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Thank you--I had forgotten that Sandra had done this interview. But see, this is what confuses me. She says she was asked to construct a timeline regarding use of the computer for June 16--which is consistent with what Linda now says. (Sandra says July 16 in this interview, actually, but from context she clearly means June 16.) Then she says she looked "very closely" at this critical date as the trial neared. It sounds like she did, in fact, figure out much of the Firefox internet activity that was going on that day (although her times are off), including the shotgirl outfit searches. So why didn't she find the foolproof suffocation search?? She was so so so close. I can't understand it. :(

My timeline showed large gaps of time where it seemed there was no activity at all on the HP home computer. Therefore, I reported those gaps in time to detectives. They were working off the presumption that large gaps of time away from the computer could possibly mean that was the time frame when something may have happened to Caylee. I looked very closely at July 16th again just as the trial was starting. I filtered all the files on the HP computer to show only the 24 hours for that day. I sorted every file first by creation time and then by accessed time. What I learned was that the temporary Internet files were being accessed and created during some of those large time gaps when I thought nothing was going on. What I didn't think about in 2008 was that the index.dat files are stored in a database (hence the file extension .dat - DUH!). The EnCase timeline function reported the MAC times for the database itself and not for the individual records it contains. So, while the user is accessing the Internet, the index.dat file is not being updated the whole time it is in use.


Does this explain what happened?
Totally off topic, but there is nothing like getting a call from your sister at 3:30am to let you know she is on her way to the hospital to deliver your first born nephew (first boy born into my mom's side in 38 years). I met my sister and her husband at the hospital to pick up my 7-year-old niece and we are here snuggling and trying to go back to sleep until she is close to delivery. :great:

Hopefully it is not a false alarm. :please:
Totally off topic, but there is nothing like getting a call from your sister at 3:30am to let you know she is on her way to the hospital to deliver your first born nephew (first boy born into my mom's side in 38 years). I met my sister and her husband at the hospital to pick up my 7-year-old niece and we are here snuggling and trying to go back to sleep until she is close to delivery. :great:

Hopefully it is not a false alarm. :please:

I hope all goes well! Right in-between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Keep us posted Lola!
Totally off topic, but there is nothing like getting a call from your sister at 3:30am to let you know she is on her way to the hospital to deliver your first born nephew (first boy born into my mom's side in 38 years). I met my sister and her husband at the hospital to pick up my 7-year-old niece and we are here snuggling and trying to go back to sleep until she is close to delivery. :great:

Hopefully it is not a false alarm. :please:

How exciting LolaMoon08 - please let us know when she has had a safe delivery and your new angel nephew is here!!:great:
Beach, I know you're probably sleeping now...but...I've been reading through some old threads and noticed it's been about a year since we heard about a Q and A thread for MM. Anything new?

I spoke with him last week. He still wants to tell his story but the time is still not right. I know it is frustrating but I assure you he has a good reason for keeping hush-hush right now. MM & I both thank you for your patience and understanding.
Totally off topic, but there is nothing like getting a call from your sister at 3:30am to let you know she is on her way to the hospital to deliver your first born nephew (first boy born into my mom's side in 38 years). I met my sister and her husband at the hospital to pick up my 7-year-old niece and we are here snuggling and trying to go back to sleep until she is close to delivery. :great:

Hopefully it is not a false alarm. :please:

I dont hang out on support pages but I did take a sec to cruise around to see what was being said, and to my suprise I had a hard time finding any left and of those that were die hards they are being quite as church mice LOL O that felt so good LOL

Well, not really, because the SO computer person was completely aware that she had tons of unread internet history in her possession, including internet history for June 16.

Thanks, AZ. I asked before I finished reading the whole thread, the last couple of pages have included much more info. I wanted to give the prosecutors the benefit of the doubt . . . but the more that is revealed and remembered about the computer forensics, the harder it is to do that. Unfathomable, really, because I'd think they would want to hammer FCA any way possible.
Remember the infamous line, "The Truth and Miss Anthony are strangers?" To that I add: "Ethics and Mr. Baez are complete strangers." What an amoral pair. You combine them, the rest of the defense team, Casey Anthony's family, and the Pinellas 12 and you get end up with a Perfect Storm of premeditated murder, co-dependence, arrogance, lies and laziness. And a defenseless child the victim of this disaster. How do these people sleep at night?? They must all have black holes where their hearts should be.

Hopefully we'll never see another trial like this one. EVER. AGAIN.
Remember the infamous line, "The Truth and Miss Anthony are strangers?" To that I add: "Ethics and Mr. Baez are complete strangers." What an amoral pair. You combine them, the rest of the defense team, Casey Anthony's family, and the Pinellas 12 and you get end up with a Perfect Storm of premeditated murder, co-dependence, arrogance, lies and laziness. And a defenseless child the victim of this disaster. How do these people sleep at night?? They must all have black holes where their hearts should be.

Hopefully we'll never see another trial like this one. EVER. AGAIN.

I think everything will be ok it appears to me the warriors have done an excellent job letting any media outlet know what they are in for if they pay her, so now with the news that makes her look even more guilty we can at least rest assured she will not profit anymore than what has already been given. I dont see the mom making anymore bucks either. It was rumored to be 600K which sounds like alot but if that is all you get in 5 or so years it will be gone. I just hope the backlash will continue if they rear their ugly heads trying to cash in again.
Remember the infamous line, "The Truth and Miss Anthony are strangers?" To that I add: "Ethics and Mr. Baez are complete strangers." What an amoral pair. You combine them, the rest of the defense team, Casey Anthony's family, and the Pinellas 12 and you get end up with a Perfect Storm of premeditated murder, co-dependence, arrogance, lies and laziness. And a defenseless child the victim of this disaster. How do these people sleep at night?? They must all have black holes where their hearts should be.

Hopefully we'll never see another trial like this one. EVER. AGAIN.

I'd like your comment bronzed and hanging on my wall! Well said and AMEN to that!!!
With all KC's lies, computer searches, gathering blankets, tape, trash bags, etc. from the house and driving around with Caylee in the trunk, has anyone really come up with a theory of how the high chloroform levels got in the trunk? Was KC actually playing amateur chemist at the kitchen sink? Hard to visualize.
Originally Posted by AZlawyer

Thank you--I had forgotten that Sandra had done this interview. But see, this is what confuses me. She says she was asked to construct a timeline regarding use of the computer for June 16--which is consistent with what Linda now says. (Sandra says July 16 in this interview, actually, but from context she clearly means June 16.) Then she says she looked "very closely" at this critical date as the trial neared. It sounds like she did, in fact, figure out much of the Firefox internet activity that was going on that day (although her times are off), including the shotgirl outfit searches. So why didn't she find the foolproof suffocation search?? She was so so so close. I can't understand it.
My timeline showed large gaps of time where it seemed there was no activity at all on the HP home computer. Therefore, I reported those gaps in time to detectives. They were working off the presumption that large gaps of time away from the computer could possibly mean that was the time frame when something may have happened to Caylee. I looked very closely at July 16th again just as the trial was starting. I filtered all the files on the HP computer to show only the 24 hours for that day. I sorted every file first by creation time and then by accessed time. What I learned was that the temporary Internet files were being accessed and created during some of those large time gaps when I thought nothing was going on. What I didn't think about in 2008 was that the index.dat files are stored in a database (hence the file extension .dat - DUH!). The EnCase timeline function reported the MAC times for the database itself and not for the individual records it contains. So, while the user is accessing the Internet, the index.dat file is not being updated the whole time it is in use.


Does this explain what happened?

No, not to me. I don't understand why she didn't just read through the Firefox history file for that date. If she had figured out that there was internet activity going on at that time, why not look at the file that would tell you exactly what the activity was?
ITA that is the worst for me, I used to think it was a rage thing after not sleeping well, I've got two kids and insomnia so I know it can be a bit of a trial (but yes MY kids are living breathing present and accounted for) but god, WHO is cold and horrible enough to just calmly google how to kill their kid, on a monday afternoon, then proceed to kill their kid, on monday afternoon, stick the body in the truck of their car and CARRY ON WITH LIFE.

casey anthony, that's who. and the other gross thing? JB and all the rest sheltering her? know this and can get within ten feet of her without a problem at all? I'm not saying I think she's a danger to things bigger than her, she's a coward really but knowing what I know about her? she would literally sicken me. it would actually make me SICK to be anywhere near anyone that horrible. someone who could do those things barely passes as human IMO

Why would any of the guys that had sex with Casey want to come forward? They are lucky that they got out when they did, IMO. It would take quite some time to test all of the guys that Casey had sex with during the time frame of when Caylee was conceived. Casey liked to bed hop and more than likely had no real relationship with any of them. No idea how many of them were one night stands either. Why would any of the guys want to put themselves into the situation now? It wouldn't do any good and would only ruin their lives. I can understand why no one came forward and do not blame any of them at all. Any of the guys that Casey had sex with at that time more than likely never even knew she had a child until Caylee was announced as missing and then later found dead.

Would you come forward now that Casey has said Caylee was conceived during a rape while she was drunk and passed out?

Man I'm gone a week and all y'all"bloggers" (and the lonely old cat ladies) are still spreading the truth for Caylee.

OH Jose, you have been called out, and Karma can be a real ***** sometimes.
With all KC's lies, computer searches, gathering blankets, tape, trash bags, etc. from the house and driving around with Caylee in the trunk, has anyone really come up with a theory of how the high chloroform levels got in the trunk? Was KC actually playing amateur chemist at the kitchen sink? Hard to visualize.
Interesting that you ask...I spent time last night on an old JA book thread. I remembered asking him a similar question about the chloroform at a book signing and he did not have an answer, just that Dr. Vass's testing confirmed that there was a higher than normal presence of chloroform in the trunk. I also asked if he had a theory as to how Casey came by the chloroform and he really didn't know. There was no paper trail that had her buying it online or purchasing the ingredients at any store(s).
Only Casey knows.
I spoke with him last week. He still wants to tell his story but the time is still not right. I know it is frustrating but I assure you he has a good reason for keeping hush-hush right now. MM & I both thank you for your patience and understanding.
Thanks, Beach. I've got plenty of patience. :)
Just miss his presence here on the board.
Please let him know that I wish him well.
Another would think that with the DT having knowledge of the search for fool-proof suffocation...they would have thought twice about appealing her lying convictions. FGS, she should have counted heself d*am lucky to have gotten what she got. She should have slithered away into oblivion. Now with this new information going public, she's got some nerve for wasting the Court's time. Go away, Casey. You got away with murder. You no longer have a "good name", yet alone a need to clear it. JMO
Totally off topic, but there is nothing like getting a call from your sister at 3:30am to let you know she is on her way to the hospital to deliver your first born nephew (first boy born into my mom's side in 38 years). I met my sister and her husband at the hospital to pick up my 7-year-old niece and we are here snuggling and trying to go back to sleep until she is close to delivery. :great:

Hopefully it is not a false alarm. :please:

Welp, it only took 12 hours to decide that my sister was not in active enough labor and they just sent her home. No nephew today, but she is dilated one centimeter. :banghead: Maybe tomorrow? :fence:

Good thing is I got to spend the day with my 7-year-old niece. We went and had Big Sister shirts made up (one for my 18-year-old niece too). Had massages. Rode a train. Wrote a letter to Santa at Macy's, and ate pretzels.

My niece is just a short few months older than Caylee would have been today and I hate that Casey robbed Caylee of the things she could be doing right now. It's such a special time of year. Magical time of year. I know Caylee is in a better place and she feels no pain or sorrow, but it's still not fair that her life was cut so short.
Thanks, Beach. I've got plenty of patience. :)
Just miss his presence here on the board.
Please let him know that I wish him well.

Can someone tell me who MM is? I apologize for my ignorance :blushing:. I've been reading at WS for a long time, and it still boggles my mind the vast amount of information available on this site. I promise to do my best to do my due dilligence from here on out. :slap:
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