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YES, exactly. Casey's search IMO.

And in JB's book he appears to have left out that hyphen as he tried to represent it as George's search instead, to steer suspicion away from his girl.

Which could mean nothing of course. However, if that little (possibly telltale) hyphen happened to have been purposely left out... I mean JB did make the point of ragging on somebody's poor spelling and all, KWIM?


Disclaimer: Can't confirm how it reads in the book.


ETA: Obsessing over this point = past Desi's bedtime.

He spelled it correctly as "foolproof". I went to Amazon where you can look inside the book. I need to go take a shower and rinse my eyes now.
Something is bothering me about what JB said- that the Defense team were all on the edge of their seats waiting for the Prosecution to bring up this computer search....
Doesn't the Prosecution share their evidence with the defense ahead of time in discovery?
Wouldn't they have known if Ashton/Burdick were going to use that computer data?
Well InSession has picked up the story which means sister-station HLN shouldn't be far behind.

In Session ‏@InSession
Orlando’s WKMG reporting it has uncovered computer evidence related to #CaseyAnthony that could have been incriminating in her murder trial.
Something is bothering me about what JB said- that the Defense team were all on the edge of their seats waiting for the Prosecution to bring up this computer search....
Doesn't the Prosecution share their evidence with the defense ahead of time in discovery?
Wouldn't they have known if Ashton/Burdick were going to use that computer data?

On June 21, 2011 (see my signature below for the link to the WS discussion on this), the prosecutors announced that they planned to use computer activity from June 16 to challenge JB's opening statement. JB was clearly terrified and argued that they had failed to disclose this "new evidence" to him. HHJP said it wasn't "new evidence" because they had disclosed the ENTIRE hard drive to him, and only an idiot would have failed to look at June 16.... OK, he didn't word it exactly that way, but it was close.

ETA: Obviously, the "new evidence" wasn't what JB was worried about (the foolproof suffocation search)--it was just a general activity report.

One of the SA's arguments at trial involved computer searches (chloroform) in an effort to prove premeditated murder. I don't believe for a minute that the SA was naive regarding computer history/searches and how it would impact their case, considering how they used computer forensics @ trial.

As far as the SA's job to "push back against Baez's fanciful lies": the SA had no concrete idea what lies JB would promote until they heard them on the opening day of trial.

ETA: The fact of the matter is: the SA was in possession of the computer history well before the case went to trial. I will not make excuses for why they failed to find & present evidence that may have made the difference in the outcome of the prosecution of Casey Anthony.

They are capable of making their own excuses.

I have alot of respect for the OCSO and the prosecution team but agree with you.

I am not willing to accept that this jury would have ignored this evidence. Yes, it is possible - but it is also possible that a clear, concise timeline presented in a visual aid showing that this could only have been Casey making these searches may have led to a conviction.

Just my two cents. What a tragedy this is. :banghead:
I just went to Amazon and found the passage where JB talks about these searches. Yes he claims GA had an AIM acct and FCA did not. How could he possibly think that? Doesn't he remember all the IMs in discovery and in court? AND he claims that FCA was on the phone with AH so she couldn't possibly have done the searches. Hello? She was on the phone ALL.THE.TIME! She can't do both? And it wasn't AH it was JG! This is the only page of this piece of crap I have read. You'd think you'd get your facts straight if you were trying to prove a point.

You may have read it by now, but late last night I read on Hal's blog that Jose has now admitted he was wrong about Casey not having an AIM account and claims it's been fixed in later issues of the book. I have no way of knowing if that is true or not. I can't believe another printing was even needed with his paltry sales.
I have alot of respect for the OCSO and the prosecution team but agree with you.

I am not willing to accept that this jury would have ignored this evidence. Yes, it is possible - but it is also possible that a clear, concise timeline presented in a visual aid showing that this could only have been Casey making these searches may have led to a conviction.

Just my two cents. What a tragedy this is. :banghead:

I would have suggested they go after the real reason she killed Caylee and that being the fact Cindy had seen a counselor to talk about taking custody of Caylee, then the fact Cindy was about at the end of her rope on the thefts and then Cindy finds out the 15th fathers day that CA had stolen yet again, this time 354 $ from the nursing home fund and the smoking gun which was the fight that night which was the catalyst to this entire event. For the life of me I dont understand why they chose not to go this route and show the partying as a side effect of the other dysfunction that was occurring at the time... Hindsight you know
I wonder how the Pinellas 12 feel today with this 'new' knowledge.

I imagine they dont realize the significance and wouldnt have given it much thought if presented to them at trial. I think they had stopped listening to the prosecutions case early on. :furious:

Dolts. They were useless. You know what really bugs me about the Pinellas 12? The jurors who claimed they thought she was guilty, but then caved in to pressure from the rest of the jury. If you really thought a young woman had murdered her two-year-old child, would you back down? Not me! I would have dug in my heels and refused to be bullied. And I think if there had been a hung jury and a second trial, Casey Anthony would be in prison right now, for a long long time.

But she'll do an OJ, I'm sure of it. She got away with murder! And she's a sociopath. She's going down. It may take awhile, but then...:jail:
Dolts. They were useless. You know what really bugs me about the Pinellas 12? The jurors who claimed they thought she was guilty, but then caved in to pressure from the rest of the jury. If you really thought a young woman had murdered her two-year-old child, would you back down? Not me! I would have dug in my heels and refused to be bullied. And I think if there had been a hung jury and a second trial, Casey Anthony would be in prison right now, for a long long time.

But she'll do an OJ, I'm sure of it. She got away with murder! And she's a sociopath. She's going down. It may take awhile, but then...:jail:

agreed fully! nail on fact I will go out on a limb and say I bet she commits another crime just to get 3 hots and a cot as somone will always have to support her so when mommys money runs out she will be hard up for Bella Vita, just a prediction time will tell...
LOL I hope this is OK to paste. Look who just tweeted about this. Wonder why?

Firefox 4 ‏@Firefox4Browser
http://CLICKORLANDO.COM CHANNEL 6, NEWS, ORLANDO, Fla. – For weeks, Casey Anthony sat at her murder…

The official twitter account of Firefox
agreed fully! nail on fact I will go out on a limb and say I bet she commits another crime just to get 3 hots and a cot as somone will always have to support her so when mommys money runs out she will be hard up for Bella Vita, just a prediction time will tell...

I hope this story gets some wings and she gets flushed out of whatever rock she is hiding under and has to find somewhere else to slither to.
From what I remember, the Jury said that the prosecution just hadn't proved to them how Caylee died, so they couldn't convict.
Would this report have changed their minds? There was already the evidence
of the duct tape around her face, Dr G's statement that it was a homicide, and that didn't impress them.
I'd love to know what RHornsby thinks about this most recent development. Hopefully we'll hear from him soon. :yes:
Watching JB in that clip made me realize that he knew his client was guilty. They were just waiting for the smoking gun and thanked their lucky stars they dodged that bullet. He all but admits they played hide the nut. It worked.
I am not going to be heavily critical or negative towards the prosecution. I think they were 'old school' attorneys, focusing upon the basic forensics of the case. They were hanging their hats upon the evidence of a dead body in the trunk, and the devastating descriptions of the horrid behavior of the defendant.

(snipped for space)

I totally agree. The prosecution had such strong evidence in the smell of death in the car, a hair with a death band, a duct-taped body in garbage bags dumped in a place well-known to Casey and so on. And when combined with the actions of the defendant at the time, plus the 31 days, and then all the lies, well I think the prosecution believed that was all sufficient for conviction. And their reason for believing that was: It was all sufficient for conviction!

I still believe that their biggest mistake was not missing this computer evidence as much as giving the jury too much credit for being able to analyze and see the situation for what it truly was--a murder and subsequent cover up.

That jury was lost on all the scientific testimony, much of which was not easily decipherable to the average citizen. And such testimony went on for full days at a time. The prosecution basically lost the jury's attention, I believe, and then did not do what was necessary to regain it--basically speak at their level of understanding. Consider the days upon days of testimony that went right over most people's heads, and how a group of 12 who didn't really want to be there one minute longer than necessary were expected to listen to and then analyze it all--it was a recipe for disaster, IMO.

The prosecution could have brought this computer search evidence in and still not have had any effect on the jury. Because after a while, I think the jurors had simply quit listening.

All JMO.
Right. And then she said, Never mind! I'll go cheerfully rent a movie, have sex all night and party instead. She went from distraught to not giving a #($*. That makes a lot of sense.

Thank you Strawberry - I have been sincerely amazed that I am actually reading posts that FCA may have been considering suicide - a theory in the four years of watching this case I admit I've never heard before.....and had no words....I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

and you've said it for me...for now at least anyhow.
(snipped for space)

I totally agree. The prosecution had such strong evidence in the smell of death in the car, a hair with a death band, a duct-taped body in garbage bags dumped in a place well-known to Casey and so on. And when combined with the actions of the defendant at the time, plus the 31 days, and then all the lies, well I think the prosecution believed that was all sufficient for conviction.

I still believe that their biggest mistake was not missing this computer evidence as much as giving the jury too much credit for being able to analyze and see the situation for what it truly was--a murder and subsequent cover up.

That jury was lost on all the scientific testimony, much of which was not easily decipherable to the average citizen. And such testimony went on for full days at a time. The prosecution basically lost the jury's attention, I believe, and then did not do what was necessary to regain it--basically speak at their level of understanding. Consider the days upon days of testimony that went right over most people's heads, and how a group of 12 who didn't really want to be there one minute longer than necessary were expected to listen to and then analyze it all--it was a recipe for disaster, IMO.

The prosecution could have brought this computer search evidence in and still not have had any effect on the jury. Because after a while, I think the jurors had simply quit listening.

All JMO.

Yes, I agree the OCSD, the LE and the prosecution felt there was overwhelming evidence in the "old school methods" and didn't appreciate or understand how accurate computer statistics are.

Just as we who are fairly sophisticated in social media did not appreciate how in depth Baez had his social media team watching us and other online groups - trolling for any arguments that could be used in FCA's defense.

The world of committing crimes and convicting criminals has changed more rapidly than any of us imagined. Except for AZ and JWG of course.
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