Since When Does the Defense Do the Investigation?

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I trained in forensics (in Florida, but it doesn't matter) and anyone who is not absolute necessary personnel at a crime scene is against scientific principles to secure a scene. The defense would argue that they could contaminate the scene.

Chalk this up to the Scheme Team trying to get on TV to distract people from the facts.

That's what I figured. When this team says "they've never heard of such a thing before" I think they need to be called on the carpet. Grrr

LP staring down the defense team today was priceless!

As far as I'm concerned, no one with a vested interest in a particular outcome in a criminal case has any business poking around at an active crime scene. LE needs to do its work - i.e., get to the TRUTH about what happened, wherever that may lead, without interference from interested parties. The prosecution has to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt; the defense doesn't have to prove a thing, it just has to plant the seeds of doubt in the mind of one juror. Keep 'em out as long as possible, I say; they have the much easier job!
I thought after charges had been brought in a case, i.e. no longer just an investigation but a prosecution case going on, that the defense would have same access as the prosecution, i.e. neither or both allowed to be present during autopsy. I mean, if the prosecution's experts are allowed to be present, defense experts should also be there. With gag orders for both. Makes the most sense that neither would be allowed in while ME does its job, though.

Had to laugh at the argument that the defense shouldn't be allowed in because they might leak to the media, though, since the media leaks up til now were almost never by the defense.

Maybe they were just specifically talking about Dr. Kobie's connection with the NG show.

I don't understand some people's hate of JB. He's just a defense lawyer doing his job and standing up for his client's rights. I don't dislike him.
I've got to add that I remember hearing Judge Strickland, during the emergency motion hearing, saying something to the effect that the people who perform 'these tests' (autopsy, forensics) are not litigators, and are bound by statutory responsibilities. So, scheme team, leave them the he!! alone so they can do their job, without your obnoxious interference.

BTW, what would they be saying if, just if, KC had not been charged yet? If she were not anything by a POI? You know, the crime scene would have been properly processed; the remains properly processed and identified; a cause of death determined; and then, WHAM! KC would have been under arrest, without her scheme team having been in on the investigation. Is the ST implying, by their demands to be involved, that in other criminal cases where the normal flow occurred, that the defendants are innocent? Did this last part make sense at all? My fingers are numb!
I think Baez just wants to find out as early as he can what LE has against KC. He can't stand waiting. He has to figure out a way to defend her. So he wants to get right in their with his 'team' so they can all see what LE is seeing right now. I have never heard of such a thing in my life and I am pretty old! lol If he was smart he would try to do a deal with the prosecutors and never have this go to trial. Plead guilty and get 30 years or something instead of LWOP.

ITA- if JB was even half the defense atty he likes to think he is, he would be busy making any kind of plea deal he could.....even though it may seem too late, the SA might be receptive, if only to save the taxpayers from a long drawn out ridiculous & costly trial. I have no sympathy for KC, I'd just as soon see her get the needle, and maybe that's what it'll take to get JB & and his high priced "experts" to take a hike....put the DP back in and motivate 'em to deal for LWOP & get this over with.....

I am also really sick of JB et al trying to make everyone believe LE is incompetent, like they are incapable of working a crime scene properly and need the advice of the ST? His "experts" all have limited areas of expertise....are any of them ex-homicide detectives? How many of them have actually worked a crime scene AS LE? If they were LE, would they tolerate any defense people standing around in their crime scene? JB is Lazy, with the capital L! He wants to see what LE may have, without having to wait for discovery, without paying fees, without doing anything that takes time or effort in his part.....he can't even file motions for what he does want- he just throws it in at the end, while in court, and hopes the judge will respond!
I thought after charges had been brought in a case, i.e. no longer just an investigation but a prosecution case going on, that the defense would have same access as the prosecution, i.e. neither or both allowed to be present during autopsy. I mean, if the prosecution's experts are allowed to be present, defense experts should also be there. With gag orders for both. Makes the most sense that neither would be allowed in while ME does its job, though.

Had to laugh at the argument that the defense shouldn't be allowed in because they might leak to the media, though, since the media leaks up til now were almost never by the defense.

Maybe they were just specifically talking about Dr. Kobie's connection with the NG show.

I don't understand some people's hate of JB. He's just a defense lawyer doing his job and standing up for his client's rights. I don't dislike him.

I'm sorry but I just cannot see how you can even believe that defense experts should be allowed to contaminate the scene of recovery and also interfere with the LEO's investigation of a homicide. You need to realize that the location, the hair color, length of bones are all circumstantial. You have noted that there is a lot of circumstantial evidence in this case in many of your other posts on this forum. Until the DNA results come back, it is not 100% that these remains are Caylee (although I believe in my heart and in my mind that it is).

If you had watched the emergency hrg the other day, you might understand where the state is coming from in excluding those that might possibly contaminate results with their mere presence. Also, defense experts are clearly motivated by financial interests in doing what they do ... the medical examiner, law enforcement have no such interest. They are merely doing their job, as they do every day.

While I understand what the defense wants to do and don't fault them for trying, it ain't gonna happen, at least not here in FLA.
I am totally mystified at Baez and some of the things he asks for. Is this just stuff that takes place in Florida?

Not that I've seen. It's probably more a combination of Baez's inexperiance and the chutzpah of the Dream (on) Team.
I trained in forensics (in Florida, but it doesn't matter) and anyone who is not absolute necessary personnel at a crime scene is against scientific principles to secure a scene. The defense would argue that they could contaminate the scene.

Chalk this up to the Scheme Team trying to get on TV to distract people from the facts.


Ok, everyone with me now (to the tune of The Byrd's song...)

"To every truth...
spin, spin, spin

There is a reason...
spin, spin, spin

Just a-nother chance to cover Casey's a...rr....$$

A time to deny.
A time to spin.
A time to lie.
No time for the truth.
A time to make sure that Casey doesn't fry.

I'm sorry, everyone. I'm just absolutely fed up with what a "defense attorney" has become. No longer is it just about protecting the accused's constitutional rights. It's all about the win, the money, the possible future book and/or movie deals to pay for the pro-bono work on the case, the notoriety from the case. It's all about getting them off.

The demise of a once-great justice system. :( Greed.

I don't understand some people's hate of JB. He's just a defense lawyer doing his job and standing up for his client's rights. I don't dislike him.

I try to keep it in mind - someone has to do these jobs and have to be good at them, else why bother. but I feel like this whole scheme team has ....well, let's just say my conscience would not let me defend someone so obviously guilty. I could not look at photos of caylee and know her mother killed her, then defend her mother for my own fame....just ew.
I trained in forensics (in Florida, but it doesn't matter) and anyone who is not absolute necessary personnel at a crime scene is against scientific principles to secure a scene. The defense would argue that they could contaminate the scene.

Chalk this up to the Scheme Team trying to get on TV to distract people from the facts.

Posturing and drama.

When they get in...Lee will find something the investigators missed and raise his eyebrows to insinuate the FBI and Florida investigators were sloppy and inept.

We have been there and seen this show before.


or the other....that they ruined it for the defense....


byw: I agree witht he posturing and DRAMA--along with PR --- next they will claim search for the truth...(they aren't---the truth is behind bars...)


Ok, everyone with me now (to the tune of The Byrd's song...)

"To every truth...
spin, spin, spin

There is a reason...
spin, spin, spin

Just a-nother chance to cover Casey's a...rr....$$

A time to deny.
A time to spin.
A time to lie.
No time for the truth.
A time to make sure that Casey doesn't fry.

I'm sorry, everyone. I'm just absolutely fed up with what a "defense attorney" has become. No longer is it just about protecting the accused's constitutional rights. It's all about the win, the money, the possible future book and/or movie deals to pay for the pro-bono work on the case, the notoriety from the case. It's all about getting them off.

The demise of a once-great justice system. :( Greed.

stated so much better---I thought the same as I watched them walking down to the scene....kinda thought of Thanksgiving day walk after the big meal...all we needed to see was a football---but yesterday wasn't so much about greif---it was about spin---

thought that that walk was only to "show off" who is in the game---made me sick...jb thinks he now is with the big guys now...he isn't--still needs work..:boohoo:

sadly they call it grief---its still about kc--when I heard how "devastated" the a family was and how sad it was that they couldn't be with kc....lost no longer is about CAYLEE ---- its about saving her lying mother's .....etc......:furious::mad:

In the long run, the jurors will be the voices of reason. They will have so much evidence to look at and consider. The high powered lawyers ( and not so high powered Baez) and experts are going to spin for the defense. The truth will be on the table and in that juror deliberation room. I have faith that the jury will do what is right and mete out justice for Caylee.

Let the defense and defense experts spin. My money is on the SA, the evidence, and the jury! The jury is comprised of people just like us!
Posturing and drama.

When they get in...Lee will find something the investigators missed and raise his eyebrows to insinuate the FBI and Florida investigators were sloppy and inept.

We have been there and seen this show before.


Well - our prayers finally brought Caylee home. Think we need to start offering up more prayers.... that, unlike in the OJ case, the judge takes hold of the courtroom from DAY ! and does not let the clowns use all their smoke and mirrors to cloud the facts in the case. As everyone knows (and as NG said lat week) that is EXACTLY what this scheme team in known for.

OT - I REALLY wish we could track the money in this one. Pro Bono aside, SOMEONE has to pay for all the testing and other stuff.... and it is not CHEAP!
When I watched Geraldo last night and heard them talk about it, I thought maybe it WAS their right.

But as someone else pointed out, when a crime has been commited and the ME (go Dr. G!) performs the autopsy, there isn't even a defense team in place yet to BE present.
So how could they cry, "Foul"?

I do think this "Scheme Team" (and whoever coined that phrase hit the nail on the head) is going to cry foul in every area that the prosecution presents during trial.
They know they can't win with the evidence stacked against her so they will try for a mistrial based on anything that will stick.

I find it so appaling in this country that even if you KNOW someone is guilty, that things can be thrown out, blocked from being presented or someone can get off on a technicality.
And that's what this Scheme Team is aiming for.
Scheme Team is hoping LE will make a mistake. Even a tiny one would get a lot of evidence thrown out. Scheme Team may go to the scene after LE has finished. I don't know of any case where defense got to analyze the scene first. I could be wrong.
I'm sorry but I just cannot see how you can even believe that defense experts should be allowed to contaminate the scene of recovery and also interfere with the LEO's investigation of a homicide. You need to realize that the location, the hair color, length of bones are all circumstantial. You have noted that there is a lot of circumstantial evidence in this case in many of your other posts on this forum. Until the DNA results come back, it is not 100% that these remains are Caylee (although I believe in my heart and in my mind that it is).

If you had watched the emergency hrg the other day, you might understand where the state is coming from in excluding those that might possibly contaminate results with their mere presence. Also, defense experts are clearly motivated by financial interests in doing what they do ... the medical examiner, law enforcement have no such interest. They are merely doing their job, as they do every day.

While I understand what the defense wants to do and don't fault them for trying, it ain't gonna happen, at least not here in FLA.

Hallelujah Sister!!!

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