Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #14

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Consider what they appear to show happening online the afternoon of Monday, June 16, 2008, the day Caylee died:

At 2:49 p.m., after George Anthony said he had left for work and while Casey Anthony’s cellphone is pinging a tower nearest the home, the Anthony family's desktop computer is activated by someone using a password-protected account Casey Anthony used;
At 2:51 p.m., on a browser primarily Casey Anthony used, a Google search for the term "fool-proof suffocation," misspelling the last word as "suffication";
Five seconds later, the user clicks on an article that criticizes pro-suicide websites that include advice on "foolproof" ways to die. "Poison yourself and then follow it up with suffocation" by placing "a plastic bag over the head," the writer quotes others as advising;
At 2:52 p.m., the browser records activity on MySpace, a website Casey Anthony used frequently and George Anthony did not.

A 2:51 p.m. search time makes it difficult for Baez to argue George Anthony was responsible because George Anthony claimed he left the house around 2:30 for a work shift that began at 3 p.m.

In addition, a detailed comparison of the browser times to independent evidence -- some direct, some circumstantial -- corroborates the contention that the search occurred at 2:51 p.m. and not 1:51 p.m., as Baez claims.


When Osborn first seized the computer and started it on July, 18, 2008 at 12:13 p.m., she testified, the computer's time was "right on the money."
On June 16, at 11:27 a.m., the browser logged a photo accessed through Facebook, then a visit to the Photobucket photo sharing site. Eighteen seconds after the photo was accessed in Facebook it was uploaded to Casey’s Photobucket account, according to Photobucket records subpoenaed by the Sheriff's Office in 2008.

If the browser time were incorrect as Baez claims, Photobucket’s records would have placed that activity at 10:27 a.m. (Melich's spreadsheet prepared for the prosecution inaccurately states the photo – showing the inside of a lounge where Casey’s boyfriend held weekly nightclub events -- was uploaded at 9:27 a.m., failing to note Photobucket's record was based on Mountain Standard Time.)

Cellphone call and text records also align with the times of computer activity logged by the browser, but only if one accepts the later 2:51 p.m. time for the foolproof suffocation search.

Most strikingly, the browsing session that included that search logs its last activity, involving MySpace, at 2:52 and 55 seconds. Cellphone records show Casey Anthony answered a call from former boyfriend Jesse Grund that was logged at 2:52:53.

They spoke for nearly 12 minutes, the call ending at the 3:04:06 -- the exact second the cell records show a call from George Anthony to Casey Anthony's cell, indicating she disconnected with Grund to take a 26-second call from her father.
After authenticating the records and interviewing defense, prosecution and Sheriff’s Office sources, it became clear: two citizen-investigators accomplished in less than three hours what an army of Orange County investigators and prosecutors failed to do in three years: uncover in detail what Casey Anthony was doing online the day Caylee died.


I am so proud of you two!!!! WOW!! I wish they would have worded "citizen-investigators" a little better? I mean, you both are professionals. One in law and one in computer forensics. "Citizen-investigators" does not seem to be the proper description for what you have accomplished, IMO, professionally for Caylee.

Anyone agree or am I being too picky?
They were using older versions of the computer software JWG used, IMO. But JB says they are right because they "double-checked."

Our time stamps are consistent with phone records, other computer file records, etc., and JB's are not.

BTW the old version of the software is the same version that came up with the erroneous 84 visits to the chloroform web site.

Have you both thought about publishing these records in a way for us, not-so-computer-savy-folks to understand? I would totally buy it!
I am not trying to be challenging in the least but I keep thinking that I would never use "foolproof suffocation" as a search term. "Suffocation" alone ~ yes; and that would get the job done! But it seems strange to me to even think of "foolproof." "Guaranteed" or "certain" seem more in line with Casey's vocabulary. Or even better yet ~ suffocation for dummies. Foolproof just seems a bit above her level, and surprises me.

I think it goes with a histrionic personality. Trying to impress with speech. I think the whole family is histrionic. Casey imo is also a sociopath.

Remember how she spoke in her police interviews? The only example I can think of off the top of my head is she would say, "I, myself, have blah, blah,blah" Why did she feel the need to say "myself"? It was unnecessary, but I think she believed it sounded intelligent.

Anyway, for what it's worth, the mnemonic for histrionics is PRAISEME.

Provocative (or seductive) behavior
Relationships are considered more intimate than they actually are
Influenced easily
Speech (style) wants to impress; lacks detail
Emotional lability; shallowness
Make-up; physical appearance is used to draw attention to self
Exaggerated emotions; theatrical
AZlawyer! A special, special thank you for your dedication. You weighed the importance of the information you had to share against your desire for privacy and chose the high road. I thank you for sacrificing your privacy in order to further the truth.

If I could afford it, I would move from my home in FL to AZ ~ based just on the comparison of your lawyering to those in my state!!!!!

Thank you!
I am not trying to be challenging in the least but I keep thinking that I would never use "foolproof suffocation" as a search term. "Suffocation" alone ~ yes; and that would get the job done! But it seems strange to me to even think of "foolproof." "Guaranteed" or "certain" seem more in line with Casey's vocabulary. Or even better yet ~ suffocation for dummies. Foolproof just seems a bit above her level, and surprises me.

Ok so, we need to think of ANY time at all where the word FOOL PROOF came into Casey's life. It may not be in the doc dumps, but you know how teenagers say words or phrases and they all copy each other? Maybe one day at a party a guy said that word, and it stuck in her mind. Know what I'm saying? It's just too bad all those wonderful kids have already moved on, because I sure would love it if one of them would pop up and say "Just three days before, I told Casey I was searching for a foolproof way to win at Beer pong", or, you know, something.
BBM: Here you go, about a month before the "foolproof suffication" search:

MON 01:56pm.

Casey to Amy (FB)
(From Facebook - Posted To Amy Huizenga):

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote To Amy Huizenga at 1:56pm on May 12th, 2008

"let's find new distractions...then distractions for our distractions. it's a fool-proof plan!"
I am so proud of you two!!!! WOW!! I wish they would have worded "citizen-investigators" a little better? I mean, you both are professionals. One in law and one in computer forensics. "Citizen-investigators" does not seem to be the proper description for what you have accomplished, IMO, professionally for Caylee.

Anyone agree or am I being too picky?

I think they should have called the Websleuths! :great:

Our very own and I just love 'em both so much for their dedication to Caylee!

Many:goldcrown: await you both!
AZlawyer! A special, special thank you for your dedication. You weighed the importance of the information you had to share against your desire for privacy and chose the high road. I thank you for sacrificing your privacy in order to further the truth.

If I could afford it, I would move from my home in FL to AZ ~ based just on the comparison of your lawyering to those in my state!!!!!

Thank you!

Or we could move AZlawyer to Florida?? :please:
Have you both thought about publishing these records in a way for us, not-so-computer-savy-folks to understand? I would totally buy it!

We have set it all out pretty well in the Anthony's Computer Forensics thread.
Does anyone know of a case where a defense attorney vigorously defended their client's innocence, fiercely, and for extended lengths of time, who was then confronted with evidence that proved their client's guilt, and had to say "Gee, I was wrong then, wasn't I?" ? I'm not trying to be silly, I'm seriously wondering if there is the case of a lawyer that defended somebody, and then lived to regret it and publicly announced so. Not that I expect JB to ever publicly take responsibility for what he's done here, so let's not make it about him.
Here you go, about a month before the "foolproof suffication" search:

MON 01:56pm.

Casey to Amy (FB)
(From Facebook - Posted To Amy Huizenga):

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote To Amy Huizenga at 1:56pm on May 12th, 2008

"let's find new distractions...then distractions for our distractions. it's a fool-proof plan!"

You are flippin' awesome!!
Here you go, about a month before the "foolproof suffication" search:

MON 01:56pm.

Casey to Amy (FB)
(From Facebook - Posted To Amy Huizenga):

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote To Amy Huizenga at 1:56pm on May 12th, 2008

"let's find new distractions...then distractions for our distractions. it's a fool-proof plan!"

Wow...she spelled it fool-proof?? :what:
Here you go, about a month before the "foolproof suffication" search:

MON 01:56pm.

Casey to Amy (FB)
(From Facebook - Posted To Amy Huizenga):

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote To Amy Huizenga at 1:56pm on May 12th, 2008

"let's find new distractions...then distractions for our distractions. it's a fool-proof plan!"

oh my god ... SEEEEEEEEEEE? (as my grandmother would say, in a loud screetching voice)... I TOLD you! God, she's so predictable.

AZ, I love your message to JB!

I can't wait to see if he responds: D

Sent from my LG Motion using Tapatalk 2
Here you go, about a month before the "foolproof suffication" search:

MON 01:56pm.

Casey to Amy (FB)
(From Facebook - Posted To Amy Huizenga):

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote To Amy Huizenga at 1:56pm on May 12th, 2008

"let's find new distractions...then distractions for our distractions. it's a fool-proof plan!"

I bet Jose wishes he could be a "sleuth"...errr I mean "blogger" :giggle:
AZlawyer, any way you can repost your message to Jose in this thread. I just want to make sure he reads it twice!

Hey Jose! :seeya:
I think it's already been said, but the worse thing for me about this is that it tells me that Casey didn't get mad and "snap" and kill Caylee, but that she "researched" and planned it and carried it out in a cold, calculating manner.

She is evil.

And thanks to the trial/jury/missteps, she walks among us.
Wow...she spelled it fool-proof?? :what:
Yeah. I know. Found this communication listed at more than five different sites; it appears this way over and over... but can't be absolutely certain the hyphen was FCA's originally without seeing the actual records, I guess.
I have been trying to catch up, major computer issues, but all I can think of, is how did the prosecution screw up so badly? Am I missing something? I never like to blame LE, but I just don't understand how every second of that fateful day was not examined second by second as far as online activities go, seeing how she lived her life online in many ways. I was disconcerted during the trial when there was an issue as to how many times certain terms were searched for, and recall wondering if the IT people knew what they were doing. But this is beyond belief.

The bigger the case, the bigger the screw-up? I can't help thinking of the OJ prosecution team now; they looked so professional and on-the-ball, etc. yet made mistakes that were oh so basic.

I am just kind of stunned.
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