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I was just looking at that site that collects signatures for a petition asking the Feds to prosecute Casey.
FWIW it has over 48,000 signatures. WOW!
Can someone tell me who MM is? I apologize for my ignorance :blushing:. I've been reading at WS for a long time, and it still boggles my mind the vast amount of information available on this site. I promise to do my best to do my due dilligence from here on out. :slap:

I'm a lurker, so I may be wrong, but I think it's MusicMan.
Thanks, Beach. I've got plenty of patience. :)
Just miss his presence here on the board.
Please let him know that I wish him well.

I will tell him you said that, RR. As well as everyone else here. It will make him feel good to know he is missed. I know he misses his friends here too.

Can someone tell me who MM is? I apologize for my ignorance :blushing:. I've been reading at WS for a long time, and it still boggles my mind the vast amount of information available on this site. I promise to do my best to do my due dilligence from here on out. :slap:

Muzikman. :) He is an Orlando local friend of ours who was very active during the search for Caylee and remained steadfast the entire 3 years leading up to the trial. He would go to the Orange County clerk's office (sometimes multiple times every week!) and purchase all the docs - discovery, pleadings, etc.. for us to sleuth. He would be there early the minute the clerk had filed them, hurry home and download them for all of us to read. We always had them even before the media did. He is one of our angels, as well as one of Caylee's angels. Much loved, appreciated and respected around here.

I can't link to a profile page but you can find him on the members list. When you get to his page, click on the "statistics" tab, then go to "all posts". You can get to know him a bit better that way. You may need to go kind of far back because for personal reasons, he slowed down posting a few months before the trial.
Interesting that you ask...I spent time last night on an old JA book thread. I remembered asking him a similar question about the chloroform at a book signing and he did not have an answer, just that Dr. Vass's testing confirmed that there was a higher than normal presence of chloroform in the trunk. I also asked if he had a theory as to how Casey came by the chloroform and he really didn't know. There was no paper trail that had her buying it online or purchasing the ingredients at any store(s).
Only Casey knows.

I've always wondered why Casey wasn't overcome by the chloroform while she was driving around? Did she have it in a container and it leaked?

Or was it something Cindy used to clean the car that day. It's used as a disinfectant and Cindy would know that with her nursing training. LE found fingernail polish in Cindy's bathroom, and they had bleach for the laundry and pool. Something more than air freshener was used in that trunk.
I think I know what you mean now. Sometimes people will informally say that the defense attorney "shifted the burden of proof" by giving a story of "what really happened." This doesn't mean anything really happened to change the burden of proof (which remains on the prosecution)--it just means that MOST jurors will then (improperly) side with the prosecution if they don't buy the defense story.

Well, not really, because the SO computer person was completely aware that she had tons of unread internet history in her possession, including internet history for June 16.

Thank you for saying this.
I'd like to ask how this happened that it was ignored, but alas no one knows.
I realize that Caylee probably dosen't care. But gosh I do! How will we ever see justice done for this innocent 2 1/2 year old child? No need to answer, I'm just venting.
And she's back in labor. :floorlaugh: Her water broke at 10:30pm so it's for real this time. She has officially been admitted into the hospital. :great: Now we wait and my job is to try and get my overly excited 7-year-old niece to get some sleep while we wait for the 6 centimeter dilation call. Luckily, I live 2 minutes from the hospital. :rocker:
And she's back in labor. :floorlaugh: Her water broke at 10:30pm so it's for real this time. She has officially been admitted into the hospital. :great: Now we wait and my job is to try and get my overly excited 7-year-old niece to get some sleep while we wait for the 6 centimeter dilation call. Luckily, I live 2 minutes from the hospital. :rocker:
Blessing to you all, Lola. What an exciting time!!
With all KC's lies, computer searches, gathering blankets, tape, trash bags, etc. from the house and driving around with Caylee in the trunk, has anyone really come up with a theory of how the high chloroform levels got in the trunk? Was KC actually playing amateur chemist at the kitchen sink? Hard to visualize.

I think the trunk is pretty airtight from the cabin. JMO

And she's back in labor. :floorlaugh: Her water broke at 10:30pm so it's for real this time. She has officially been admitted into the hospital. :great: Now we wait and my job is to try and get my overly excited 7-year-old niece to get some sleep while we wait for the 6 centimeter dilation call. Luckily, I live 2 minutes from the hospital. :rocker:

Do you have a hammer?

Have you told your niece that a baby will split the money being spent on her during Christmas, Birthdays, Easter favorite food, parental attention. Another baby will suck for her. She needs to convince the parents to keep it in the garage or something.
And she's back in labor. :floorlaugh: Her water broke at 10:30pm so it's for real this time. She has officially been admitted into the hospital. :great: Now we wait and my job is to try and get my overly excited 7-year-old niece to get some sleep while we wait for the 6 centimeter dilation call. Luckily, I live 2 minutes from the hospital. :rocker:

A new baby on the way! How exciting, Lola! Congrats to your entire family!

And she's back in labor. :floorlaugh: Her water broke at 10:30pm so it's for real this time. She has officially been admitted into the hospital. :great: Now we wait and my job is to try and get my overly excited 7-year-old niece to get some sleep while we wait for the 6 centimeter dilation call. Luckily, I live 2 minutes from the hospital. :rocker:

So, so happy for you, Lola!!! I know you are so excited! Keep us posted! Much love to you and your family!
I think everything will be ok it appears to me the warriors have done an excellent job letting any media outlet know what they are in for if they pay her, so now with the news that makes her look even more guilty we can at least rest assured she will not profit anymore than what has already been given. I dont see the mom making anymore bucks either. It was rumored to be 600K which sounds like alot but if that is all you get in 5 or so years it will be gone. I just hope the backlash will continue if they rear their ugly heads trying to cash in again.

I bet Dr Phil has a standing invitation to Casey for lots of cash.
Anyone who watches him is contributing to that fund... IMO

Here's the World of Disney bag. I am not good at rulers or the size of babies' heads. Could this bag have fit over Caylee's head?

I posted in the other thread about this particular bag. This bag is not from Orlando. It is from World of Disney, New York City. Did Tony bring her a present?
There is a "World Of Disney" store in Orlando.

"World Of Disney Store, in Downtown Disney Marketplace, is the largest Disney character store in Walt Disney World Resort—and on Earth! ".

"World of Disney is a chain of specialty retail stores owned and operated by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, a division of The Walt Disney Company.

Currently there are three locations."

[ame=""]World of Disney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

I posted in the other thread about this particular bag. This bag is not from Orlando. It is from World of Disney, New York City. Did Tony bring her a present?
There is a "World Of Disney" store in Orlando.

"World Of Disney Store, in Downtown Disney Marketplace, is the largest Disney character store in Walt Disney World Resort—and on Earth! ".

"World of Disney is a chain of specialty retail stores owned and operated by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, a division of The Walt Disney Company.

Currently there are three locations."

World of Disney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, there is a WOD (as we at Disney refer to it) at Downtown Disney, but they do not use tyre bags that say wod. They use the same bags as the rest of the stores on property.
With all KC's lies, computer searches, gathering blankets, tape, trash bags, etc. from the house and driving around with Caylee in the trunk, has anyone really come up with a theory of how the high chloroform levels got in the trunk? Was KC actually playing amateur chemist at the kitchen sink? Hard to visualize.

Was there ever any experiments or research done to determine if the high chloroform levels could have come from cleaning supplies? I've never had any reasonable doubts as to Casey's guilt, but I've never been able to get on board with her chloroforming Caylee.
Was there ever any experiments or research done to determine if the high chloroform levels could have come from cleaning supplies? I've never had any reasonable doubts as to Casey's guilt, but I've never been able to get on board with her chloroforming Caylee.
During the trial, JA got the defense 'expert' to admit that the other elements that would have resulted from cleaning products were not there. OTOH, I was reading a blog where the blog owner was questioning why the maggots in the trunk didn't die if the chloroform levels were so extremely high - interesting question, I thought.
I think she killed her with the duct tape, reflected by her searches. That's why she had such a strong reaction when JA talked about it in court..he had it exactly right.

Starting at 1:00 in that video my opinion is that KC is pzzd he figured it out. She is clenching jaw and rubbing her fists and IMO having a hard time trying to not have one hell of a hissy fit. At about 1:27 she starts to cry a bit and hide here head. This is where she knows she is in big azz trouble.
Starting at 1:00 in that video my opinion is that KC is pzzd he figured it out. She is clenching jaw and rubbing her fists and IMO having a hard time trying to not have one hell of a hissy fit. At about 1:27 she starts to cry a bit and hide here head. This is where she knows she is in big azz trouble.

I bet she thought for sure JA had found her searches! Then JB tells her to act sad, not mad.
So I'm watching lifetime Liz & Dick movie and there was a preview of the "prosecuting Casey Anthony movie" I think it's going to be good and the actress is spot on...was eerie to see after the bombshell that never dropped was in the news. Oh and the premier date is 1/19/13...right after her civil trial begins
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