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Yet, he said in the interview tonight that he was waiting for the prosecution to bring it up and they were going to counter it with "George did it." So, did he know before the trial or after the trial? Jose... you have some explain' to do!

If I am not mistaken, our justice system requires the prosecution to hand over all that they have to the defense, but the defense does not have to hand over everything they have to the prosecution. So, from a legal standpoint JB may not have done wrong in not bringing this evidence to their attention.

However...if JB knew of this evidence at trial it says he knows for a fact that Casey did the crime. JB defended the murdering mom in court, I have no problem with that. That was his job. He's a defense attorney and that's what defense attorneys do. What I do have a problem with is his attitude toward Casey since she got away with murdering her baby. And that goes for the attitudes of all the rest of the defense team...they should have, IMO, done their jobs in court and then walked away. No picking her up at the jail when she was released, no hiding her away and selling stories about her to the rag mags, no celebrating that a murderer will be set free on society. And no "tell all" book that is nothing but lies--claiming she is innocent when he has always known she is guilty. That is what I cannot stomach. Not his defending her in court, which is what he was hired to do. But his defending her after the fact. JB and Mason should have walked away from her and never looked back.

None of this "new" computer evidence would have mattered had it come out at trial. The majority of citizens know Casey is and will always be guilty, regardless of the verdict. But Casey got a jury of her peers--people who could not understand anything scientific or technological in nature. Had the stained trunk liner been put in evidence, intact, it might have had some impact even on that jury. But computer evidence...MO is the jurors did not have the brain cells necessary to understand any of it, and they didn't want to take the time out of their own lives to even try.

I am sick all over again. This "oversight" on the part of the state is going to be touted as what cost Caylee her much-deserved justice. But it didn't. Not at all. JMO.
In addition, not to continue this gruesome line of thought too much, but her skull would have probably still been in the bag.

And CA had to of known that Disney bag was in her house...she probably purchased the merchandise that was originally in the bag...Casey certainly didn't purchase it, unless of course it was with CA's money. :doh:

How do these people live with themselves? How do they sleep at night? I just don't get it.

Jose, Caylee's blood is on your hands...yours too CA!
She may have removed it to be sure Caylee was no longer breathing. JMO

That could be. I still don't see how the bag would not have been just as distressed as the rest of the baggage at the scene? Would she have had the Disney Bag bagged in with Caylee or would she have thrown it out there separately? If the Disney Bag was in the bag with Caylee, I would still assume that decomp fluids would have been on the bag and bug and animal activity would have played a role in distressing it the same as the other baggage with Caylee's remains.

It just appears to be too clean. Nothing like what would appear spent six months out in the elements?

AZLawyer has always been and will forever be my most favorite attorney around. You rock so hard!

AND so does JWG!

Incredible dedication for honor, integrity and true definitions of humanity. Big hugs to you both!
From other thread to chew on. It makes me sick. I'm going to bed now. Gnite

Didn't find a pic but found this. Don't forget the Gatorade bottle with chloroform, syringe, and Disney bag were all found near her duct-taped skull. Just like the search found: foolproof suffocation = drugging, suffocation and a bag over the head. I feel sick. It's all right there. Literally.

It was the video of Casey hyperventilating when suffocation was brought up that convinced me they were right on with that assertation. SICK@! I can only hope Karma does exist for her.
I am not trying to be challenging in the least but I keep thinking that I would never use "foolproof suffocation" as a search term. "Suffocation" alone ~ yes; and that would get the job done! But it seems strange to me to even think of "foolproof." "Guaranteed" or "certain" seem more in line with Casey's vocabulary. Or even better yet ~ suffocation for dummies. Foolproof just seems a bit above her level, and surprises me.
I know that it would be a waste of brain cells... But I can't help but wonder if this indisputable evidence will have any impact whatsoever on CA's steadfast assertions that her "innocent" daughter has never been and will never be innocent of murdering that precious angel.
I've always been a very jealous and envious person. I always wanted to be what I am not, and have what I do not. When I was a little girl, I used to go to bed at night wishing I could dance like Shirley Temple. As a teenager, I wished I could fly like Nadia Comaneci, and carry myself with the dignity of Natalie Wood. In my 30's, I fantasized about singing like Linda Rondstadt, having a boyfriend like Jason Priestly, and hair like Julia Roberts. But now that I'm approaching 50, all I want is to go to sleep tonight knowing that there are people in this world like JWG and AZ - and I'm fully comfortable that it's not me... it's them. And for the first time in my life, I'm ok with that.
If I am not mistaken, our justice system requires the prosecution to hand over all that they have to the defense, but the defense does not have to hand over everything they have to the prosecution. So, from a legal standpoint JB may not have done wrong in not bringing this evidence to their attention.

However...if JB knew of this evidence at trial it says he knows for a fact that Casey did the crime. JB defended the murdering mom in court, I have no problem with that. That was his job. He's a defense attorney and that's what defense attorneys do. What I do have a problem with is his attitude toward Casey since she got away with murdering her baby. And that goes for the attitudes of all the rest of the defense team...they should have, IMO, done their jobs in court and then walked away. No picking her up at the jail when she was released, no hiding her away and selling stories about her to the rag mags, no celebrating that a murderer will be set free on society. And no "tell all" book that is nothing but lies--claiming she is innocent when he has always known she is guilty. That is what I cannot stomach. Not his defending her in court, which is what he was hired to do. But his defending her after the fact. JB and Mason should have walked away from her and never looked back.

None of this "new" computer evidence would have mattered had it come out at trial. The majority of citizens know Casey is and will always be guilty, regardless of the verdict. But Casey got a jury of her peers--people who could not understand anything scientific or technological in nature. Had the stained trunk liner been put in evidence, intact, it might have had some impact even on that jury. But computer evidence...MO is the jurors did not have the brain cells necessary to understand any of it, and they didn't want to take the time out of their own lives to even try.

I am sick all over again. This "oversight" on the part of the state is going to be touted as what cost Caylee her much-deserved justice. But it didn't. Not at all. JMO.

I understand Jose's legal "priviledges" and I do not expect for him to have to answer to any court of law on whether he knew about this evidence before or after the trial.

What gets me is, according to members who have read Jose's book, Jose claims he did not know about this evidence until after the trial, but in the interview tonight he claims he waited for the prosecution to bring it up at trial and he had his go-to "George did it" plan.

I am sure we will never get an explanation about this contradiction from Jose, but it sure does help that we know he still lies just as much as his client and that his "victory" in getting a murderer off will forever be tainted by his lies and he will pay for it someday.
I am not trying to be challenging in the least but I keep thinking that I would never use "foolproof suffocation" as a search term. "Suffocation" alone ~ yes; and that would get the job done! But it seems strange to me to even think of "foolproof." "Guaranteed" or "certain" seem more in line with Casey's vocabulary. Or even better yet ~ suffocation for dummies. Foolproof just seems a bit above her level, and surprises me.
Casey knew she was a fool, hence she had to include that key word since she is the one who was about to murder Caylee.
Congrats to AZ Lawyer and JWG for their great teamwork.

Hats off to admin and mods for their part in this 'win' for Caylee and for the truth.

And thank you to all WSers who contribute so much in so many ways.



I am so excited for tomorrow~ I am looking forward to the breakdown of timing. 1:50pm vs. 2:50pm. At least I am assuming that is what the second segment will be focused on. I also wonder if Jose will be confronted with the time stamps?
I am not trying to be challenging in the least but I keep thinking that I would never use "foolproof suffocation" as a search term. "Suffocation" alone ~ yes; and that would get the job done! But it seems strange to me to even think of "foolproof." "Guaranteed" or "certain" seem more in line with Casey's vocabulary. Or even better yet ~ suffocation for dummies. Foolproof just seems a bit above her level, and surprises me.

Ok so, we need to think of ANY time at all where the word FOOL PROOF came into Casey's life. It may not be in the doc dumps, but you know how teenagers say words or phrases and they all copy each other? Maybe one day at a party a guy said that word, and it stuck in her mind. Know what I'm saying? It's just too bad all those wonderful kids have already moved on, because I sure would love it if one of them would pop up and say "Just three days before, I told Casey I was searching for a foolproof way to win at Beer pong", or, you know, something.
After authenticating the records and interviewing defense, prosecution and Sheriff’s Office sources, it became clear: two citizen-investigators accomplished in less than three hours what an army of Orange County investigators and prosecutors failed to do in three years: uncover in detail what Casey Anthony was doing online the day Caylee died.

AZlawyer, have you attempted to get into contact with Jose's computer "experts" to question them on their findings and ask them how they came to the conclusion of 1:50pm vs. 2:50pm?
To me this revelation is just another punch in the Gut to us who wanted justice..and truly confirms my beliefs that The Devil Watches out for his own.
AZlawyer, have you attempted to get into contact with Jose's computer "experts" to question them on their findings and ask them how they came to the conclusion of 1:50pm vs. 2:50pm?

They were using older versions of the computer software JWG used, IMO. But JB says they are right because they "double-checked."

Our time stamps are consistent with phone records, other computer file records, etc., and JB's are not.

BTW the old version of the software is the same version that came up with the erroneous 84 visits to the chloroform web site.
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