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I just don't believe there were any ugly memories or times from FCA's early childhood.

I think she was a spoiled child who was the apple of everyone in the family's eye and was able to get almost everything she wanted. If there were any ugly memory, it would have been because she didn't get a toy that she wanted or someone else had.
I just don't believe there were any ugly memories or times from FCA's early childhood.

I think she was a spoiled child who was the apple of everyone in the family's eye and was able to get almost everything she wanted. If there were any ugly memory, it would have been because she didn't get a toy that she wanted or someone else had.

Yes, I agree watcher9 - the only ugly memories she might have from her own chldhood would be from when she didn't get her own way about something she wanted bought for her.

I also don't think she killed Caylee in a rage - I think it was cold and calculated and premeditated. Those strips of duct tape took some time to cut and place over Caylee's face. They weren't ripped or torn but carefully cut and she could have stopped at any time.

We heard during the trial that premeditation could happen in the blink of an eye.
I accidently heard Baez on HLN on the car radio. G-d how I wished I switched stations!! He was asked if he ever listened to tv or looked at social media during the trial. No way, he answered. Oh, except for during jury selection. I guess he had someone else find YM's presence here. I suppose he could even wiggle around that little lie if confronted and say that he used social media PRIOR to the trial. Who does this man think he's (STILL) fooling?
I accidently heard Baez on HLN on the car radio. G-d how I wished I switched stations!! He was asked if he ever listened to tv or looked at social media during the trial. No way, he answered. Oh, except for during jury selection. I guess he had someone else find YM's presence here. I suppose he could even wiggle around that little lie if confronted and say that he used social media PRIOR to the trial. Who does this man think he's (STILL) fooling?

RR0004, didn't he talk about the firm he hired to follow all of the "social media?" Remember, we found out later that he had hired a group to find out what the "bloggers" were saying and that helped him formulate his defense.

Or maybe that was a lie? When a liar lies, how do you positively know which conflicting statement is a lie ~ or if they are both lies?
I just don't believe there were any ugly memories or times from FCA's early childhood.

I think she was a spoiled child who was the apple of everyone in the family's eye and was able to get almost everything she wanted. If there were any ugly memory, it would have been because she didn't get a toy that she wanted or someone else had.

I can imagine any "no's" that Casey Anthony got from her parent as a child piled up over time. She could be an injustice collector. She tried to repress them.

I could imagine if she did not get her turn in a game or got something she wanted, she would throw a major tantrum.
RR0004, didn't he talk about the firm he hired to follow all of the "social media?" Remember, we found out later that he had hired a group to find out what the "bloggers" were saying and that helped him formulate his defense.

Or maybe that was a lie? When a liar lies, how do you positively know which conflicting statement is a lie ~ or if they are both lies? either way, he did pay attention to social media. He said that the only thing that mattered was what the jurors were thinking...IOW, what "others" were saying, had no bearing on case. At least, that's how I interpreted it. We know that he had people trolling the internet.
I can imagine any "no's" that Casey Anthony got from her parent as a child piled up over time. She could be an injustice collector. She tried to repress them.

I could imagine if she did not get her turn in a game or got something she wanted, she would throw a major tantrum.

I'm not sure Casey ever tried to repress any anger. Neighbors have said it was a regular thing to hear her screaming and swearing at her mother.
I'm not sure Casey ever tried to repress any anger. Neighbors have said it was a regular thing to hear her screaming and swearing at her mother.

I was more thinking secretive. Any articles of Casey Anthony yelling at her mother?
I'm not sure Casey ever tried to repress any anger. Neighbors have said it was a regular thing to hear her screaming and swearing at her mother.

I was more thinking secretive. Any articles of Casey Anthony yelling at her mother?

Here ya go!!

For what it's worth..

Mark Fuhrman had gone to interview neighbours then he gave an interview to Greta Van Sustern

Anthony neighbor tells Mark Fuhrman that he overheard loud voices and swearing emanating from the Anthony backyard or property.

“I talked to one of the immediate neighbors that is within earshot of the Anthony house, and he said that Casey Anthony had one hell of a temper. And he heard her swearing at her mother several times, so loud that he could hear it from his house, and that he would never talk to his parents that way. And he said even Father’s Day weekend, that was going on. So whether that’s true or not, it’s something that he’s observed and heard on repeated times. We’d never heard that before, and so that’s interesting all unto itself.”,2933,402098,00.html
On the Record with Greta Van Susteren
I was more thinking secretive. Any articles of Casey Anthony yelling at her mother?

The interview that comes to mind is of their neighbors, Joyce and Bailey Dickens, who let it ALL hang out when it comes to the Anthonys behavior.It was on YouTube for a long time, posted by Sierra but I can't find it tonight because I need it (!). I'll search for it tomorrow. It was amusing and enlightening...
Here ya go!!

For what it's worth..

Mark Fuhrman had gone to interview neighbours then he gave an interview to Greta Van Sustern

Anthony neighbor tells Mark Fuhrman that he overheard loud voices and swearing emanating from the Anthony backyard or property.

“I talked to one of the immediate neighbors that is within earshot of the Anthony house, and he said that Casey Anthony had one hell of a temper. And he heard her swearing at her mother several times, so loud that he could hear it from his house, and that he would never talk to his parents that way. And he said even Father’s Day weekend, that was going on. So whether that’s true or not, it’s something that he’s observed and heard on repeated times. We’d never heard that before, and so that’s interesting all unto itself.”,2933,402098,00.html
On the Record with Greta Van Susteren

Thank you. The link also mentions Cindy Anthony strangling Casey. :waitasec: :what: Clearly a dysfunctional family right there. :crazy:

There is no doubt that Casey Anthony is similar to Betty Broderick in terms of psychology and temperament. Broderick is very temperamental and shows her anger. People called Betty Broderick, "Angry Betty". I do not recall Diane Downs having an overtly angry demeanor.
The video is no longer there but the transcript of that interview is on this site-

[ame=""]2008.07.22 Joyce and Bailey Dickens Interview - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
It explains a lot of the Anthony family dynamic, specially Cindy's behavior, she was called the neighborhood *advertiser censored* from hell. I can't imagine living with her, it's obvious why Casey loathed her..
The interview that comes to mind is of their neighbors, Joyce and Bailey Dickens, who let it ALL hang out when it comes to the Anthonys behavior.It was on YouTube for a long time, posted by Sierra but I can't find it tonight because I need it (!). I'll search for it tomorrow. It was amusing and enlightening...

They didn't have very flattering things to say about Cindy.

[ame=""]2008.07.22 Joyce and Bailey Dickens Interview - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

The video is no longer on You Tube....
Are you all as sad as I am? It's been a long, long time now. But my resentment is quick to burn in my mouth when I bite back retorts to comments from JB about how he gave no attention to what people were saying during the trial . . .
And the bile chokes me when I hear Casey's itty bitty polite little voice saying "Yes sir" and "No sir" to the Trustee in her bankruptcy proceedings ~ even though they're lies that she's saying.
I am livid that she even has the gall to use the the courts to her advantage again.
Bankruptcy? Oh, please, are you kidding me? Isn't claiming bankruptcy supposed to be an avenue of relief for honest people who have suffered some horrendous events in their lives that have prevented them from paying their bills? I am sure it was not supposed to help murderers avoid making restitution to innocent bystanders for their suffering.
This entire case makes me feel so totally out of touch with today's morality and very, very sad. And, the worst part is that I don't know what to do about it!
American Society has changed...viewing the anthony tribe just shows you how much.

The entire Anthony clan is part of the 47%. The live to take all they can get. They will sue you in a heartbeat. It's how they roll. They worship at the altar of money.

Are you all as sad as I am? It's been a long, long time now. But my resentment is quick to burn in my mouth when I bite back retorts to comments from JB about how he gave no attention to what people were saying during the trial . . .
And the bile chokes me when I hear Casey's itty bitty polite little voice saying "Yes sir" and "No sir" to the Trustee in her bankruptcy proceedings ~ even though they're lies that she's saying.
I am livid that she even has the gall to use the the courts to her advantage again.
Bankruptcy? Oh, please, are you kidding me? Isn't claiming bankruptcy supposed to be an avenue of relief for honest people who have suffered some horrendous events in their lives that have prevented them from paying their bills? I am sure it was not supposed to help murderers avoid making restitution to innocent bystanders for their suffering.
This entire case makes me feel so totally out of touch with today's morality and very, very sad. And, the worst part is that I don't know what to do about it!

Best post ever! I have to add one more sickening aspect to all of this. There are actually people that are STILL defending, protecting and lying for her. They justify her actions and when they cant they attack the police, prosecutors or anyone else that tried to make her responsible for her actions. She got away with murder but I guess that was not good enough. :furious::furious:
Are you all as sad as I am? It's been a long, long time now. But my resentment is quick to burn in my mouth when I bite back retorts to comments from JB about how he gave no attention to what people were saying during the trial . . .
And the bile chokes me when I hear Casey's itty bitty polite little voice saying "Yes sir" and "No sir" to the Trustee in her bankruptcy proceedings ~ even though they're lies that she's saying.
I am livid that she even has the gall to use the the courts to her advantage again.
Bankruptcy? Oh, please, are you kidding me? Isn't claiming bankruptcy supposed to be an avenue of relief for honest people who have suffered some horrendous events in their lives that have prevented them from paying their bills? I am sure it was not supposed to help murderers avoid making restitution to innocent bystanders for their suffering.
This entire case makes me feel so totally out of touch with today's morality and very, very sad. And, the worst part is that I don't know what to do about it!

One of the best post i've read in a while. :)

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Casey it seems has always got what she wanted. Including getting away with murder.
American Society has changed...viewing the anthony tribe just shows you how much.

The entire Anthony clan is part of the 47%. The live to take all they can get. They will sue you in a heartbeat. It's how they roll. They worship at the altar of money.


Some of those in the 47% (most of them, I'd argue) would be pretty disgusted at being comapared to the Anthonys. That 47% includes people who are retired from the military who now live off of their retirement (and maybe social security). My parents are veterans over age 65; they now essentially pay no taxes. My dad was an officer who served in Vietnam. He is now also a disabled veteran. He served in the military for 20+ years. He and my mom (also a vet) now pay no federal taxes and aren't living it up. They drive cars that are older than the Anthonys' cars and haven't been able to update or renovate their homes. They dedicated their lives to serving and protecting their country. (yes, that 47% includes people wo are retired veterans, the disabled, etc...plenty of people who if we looked at them individually, we'd probably say they have good reason not to pay federal taxes and deserve whatever help they receive from the government....thus the problem with looking at the 47% as a monolithic group of "moochers"/"takers")

Please don't lump in my parents, other retired veterans/disabled vets, and other hardworking/elderly people that don't make enough to pay federal taxes, etc in with the Anthonys. There are plenty of good people in that 47% that pays no federal taxes. I take issue with them being lumped in with that family.
Are you all as sad as I am? It's been a long, long time now. But my resentment is quick to burn in my mouth when I bite back retorts to comments from JB about how he gave no attention to what people were saying during the trial . . .
And the bile chokes me when I hear Casey's itty bitty polite little voice saying "Yes sir" and "No sir" to the Trustee in her bankruptcy proceedings ~ even though they're lies that she's saying.
I am livid that she even has the gall to use the the courts to her advantage again.
Bankruptcy? Oh, please, are you kidding me? Isn't claiming bankruptcy supposed to be an avenue of relief for honest people who have suffered some horrendous events in their lives that have prevented them from paying their bills? I am sure it was not supposed to help murderers avoid making restitution to innocent bystanders for their suffering.
This entire case makes me feel so totally out of touch with today's morality and very, very sad. And, the worst part is that I don't know what to do about it!

Take comfort in who you are -

At the end of the day, they are still Anthony's, and money isn't everything
At the end of the day - who really cares what JB says
At the end of the day - even if every debt is wiped clean with the BK, she still has nothing - the one loving person she had in her life is dead.

I remember reading that OCA had not one real friend while in jail for three years - and everyone that knew her, other than her family, walked away from her.

I am not shocked to read that these three may have reconciled - who else would have them?
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