Skinner - Verified Friend of Mark Sievers - Q & A thread

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Skinner, CWW used an email address of The waynewright3884 was used on his myspace and flicker account. Does it surprise you to see the amateur nature of this website (even though it is only a hold of a domain page) that was created by CWW, given his genius with computer software? The website is The domain registration is In your opinion, don't you think this looks relatively amateur?

That link goes to an "under construction" page, though it uses a different wording. So, it is not a website yet.

Also, Wayne was not a graphical artist expert. He had contacts that did graphical art type creations. Wayne's real skill was in making the site snap to a page faster than anybody's site, work seamlessly, do database related work within a site, and well, the things that "Scotty of Star Trek" would be proud to take credit for.

Would you say that MS was a ladies man, in other words had skill with the ladies?
Now head's up everybody. This is something that is very important to your understanding about Wayne. I'm not sure I understand the implication to your sleuthing, but this is a fact about Wayne:

He did not have time & money managerial skill. He seemed indifferent to money matters. He let his partner do the negotiating with me on our contract. But in all of his working, he was more excited about state-of-the-art technology, doing things with computers that had never been done by others, and that was his real "Kick". And he would estimate a job at X number of hours, and it would end up being Y number.

Respectfully snipped<> and BBM for focus.

Who was/is his partner? Is or was there a specific business or partnership in place?

Thank you
No offense, but other people and contacts should remain private. And that was from many, many years ago.
Skinner, even in best friendships there can sort of be a leader and a follower dynamic, especially when those friendships start in formative years. (Even as simple as one person looking up to the other.) in the case of MS and CWW, did one of them seem to look up to the other? Or did one have more of a "take charge" personality? Thanks!

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Skinner, if CWW is as intelligent as you say he is AND a ladies man (can't see it myself), how in heck did he wind up in this mess being charged with murder? If he is such a computer wizard then why did he dabble in drugs (in MS rented house) rather than make an honest living with his computer skills? What is your opinion?

Do you think CWW and MS were trying to swing a deal whereby your 'invention' would be used in the new cable venture? The new venture was obviously involving vitamins and treatments of some sort. It was sales or at the very least sale of a way of life, IMO. That would involve customer service.

Skinner, with his knowledge and skills do you believe CWW may have become involved with the Dark Web? That could be the slippery slope that pulled him in more deeply than he wanted to be, since you see him in such a positive light.
Skinner, with his knowledge and skills do you believe CWW may have become involved with the Dark Web? That could be the slippery slope that pulled him in more deeply than he wanted to be, since you see him in such a positive light.

Ooo, that's an interesting concept!
Most of us here have seen ALL of CWW's wedding pictures. Since only a select few were able to be posted, would it change your mind about anything if you knew that there were a couple of pics that 98% of the population would find offensive and inappropriate between MS, and one or both the Wright's?
Thank you for being here Skinner, this can't be easy on you, I commend you for posting here and trying to answer our unending questions.
Skinner, even in best friendships there can sort of be a leader and a follower dynamic, especially when those friendships start in formative years. (Even as simple as one person looking up to the other.) in the case of MS and CWW, did one of them seem to look up to the other? Or did one have more of a "take charge" personality? Thanks!

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Y'know Kammie, I've been thinking on that very question for 3 months now and keep flip-flopping. Honestly.

As I reflect on their knowing each other, I see that while Mark respected and liked Wayne for various things, Wayne liked and respected Mark for various things. I really have a hard time when I envision how a bad deal might have gone down.

Truly. So what I am saying is that it would not be obvious who a leader would be.

I'm still hoping, strange as it seems, that all this is a bad dream and that the cops are following trace evidence that has some logical explanation.
Skinner, if CWW is as intelligent as you say he is AND a ladies man (can't see it myself), how in heck did he wind up in this mess being charged with murder? If he is such a computer wizard then why did he dabble in drugs (in MS rented house) rather than make an honest living with his computer skills? What is your opinion?

Do you think CWW and MS were trying to swing a deal whereby your 'invention' would be used in the new cable venture? The new venture was obviously involving vitamins and treatments of some sort. It was sales or at the very least sale of a way of life, IMO. That would involve customer service.


Uhmmm, nobody said CWW was a lady's man. I think there are hints of that with regard to Mark.

But the main question dumbfounds any and everybody about any major crime. The reason(s) is always stupefying.

And like my wife continues to remind me, there is nobody good. Not a one of us. We are all capable, and do, of doing bad things as much as we wish not to. It's like an extremely heavy burden pressing down upon us all (i.e. the Law of God), reminding us of this fact.

My invention cannot be used in the manner you think. It is its own entity, business program. Of course it can join with other types of services, but it is its own thing and needs to be front and center.

In line of that cable gig, if Wayne were going to do something for Mark along those lines (I have zero knowledge of anything even dreamt of), Wayne would start from scratch, I would think.
Skinner, with his knowledge and skills do you believe CWW may have become involved with the Dark Web? That could be the slippery slope that pulled him in more deeply than he wanted to be, since you see him in such a positive light.

Interesting. I only just learned of such a thing on a tech site I go to to keep up on computer things, not 3 or 4 months ago. People discussing it were telling others, "Don't even go looking! You will only get into trouble and bring heat down on yourself."

So your guess is as good as any.
Most of us here have seen ALL of CWW's wedding pictures. Since only a select few were able to be posted, would it change your mind about anything if you knew that there were a couple of pics that 98% of the population would find offensive and inappropriate between MS, and one or both the Wright's?

Impossible to answer without seeing what you are eluding to.

I think it probably is not as bad as it appears. My honest opinion.

I would love to tell you some stories about Mark in the 90's, and our going out to clubs, but I think they would add fuel to the fodder, so it's probably best to just leave it at that.

Mark kissed my wife's mother on the cheek after barely knowing her, and I'll just say that Mark is affectionate. In the case of Wayne's new wife, the kiss looks affectionate, and the hand is not overtly over her cup, but just on the side, which probably is just his joking innuendo way.

I would never do that. Wayne would never do that. But Mark is kinda like that, and would not surprise us, too much. The stories of Mark and females are hysterical, and among both guys and girls, find ourselves laughing with tears.

Without a movie cam on that incident, it's hard to tell. Yeah... something almost all of us think of as taboo.
Y'know Kammie, I've been thinking on that very question for 3 months now and keep flip-flopping. Honestly.

As I reflect on their knowing each other, I see that while Mark respected and liked Wayne for various things, Wayne liked and respected Mark for various things. I really have a hard time when I envision how a bad deal might have gone down.

Truly. So what I am saying is that it would not be obvious who a leader would be.

I'm still hoping, strange as it seems, that all this is a bad dream and that the cops are following trace evidence that has some logical explanation.

I seriously empathize. I am sure if I were in your position I would be thinking the same thing and trying to hold onto any hope that would bring light and clarity to something so dark and surreal.

It "sounds" like MS maybe helped out CWW. For instance, he rented a place to him, he presumably did not call the cops upon learning of drug stuff happening in his house, he stood by him despite suspicion that he had killed someone they both knew, and he gave him employment after his prison sentence when other companies might not (given that to hire someone in his trade requires a level of trust with private info). Do you think this might have given MS a slight upper hand in the relationship as it stood most recently? From the little we know from the outside, this would make sense. Is it possible that CWW might have felt a loyalty to MS to the point of indebtedness?

Semi-related, although opposite question, some people here have proposed that CWW might have killed or had JR kill TS to somehow punish MS. The seems out of line with anything that we know or have seen. (Though we are outsiders and don't know much!) Is there anything that would lead you to suspect CWW had a secret grudge against MS and would kill his wife for some kind of revenge?

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Please ignore if this has been addressed recently. Have you been contacted by LE since you began posting here? I know the idea was mentioned earlier in the thread, but I've been searching and can't find anything more.

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