Skinner - Verified Friend of Mark Sievers - Q & A thread

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Beach, you say "what does it matter?" Well it obviously matters to you, right?

And if you go back and reread what I stated, to the point that Pesky wrote, you will see that there was an assumption that "to become a doctor you must have a high IQ", which is what I was addressing. Not TS.

You really have to be better at scrutinizing things.

I just saw this post, after my last post where I said you were disputing TS's IQ in a 'weird almost passive aggressive way' and this most recent post of exactly what I was envisioning! The IQ concern came from you, Skinner. That one sentence mattered to you, so you posted a counter point which was the only reason why the subject of TS's IQ matters to Beach at this moment.

There was no assumption in PeskySlueth's post that in order to become a doctor you must have a high IQ. There was an assumption that TS HAD A HIGH IQ, so that is what you addressed in your original post. This isn't a thread for discussion re: doctors and IQ in general.

I enjoy scrutinizing things, especially your posts and what you chose to contribute to the discussion. Thanks.
You really have to be better at scrutinizing things.

Mods, forgive me, delete me but :lol: Skinner, did you scrutinize CWW's bio? Did you ever find that patent he worked on? Please, will you include the patent number, or even the application number in your next contribution.
HI Beach. please know that I admire, respect and appreciate you greatly! I just want to say that I perceived Skinner's comment differently than you. IQ isn't earned, yet Teresa's accomplishments, including becoming a Dr, were EARNED, partly as a result of countless hours of hard work. I think it is a compliment to Dr. Sievers. Jmo.

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I appreciate your optimistic take, really I do. But Skinner said its 'just' long hours and a lot of work, not exactly complimenting the dedication it takes to be a doctor, IMO, he was minimizing how valuable hard work is, as if anyone could do it.
Skinner, did MS ever tell you that he had previously met JR? (before the wedding pictures were discovered)
I thought it very silly that you were evaluating their heights (in that other thread) and not able to see the grounding they were standing on. In light of what I had told you guys, you did not even consider that Wayne might be standing on the cement platform under the pavilion, and the ground off the step of that cement, or a hill.

You were unable to see their feet.

While I agree the ground needs to be considered, it's not silly and it's easy to overlook such things even when the ground is evident. You yourself failed to notice MS was standing in a raised bed in the pic you pointed out his being slightly taller than JR.
Well thats settled then! Perhaps we should change the thread title to "pictures and verified insider prove that JR lied and knew MS before murder."

I can't remember if you said before, Skinner, did you ever meet JR?
You can see from both those photos, that Mark is taller than JR.

People seemed to doubt what I said in a different thread about Mark being taller than Wayne. See the height of Wayne in his mug shot is 5'7".

Here, JR is just shy of 6' tall. In the photo of the two of them by the tree, you can see that Mark is taller than JR.

Yes Skinner, I don't get the controversy about it either. Mark is somewhere in the 6 ft range. Wayne is a bit shorter. Under what circumstances it really matters I'm not sure. I guess it goes to the theory about one or both using the others identity. I don't know, but I appreciate your input.
Just a comment on one point you believe:

Being a doctor does not require a high IQ. It's just a lot of work and long hours, as a surgeon told my brother once.

I think Pesky meant intelligence in general, which I'm also pretty sure you knew. It does require intelligence, and you're correct it also does require hard work along with fortitude, persistence, ambition, dedication, and business savvy to succeed in starting a practice.

When you first came here I read it as someone that was genuinely conflicted and had many of the same questions we did. Now, IMO, you have an agenda. It's fine if you do and you feel your friend needs defending, but you'd get a lot further in doing that by actually discussing valid points rather than focusing on non-issues with what appears to be passive aggressive attempts to discredit the victim. Frankly, you're coming across with the same attitude I get from your friend, that this whole thing is an annoying disruption to life. Where is the concern for justice?
I appreciate your optimistic take, really I do. But Skinner said its 'just' long hours and a lot of work, not exactly complimenting the dedication it takes to be a doctor, IMO, he was minimizing how valuable hard work is, as if anyone could do it.

I concur.... didn't even notice the "just" when i first saw his comment. That word certainly puts a different spin on the meaning. Admittedly, I have a soft spot for Skinner as the very thought of anyone I love (and think I truly know) being capable of having any part in something like what happened to TS would be devastating. Not in comparison to what TS and her loved ones are suffering, but sad nonetheless. Skinner could be a cold hearted jack azz for all I know, but I doubt it. Seems he loves/loved his friend MS and is having a difficult time coming to terms with the fact MS may not have been who he seemed. I dunno'. I DO know that thanks mostly to Amazon Rain, I've come to feel pretty strongly that MS was involved. Praying he isn't as it will only make this whole situation even more difficult for their sweet girls. :(

I appreciate your optimistic take, really I do. But Skinner said its 'just' long hours and a lot of work, not exactly complimenting the dedication it takes to be a doctor, IMO, he was minimizing how valuable hard work is, as if anyone could do it.

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Yes Skinner, I don't get the controversy about it either. Mark is somewhere in the 6 ft range. Wayne is a bit shorter. Under what circumstances it really matters I'm not sure. I guess it goes to the theory about one or both using the others identity. I don't know, but I appreciate your input.
In some instances it does matter. For example: when JR' neighbor said she visually saw MS at his (JR') home/trailer, some might think she actually saw CWW, but the
height difference is a physical trait that can help distinguish them apart.
HI Beach. please know that I admire, respect and appreciate you greatly! I just want to say that I perceived Skinner's comment differently than you. IQ isn't earned, yet Teresa's accomplishments, including becoming a Dr, were EARNED, partly as a result of countless hours of hard work. I think it is a compliment to Dr. Sievers. Jmo.

Daisy, thank you for this. I hope your interpretation is exactly what Skinner meant. It would make me feel a lot better. This just goes to show how differently we all can perceive the intended message in the written word. I freely admit, rightly or wrongly, I feel very defensive of what I perceive to be a disparaging comment directed toward a deceased victim who is not here to defend herself.

You really have to be better at scrutinizing things.

Skinner, feel free to fire all the cheap shots you'd like to in my direction. I can take them and I'll even let them stand. However, please don't aim them toward any other single member posting here. Everyone here knows that snarky, personal comments like that aimed at any poster is against WS Rules and TOS.
In some instances it does matter. For example: when JR' neighbor said she visually saw MS at his (JR') home/trailer, some might think she actually saw CWW, but the
height difference is a physical trait that can help distinguish them apart.

I agree :) Also that the distance would be a factor. If someone truly looks so identical, your mind would not take in the perception of height. That is kind of why I wanted to know if there was a vehicle associated with the sighting at JR's trailer. Someone said a neighbor indicated florida plates, which would be important IF it was true.
Gotta say out of all the speculation and points made in this thread I am a little shocked that challenging Pesky's assumption that TS had a high IQ a rather odd one to chose to address. What would it matter if her IQ was high or not? What does that matter? Sorry, but she is deceased. She was murdered. And out of everything in this thread where you could help enlighten us, you want to point out that she didn't necessarily have a high IQ?

I'm going to take a step back and look at the bright side of your post - at least we know someone in that family was a hard worker.

Had to come out of lurkdom to say BRAVO. Well said Beach.
Originally Posted by PeskySlueth
Great post Creeping! It's fascinating to watch the pieces of the puzzle falling together that make sense to me regarding MS & TS relationship and what i suspect happened. TS's IQ was obviously very high to be able to become a Dr, however it appears she may have had little common sense in picking a man. She obviously wanted children and had them soon after a short courtship. The smooth talker, always an excuse for everything, never follows through, etc. can take years to surface. I'd be willing to bet she couldn't stand him. An earlier patient mentioned MS getting irritated at her at check out. I bet TS was humiliated. She started figuring out what a loser she was stuck with. Many women marry when they are insecure and leave when they get their confidence. I bet she was not only snooping around her business but was also withholding physical affection. He must have really hated her. All just my opinion.

Just a comment on one point you believe:

Being a doctor does not require a high IQ. It's just a lot of work and long hours, as a surgeon told my brother once.

Being a doctor most certainly means lot of work and long hours. Becoming a doctor certainly means over-average intelligence. You can discuss that all day long, or go and pour concrete on a floor which is hard work and takes long hours..doesn't make you a doctor though.

Intelligence alone does not make for a good doctor. A very intelligent doctor will be better in dealing with his patients, will be more thorough, will make less mistakes. True commitment and sensitivity is a bonus in this profession and makes a real good doctor of above average intelligence.

Looking at Dr Teresa Sievers I see an above average doctor, completely balanced in her views and patient treatments, compassionate about her beliefs and ever evolving in her holistic approach.

The only problem is, she is dead now. All that hard work and those long hours - erased. All that passion, healing ability and sensitivity - gone.

Any clues why that happened?

Originally Posted by PeskySlueth
Great post Creeping! It's fascinating to watch the pieces of the puzzle falling together that make sense to me regarding MS & TS relationship and what i suspect happened. TS's IQ was obviously very high to be able to become a Dr, however it appears she may have had little common sense in picking a man. She obviously wanted children and had them soon after a short courtship. The smooth talker, always an excuse for everything, never follows through, etc. can take years to surface. I'd be willing to bet she couldn't stand him. An earlier patient mentioned MS getting irritated at her at check out. I bet TS was humiliated. She started figuring out what a loser she was stuck with. Many women marry when they are insecure and leave when they get their confidence. I bet she was not only snooping around her business but was also withholding physical affection. He must have really hated her. All just my opinion.

Being a doctor most certainly means lot of work and long hours. Becoming a doctor certainly means over-average intelligence. You can discuss that all day long, or go and pour concrete on a floor which is hard work and takes long hours..doesn't make you a doctor though.

Intelligence alone does not make for a good doctor. A very intelligent doctor will be better in dealing with his patients, will be more thorough, will make less mistakes. True commitment and sensitivity is a bonus in this profession and makes a real good doctor of above average intelligence.

Looking at Dr Teresa Sievers I see an above average doctor, completely balanced in her views and patient treatments, compassionate about her beliefs and ever evolving in her holistic approach.

The only problem is, she is dead now. All that hard work and those long hours - erased. All that passion, healing ability and sensitivity - gone.

Any clues why that happened?


That is the saddest part, WHO she was seemed less important than the MOTIVE to get rid of her. And taking away 2 girls mother. That is harsh.
Beach, you say "what does it matter?" Well it obviously matters to you, right?

And if you go back and reread what I stated, to the point that Pesky wrote, you will see that there was an assumption that "to become a doctor you must have a high IQ", which is what I was addressing. Not TS.

You really have to be better at scrutinizing things.

No, you have to get better at posting etiquette, my dear.

Mods, forgive me, delete me but :lol: Skinner, did you scrutinize CWW's bio? Did you ever find that patent he worked on? Please, will you include the patent number, or even the application number in your next contribution.

What do you hope to achieve by this set of questions? Is it because you doubt the veracity of CWW's claim?

What exactly bothers you?
What do you hope to achieve by this set of questions? Is it because you doubt the veracity of CWW's claim?

What exactly bothers you?

Skinner, what is bothering you? It seems you have gone from friend of MS trying to provide insight, and as an earlier post said, with some of the same questions we have, to someone who is trying to antagonize those who may disagree with your opinions.
What do you hope to achieve by this set of questions? Is it because you doubt the veracity of CWW's claim?

What exactly bothers you?

Skinner, is there some type of business relationship with MS or CWW that you are leaving out of the conversation? It seems to me (my opinion) that you have tried to distance yourself from CWW but that there is an underlying tension there. Are you worried about some type of business connection (even an old one) to CWW?
Skinner, I say this with softness but that is the most peculiar post I've ever seen on this site. I hate to be blunt, but I don't believe the surgeon who told your brother its just a lot of work and long hours. He is not a reliable source because everyone knows that being a surgeon requires steady hands, too. Clearly, you brother didn't get an exhaustive list of prerequisites.

Of all the points in PeskySlueth's comment, you chose to zero in on "TS's IQ was obviously very high to be able to become a Dr" to counter with 'its just a lot of work and long hours'. I don't think PeskySlueth was referring to an actual IQ number, because who really cares or even KNOWS what their IQ is unless you're a child prodigy. IQ is a common way of describing someone's intellectual capacity. You know this. I've certainly never been asked my IQ on a job interview. Peskyslueth was saying that obviously, TS was a very smart, very dedicated doctor. There is no discussion, no doubt about TS's intellectual ability and you're disputing this in a weird...almost passive aggressive way.

I think you're attempting to defend your friend, upset with the notion that TS was 'too smart' for MS and that kind of discussion here. However, defending MS's intellectual capacity would have been a more effective route (like when you chimed in confirming CWW's false bio) but instead here, you're saying TS didn't need to be smart to be a doctor and I know this because a doctor told my brother. Genuinely curious, what is your point? What are you telling us?

Yes. CWW is gifted and amazing. TS is a hard worker but nothing special in the brains department. Um hm.

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