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All these Dr. Phil interviews haven't accomplished anything for me except to make the headache I get when I think of GA and CA - even worse.
I guess I didn't have any expectations of these interviews - well no - that can't be true because of how disappointed I am in them.
They just make me feel tired - I can't even rouse the interest to get angry at CA, even for her ugliest remarks about Caylee's shell.

It's as if I have written them off - I thought if they sat through the trial and really listened, they should have been able to break through whatever walls they had between them and what FCA actually did - and finally hold her responsible. But we saw what we saw - CA's big smile and her doesn't she look beautiful comment. Unfreaking unbelievable. There is no hope for them at all from my point of view. Total write-offs.

And one more thing - what is it with people like George who have to go around and around and around the mullberry bush when they are trying to get something out - I feel in my heart, I don't want to believe, but if FCA was that last person with Caylee, well I don't want to think someone I raised could do something like that to my grand daughter.

George! Simplify your speech. You are not planting a garden here. Three words would do it - oh just for the heck of it make it a dozen but spit it out - you'll feel so much better. Here - repeat after me. "There is no doubt in my mind that Casey killed Caylee and dumped her into a swamp to rot." "My daughter is guilty." It's as easy as that.

How hard was that? And hasn't your heart broken free to really grieve now?

Hallelujah! Amen, Logicalgirl!
Thought I'd post this here - since it is the sidebar...

5:06 p.m. EDT, September 15, 2011
A judge has ruled that Casey Anthony should be responsible for paying more than $97,000 toward the costs associated with the investigation into her missing daughter.

Judge Belvin Perry issued the ruling today. The amount is less than one-fifth of what prosecutors sought.

Anthony, who was acquitted of murder in July, has been ordered to pay the following:

•$61,505.12 to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement

•$10,283.90 to the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation

•$25,837.96 to the Orange County Sheriff's Office

•$50 to the State Attorney's Office.

The total comes to $97,676.98.

How Anthony would repay the costs is unclear. A judge declared her indigent in 2010 and ruled taxpayers would cover the costs of her defense.

"Realistically, it's unlikely she'll ever pay any of these costs, but the failure to pay could complicate her life for the foreseeable future," Hornsby said.

If Anthony does not pay within 90 days, the case will be referred to a collection agency, and her drivers license will eventually be suspended, Hornsby added.

Failure to pay could "hound her for the rest of her life," he said.

In his order, Perry also noted that some Sheriff's Office expense reports "were not adequately broken down" by date. The Sheriff's Office has until 4 p.m. Monday to file revised expense reports. It is possible that Perry would then raise the amount that Anthony is required to pay.,0,3140977.story

HHJP talks about this on the bottom third of page five and the first half of page six of his order and lists 30 names for more detailed expenses, including Yuri Melich among others. So I believe we will see the amount for OCSD rise significantly after Monday.

Also, HHJP had a cut off for charges on this motion at September 30th, rather than when Caylee's remains were found and beyond.
Yeah, whats this about CA saying that "she heard" (hmm from whom?) that Caylee wasn't where FCA thought she was. Because FCA never lies. And neither does CA. And I'm a perfect ten.
Watching NG clip from Patty G. Wow, JC is really giving it to CA. Wonder what NG would have said....

On the "Purpose" page, it's all about THEM!
They say that if THEY had different choices then THEIR lives may have taken a different path!! O. M. G. What about Caylee's life having a different path?
These 2 are beyond words.

So, I clicked on that site. Most of the buttons bring up nothing for me, but guess what? The donation button works just fine. I did not donate. Never ever will. Just testing.
Well LG, I took your advice (no...not the drinking part :) ) and you will NEVER believe what I dreamt about...WS. Yup...I dreamt that I was at a mini-convention in Orlando. I need more than a nap...though it was cool to put names to some faces (tee hee). LL had a purple stuffed monkey with him (?). See what too much Anthony will do to ya??!!

Hey grand to hear! Was I able to attend? Did we have fun????
I just looked at a photo of Elisa Baker, 43. She looks horrendous and haggard and vicious and old. She shows what evil does to a face over the years. I read Elisa was very attractive when she was younger. KC will not retain her looks. She was only ever cute, never a beauty. Cute doesn't last as well as beautiful. KC will end up with the face she deserves. We are constituted by our acts. Elisa Baker, off to jail, has a face that would only fool an utter fool now. And if KC ends up with only utter fools for company, she won't be happy. KC should take a long look at Elisa Baker because that is the best full length mirror she could ever stand before.

Some people think CA looks good, but I don't. She has the implacable, cruel face of denial that is very familiar and very ugly to me. Also, KC will never have CA's facial composure. She has a mercurial face that shows every thought and feeling. And her thoughts and feelings are ugly and will grow uglier with time. Whatever gravy train KC might think she is on will derail in the end. Just wait.
Human remains have been found not far from the campsite in the Susan Powell case. Guess who found them...not the searchers...the Cadaver dogs! Bite that, Baez.
I just looked at a photo of Elisa Baker, 43. She looks horrendous and haggard and vicious and old. She shows what evil does to a face over the years. I read Elisa was very attractive when she was younger. KC will not retain her looks. She was only ever cute, never a beauty. Cute doesn't last as well as beautiful. KC will end up with the face she deserves. We are constituted by our acts. Elisa Baker, off to jail, has a face that would only fool an utter fool now. And if KC ends up with only utter fools for company, she won't be happy. KC should take a long look at Elisa Baker because that is the best full length mirror she could ever stand before.

Some people think CA looks good, but I don't. She has the implacable, cruel face of denial that is very familiar and very ugly to me. Also, KC will never have CA's facial composure. She has a mercurial face that shows every thought and feeling. And her thoughts and feelings are ugly and will grow uglier with time. Whatever gravy train KC might think she is on will derail in the end. Just wait.

I can't believe she only got 18 years....I admit to not knowing all the details but assume this was a heck of a plea bargain on her part.
I can't believe she only got 18 years....I admit to not knowing all the details but assume this was a heck of a plea bargain on her part.

..long story short---------the DA was fearful that she might actually walk ( kc anthony anyone? ) after a 48 hour period of consulting with team zahra, LE, and others offering their expertise--( and calling the biological mum in Oz )---they all concluded the plea deal was an acceptable sure-thing outcome.

..she is also looking at----"140 years in Federal Prison and $4.75 Million in fines for drug trafficking charges. WBTV".

..i tend to think those federal charges/prison terms factored in to their decision.'s quite pathetic that she'll get more time for drugs than----murder! but, she won't be going anywhere any time soon.......if ever.
After reading the tea leaves, gazing into the crystal ball, quizzing the ouiji board, and flipping over the tarot cards, I am going to make the following predictions;

HHBP will tack on an additional 75K to the current 100K in costs.

HHSS and JA will both make more appearances in the media in the not too distant future.

JB will purchase Beach Boys CD "Still Cruisin" containing the hit single KOKOMO.

NG will not win on DWTS.

Before Nov. 1st of this year, KC will request to be allowed to finish her probation in the state of California. This request will be granted.

Before the end of this year, KC will give an interview, will sign a book/ movie deal, and will sign a deal with the controversial LF to pose in his magazine.

Her lawyers will get her fines, and costs reduced as low as possible and she will pay them off, as well as the money owed to the IRS.

The appeal on the 4 convictions will be denied. case closed.

KC's lawyers will settle with those filing civil suits, or get those suits dismissed.

On the second to last day of her probation, she will get caught breaking her probation, having her probation revoked, and HHBP rescinding the adjudication of the 7 counts of fraud, and sentencing her to the maximum on each count. Casey Anthony is seeing a grief counselor.,,20528944,00.html

(hope this link works; I'm posting via mobile and the link looks odd...)

Thanks MAN the link works fine...grief counselors are for those who are grieving, not those who cause grief to those around them.

While I believe OCA needs therapy I have a hard time believing it will help with the problems she has, there's no cure for pure evil.
Hopefully the grief counsellor is patient and won't mind explaining over and over what grief is and how it feels.
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:"traveled extensively"...going to Ohio is traveling extensively????:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Well she did fly over quite a few states when she was on the run. Does that count?
Well a psychiatrist is an MD. Hopefully the "female psychiatrist" will do a full work-up for epilepsy, brain tumors, shizophrenia, Lyme disease, herpes, syphilis, blah blah blah
I am curious as to who OCA is smiling so big at. If the jury is sitting directly across
from her it seems she is smiling at one of them at around 5:29.
[ame=""]Former Anthony judge breaks silence - YouTube[/ame]
My gut feeling is something is definately not right. Wish I knew what it is. I know the jury is supposed to be respected but JB was wayyyyyyyyyyy toooo friendly to them.
Since I watched the CA ,GA interview and CA's justification of Caylee's mother walking answered all her questions of her daughter's innocence I am even more curious who was she smiling at ????????????????
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