Skinner - Verified Friend of Mark Sievers - Q & A thread

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Thank you Skinner for your attempt to clarify. A couple of questions:

You describe CWW as top notch and shrewd when it comes to computers. Would you describe MS as top notch and shrewd when it comes to running a medical practice and managing a doctor’s career seeing as with his admitted assistance TS entered the world of television production a 'la "The Doctors", the world of supplement endorsement and the world of a pay as you go practice – all after marrying MS and his assumption of a business/practice manager role. All of these avenues can be very lucrative if you have a doctor who is managed in this direction willingly –
You speak of MS referencing money in a multiple posts, talks of inheritance, talks of gun sales, talks of cash service over insurance etc…. do you know if it was MS idea or TS idea to move from St. Pete to Bonita Springs to open a specialized practice? Since TS was practicing internal medicine in St. Pete I am wondering if you know who was the push behind the move –
You mention that MS may have suspected foul play in the death of his sister (perhaps a partner). Do you think it is odd that your friend MS is now connected to what he may believe (if he isn’t involved) is two deaths involving foul play?
You mention that there is no connection between MS and JR – how do you know this to be true?
You mention that MS wanted to be a lawyer. Do you know if he was studying the law and believed himself to have a strong understanding of law?

Patients of the practice received an email from MS that the practice would continue and that they were looking for a like-minded physician. Patients were also told that Lenka Spiska would continue with the practice. Did MS discuss a desire to continue his income stream via the re-opened practice of TS? I am told Lenka Spiska referenced continuing the work of TS, including the cable show, at the funeral service in her eulogy. Do you know if MS was still involved with the continuation of this cable deal and Lenka’s invovlement?
Since the ******** page was set up and verified as being opened via Mark’s facebook account – do you know who he gave his facebook password to in order to set up this account? Do you know if he approved the request for this fundraising page to list $1,000,000 as the goal? Do you know what has been done with the $33,500 raised thus far?
Thank you!
My question is one of looking back....

Looking back now, does MS have any odd traits that you may have picked up on at the time they happened, but you dismissed as nothing because he is such a good guy.

You don't have to go into those if you don't want... Just wondering if you have happened to remember any.
Just one more question (as Detective Colombo might say :) if I may?

Do you find it awkward or strange that MS has not returned any of your phone calls, messages, texts etc? If still true then, how many times did you try & contact him since WW was arrested? 3, 2 or only 1 time via any of these methods?

Or have you finally heard back?

Thanks in advance
Hi Skinner, for what it's worth, I have had my doubts that Mark orchestrated or had anything to do with Teresa's murder. The way Teresa spoke of him, the consequences for his own girls, the loss of everything they had built together, I just don't see it, though I could be wrong. Mark not speaking out makes perfect sense to me, have you seen Gone Girl? I don't blame him and he knows the law at least a little....there may be lawyers and members of LE that have advised him to be quiet.
I suspect that JR and CWW assumed that the family would be gone and went there to get something incriminating whether it be on computers, in files, etc. As i mentioned on an earlier thread, Mark may have cut ties with CWW over drugs and criminal activity. Just the little I knew Teresa, she would have been pissed at these guys and rightly so, and it may have escalated with JR and his hammer. Theory only, I have no inside information.
Hello Skinner & thank you for your wonderful contributions. This has got to be a tough time for you.

I have a question specifically about MS's childhood/teenage years: did you notice at that time any actions that seemed cold or ruthless to **animals** and/or any activities related to or a pre-occupation with fire? Any odd or unique memory about MS connected with any of that from many years ago, Skinner?

Just curious.....
Skinner I assume since CWW had access to their computers he saw the money they were making and perhaps knew they had safes in their home. Maybe he was back on drugs and used this JR to go there and rob them knowing TS was home and getting the combos from her. Maybe that was the arguing and when she wouldn't cooperate, he went after her.
Folks, a friendly reminder here.

Please keep this a Question and Answer thread only, no discussion.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
And you have an opinion on why WW who is in his 40's would be friends with JR who is in his 20's? Obviously there is nothing illegal about that but it's a bit unusual so what's their connection? Any speculation?
I have read with great interest what you have told all of us so openly and willingly. I am grateful for your honesty.

While of course I know you have had unpleasant thoughts that may terrify you running through your mind at this time of uncertainty, I do think you are doing the right thing. Until it is shown proof positive your friend is involved then you are doing what best friends do and that is supporting your friend.

It is true that someone can be fooled but then its also true that the person is as they represent themselves. We just don't know at this time what the end result will be. Until it is proven to you I can certainly understand why you are standing by your friend.

Skinner, did you see where the Sheriff said both JR AND WW are vicious killers? Both. Don't you think this has to mean they both were inside the home when Teresa was murdered? If not why would he say they BOTH are killers?

So you have no knowledge that Mark knows JR? I am sorry if this question has already been posed to you.

Are you sure that Wayne wasn't doing drugs again like meth? The reason I asked is I have read countless articles stating meth is one of the worst drug addictions to kick.

If he had full access to Teresa's financial computer records do you think he could have been siphoning money from her accounts and putting up dummy accounts so it looked like the money was still there? You said he was a smart guy.

Do you think she could have found out about this?

You said that Mark opened the safes and everything was okay. Did he tell you that LE wanted him to walk through the home and look to see if anything was stolen? The reason I ask is that is done quite frequently by law enforcement and they do ask family members to do a walk through without touching anything except what they tell them and also tell them where to walk so they will not contaminate the scene. The family member can do that without going back to stay in the home afterwards is why I am bringing it up.

I cant say with 100% certainty either who else may involved other than the two that have been arrested. I did read that the FBI in Florida is saying they will assist any investigation needed in MO. So it seems they are not through investigating those from MO. Have you seen anyone you think may be FBI agents in the area with Florida plates? And do you think this may involve more than two suspects from MO?

Thank you in advance for any responses you may want to give.
Skinner, after all of the posts/activity today - did you hear from anyone in Florida? Thank you.
Hi Everyone,

Please be patient with Skinner. He posted earlier he would be back later this evening. You all know how emotional issues can wear you out physically like nobody's business. Hopefully Skinner will be well rested when he returns.
Thank you Skinner for helping us understand the person behind the name we read in the paper, Mark Sievers.
I am wondering when the last time was that you saw MS?

Did he come to MO ever? When , if so.

Did he bring his family ever or come alone?

Hi Skinner, thanks for answering my earlier questions. I've caught up on all the answers you've so graciously taken the time to provide and have one more.

You mention that at one time MS spoke of becoming a lawyer and in recent years he'd mentioned going back to school for this and just recently mentioning obtaining LSAT material, which seems to imply his plans for this were moving forward. Do you feel he's had a general dissatisfaction in life in terms of a career or profession of his own? It seems his role has been one of the supporting player to a very driven wife and I just wonder if he ever mused about the things he wished to pursue outside of that role. Also, if the law school pursuit was real did he ever mentioned if TS supported his desire for that?
But..... WW would send someone and not go there himself because 1. he looks like MS and 2. someone may recognize him.

Maybe she wouldn't give up the safe combos!

Ww knew the Sievers knew the house Easy Target.
Told JR hey ill give u half..

What exactly does WW do for a living?
I think the man was in dire need of money.

Regarding WW needing money, I had dealings with him on a business level for 5 of the 9 years I knew him.

1) IF WW had a hand in murder of TS on behalf of MS, money would not have been the motivator. It would have been a bonus, if and when anything might come down the pipe, but money would not have been the reason on behalf of MS. I know WW well enough that he would have done it for a type of moral reason. An outrage, or injustice, that needed addressing, and he is capable of taking matters into his own hand when the police are not doing enough, or to help a dear friend who seems in bad shape.

Again, I'm saying in capital letters, "IF" he did something for MS in this matter. IF.

Please do not ask me to expound on this #1 answer I just gave.

2) WW "retired" very early. It surprised me. I asked him how can you retire, and he said he had put money away. Now, that is ambiguous and I am not stupid, BUT in the past, in his business, his particular fee to corporations was $200/hour, and he got it. The guy is the goto man for computer work. While other smart guys on the team maybe got $100 or $60/hour, he was the lead guy and got much more.

After his "retirement", he would take on small jobs for personal friends, church, things like that. He did not have the strength to continue the long, demanding hours to continue web development like he had.

He had some serious health issues, that affected him, but he dealt with it. I had never heard the term "fibromyalgia" until him, and his description of it and what all the doctors he had gone to to address it, did not seem fun. He would go very long stretches without sleep, be exhausted, and lose some of his edge while working on computers, but not much edge.
Since the arrests. Has LE stated that they know that hubby is not involved. Wouldn't that be their first statement since people would automatically speculate it since his best friend has been arrested?

Has LE told the family that Mark is cleared. If not than we have a problem. Jmo

This question belongs in your main sleuth thread. We're all looking forward to the next announcement by authorities.
Does your wife, children, etc. have the same type of loyalty to your friend that you have or are they offering you different ideas of what might have happened?

If by a seemingly rare chance, he is the 3rd person arrested, would this change your perspective for all times and make you question your own logic vs emotions?

If you knew me, you'd know I don't trust anybody, but Christ Jesus. I understand sin, and what we are to learn from it in our dealings with God and other people, how only God is good.

All people will, or can, let you down. So I do not put my utter trust into people.

Like I said from the outset, in all my dealings with MS, if he had a hand in the death of TS, then he hid it from me quite well. But like I have said to my own wife, and everybody who knows me, "All will be revealed on judgment day. If you do something behind my back, it will eventually come to light."

That is at the foundation of my dealings with ALL humans. And MS heard me say this forever. He knows more about Christianity than 99.9% of the professing christians on the planet because from my first meeting him, I shared and preached the gospel to him.

He recently told me that he is leaning toward believing in Christ. TS, a catholic, taught the girls to pray to Jesus every night, and Mark, an unreligious Jew, enjoyed praying with the girls at the side of their beds, and would tell them to make sure they said their prayers before going to sleep.

He is still not a believer in Christ, not born again.
I am very grateful to you Skinner for what you are doing here. This is an extraordinary opportunity you are giving us by coming to this site and opening up a dialogue for questions from us. It is above and beyond, and I can only imagine how taxing it is to be answering our queries. I thank you very much.

I also know what a toll this must take on you. I am sure you have already been gently cautioned by Tricia to steel yourself if possible against the blow of any news that might come that will hurt. Those of us who have studied crime here and elsewhere have learned that no one can ever truly know everything about another person. It is possible to have an outward persona that is very different than what is under the surface. With the utmost respect for your observations and opinions of your friends, it is wise to be willing as you have been, to acknowledge there could be another hidden side, no matter how unlikely you think that is. I admire your strength and stamina, and I pray your friendship is not tested beyond what you can imagine.

You have answered so many questions patiently, and it HAS brought another dimension to this case and the victims and players. There are a couple of things I have learned here that trouble me slightly. It is nothing major, but just niggling in my mind:

MS's initial answer to your question seems hasty, and then only after you questioned him further did he admit he did check the safes. I assume the safes were inside the house, so he did in fact go into the house at some point, rather than not be permitted to go in, which it sounds like he claimed at first.

This seems a bit presumptuous, that MS would think that he would need to tell LE to do a more thorough autopsy for his wife than what would normally be done. While there are no doubt cases where there has been shoddy work done by a coroner, they are very few, and I think the forensic medical team would be slightly offended that they were being asked to do a better job on this case. That implies they would automatically do less, which is a slight affront IMHO.

This grandious style of conversations could be indicative of a narcissistic personality, which can be very deceptive to friends around the person. What you see is not always what you get.

So my question is this: while I hope and pray that your friend is everything he has portrayed to you over the years of your friendship, do any of these points give you slight pause that perhaps he was someone else in reality who could have been involved in some way in this crime?

Thank you again for your presence on this board. All of my interpretations are my opinion only from afar. And if my post is in any way offensive or causes you distress, please scroll and roll. No reply is necessary.

There's a lot in this post of yours.

MS could not get into the house because it was taped off. They did not give him exception. So however long that was, was when he had legal authority to go back in.

I find it a bit offensive how you characterize a guy who would like to be both a doctor and a lawyer, as though that is something bad of him to express a desire of, and unreachable.

And his telling the police to be thorough at the scene of the crime, or a day later, is not to be held to a different standard. He's emotional and is "crying out". <shaking head>
Thank you Skinner for your attempt to clarify. A couple of questions:

You describe CWW as top notch and shrewd when it comes to computers. Would you describe MS as top notch and shrewd when it comes to running a medical practice and managing a doctor&#8217;s career seeing as with his admitted assistance TS entered the world of television production a 'la "The Doctors", the world of supplement endorsement and the world of a pay as you go practice &#8211; all after marrying MS and his assumption of a business/practice manager role. All of these avenues can be very lucrative if you have a doctor who is managed in this direction willingly &#8211;
You speak of MS referencing money in a multiple posts, talks of inheritance, talks of gun sales, talks of cash service over insurance etc&#8230;. do you know if it was MS idea or TS idea to move from St. Pete to Bonita Springs to open a specialized practice? Since TS was practicing internal medicine in St. Pete I am wondering if you know who was the push behind the move &#8211;
You mention that MS may have suspected foul play in the death of his sister (perhaps a partner). Do you think it is odd that your friend MS is now connected to what he may believe (if he isn&#8217;t involved) is two deaths involving foul play?
You mention that there is no connection between MS and JR &#8211; how do you know this to be true?
You mention that MS wanted to be a lawyer. Do you know if he was studying the law and believed himself to have a strong understanding of law?

Patients of the practice received an email from MS that the practice would continue and that they were looking for a like-minded physician. Patients were also told that Lenka Spiska would continue with the practice. Did MS discuss a desire to continue his income stream via the re-opened practice of TS? I am told Lenka Spiska referenced continuing the work of TS, including the cable show, at the funeral service in her eulogy. Do you know if MS was still involved with the continuation of this cable deal and Lenka&#8217;s invovlement?
Since the ******** page was set up and verified as being opened via Mark&#8217;s facebook account &#8211; do you know who he gave his facebook password to in order to set up this account? Do you know if he approved the request for this fundraising page to list $1,000,000 as the goal? Do you know what has been done with the $33,500 raised thus far?
Thank you!


You seem to know all the answers to the questions you ask me, but wanting my opinion for some reason.

In general to all of your questions, I do not know the answers. Many of your questions are to be answered in subjective replies by me.
My question is one of looking back....

Looking back now, does MS have any odd traits that you may have picked up on at the time they happened, but you dismissed as nothing because he is such a good guy.

You don't have to go into those if you don't want... Just wondering if you have happened to remember any.

Odd traits are the types of things that people in the world LOVE and why Television is based on completely superficial things.

All of us can say or do something at sometime, that would be characterized as odd, but you need to be in the circumstances to see the context, and know the history and background of people, to be able to laugh at the odd thing, or understand the irony of the thing, etc.

I really do NOT like how people try to use psychology to figure things out. It is actually commanded by God to NOT do such thing. Here, I'll give you a couple:

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.

Proverbs 16:25 There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

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