Skeletal Remains of Child Found Near Anthony Home 12-11-2008 #3

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Where are you in WA? E or W? I too am here in WA and so so badly to be there in person to pay my respects to Caylee - sweet Caylee

I live in Auburn, getting ready for the "storm." LOL How 'bout you? There are several WA people on here and maybe we should all get together and have our own service.
RE my B'more NBC post: I guess some young man is going to be on Dateline tomorrow night talking about the paternal aspect of their connection to Caylee. Maybe it is Jesse... but the reporter said something along the lines of "is thought to be the father", not "was thought to be the father". I know my mouth was hanging open when I heard it... because if it really is a "is thought" situation, I'm surprised that whomever it is, slipped by us.
I don't think. Remember on one show (geez, how could I ever remember which one?) he even showed them the DNA report that proved he wasn't? I know I saw the name Eric pop up in the last docs. That's all I know!

chilly is saying that maybe someone heard it wrong or the commercial was wrong and in fact it is JG, who was once thought to be Caylee's father, that will be on dateline.

if all of a sudden caylee's real father spoke up, it would be splashed all over the place since this is the second biggest question in this case, next to 'where is caylee?'
O/T please forgive me but most ppl are posting here...where is Karate Dad? No posts from him in daily updates, nor have I seen him throughout the evening. Sorry, I have grown so fond of his creativeness that I find myself looking to see what his latest creation is. :confused:
Well it was a Chain Link Fence as reported in that link.....

From what I saw on local news here, there was a high chain link fence on the opposite side of the road but not on the side where the discovery was made.
Oh my gosh....I've been out of town all day. Two people text me to tell me that a garbage bag had been found with a child's remains. I didn't know how much the original story had gotten embellished before I got the news. So it's true? Do they really think that this is Caylee? I have alot of reading to do but just wanted a quick rundown if anyone has the time. TIA.

Yes MOMto5, it appears to be true. Tim Miller says it's Caylee (he was at there today at the scene where the remains were found). LE obtained a search warrant for the Anthony home, and when Cindy and George arrived home from their trip to California, they were met by LE and escorted away from the airport. They exited the airplane and into a car waiting at the bottom of the steps. They didn't return to their home and are staying elsewhere. They had been informed of the finding of the remains while in flight.

I think one of the most telling aspects of this is the fact that LE obtained that search warrant for the Anthony home. They have to be certain that the remains are Caylee's in order to do that. Speculation is that something was found with the remains that led LE to have a "light bulb" moment and the need to search the Anthony home again.
Dr. Wecht: Chloroform can not be found in hair or bone marrow. Sorry, I missed his explanation.
I don't understand why there's no coverage right now of the Anthony home - cordoned off with swarms of LE. ???? Grrrr
I have been thinking about the horrible possiblities that the duct tape around the skull presents. I am REALLY hoping to God that it was placed there after death. I am thinking that it could be staging of a kidnapping event.

Hair does not decompose quickly does it? I think that maybe we will hear that her hair is cut short and what ever was left in bag is something that "Zanni" could have had access to with the key that KC warned CA about.

Remember the discussions of the One Tree Hill episode where the crazy nanny kidnapped the child and immediately gave it a hair cut? Well I think that KC may has staged everything to look like a) a kidnapping b) the kidnappers want to frame her to "teach her a lesson" (no link but those were KC's words curtesy CA somewhere in lastest doc dump)

It is beyond my comprehension that a mother could do any of that post-mortem but as i stated in an earlier post, after watching her in action on the last jail video's, she is totally deviod of any normal human feeling for her child. KC is a an abhorrant "thing" that we should not waste tax-payers hard earned money on. Post-mortem staging is just... well there are no words to discribe the hellish pictures that conjures up but if that duct-take was placed there PRIOR to death... well... there are truely just no words. It would put her in the Rose West catagory and that "woman" is truely one of Satans minions.

Well, I hate that thought too, but it is plausible that she did that to drug her with chloroform rag and to "shut her up." Now, I dunno if there really was duct tape around the mouth and I reserve even more hatred for her if there ended up being some there. However, I am hoping that the duct tape has fingerprints of KC to nail her hard. To throw your daughter in a trash bag in a ditch.......
Just my opinion but I think there was something found in the bag or the bones that makes this pretty sure it is Caylee for LE. Maybe the cross? The clothing may be in there? Something in there that leads them to know it is her. I can't wait to hear everything. We may not hear it til trial tho...

I haven't read the whole thread, but it was probably the hair that made him think that.

omg - I've been working on my computer all day and didn't have time to even read the news, and the first thing I saw when I managed to fix things was the CNN story about Caylee. I couldn't believe it - and so close to home.

JaneInOz said:
This is the link re the fence (Am I on everyones IGNORE Button )

According to Equusearch, volunteers tried to search the area, but it was underwater. When they returned, the area was blocked by a chain-link fence.
You're not on mine! Thanks for the information! :)
This is such a sad day, but finally some type of closure will come of it. The utility guy, he's such the miracle Caylee needed to find her. Thank you. The fence was discussed on NG or one of the shows tonight (Greta?), to be a temporary fence that a developer or builder had put up for new construction. Very common to do, but hey who's building any more? Caylee, may you rest in peace. You have touched everyones heart.
I started remembering my dream..where Caylee is mouthing but I cant hear her talking. Odd...considering the duct tape over the mouth area of the skull found today.

If they ever talk about the clothing she was found in, and say it was a purple dress or long shirt, I'll positively FALL OVER.

Ironic that the only folks that will attend the funeral are the very people that tried to keep her from being found and getting any funeral at all. This is all so wrong and horrible.

Since Casey has been charged and is in jail, she will have to gain permission from the courts to attend a funeral/memorial service for Caylee. I hope that it is not granted. She chose Caylee's fate and Caylee's disposal, and IMO, she doesn't deserve to attend.
Could it be Jesse? He was once thought to be Caylee's father.

Bingo! I didn't read it that way at first, but I bet you're right. That's Dateline's clever way of sensationalizing... Yes it's Jesse no doubt.
You got that right! You know, I'm almost afraid to find out exactly what happened to Caylee. I'm terrified that her death was even more awful than we thought.

I'm with you too about the Dateline thing! WHO do they believe is Caylee's father? That's the first I've heard of that! IF and that's a BIG IF that is true, then he will be the one who would be in control of funeral arrangements.

I, too, fear her death might not have been 'soft.' The duct tape worries me a lot.

And IF Caylee's daddy does come forth, and take control of Caylee's remains, wouldn't that be the ultimate chap to Cindy's butt, as we say around here??
Call me whatever you want. But I am having a hard time believing the body has been there the whole time. Something is just not adding up to me.

Hi , its been in the other thread, that they have proved that it was due to indentations on bag and foliage depressions and so on.
From what I saw on local news here, there was a high chain link fence on the opposite side of the road but not on the side where the discovery was made.

This is what I saw on the live report from the scene.
O/T please forgive me but most ppl are posting here...where is Karate Dad? No posts from him in daily updates, nor have I seen him throughout the evening. Sorry, I have grown so fond of his creativeness that I find myself looking to see what his latest creation is. :confused:

Good question!! Where is he??:confused:
I'm with you too about the Dateline thing! WHO do they believe is Caylee's father? That's the first I've heard of that! IF and that's a BIG IF that is true, then he will be the one who would be in control of funeral arrangements.

That would be ... karmic....

Dr. Wecht: Chloroform can not be found in hair or bone marrow. Sorry, I missed his explanation.

It doesn't. It dissipates quickly from body, from what I've read about it.
Just my opinion but I think there was something found in the bag or the bones that makes this pretty sure it is Caylee for LE. Maybe the cross? The clothing may be in there? Something in there that leads them to know it is her. I can't wait to hear everything. We may not hear it til trial tho...

Nancy Grace tried really hard to get an answer on this. It seems unlikely she placed anything in the bag after going through the trouble of undressing her. I believe the location, fact that there are no other babies the right age and Caylee's lovely brown hair where the identifying factors.

Then LE went back to the house to find the tape and possibly the bags. IIRC from the Greta interview, GA had those bags in his shed, unlike the white one with the 'trash' in her car.

I could be wrong, it happened once in 2002! No, no, I thought I was wrong once in 2002, but I was mistaken.
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