting apes, SO hopelessly bigoted, for whatever reason. And in comparison, WE ARE.

I too am very bothered that a sweet female face somehow trumps all else. It's been talked about here before, how it seems as though more MEN believe Casey Anthony is innocent than women. My step father said to me and my mother when we discussed the NG verdict "Ah, why don't you and all those other people just leave that poor thing alone!!"

My 24 y/o son said "She's kinda hot" when I asked him what he thought of her. I didn't MEAN how she looks dammit!

Is that a societal bias that will fade over the decades? I don't have the faith that it will, or that sex will stop "selling". I think these kind of biases come from a deeper place than racial bias, for instance.

Anyhoo, great post TDA.
Bolded by me and my responses in green. Thank you for your post. Very thought-provoking and caused me to look at alot of testimony over again.
Regards, BellaVita
If the roots were growing thru the bag (as was determined) they could have held the body in place for some time. What was created at the back of Caylee's skull (as has been reported) was a hair mass. If that was rooted to the ground (for an extended period of time), why wouldn't the tape stay affixed to the hair and keep the mandible in its anatomic position?
Slightly OT, but is the ZFG case still moving forward as scheduled?
Sadly, I hardly had to think for a second to know who both people you're talking about. I have been on this case waaaaaaaaaay too long. LOL

Same here. Didn't even have to blink to know. LOL.
If the roots were growing thru the bag (as was determined) they could have held the body in place for some time. What was created at the back of Caylee's skull (as has been reported) was a hair mass. If that was rooted to the ground (for an extended period of time), why wouldn't the tape stay affixed to the hair and keep the mandible in its anatomic position?

Plain old gravity, friction from animal activity and flood waters would force the hair fibers and duct tape mesh mingle and "grab" onto each other. As adventitious as the ground cover was in the swamp, little roots and tubules would grow up and through, and die and leave behind the cellulose strands to reinforce the tape and hair and ground surface together. Seems like that could happen in a couple of days in that sort of warmish, wet environment. Especially with the "fertilizer" of decomposition :( so abundant.

Isn't there a saying about inertia, that an object at rest tends to remain at rest? It is more likely that something affixed to something remains affixed to the general area. If the tape were around the outside of the sacks Caylee was disposed in, it would have more or less remained affixed to the sacks, and I'm sure that the FBI analysis would have revealed plastic or canvas material remaining on the duct tape, which was not noted in anything I read.

Instead, the duct tape was adherent in a MOST particular way.

Haven't we all dropped something, and it bounced away and landed somewhere bizarre, so that you say "Man, I couldn't have thrown that there if I tried!". Maybe that is the reasoning behind "the duct tape could have been ANYWHERE, but it just happened to end up adherent to the hair, skull and mandible."

Well, sure . . . but in all reality, the chances of that are SO LOW, all things considered, that it is absurd. Logically and reasonably speaking, of course.
Why! Why can't I just go make dinner? Or make the kids do their homework? I honestly don't have a big juicy point to make and I hate to interrupt the NG fart jokes, butt...

Here I am. I think it isn't about the small facts or science for me anymore since it is all out there, bit by bit. It is the totality. Let's seat the jury whose task is to determine if FCA is a dangerous or cruel person, so there can be unanimity.

Can we agree that someone who runs roughshod over EVERYONE in her vicinity is not good to have around? Can we agree that cruelty is FCA's MO, whether you think the trial provided ample evidence of her guilt? She made her parents think her child was still alive! She stole from everyone! She cast blame and suspicion in an arc around herself. These behaviors are consistent with a person who does not value others at all.

While I have no doubt that she murdered her child, I can accept that someone else will draw a different conclusion. But I will mourn the lack of justice. We re-hash the evidence because the verdict feels horrifically unjust, not because we have to be right. I appreciate opposing point of view. I do. But I am sad, and so much of what I need to do here is about using that sadness to make change, not just say oh well, we disagree.

I've got to go break up a lego fight. I just hope I don't step on any.
Ever since jury selection it's been one letdown after another ,but I have come to realize that Karma does exist for Miss Casey Anthony ,and Cindy too,for that matter.

Caylee is loved and adored by millions. She will always remain precious .She is forever beautiful.

Casey is hated by millions .It's the pictures of her with her hair pulled back ,snarling at JB,that we remember . Not very attractive. Her defense team will have you believe she's being hunted ,like a vicious animal . She lied all the time to make others like her,respect her. How's that working for you now,Casey?

Money ,trips and media will never give Cindy what she worked so hard to achieve.The facade of a good ,respectable family has been ripped off and nothing will put it back in place. Cindy's family secrets have been exposed.

Karma's a B*&^$
Why! Why can't I just go make dinner? Or make the kids do their homework? I honestly don't have a big juicy point to make and I hate to interrupt the NG fart jokes, butt...

Here I am. I think it isn't about the small facts or science for me anymore since it is all out there, bit by bit. It is the totality. Let's seat the jury whose task is to determine if FCA is a dangerous or cruel person, so there can be unanimity.

Can we agree that someone who runs roughshod over EVERYONE in her vicinity is not good to have around? Can we agree that cruelty is FCA's MO, whether you think the trial provided ample evidence of her guilt? She made her parents think her child was still alive! She stole from everyone! She cast blame and suspicion in an arc around herself. These behaviors are consistent with a person who does not value others at all.

While I have no doubt that she murdered her child, I can accept that someone else will draw a different conclusion. But I will mourn the lack of justice. We re-hash the evidence because the verdict feels horrifically unjust, not because we have to be right. I appreciate opposing point of view. I do. But I am sad, and so much of what I need to do here is about using that sadness to make change, not just say oh well, we disagree.

I've got to go break up a lego fight. I just hope I don't step on any.
BBM well you should be well prepared after visiting this bizarro world thread. Godspeed.
Worse yet - there is one supporter who has posted a number of comments to Casey offering her a place to stay, and even posted her phone number.

Said that she sent 100s of letters to her in jail.


There is someone on twitter like that..but I can't find them now. Is a lawyer or paralegal. Offered her a job too....
Why! Why can't I just go make dinner? Or make the kids do their homework? I honestly don't have a big juicy point to make and I hate to interrupt the NG fart jokes, butt...

Here I am. I think it isn't about the small facts or science for me anymore since it is all out there, bit by bit. It is the totality. Let's seat the jury whose task is to determine if FCA is a dangerous or cruel person, so there can be unanimity.

Can we agree that someone who runs roughshod over EVERYONE in her vicinity is not good to have around? Can we agree that cruelty is FCA's MO, whether you think the trial provided ample evidence of her guilt? She made her parents think her child was still alive! She stole from everyone! She cast blame and suspicion in an arc around herself. These behaviors are consistent with a person who does not value others at all.

While I have no doubt that she murdered her child, I can accept that someone else will draw a different conclusion. But I will mourn the lack of justice. We re-hash the evidence because the verdict feels horrifically unjust, not because we have to be right. I appreciate opposing point of view. I do. But I am sad, and so much of what I need to do here is about using that sadness to make change, not just say oh well, we disagree.

I've got to go break up a lego fight. I just hope I don't step on any.

My bold: Thank you. This rings so true for me too. It stays stuck in my craw. And stuff like this just begs for resolution, it's a problem that begs for an answer. And YES, using the sadness and disappointment to make change! Even change or growth for myself, heck, I'm the only one I have a decent amount of control over. And if any of the posts or comments in these threads sparks a thought for someone who will go into law, or is experiencing a similar thing, and they take it forward to make a larger change, then all the goin' back and forth is good, and worth doing.

It's ironic that we human beings have strong senses of justice yet "justice" itself cannot be perfectly carried out, or agreed upon with perfect consensus. We have a deep need for fairness, but fairness doesn't exist except as a desire.

The jurists who spoke up seemed to feel justice was not served either! And plenty of those who agree with the verdict have admitted justice is lacking.

We've all known people like Casey, who were astonishingly self centered, destructive to anyone who got too close, and had little or no regard for how their behavior effected others. No remorse, blamed you for their behavior, verbally or even physically abused you. They aren't all murderers, but they are all liars and will take advantage of you be it time, money, or energy as easily as they breathe. You work with them, one might be a family member, or if you are as unlucky as me, you might have married one :crazy:

Even worse, they are often the most charming people (on first impression). When I first met my ex husband, I felt so at ease with him, so SAFE. It was a quality he cultivated carefully, how else could he get anyone close enough to be what he really was, a parasite?

Casey's friends characterized her as "motherly", the type to reach out an help and support, take people under her wing.

They really HURT us, and then they don't even feel badly about it, just go along to hurt the next person, or you if you let down your guard.

On a personal level, the Casey Anthony dilemma hits close to home, and in recovering from my marriage to a sociopathic person, I've become aware of these people and how to prevent any further run ins with them. Sociopathy is becoming a familiar topic in the last decade or so, which means as a society we are becoming aware, and as individuals, how to protect ourselves from them.

As a society, how the justice system deals with them is less than adequate. It's not against the law to be a parasite, a psychological terrorist, or a jerk. There are no laws against verbally abusing someone until they are a shadow of themselves. I've been active on domestic violence/abuse forums for years now, and there is not a dam thing the courts can do, or WILL do, to protect children or adult victims of this life destroying behavior.

There probably can't be "laws" against this behavior, either. I'm not proposing we ought to make these behaviors criminal offenses.

So, it falls upon the individual to wake up and get smart and protect themselves. We can all look at FCA and learn. Mothers can look at their daughters and learn from Cindy Anthony's mistakes, take steps to protect their grandchildren. There's so much (and so little :( ) we as individuals can do, but we can and must get smart.

And, BTW, I remember stepping on legos, but Barbie accessories were the worst!
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