Site sluggishness

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Hooray. I feel like I've won a prize.

Okay, we just need the jumping/missing letters and jumping text box to be fixed and all will be well with the world.

Thank you so much Dave. It's been a nightmare but we're almost there.
Okay - I just tried to "Insert Image" and still get a blank box; went to "Advanced" where I can add an attachment. No skipping letters.

Does that mean I have to switch from IE to FireFox? Okay - now getting skipping letters....

:gaah: Let's see if I can edit this one.
Nope - can't edit, still have to refresh to "see" my post, unless I go to "Advanced".

Still need help - if I have to change to Firefox - HOW do I do that - not that computer smart!!


It was only about a month ago many in Australia suffered the same problems simultaneously then it (kinda) repaired itself coincidently.
I googled the problems, I tried everything as well.
Until I went to Apple I realised it wasn't me and it wasn't my PC, my IPad nor my iPhone.

It's the site.

D A V E !! Pweeese help your loyal followers!!
Not just Australia - but Europe as well. WS must have done "something" on May 1st, as that is when ALL my problems started.

Right now I replied to your quote they'll get you - the circle is going around and around....

I've been over 14 years and would like to stay!! HELP!!!
Not just Australia - but Europe as well. WS must have done "something" on May 1st, as that is when ALL my problems started.

Right now I replied to your quote they'll get you - the circle is going around and around....

I've been over 14 years and would like to stay!! HELP!!!

Only the admin team at Websleuths can hon. I hear crickets.
Apple told me everything was perfect except for my favourite forum. I actually wanted the problem to be in my IPad.

My only way I could post was to put it on notepad and then QUICKLY cut & paste the post and even then (a second) I would loose everything. But the notepad worked perfectly.
I gave up....I had to....for my sanity. I just watched and read others post.
No rhyme or reasoning it fixed overnight for (nearly) everyone simultaneously coincidently!

It seams to be travelling around the world. NewZealand first, Australia then around it's gone.

My above post was lost because "A problem occurred with this web page so it was reloaded"

I still hear crickets. Silence from the powers that be.
It's 9:17pm in Australia and my problems have just started up again. I can't edit and the scroll bar won't allow me to look at posts further up the page.
Nope - can't edit, still have to refresh to "see" my post, unless I go to "Advanced".

Still need help - if I have to change to Firefox - HOW do I do that - not that computer smart!!


Well, at the moment I can reply to your post. If you haven't tried already, try pressing the A/A button on the bar above. That is still allowing me to type normally.
I fixed the blue spinning circle problem earlier today and didn't see it all afternoon, but now some of my previous issues are resurfacing again. This is what I did but I have no idea if it will work for you as I'm on a PC.

Click your Start button and type msconfig in the Search programs and files box..
Click the Startup tab. Click Open Task Manager.
Enable Microsoft OneDrive if it is currently disabled.

I don't use OneDrive and it was disabled, but I read that the blue spinning circle can indicate a syncing problem. When you're desperate you have to try everything. If your One Drive is currently enabled this obviously isn't the cause of your problem and I can't offer any other suggestions. At the moment I can still load images from my computer but this may be the tip of another iceberg.
Hi everybody! Ouch, who threw that tomatoe :(

First I want to apologize for the lack of communication. We are going to attempt a new protocol so that in the future I am able to get to problems much faster and so the information you receive will be more accurate.

I am going to give a very generic answer that would solve over 90% of the problems.

Unfortunately, as technology progresses we sometimes do not keep up very well. From everything I am seeing this is the case here. Tablets, phones and computers have changed greatly in the last few years. The operating systems have become more and more power hungry and the apps and websites have also followed this trend. More specifically, Websleuths has followed this trend. If for no other reason security dictates that we keep up to date on the various softwares that control our forum. Sometimes updating is kind enough to open up more server resources to us, sometimes not. Note: I am not saying the server is the issue, it is a POWERHOUSE, I guess I am saying that we too have to always update servers for more power just as a user would have to update their own hardware.

This takes us to the krux of the issue. When Apple puts out a new operating System it is a given that it is going to require more memory and more CPU. This would also be a safe assumption with Microsoft products. A Safari update, dang now even more power being used. Sadly, most of us are on a budget and cannot just go upgrade our tablets every time that Apple decides it is going to grab more of the limited amount of power that we have available.

As I was reading the posts in this thread, the commonality that is shared among most users is simply a lack of available memory. What it comes down to is either upgrading your hardware or making adjustments to the hardware you own. I do not know about you but for myself I could easily remove 30% of my apps and probably remove even more than that. Maybe I do not want to delete that second browser app from my phone, I can certainly go into the app and remove the cache. Most all of your apps will have a cache of everything you have done, that is A LOT of memory being used!

There are also changes that you can make to your Websleuths account so that each page will not require so much from your hardware.
* Turn off signatures
* Turn off avatars
* Change the amount of posts shown per page to the minimum
Dave AHFB said:
snipped by me....
As I was reading the posts in this thread, the commonality that is shared among most users is simply a lack of available memory. What it comes down to is either upgrading your hardware or making adjustments to the hardware you own. I do not know about you but for myself I could easily remove 30% of my apps and probably remove even more than that. Maybe I do not want to delete that second browser app from my phone, I can certainly go into the app and remove the cache. Most all of your apps will have a cache of everything you have done, that is A LOT of memory being used!

There are also changes that you can make to your Websleuths account so that each page will not require so much from your hardware.
* Turn off signatures
* Turn off avatars
* Change the amount of posts shown per page to the minimum

First - I'm on my laptop, which does not have ANY apps on it, so I know that is not my problem. I guess I can't use my signature or avatar anymore - I'll try that - maybe it will work.
Question - how to I cut down on the number of posts per page? I have 100 posts per page now.
Also - why can't I use the "insert image" button anymore. Were there changes made on May 1st? That's when ALL my problems started. I'm still hitting the AA (Switch Editor to Source Mode) button so the letters don't go jumping all over the place, and have to hit the "refresh" button to see my post after I've posted.

Thank you Dave!
Oh - and I can't use my "edit" button; when I do, I get a blank page above the Quick Reply box.


Tomorrow I will turn off my signature and avatar and see if it helps.
Thanks Dave, I already had signatures and avatars turned off. I don't have any problems with my ipad if I turn off Javascript. The autoplay videos caused mine to crash.
Sorry, I may not have been clear enough. It is not your avatar and sig that should be turned off, it is your ability to see them inside each post that should be turned off.

At the top of the page click on Forum Actions - go to General settings - scroll down toThread Display Options

[h=3]Thread Display Options[/h]Visible Post Elements:
  • Show Signatures
  • Show Avatars
  • Show Images (including attached images and images in code)[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#3C3F53]You have the option to show or hide various elements of messages, which may be of use to users on slow internet connections, or who want to remove extraneous clutter from posts.


    Here you can turn off what you need to. Just a little bit lower you will find "Number of posts to show per page", set this to Forum Default.

    Also, on the same page scroll down to Miscellaneous Options
    make sure you have Enhanced Interface selected. This is the suggested posting interface to use and will remove the problem of having to click the "A". Below this is "Forum Attachment Uploading" make sure that too is set to Enhanced.

    In your instance I believe that the biggest problem is showing 100 posts per page

Yes, I thought WOW, 100 posts per page!
Niner, I think you will be very happy when you reset it to default of 15!

jmo :)
Thanks Dave, I already had signatures and avatars turned off. I don't have any problems with my ipad if I turn off Javascript. The autoplay videos caused mine to crash.

That could be. Unfortunately the new standard is autoplay WITHOUT volume. Volume should only come after an action is taken, sadly even an action as simple as a mouseover can cause volume to come on.

When I grow up I want to own the internet. When that day comes I will change all the advertising rules! ;)
I was having horrible issues months ago. For months using IE. Disabled flash player and all was good. Until the last few days. I just switched over to Firefox and smooth as silk. Touch wood. Oh and using a laptop. I feel for you. Dang near drove me insane LOL


This is all JMO and take any advice from me with a grain of salt. LOL :)

I totally agree with you. I wanted to add that ever since I switched over to Mozilla Firefox free browser I have not had any issues at all with WS. I run a laptop with Windows 8.

Prior to that when I was using Internet Explorer I had different issues that I could not resolve.

The Firefox browser works like a charm for me now so whenever I visit WS I always make sure I am using the Firefox browser.

If anyone is interested in trying that just make sure to get the Firefox browser from Mozillas main website. Instructions at very bottom.

It took me awhile to get used to the Firefox browser. You can still keep your old browser too. I would recommend only using one at any given time and never have both browsers up at the same time. Its just cleaner to only have one browser running at any given time.

You do have to pick which browser is going to be setup as your default browser and the install of Firefox may change your default but you could always change it back to whatever browser you want as your default.

You can import your favorites over to Firefox too on the install of it and can use Firefox as your default browser too if you want to. In Firefox they call favorites "Bookmarks".

Firefox is a free install. Just make sure to get it from the Mozilla Firefox website and make sure you dont install any other options they sometimes give you. You just want their free browser for your device. They have options of which version to download depending on your device.

Just google "mozilla firefox" and make sure you end up in URL that has "" as its main web address. From their main screen it should be easy to navigate to find the proper version to install for whatever device you are using.

The bottom line is Firefox browser works great for me when visiting WS. Using Laptop Windows 8.
Something called Snap Messenger just opened up twice, each with an extra dialog box. I clicked on New Posts and Subscriptions. What is going on with that???

If anybody gets this popup just close it. It is being caused by a badvertisement. I believe I have narrowed down the ad causing the issue and hope to have it resolved in the next 24 hours.

If anybody gets this popup just close it. It is being caused by a badvertisement. I believe I have narrowed down the ad causing the issue and hope to have it resolved in the next 24 hours.


Today I have gotten 2 attacks blocked by norton on WS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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