Sievers Sidebar #1

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Let us not discount the testimony from JRs girlfriend Taylor Shoemaker, now calling herself Taylor Hennmaker, that MS hired CWW to kill his wife.
Good point. If LE could get JR to testify to the same it would help make the case against MS a bit stronger.

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Agree, DG!

Also, another insightful poster reminded us a few days ago that the initial doc dump specifically relates to charges filed against CWW.

Also, information/evidence pertinent to the ongoing
investigation was not released.

Yes, we need to remember that we only have infomation relating to CWW. That's why we don't have bullet points relating to MS. At this point, with the information we have, there isn't enough to convict him. But we don't know the half of it. There is clearly enough evidence to convict CWW and JRR and we don't even have all of that yet. We won't see what they have on MS until he is charged.
Mark Sievers had motive.

A close friend of Theresa's stating she was going to divorce Mark. That right there has been motive enough throughout history.

But there happens to be more to this one- as is also often the case- money, and a lot of it. Over four million dollars worth. That is a huge motive for murder.

Motives are big with juries.

I hope its true that nothing was actually stolen from the Sievers home the night Theresa was murdered. From what we know so far, it was staged to look like a robbery gone bad, but nothing of value was actually taken. Her luggage was rummaged through, as was her wallet, but it was not a robbery. At this moment, that is damn lucky for the two lunatics sitting in jail, if they ever want to cut a deal.

There has been shown no motive for CWW or JRR to murder Dr Theresa Sievers.

If they had actually robbed the home, Mark Sievers could maybe get away with his part in this.

He would have already had to have been playing his hand differently though for something like that to work. Thank goodness those documents were held back for awhile.

Without Mark CWW and JRR had nothing to gain for this crime. Not. One. Thing.

It all leads back to Mark and I'm pretty sure we only have the tip of the iceberg to prove this, at the moment. I do have faith in SMS and LE- I've just had a hard time going along with their timeline. The proof is coming, I am certain. I can wait.
Mark Sievers had motive.

A close friend of Theresa's stating she was going to divorce Mark. That right there has been motive enough throughout history.

But there happens to be more to this one- as is also often the case- money, and a lot of it. Over four million dollars worth. That is a huge motive for murder.

Motives are big with juries.

I hope its true that nothing was actually stolen from the Sievers home the night Theresa was murdered. From what we know so far, it was staged to look like a robbery gone bad, but nothing of value was actually taken. Her luggage was rummaged through, as was her wallet, but it was not a robbery. At this moment, that is damn lucky for the two lunatics sitting in jail, if they ever want to cut a deal.

There has been shown no motive for CWW or JRR to murder Dr Theresa Sievers.

If they had actually robbed the home, Mark Sievers could maybe get away with his part in this.

He would have already had to have been playing his hand differently though for something like that to work. Thank goodness those documents were held back for awhile.

Without Mark CWW and JRR had nothing to gain for this crime. Not. One. Thing.

It all leads back to Mark and I'm pretty sure we only have the tip of the iceberg to prove this, at the moment. I do have faith in SMS and LE- I've just had a hard time going along with their timeline. The proof is coming, I am certain. I can wait.
Good post Frigga! :)
Did MS pay for CWW's most recent wedding? From the article linked below it looks like he paid for the wedding of a different "college friend". Maybe I missed that he paid for both, so would love if someone could clear it up for me. TIA

That was for one of Kitty Lifka's sons. I haven't seen anything YET that indicates he paid for CWW's recent wedding to Angie.

Sorry, just signing in today and don't have the link handy but there is a old MSM link where Kitty was interviewed and offers that information herself. I'll dig it up when I have a time. I know it is in the media links thread and probably posted around the time of the raids/ arrests. (Mid-July)

I completely misinterrupted PapillionLove's post (question at the end) and TOTALLY missed the link she provided. That is the exact link I was referencing. THANK YOU!

So basically, I wonder the same as you. If he did it for KL's son, it's reasonable to assume he helped finance his "brother from an 'other' mother's", BFF's wedding. Especially considering the timing - less than 2 months before her murder.
While visiting my adult son, a CPA in Bonita Springs, he always asks, 'so what's the latest on the TS case'? i told him how MS should be arrested soon because of the document dump and all of the circumstantial evidence. He said 'mom, what evidence exactly do they have - give it to me in bullet form'. With my swirling with all I've read in WS's, all I could really mention was the burner phones, the cryptic talk codes, how their communication stopped at the time of the murder, etc. He said, 'he surely wouldn't get convicted with just that'. Would someone smarter than myself, list some bullets of what evidence do we really know of at this point against MS?

Here is Sheriff Mike Scott's reply to Nancy Grace's question, why MS has not been arrested yet, BBM/Underlining by me:

'GRACE: $4.5 million worth of life insurance. Sheriff, I`m going to ask you the tough question. With all of these accusations laid out in

black and white in the state`s attorney`s documents, why has he not been arrested?

SCOTT: Well, we have additional information to look through. We have additional evidence to work through. And of course, Nancy, as a long-time prosecutor, you understand that the only thing more critical to making an arrest is making the arrest appropriately (INAUDIBLE) and the defense community.

We want to make sure that we have everything right. And by the way, I realize (INAUDIBLE) primarily about Mark Sievers, but let`s not eliminate the (INAUDIBLE) fact that there could be others, as well.

I realize we`re talking about Wright, Rodgers and Sievers, with the first two being in custody. There are other people involved (INAUDIBLE) documents, I think you can see that people have information. Perhaps they`re not forthcoming initially.

Then there are other charges perhaps on other people, as well.
So you know, our -- our critical mission is to make sure that we have it right. And that`s what we`re doing. We`re moving methodically and with great measure (ph), as we should.'


'GRACE: Sheriff Mike Scott, Lee County sheriff, elected -- Sheriff Scott, again, thank you again for being with us. I mean, in this day and

age, everything is traceable. Deletable is not deletable, it`s recoverable.

[20:20:12]So it`s my understanding from these documents from the state attorney`s office that they had been communicating about the murder for months. Is that correct, Sheriff?

SCOTT: Yes, ma`am. And our digital forensics unit at the sheriff`s office played a key role in this investigation, and continues to do so even as we speak. So Mr. Levitan is correct, you know, with regard to the burner phone, as we call it. And you know, other things I`ve mentioned,

the digital footprint with the wi-fi action (ph), of course, GPS and things of that nature all very telling.'

It always seems like the right people have to be arrested and deals made in order to arrest everyone who is responsible. Perhaps we are waiting on JR to be brought into the state. JMO

Several lawyers opining about the lack of an MS arrest here BBM:

'Scot Goldberg, of Goldberg Law in Fort Myers, said he assumed there was a grand jury convened and that they would have charges to file against Sievers."I'm sure the grand jury will come out with indictments," he said.
"What may happen, there may be two indictments."He said that the indictments would likely target Sievers as well as Wright and that the Wright indictment might be a first-degree murder charge. Wright is in Lee County Jail facing a second-degree murder charge for Teresa Sievers' killing."I don't know how you can charge him with second-degree murder," Goldberg said. He said that the scope of the crime, planned and spanning several states, would nearly demand a first-degree charge."I think that the state may have run out of time," he said. "Unless a deal is happening."'


'Jennifer Zedalis, director of trial practice at the University of Florida's Levin College of Law, said she only knows about the case from watching news, but as a member of the Florida Bar for 34 years has an idea of what's going on.

“The defense attorneys for (Wright and Rodgers) are probably trying to make a deal to put their guy in front of the deal to … make a statement if they get a plea deal,” she said. “It could be that they’re trying to firm up the details of an agreement, and there’s always a scramble to know that you’re making the right decision.”'


'Fort Myers defense lawyer Sawyer Smith was asked why someone implicated in a case like this would not yet be taken into custody. "Lack of evidence," he said.

Smith added: "I would suspect, in a case that's got the media attention that this one does, that the law enforcement agency investigating it ... is in constant communication with the state attorney's office and they're waiting to build as strong a case as they can before they make an arrest. Instead of rushing in and making an arrest that's gonna fail later, let's do it right. "
Smith said there's often subpoenas that need filed and layer upon layer of lawyers to weed through and possibly DNA testing.'


“I would say clearly the best way to secure a conviction against Mr. Sievers would be to have Mr. Wright or Mr. Rodgers testify that they were hired by the husband,” [Robert] Harris [a Fort Myers criminal defense attorney] said.

Harris said that, in his experience, there's not much more damning than physical evidence, especially the kind that is hard to erase.
“It seems like every case I have, someone leaves a piece of incriminating evidence on a cellphone,” he said. “People always leave a trail."

re: why MS hasn't been arrested and/or will he be arrested - random thoughts of mine
feel free to skim or fast-forward;)

as of December 2:
evidence still being processed, "even as we speak..."
SMS via Nancy Grace (paraphrasing)

if a grand jury is going to be convened, and at this time the investigation is still ongoing with evidence being processed "as we speak", per SMS on December2 via Nancy Grace, they will wait until the entire investigation is complete
to take that step
i don't know what jurisdiction the following is from, but it's a general idea of when a grand jury sits to hear cases
so it may be after the first of the year (if it happens)
1st>January 1 - June 30
2nd>July 1 - December 31


as of one week ago,

December2 - Transcripts
Husband Implicated in Sievers Murder

SCOTT: But basically, we`ve got everybody where we want them right now, for the most part. They`re not able to communicate with each other anymore.
Those lines have been -- those channels of communication have been cut off. And as a result, you know, the old saying about snakes biting (ph) ea ch other, I think, you know, will come to fruition.
Obviously, there are reasons for what we`re doing. I think it`s pretty clear with the totality of this case, that we -- it`s been very measured and professional, very thorough.

GRACE:...With all of these accusations laid out in black and white in the state`s attorney`s documents, why has he not been arrested?

SCOTT: Well, we have additional information to look through. We have additional evidence to work through. And of course, Nancy, as a long-time prosecutor, you understand that the only thing more critical to making an arrest is making the arrest appropriately...
We want to make sure that we have everything right.

SCOTT: We have still evidence that`s yet to be finalized in terms of evaluated and analyzed.
We have not let up at all. Our foot is very much on the gas pedal, and we`re moving forward full speed ahead with the investigation.


some reasons why i think MS was involved in the murder of Teresa
i had a multitude of quotes in mind from the investigative documents that have been released, but i wore myself out
so off the top of my head...just for starters:

TS_Documents 1 Searchable Combined.pdf

Details I Probable Cause

-refusal to cooperate
palm prints from MS, his mother, and the children
buccal swabs from children
types of electronic devices TS carried and used
user access codes to home alarm (pin code and user coder number and who knew the codes)
who knew code to open garage door
time for detective to speak with children
who contacted MS when TS didn't show up for work
who did MS contact, in order, to check on Teresa
(the above are basic questions, not probing, and their answers would expedite finding who killed TS)

-subpoenas were required to get get accurate information about life insurance policies

-throwing away office computers the day of the funeral
(why wasn't he spending the day with his children/family/friends? busy, busy...)

-they interviewed MS's mother 3 times - and she cooperated
(like i would expect someone to - especially in the beginning when the murderer(s) are "on the loose" - he has two young daughters that were living with him at the same house TS was murdered - and he doesn't want to do the things and answer the questions listed above? he wasn't scared they would come back and kill them too? wasn't worried the "robbers", would come back to get the stuff from those 4 safes that they forgot the 1st time?)

also this random thought:
i think there is a possibility that CWW will talk
when confronted with the lies and some of the evidence (especially about the burner phones), he stated he wanted to stop talking "for now"

Detectives: Sievers husband’s involvement suspected in wife’s murder | WINK NEWS

Authorities redacted Wright’s initial interview with detectives from court documents. The documents stated that Wright “became nervous” when detectives told him about their evidence, including text messages between him and Mark Sievers using different phones to communicate with each other, his wife placing him in Florida during the time of the killing and leaving his cell phone at home.

"Sergeant Lebid again explained to Curtis that if his friend Mark Sievers intentionally
involved Curtis in a crime that Curtis didn't plan, then now was the time to explain that
situation. Curtis stated he wanted to stop talking for now."
(also from the Discovery Documents)


above: jmo
below: local lawyers' opinions

Big question: Will Mark Sievers be arrested?

Lawyers and legal experts said evidence, confessions and a grand jury's decision could lead to further arrests in the Dr. Teresa Sievers homicide case.
Local attorneys had varying theories on why a Mark Sievers arrest may or may not happen.
Several lawyers opining about the lack of an MS arrest here BBM:

'Scot Goldberg, of Goldberg Law in Fort Myers, said he assumed there was a grand jury convened and that they would have charges to file against Sievers."I'm sure the grand jury will come out with indictments," he said.
"What may happen, there may be two indictments."He said that the indictments would likely target Sievers as well as Wright and that the Wright indictment might be a first-degree murder charge. Wright is in Lee County Jail facing a second-degree murder charge for Teresa Sievers' killing."I don't know how you can charge him with second-degree murder," Goldberg said. He said that the scope of the crime, planned and spanning several states, would nearly demand a first-degree charge."I think that the state may have run out of time," he said. "Unless a deal is happening."'


'Jennifer Zedalis, director of trial practice at the University of Florida's Levin College of Law, said she only knows about the case from watching news, but as a member of the Florida Bar for 34 years has an idea of what's going on.

“The defense attorneys for (Wright and Rodgers) are probably trying to make a deal to put their guy in front of the deal to … make a statement if they get a plea deal,” she said. “It could be that they’re trying to firm up the details of an agreement, and there’s always a scramble to know that you’re making the right decision.”'


'Fort Myers defense lawyer Sawyer Smith was asked why someone implicated in a case like this would not yet be taken into custody. "Lack of evidence," he said.

Smith added: "I would suspect, in a case that's got the media attention that this one does, that the law enforcement agency investigating it ... is in constant communication with the state attorney's office and they're waiting to build as strong a case as they can before they make an arrest. Instead of rushing in and making an arrest that's gonna fail later, let's do it right. "
Smith said there's often subpoenas that need filed and layer upon layer of lawyers to weed through and possibly DNA testing.'


“I would say clearly the best way to secure a conviction against Mr. Sievers would be to have Mr. Wright or Mr. Rodgers testify that they were hired by the husband,” [Robert] Harris [a Fort Myers criminal defense attorney] said.

Harris said that, in his experience, there's not much more damning than physical evidence, especially the kind that is hard to erase.
“It seems like every case I have, someone leaves a piece of incriminating evidence on a cellphone,” he said. “People always leave a trail."

Morning (SoCal time) NIN! I love it when you bold different clauses in the reports! It helps me sort the "wheat from the chaff" legal speak. More subpoenas, deal making, additional arrests... sounds good to me.
So does DCF shelter hearing, Animal Control patrol, IRS filing a lien, arresting his bf etc. Still wondering if that means best friend or boy friend....could be either after the Pineapple Express explanations. (Yuck, Oh yuck... I just can't see how that could possibly be healthy for anybody's mind, body or soul. WE ALL HAVE A PAST....but that is just not my idea of a way to spend my retirement years. My prudish side is showing.)
And, your courtesy and patience in supplying answers/explanations to new contributors is generous and fantastic, BRAVO!
Following this case has shown/revealed "so much conflicting info."
1)Lubinski, the senior widower, with live in girlfriend meeting his "pastor friend, CWW at church"
2)AW meeting up with CWW at a church function.
3)AW knowing CWW's history with Ronnie Bolin and yet still marrying offerings must be family dowry?
4)CWW, stated as disabled, but able to work on vehicles and install security cameras....??? (Astounding, spontaneous remission of fibromyalgia, no doubt!)
5)AW, when given the chance to be a hero instead of a victim...opts to lie to law enforcement??
(Still shaking my head at that one.)
6) MS's attorney using the words, paraphrasing my interpretations, ok?... "He (MS) doesn't know what is going on and it's out of his (MS) control" And yet, the same attorney penned (paraphrasing) "direct all your questions to me legal counsel and we'll decide what we want you to know." Kind of makes a mockery of the word "cooperation" huh?
Oh well, as I continue to ponder the aforementioned conflicting themes ...
The current theme is just as intriguing...How do you keep a POI narcissist off balance?...WHAT IS A NARCISSIST MOST AFRAID OF?
"The answer is humiliation, ignorance and overlooked by others around them. If you can create a situation in which a narcissist feels his or her cover has been blown and other people see them as they truly are, that would be a perfect "revenge", because a narcissist is empty from inside and their worst fear is that others will see that emptiness..."
Fantabulous post IQuestion! I love your style and I love how your mind works!

Morning (SoCal time) NIN! I love it when you bold different clauses in the reports! It helps me sort the "wheat from the chaff" legal speak. More subpoenas, deal making, additional arrests... sounds good to me. And, your courtesy and patience in supplying answers/explanations to new contributors is generous and fantastic, BRAVO!
So does DCF shelter hearing, Animal Control patrol, IRS filing a lien, arresting his bf Still wondering if that means best friend or boy friend....could be either after the Pineapple Express explanations. (Yuck, Oh yuck... I just can't see how that could possibly be healthy for anybody's mind, body or soul. WE ALL HAVE A PAST....but that is just not my idea of a way to spend my retirement years. My prudish side is showing.)
Following this case has shown/revealed "so much conflicting info."
1)Lubinski, the senior widower, with live in girlfriend meeting his "pastor friend, CWW at church"
2)AW meeting up with CWW at a church function.
3)AW knowing CWW's history with RB and yet still marrying offerings must be family dowry?
4)CWW, stated as disabled, but able to work on vehicles and install security cameras....??? (Astounding, spontaneous remission of fibromyalgia, no doubt!)
5)AW, when given the chance to be a hero instead of a victim...opts to lie to law enforcement??
(Still shaking my head at that one.)
6) MS's attorney using the words, paraphrasing my interpretations, ok?... "He (MS) doesn't know what is going on and it's out of his (MS) control" And yet, the same attorney penned (paraphrasing) "direct all your questions to me legal counsel and we'll decide what we want you to know." Kind of makes a mockery of the word "cooperation" huh?
Oh well, as I continue to ponder the aforementioned conflicting themes ...
The current theme is just as intriguing...How do you keep a POI narcissist off balance?...WHAT IS A NARCISSIST MOST AFRAID OF?
"The answer is humiliation, ignorance and overlooked by others around them. If you can create a situation in which a narcissist feels his or her cover has been blown and other people see them as they truly are, that would be a perfect "revenge", because a narcissist is empty from inside and their worst fear is that others will see that emptiness..."
hi IQ -you're a smart cookie.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

Yes, we need to remember that we only have infomation relating to CWW. That's why we don't have bullet points relating to MS. At this point, with the information we have, there isn't enough to convict him. But we don't know the half of it. There is clearly enough evidence to convict CWW and JRR and we don't even have all of that yet. We won't see what they have on MS until he is charged.

Yep the sheriff is not going to play all his cards to MS until he has to. I think becuase they have JR stewing in prison and don't need to charge him until he is ready to get out, that they can be patient enough to wait till JR sings like a bird to avoid his punishment possibly the death penalty
Quote Originally Posted by IQuestion ...How do you keep a POI narcissist off balance?...WHAT IS A NARCISSIST MOST AFRAID OF?
"The answer is humiliation, ignorance and overlooked by others around them. If you can create a situation in which a narcissist feels his or her cover has been blown and other people see them as they truly are, that would be a perfect "revenge", because a narcissist is empty from inside and their worst fear is that others will see that emptiness..."

In the video clip of MS leaving court, I noticed one thing: MS did NOT look well. IMO MS looked like he was playing Cleopatra. cl.jpg

I also felt that MS looked like he was doing zero exercise now - my guess is MS is frozen in fight-or-flight??? mode & can't get out, & narcissist that he is, MS cannot bear to look around him now, because if MS let himself absorb the reality of how other people see MS, MS could NOT stand the feeling of utter emptiness & void that is him. The opposite of love is not hate: The opposite of love is nothingness, void.

Also, in that same video clip & the other pic' of the one officer assigned to be on MS's tail (literally), IMO that officer looked like he couldn't wrap his mind around how MS could persist with 'his show' and scar those 2 little girls on & on. IMO

Just to clarify, in my post when I said Jr., I was confirming Curtis Wayne Wright Jr. as opposed to CWW's father Curtis Wayne Wright Sr. IIRC the question this was in response to was specifically asking if MF was the son of was Jr. or Sr. And I thought the CWW we are talking about here was a junior, but now I'm thoroughly confused.

I can see how it might come across differently out of context, so I had to go back and check. This is the post I replied to with "CWW the murder, Jr.".
MF is the son of Curtis MF the son of Curtis Wright Sr or Jr ?
I'm confused. ��

In no way did I mean MF is a Jr. to CWW or anything like that, never. I hope this clarification turns that frown upside down.:eek: And welcome!
Let us not discount the testimony from JRs girlfriend Taylor Shoemaker, now calling herself Taylor Hennmaker, that MS hired CWW to kill his wife.

I recall pictures on Taylor shoemakers fb page of cww, JR and herself all buddy buddy.. So I'm sure she knows a lot and hopefully informed LE.

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I dont think he thought things out to clearly. I think he thought a burner phone to communicate with CWW and a perfect alibi and no one would suspect him. jmo
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