Site sluggishness

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Today I have gotten 2 attacks blocked by norton on WS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That is not enough information for me to act on. At the very least lets start with screenshots.
That is not enough information for me to act on. At the very least lets start with screenshots.

Here's one screenshot from Norton.


ETA: 2 more screenshots.


  • webattack1.JPG
    43.7 KB · Views: 133
  • webattack2.JPG
    69.8 KB · Views: 126
  • webattack3.jpg
    34.5 KB · Views: 125
I have reported this to all of our ad suppliers. Please allow up to 24 hours for removal.

It's bloody frustrating! It works only when it wants to. Last night it worked but now I want to post an image and again I can't, it just keeps loading.
With almost 3000 posts made yesterday, I think it is fairly safe to assume everything is running smoothly on the Websleuths front.
Everything seems much better for me within the last few days, Dave
With almost 3000 posts made yesterday, I think it is fairly safe to assume everything is running smoothly on the Websleuths front.

Yes, it seems to be running pretty smooth. TY

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My problems started in the first week of May.

As I type, letters are still jumping or not appearing.
When I hit Submit, my posts are still disappearing and I have to refresh the page every single time.
Most days I can't reply to posts. If I'm really lucky I might be able to do it once.
I still can't edit posts at all.
I still can't load images either from my PC or using a URL.
I still can't click on thumbnails as the screen gets covered with a black opaque layer.
The bar underneath Quick Reply frequently has no icons at all, they're just white empty squares.
I've noticed members' avatars disappearing from time to time.
Actually you have been reporting these issues since last summer(as you have acknowledged to me in PM), it is not something that just began for you in May.

I have posted instructions in the last week for how you may minimize the needed computer resources and possibly have a better user experience. Have you checked these items?

As I stated previously, this is computer issue not a site issue. Of course there is an exception which I have brought up with the wysiwig editor(enhanced editor must be turned on).

Lets look at it logically. Everything works fine for 99% of the posters day in and day out. 1% of posters have continuous issues. I can assure you that our softwares are not so smart that they can pick and choose who to work properly for and who not to. In other words, everybody would be affected at the same rate you are. This is not the case.

To refresh you and others, here is my previous post
First I want to apologize for the lack of communication. We are going to attempt a new protocol so that in the future I am able to get to problems much faster and so the information you receive will be more accurate.

I am going to give a very generic answer that would solve over 90% of the problems.

Unfortunately, as technology progresses we sometimes do not keep up very well. From everything I am seeing this is the case here. Tablets, phones and computers have changed greatly in the last few years. The operating systems have become more and more power hungry and the apps and websites have also followed this trend. More specifically, Websleuths has followed this trend. If for no other reason security dictates that we keep up to date on the various softwares that control our forum. Sometimes updating is kind enough to open up more server resources to us, sometimes not. Note: I am not saying the server is the issue, it is a POWERHOUSE, I guess I am saying that we too have to always update servers for more power just as a user would have to update their own hardware.

This takes us to the krux of the issue. When Apple puts out a new operating System it is a given that it is going to require more memory and more CPU. This would also be a safe assumption with Microsoft products. A Safari update, dang now even more power being used. Sadly, most of us are on a budget and cannot just go upgrade our tablets every time that Apple decides it is going to grab more of the limited amount of power that we have available.

As I was reading the posts in this thread, the commonality that is shared among most users is simply a lack of available memory. What it comes down to is either upgrading your hardware or making adjustments to the hardware you own. I do not know about you but for myself I could easily remove 30% of my apps and probably remove even more than that. Maybe I do not want to delete that second browser app from my phone, I can certainly go into the app and remove the cache. Most all of your apps will have a cache of everything you have done, that is A LOT of memory being used!

There are also changes that you can make to your Websleuths account so that each page will not require so much from your hardware.
* Turn off signatures
* Turn off avatars
* Change the amount of posts shown per page to the minimum

A couple of items not mentioned:
* Many features REQUIRE javascript to run, turning off javascript could destroy your user experience.
* Installing software so that you do not have to view ads can break certain javascripts.

If anybody follows the advice of others to do either of the above, you do so at your own risk.
Hi Dave, Thank you for replying to my PMs. There seems to be some misunderstanding. I said in my second PM to you “I've just checked my sent PMs and discovered that I notified Coldpizza of these multiple issues on 5 April, i.e. SIX weeks ago”. That’s not last summer.

As you can see from this thread, it seems that other members are having exactly the same issues as me, they all started at the same time and we’re nearly all outside the US. I’ve gone through your list and would just like to confirm that:

Lack of memory isn’t my problem as I have a year old PC with a large memory and don’t use any other devices - no phone, no tablet.
I use Microsoft Windows 10 and IE 11.
I only have a couple of small apps with the exception of McAfee.
Javascript is on and my problems remained the same whether ********* was on or disabled.I use the forum default for number of posts per page and signatures have always been deselected.

As far as the WYSIWYG, ironically just before I read your reply I had turned if OFF as I remembered that I only turned it on for the very first time a few weeks ago. I now have it set on Standard Editor and the jumping/missing letters have ceased.

Last night I was able to reply to some but not all posts as sometimes only the first two lines of the quoted post appeared.

My main issues are that I still can’t edit my posts at all and can’t add images from my PC or using a URL. In the case of pics from my PC, there’s nothing to click on. When I tried using a URL I got a popup saying “Some of the options have been changed”. I have no idea what that means as I haven’t changed anything.

I guess there’s nothing more I can do and I’ll just have to put up with it, but thank you for all your advice.
Thank you for providing more information, this new info does point to an issue with the CKeditor which is part of vbulletin and the way it handles special characters
I have made a change that may eliminate a problem or 2, but I have to be honest that I do not think it will solve everything.

Let me know how things are now.
If one is attempting to post when this glitch manifests, I get a "Do you want to leave this site?" pop-up.

I'm in the US and I have the same issues that JudgeJudi posted above. I'll list the exact ones here (my comments in parens):

As I type, letters are still jumping or not appearing. (strange, horrible lag)
Most days I can't reply to posts. If I'm really lucky I might be able to do it once. (if there is a dash in the post I'm replying to, the quote breaks)
I still can't edit posts at all.
I still can't load images either from my PC or using a URL. (dead link that causes a ctrl/alt/del to get out of)
I still can't click on thumbnails as the screen gets covered with a black opaque layer.

This has been going on for months and months for me, at home and at work (inconsistently at both). From what I can tell, I'm able to connect the worst behavior with video ads. I have looked everywhere for a place to send some money to you guys and get rid of the ads, but I have never found it.

I have found that if I do a full clean of my cache, run Disk Clean-Up, and do a restart, I can get decent behavior for about 15 minutes, tops.

Basically, I just want you to know JudgeJudi is not alone in what she is seeing. I've learned to live with it although I've broken things in my house from throwing them across the room due to it, but I still come back. It's a love/hate thing.

Thanks for all you do.
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