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I will be going thursday afternoon ( if our travel plans hold up and we do not run late) to leave some roses for Caylee.
What a wonderful gesture redkatrampant - thank you for letting us know.

This is just such a sad day, first news of the positive identification of Jessica Ridgeway at the same time hearing of the death of the cyberbullying victim here in our city at her own hand.

Both cases are so tragic.Both victims of predators. We do our best to protect our children and yet the tragedies continue.

The cyberbullying case is "all over the news" but we who live close have known about it for some time. And it is a lesson in itself. As much as her parents, friends, school, and mental health experts reached out to her and supported her with love, here was a child who posted a you tube that said "i have no one". A child who one day said she was happy and healing and the next took her own life. We want to believe what they tell us they are thinking and feeling and it only so we won't worry? It all feels so helpless ....and...I don't know...I am just so sad today. There is so much pain in the world.
What a wonderful gesture redkatrampant - thank you for letting us know.

This is just such a sad day, first news of the positive identification of Jessica Ridgeway at the same time hearing of the death of the cyberbullying victim here in our city at her own hand.

Both cases are so tragic.Both victims of predators. We do our best to protect our children and yet the tragedies continue.

The cyberbullying case is "all over the news" but we who live close have known about it for some time. And it is a lesson in itself. As much as her parents, friends, school, and mental health experts reached out to her and supported her with love, here was a child who posted a you tube that said "i have no one". A child who one day said she was happy and healing and the next took her own life. We want to believe what they tell us they are thinking and feeling and it only so we won't worry? It all feels so helpless ....and...I don't know...I am just so sad today. There is so much pain in the world.

I know this is veering OT but I feel for her parents. It seems they were doing everything they could. I have a 23 yr old daughter and a 14 year old daughter.The difference in their social lives because of FB and the like is just bizarre. My youngest would be content to just text and fb all the time and never actually leave the house at times.
I know this is veering OT but I feel for her parents. It seems they were doing everything they could. I have a 23 yr old daughter and a 14 year old daughter.The difference in their social lives because of FB and the like is just bizarre. My youngest would be content to just text and fb all the time and never actually leave the house at times.

I think there are many people in the world who don't "get" that social media is just another "Grimm's fairytale". Especially our teenagers who don't know there was ever another way of being.

Remember when we didn't lock our doors or our cars? And friends spontaneously dropped over for tea, coffee or whatever? When we actually had friends over for dinner, talked on the phone, got together for social events and talked all evening? Wrote letters? When was the last time you got a letter in the mail or even a card instead of those stupid email cards? I think I'll go clean my house or something - I'm on a grumpy roll today!!:banghead:

Oh and sorry for the O/T - I have been way way out of line here.
Just popping in to say good morning. Only three of us viewing here now. I spent.a lot of time trying to catch up on the Jessica Ridgway case lsat night. Such a tragic case.

Hey fca, you are now old news. You should just give up and actually go get a job. It won't be anything as glamorous as event planning, but honest work is nothing to be ashamed of. You are never going to get rich from killing your baby. At this point you should consider yourself lucky if you get a minimum wage job.
Just popping in to say good morning. Only three of us viewing here now. I spent.a lot of time trying to catch up on the Jessica Ridgway case lsat night. Such a tragic case.

Hey fca, you are now old news. You should just give up and actually go get a job. It won't be anything as glamorous as event planning, but honest work is nothing to be ashamed of. You are never going to get rich from killing your baby. At this point you should consider yourself lucky if you get a minimum wage job.

And JB should go back to bar complaints - whoops, I mean being a lawyer not an author..............maybe I am just seeing this, but did you notice the "paperback" edition that is to be released July 2, 2013? OMG - I see another epic fail in the works! Free advice - quit while you are in this hole cause the hole can only get deeper! IMHO, etc!
Just popping in to say good morning. Only three of us viewing here now. I spent.a lot of time trying to catch up on the Jessica Ridgway case lsat night. Such a tragic case.

Hey fca, you are now old news. You should just give up and actually go get a job. It won't be anything as glamorous as event planning, but honest work is nothing to be ashamed of. You are never going to get rich from killing your baby. At this point you should consider yourself lucky if you get a minimum wage job.

As long as there are unscrupulous people like Dr Phil around, and a feeble mother to enable her, Casey won't have to work for a living. She is only
capable of a parasitic lifestyle..
Just following up on FlMom777 and ZsaZsa's comment that FCA really is "old news". Not even one curious reporter looking to make a fast buck has bothered to search her out and take a few photos, or looked for her online to see what her "thought of the moment" is - Not a tweet out of the tweeters - definitely a has-been.

I don't know how long CA will be happy to part with her money to support FCA sitting around for life - she likes her money. I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of CA's "generosity". I'll bet there are strings galore.

Course she could be getting a cut of JB's profits....what's that going to get her? A pack of gum? :giggle:'s the thought that's been ricocheting around my brain for the last couple of days...WHO MAKES AN ACCIDENT LOOK LIKE MURDER???!!!

Someone...anyone...remind me why this evil is free.
Just following up on FlMom777 and ZsaZsa's comment that FCA really is "old news". Not even one curious reporter looking to make a fast buck has bothered to search her out and take a few photos, or looked for her online to see what her "thought of the moment" is - Not a tweet out of the tweeters - definitely a has-been.

I don't know how long CA will be happy to part with her money to support FCA sitting around for life - she likes her money. I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of CA's "generosity". I'll bet there are strings galore.

Course she could be getting a cut of JB's profits....what's that going to get her? A pack of gum? :giggle:

Just as long as one of those strings don't include another baby..........shudders :please:
Just as long as one of those strings don't include another baby..........shudders :please:

Oh ....ack...I hadn't even thought of that!!!:banghead:

Hopefully she's got her hopes on Lee and wife...'s the thought that's been ricocheting around my brain for the last couple of days...WHO MAKES AN ACCIDENT LOOK LIKE MURDER???!!!

Someone...anyone...remind me why this evil is free.

I know..I know..pick me! The answer is ...nobody!!

And here's another question - if it was an accident that happened, what mother stops and child is dying...I might be blamed for this so...hmmm...I guess I'd better not call 911...
I know..I know..pick me! The answer is ...nobody!!

And here's another question - if it was an accident that happened, what mother stops and child is dying...I might be blamed for this so...hmmm...I guess I'd better not call 911...


"Quick! Get the duct tape!"
I will be going thursday afternoon ( if our travel plans hold up and we do not run late) to leave some roses for Caylee.

- --------------
Redkatrampant, thank you so much.We all appreciate it so. I would love to have the opportunity to place a flower, or a little Christmas tree at Christmas but I am so far away. I am happy you can visit there. Caylee is the only reason I come in here to read. Caylee was such a sweet loving child. Her so called mother will one day have another baby, mark my words.KC. cannot adopt as she is a felon.All these situations with children are so sad. I'd give anything to have mine back and they are out there killing them. Oh Dear God dont let them get away with it. I was reading about Jessica and Cory last night.I was up all night, couldnt settle down...Take care.:rose::rose::rose:
:seeya:Hey ANJ, it’s good to see you.

I know what you are talking about with the bi-focals and getting used to them. When I turned 50 (7 years ago) I went from regular glasses to tri-focals. Stepping off curbs was like stepping off a 20-story building. Took awhile, but I got used to them. The only problem I have is using the computer and reading with them on. I still have to take them off because it hurts the neck and shoulders putting my head back far enough to read from the bottom of them.

I Agree: Golden years my :butthead:

Hi Sleuth, boy do I agree! golden what a crock! like the shirt says "I can Sneeze, cough, blow, cry, and fart all at the same time! its more like rust :what::great:
...oh, and let's blame dad.

How do they sleep, those 12?
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