Sievers Sidebar #3

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Do we know when LE confiscated MS cell to D/L his calendar? If MS had time he could easily have made a late minute addition to his calendar making it appear the calendar entry was made much earlier. I could see MS manipulating/editing his calendar if he had time to think about it, but I thought LE grabbed it fairly quickly. Would MS be smart enough to make fake misleading calendar entries prior to TS murder?

July 1;NavType=Absolute;Type=Block&Date=2015/07/01
“...Mark Sievers coordinated with Wright to have his 46-year-old wife killed...” "Coordinated"? Really, as in what- their outfits?

I wouldn't say they coordinated, but I would say they:
:: Conspired
:: Schemed
:: Plotted
:: Connived
:: Planned
:: Orchestrated
:: Master minded (roflmao)

AND NOW FOR SOME MORE Fagaspeak (from the video): ehhh what?

“constitutional right to privacy in how you want to raise your children” – wtf does that mean?

“He's (MS) here (in jail) uh, basically because he's in custody” - way to say nothing
FelicityL I think it means they go to the same barber. :blushing: (Among many other similarities.) As our WS insider vocabulary continues to grow, I nominate Fagaspeak and Mummertmumblings as new additions to the list of descriptive words for this case?
Favorite Mummertmumbling so far: "When someone is incarcerated, it is a very lonely place." Utterly profound, dontcha think? That is the problem I have with him after he speaks. He ALWAYS tries to make it sound as if MS is the victim after every court proceeding. He wants to say something profound and meaningful, instead they sound "trite, clumsy and comical."
Another Mummertmumbling, "When the people you care about most in the world are denied contact"......Yep that is exactly why we feel sorry for the victim's family, Not MS!
(But if you can think of a shorter version of Mummertmumbling, I open to ideas)
The final text message conversation between accused murderer Mark Sievers and wife Teresa Sievers was June 28, 2015, the day detectives say Mark Sievers had his wife killed.

The text message was sent minutes after Mark Siever’s mother, Bonnie Sievers reactivated the alarm at the couple’s Bonita Springs home. Detective said the alarm was first deactivated at 6:09 a.m.

6/28/2015 8:19 AM
Mark to Teresa: Good morning Baby! I love you

Meanwhile, Mark Sievers had contacted his mother, directing her to leave the alarm at his home deactivated as his wife was to arrive later that evening. Bonnie Sievers returned to the Bonita Springs residence at 4:13 p.m. and left without turning the alarm system back on.

An hour later, text messages show Teresa Sievers had arrived to the airport and was speaking with her husband. She asked him whether he meant to video-call her.

6/28/2015 5:34 PM
Teresa to Mark:
I am not face timing in airport
i assume was by mistake as we just hung up

Mark Sievers responded simply.

6.28.2015 5:36 PM
Mark to Teresa: yes

That “yes” was the last text message exchanged between the husband and wife.
MS's attorney is on Nancy Grace.....Media tour? saying that Mark is innocent.
NG aint buyin what he's sellin :lol:

She played Carrie K's tape about MS having a pool party the day of funeral. Faga said that's the 1st time he's heard anything about that...he seemed embarrassed and told NG he can't give her an answer on defense for that because he hasn't heard it yet. SMH

I'll re-listen tomorrow and report back on the rest od conversation. I'm not sure how much I missed, it was on when I switched the channel.
NG aint buyin what he's sellin :lol:

She played Carrie K's tape about MS having a pool party the day of funeral. Faga said that's the 1st time he's heard anything about that...he seemed embarrassed and told NG he can't give her an answer on defense for that because he hasn't heard it yet. SMH

I'll re-listen tomorrow and report back on the rest od conversation. I'm not sure how much I missed, it was on when I switched the channel.

Shows how much Faga & company are behind the discovery business. Better keep reading boys..

NG aint buyin what he's sellin :lol:

She played Carrie K's tape about MS having a pool party the day of funeral. Faga said that's the 1st time he's heard anything about that...he seemed embarrassed and told NG he can't give her an answer on defense for that because he hasn't heard it yet. SMH

I'll re-listen tomorrow and report back on the rest od conversation. I'm not sure how much I missed, it was on when I switched the channel.


Those guys better catch up and get with the program! I am dying laughing here. He hasn't listened to CK's audio?

Well buddy, pour your self a straight bourbon (light rocks) and have a seat because this ride is gonna get bumpy! :floorlaugh:
Sam Smink @samsminkTV 4m

In his sex calendar, Mark says Teresa fantasized about Wayne. e. Wayne Wright pleaded guilty to killing Teresa.

..... :thinking: What was date Sam! ETA - Set up or ? I can see the defense using that. Hmmmmmm

CWW would have had to wear a tie then..? I don't believe this for a second.

P.S. I get the nature of these docs are beyond the pale, but let's try to keep it as clean as we can muster in here. Public forum and reputation to try to keep above the fray while discussing this........ I get it and love interjecting humor but we have to draw a line somewhere or before we know it, we will be in the ditches too.
BEACH "please don't make me google anything else this morning"??? I laughed out loud after reading that... Times changed, my volumes of dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases have been replaced by an ever evolving resource called "GOOGLE." Maybe we should enter all the known facts of a case into a new IBM processor/statistical analyzer called "WATSON" and see if it can help us solve murder cases??? Hmmm, I wonder if the FBI already has one? (betcha they do.)
Instead of trying to figure out "alibis, locations, timelines, photos, accomplices, motives" etc....we feed all the info into a machine and it processes all the conflicting/irrelevant info and says, "Mr. X is the killer!" (Not that far off: in 20 years we already moved on from fingerprints, to blood type and now microscopic amounts of DNA to identify perps??)
Sorry about the "sidebar comments" BEACH but I know how hard you have been working on fast developing cases and was thinking about new technology that might help.
My first "statistical questions" would be, "Are spouses more likely to hire a contract killer, if they have shared offspring??" and "What are the percentages of spouse's found guilty of murder, after claiming they were out of town when the murder occurred."?

OH OH OH "THE MACHINE"....Reese will help us!! Root might, if she wants and isn't helping Samaritan at the time.

BTW, that lawyer from the Faga law firm was on Nancy Grace tonight. I didn't see the entire show, so I don't know if all the sex stuff has been brought up or not.
And now we know why SMS referred to this being the type of case they write books and movies about...why...because sex sells. Certainly not because some elaborate ingenious plan was put together to kill Teresa...these were 3 bungling stooges who caught a petite woman off guard and over powered her...and took her life. SMH....and JMO
^ Oh Helper, I'm so sorry. Big (((((hugs))))).
I am beyond furious. I had just completed tying AN ENTIRE PAGE about Faga on Nancy Grace last night, which required me watching it again and taking soon as I hit send, our electricity went out for maybe 2 seconds, and I lost everything since I am on a desktop PC :gaah: :mad:
I don't want to watch it again and retype it word for word, so here are some cliff notes.

Nancy Grace 5-17-2916
Is a sweetheart deal in the works for CWW who could walk free in as little as 10-12 years for his testimony against his longtime BFF MS?
Antonio Faga, MS's attorney is with us tonight.

NG: What is your defense for MS who has never had a record before this?

Faga: Well our defense is he is an innocent man as he stands here before you today, and in addition to that he was in Connecticut when this happened. To the best of our knowledge, the only testimony that seems to involve Mark with CWW was given by CWW. He clearly had a reason to prepare and provide this kind of info in order to save himself.

NG: But what I don't understand with your theory Mr. Faga is...say CWW is in on the murder of Dr. Sievers FOR WHAT? I mean, he gets the hammer Jimmy Rodgers to murder TS's for WHAT? What good is it gonna do CWW? He's not gonna get insurance money to the tune of 4.3 million dollars, he's not having an affair with Dr. Sievers, not all angry with some sex related issues. So what's in it for CWW to roll over?

Faga: I don't think we know that yet Ms. Grace. I'm not sure we know why CWW did this. I don't think that's been developed at any level and certainly we haven't seen it yet.

NG: But we do know the 2 of them were shopping at a Walmart...they travel all the way from Missouri to Florida and were caught on video before the murder buying gear and even a souvenir T-shirt for what? a souvenir from/for the murder? Here's another question for you...roll the sound please Liz. Audio of CK talking about MS inviting everyone from memorial to swim at his house.

NG: So your Client wanted to have a pool party the night of his wife's memorial service?

Faga: That's the 1st I've heard of that, that's the first I've heard of that testimony of that at all.

NG: Well you've heard it now. You've heard it now and you'll have to explain THAT away to a jury.

Faga: Well I think that...well, I can't explain it today Ms. Grace, like I said that's the first I've heard of it.

Nancy is finished with Faga :lol: and goes to Ben Leviton who is a telecommunications expert. He talks about the burner phone evidence, saying the only reason Mark and wright would have gotten burner phones is if they wanted to secretly communicate.

Antonio Faga's 1st "national" media tour = Big-time FAIL
Epic Fail! This discovery has been out for months and you either 1) failed to research it or 2) failed to prepare for a NG interview.
So not impressed with MS's legal team which delights me to no end.
The thing that keeps echoing in my head reading MS many times a day overly solicitous text messages to TS is control.

Subtle controlling behavior that disguises itself as care and concern and helpfulness.

The minutia he would text her about on a daily basis. Makes my head hurt.
Jacob Carpenter @NDN_JCarpenter 57m@xxxxx A massive pet peeve of mine. We've had cases drag out 4 to 8 years here.

Jacob Carpenter @NDN_JCarpenter 1h Speedy trial is strange in this case. Super hard for PD Office to put on defense in that time, which could raise ineffective counsel issue.

Jacob Carpenter @NDN_JCarpenter 1h Florida requires felony cases to go to trial within 180 days, unless the defendant waives that right (which virtually every defendant does).

Jacob Carpenter @NDN_JCarpenter 1h One tidbit from hearing: Jimmy Rodgers hasn't waived speedy trial. Could still do it, but if he doesn't, would require trial by late August.

Jacob Carpenter @NDN_JCarpenter 1h Hearings for Jimmy Rodgers and Mark Sievers are over. Next set hearings are June 21 for Rodgers, July 27 for Sievers.

Jacob Carpenter @NDN_JCarpenter 2h Prosecutor Hamid Hunter, asked about death penalty in Jimmy Rodgers case: “I can tell you the state is right now considering all options.”

Jacob Carpenter @NDN_JCarpenter 2h Prosecutors, lawyer for Jimmy Rodgers both emphasizing how much discovery there is, how far they are from starting depositions.

Jacob Carpenter @NDN_JCarpenter 2h In court for 1:30 p.m. case management conferences of Mark Sievers and Jimmy Rodgers. Not expecting much news, if any. But we'll see.
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