Site sluggishness

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Amazing change this evening! Mostly Amazon ads for products I've viewed. (Gotta reconsider the cookie-clearing schedule.)

But, the cursor & screen did freeze. I looked to over to read "Don't Be Late to the Golden Gate." Yep, those 5 item travel ads.

So much better today, thanks, and the small test of travel ad probably worthwhile for the information.

Thanks, Laughing
Life may be sweet on Lombard Street, but the frozen Websleuths page is definitely not.

I will never think of San Fransisco, London, or Prague in the same way again....
Is there a way to make autosave stop interrupting my typing every few seconds? The screen is all over the place.
Hi, I am having a terrible time using WS today. This is happening for the first time ever. I have IE11. I cannot type at normal speed. I have to type very slowly and press keys several times in order to get the letters and spaces to work. The auto correct seems to be trying to constantly correct as I type.

Additionally I am also having the following issues all starting today: I cannot cut and paste into quotes. I cannot edit a post. I cannot respond to a post. If I have a box open to post a message, I cannot scroll up (normally I can do this all the way to the top if I want to refernece a post above), it keeps forcing the page back down.

Today was the first day I noticed video ads on the website. I have not had these before. Don't know if this affects the auto correct and the other issues but that is the only change I can see.

I live in France so for me the site worked perfectly fine this morning (last night late and early morning for US) It was this evening around 6pm my time (around noon for US) that the trouble began.

Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi, I am having a terrible time using WS today. This is happening for the first time ever. I have IE11. I cannot type at normal speed. I have to type very slowly and press keys several times in order to get the letters and spaces to work. The auto correct seems to be trying to constantly correct as I type.

Additionally I am also having the following issues all starting today: I cannot cut and paste into quotes. I cannot edit a post. I cannot respond to a post. If I have a box open to post a message, I cannot scroll up (normally I can do this all the way to the top if I want to refernece a post above), it keeps forcing the page back down.

Today was the first day I noticed video ads on the website. I have not had these before. Don't know if this affects the auto correct and the other issues but that is the only change I can see.

I live in France so for me the site worked perfectly fine this morning (last night late and early morning for US) It was this evening around 6pm my time (around noon for US) that the trouble began.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I'm in Australia and having the same problems as above. In addition to all this, I can't load any images from my PC to include in a post. When I click on the square icon above with the tree in it, the box comes up where you choose From Computer or From URL. I select Computer and an opaque layer covers the entire screen and there is nothing to click on to select an image. I can't exit the screen either so have to get out of WS and re-enter. There's a 3 second delay for doing most things, and I can't edit at all.
I forgot to add, when it was 6pm in Sydney it was 4am in Florida. Hopefully that helps.
Now 19:36 in Germany (7:36 pm)
I'm on my laptop and like to thank WS: Since long time I had problems with many WS threads (had the impression it were the most frequented ones with acute cases) which caused my browser Google Chrom to work that hard (and LOUD) until my laptop shut down because of overheating. As a pitiable layman I would blame the advertising videos.

Problems that are explained by other members I know very well too - I had them all, (cry).

TODAY is the day I DON'T have those problems with overheating and advertising - thank you! Something must have happened?! I'm very grateful!! :loveyou:
I'm not able to be on WS unless I disable Javascript. There are just way too many autoplay videos. They crash my ipad within a few seconds on being on this site.

It's a dreadful nuisance, but I suppose that the site owners make their money from the videos. I just really wish that they wouldn't autoplay. UGH!!
Life may be sweet on Lombard Street, but the frozen Websleuths page is definitely not.

I will never think of San Fransisco, London, or Prague in the same way again....

Heh! Same here. I never did figure out what company was posting these ads. Am I just dreaming, or are they gone now? I'm scared to turn on my Javascript to check.
Whoops, forgot to quote you re: travel video ads. This weekend, on the laptop, there they were. I keep the task list open, End the Flashplayer task every time the screen jumps or freezes, it is bearable.

Just plain sllooooowwww on the iPad right now.
I saw a message "our server is too busy" a few days ago. I've never ever seen this message on WS before. It lasted a few minutes.
Thank you to the member who was kind enough to post a link to this thread in another thread. I'd have not found it otherwise. Reading through the posts I too have experienced many of the problems mentioned. Was so bad on some days that I didn't even attempt to sign in let alone post. Very frustrating to say the least! Today, at this moment, as I type up this post I am amazed at how fast the characters are appearing on the screen and everything seems to be working really well i.e. pages loading reasonably fast, thanks button working etc. A big thank you to Tricia and the Websleuth Team as a whole, for helping resolve the issue/s. Much appreciated.

(DeDee, you were the member who provided a link to this thread. Thank you!)
Thank you to the member who was kind enough to post a link to this thread in another thread. I'd have not found it otherwise. Reading through the posts I too have experienced many of the problems mentioned. Was so bad on some days that I didn't even attempt to sign in let alone post. Very frustrating to say the least! Today, at this moment, as I type up this post I am amazed at how fast the characters are appearing on the screen and everything seems to be working really well i.e. pages loading reasonably fast, thanks button working etc. A big thank you to Tricia and the Websleuth Team as a whole, for helping resolve the issue/s. Much appreciated.

(DeDee, you were the member who provided a link to this thread. Thank you!)

I've just logged on so don't know if the problems exist today. Last night I was following a live trial and there were never more than 10 people following.

As I type this post, my text is jumping and many letters aren't showing but I recently discovered a way of stopping this. Click on the first icon on the bar above (A/A Switch Editor to WYSIWYG Mode). It's an instant fix but you'll have to do this each time the problem occurs, e.g. each post, PM etc.

Further, while I'm typing I'm getting the spinning circle and it won't stop. All is not well yet.
Please ignore post above. I wanted to edit it but can’t.

It’s now 1:42pm Sydney time and I just logged on to give a recent update here but the post didn’t appear. The problems are still persisting.

Last night I was on a thread following a live trial and there were only 8 people on the thread at any one time (5 members + 3 guests), so that rules out too many members on a particular thread.

What I noticed on my thread last night were 3 How many squares or how many triangles can you see”. They had a border around the box with flashing stars. Could these be the cause? I never had issues before on WS until we got the new server, now problems occur regularly.

I’ve discovered an interim fix for people having letters jumping and/or not appearing. When you’re creating a post, replying or typing a PM, click on the first icon on the bar above the text box (A/A Switch editor to source Mode) and it will immediately fix the problem for that post or PM only.

While these problems persist, create your post or PM on a Word page, notepad etc. and keep it there until you’ve successfully copied, pasted and posted it. At least you don’t have to create it over and over again.

I also saw “Our server is too busy” the other day for the first time. I just checked how many users are on right now … 1124.
Sorry to read you're still having issues, JudgeJudi. I'm at a loss as to why some are still having issues and some are not.........okay, ignore me-----it now appears I'm in the former group too. :facepalm: Same issues as you, JudgeJudi---the loading circle appears more often than not which in turn delays characters appearing on the screen. Back to lurking mode it is for me :gaah:
Undiscovered Truth, has pressing the A/A button helped you or do you not have an issue with the missing letters?

I can't use Reply with Quote either. I actually have to leave WS completely.
Just discovered I also have to exit WS completely each time I post, and I'm one of two people posting live feeds from court as it's not being live streamed.
Undiscovered Truth, has pressing the A/A button helped you or do you not have an issue with the missing letters?

I can't use Reply with Quote either. I actually have to leave WS completely.
Quoting seems to work for me, JudgeJudi! Running alot faster for me again too, no delaying with characters, no missing characters, nothing...weird! Ah well.
Just discovered I also have to exit WS completely each time I post, and I'm one of two people posting live feeds from court as it's not being live streamed.
I'm not having to leave before posting again. I have no idea re posting live feeds from court.

Edit: Just checking to see if I can edit my posts. All is in working order...FOR NOW! lol
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